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20.4.2 Data on a subtree from a uniform state.

An example of data on a subtree from a uniform state, k=3 rule 96 (decimal), n=12:

seg-fan=98 (11 segs) seg-tree 1, no=12 size=264

seg-root(hex)=00 02 g=199 gd=0.754 ml=8 mp=49

segfan the total number of pre-images of the uniform state.

(x seg) made up of x segments or groups of rotation equivalent states.

seg tree the subtree type index.

no the number of subtrees of this type.

size the size of the subtree (including the root state).

seg-root(hex) the state at the root of the sub-tree, in hex.

g the number of garden-of-Eden states in the subtree.

gd the density of garden-of-Eden states in the subtree.

ml the maximum number of levels in the subtree from the attractor.

mp the maximum in-degree found in the subtree