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3.1 Basin of attraction fields.

From the first prompt keep accepting defaults with ``return'' (or left mouse button) until ``OUTPUT PARAMETERS`` appears at the top centre of the screen, and a window with various options in the top right. Enter ``d'' (to accept all output defaults).

A new prompt window appears top right. Enter ``return``.

The basin of attraction field will be generated for a 1d 3-neighbour rule, system size 10. The rule (chosen at random by default) appears in a window at bottom of the screen A window in the top right shows brief data on the field once it is generated. A progress bar below this window shows the proportion of state-space as it is used up. Vertical lines on this bar indicate the states used to seed the basins.

A prompt window appears top left. Enter ``return``.

Another basin of attraction field is generated, a one bit mutant of the previous rule, with corresponding information. This process can continue indefinitely (it can be set on automatic).

Enter ``q'' to interrupt (and backtrack).