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17.5 Graphs: G-density, Z and ratio.

The density of garden-of-Eden states in a subtree, basin or field (G-density) is a measure of the ``convergence`` of network dynamics, which in tern relates to the quality of typical space-time patterns, ordered-glider-chaotic. The parameter measures the density of 1s in a CA rule table, whereas Z measures the probability that the next cell in a candidate partial pre-image is determined. Both of these related parameters predict convergence and thus dynamics to a varying degree, though Z is more focused. The ratio is the (density2) of 1s or 0s in the rule table, whichever is less. It normalises the parameter to a value between 0 and 1 for direct comparison with Z.

Graphs of G-density against the Z and/or ratio may be plotted for a predefined set of CA rules in order to test these relationships. Graphs of Z against ratio may be plotted to relate the two parameters. The following prompt is presented,

G-density graph: Z-parameter-1, and Lambda ratio-2

Z-parameter - Lambda ratio graph -L: