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17.3 States with majority of 1s or 0s.

If the pre-image frequency histogram option was selected (#17.2 above), the following prompt is presented:

show/display states with majority of: 1s-1, 0s-0:

Enter ``1'' (or ``0``) to highlight states in the attractor basin which have a majority of 1s (or 0s). The highlighted states are displayed as small yellow squares with a black border. This option is included to test the performance of a favourite exercise in ``evolutionary computation``, where CA rules are evolved to discriminate between states with a majority of 0s and 1s. This entails evolving two point attractors, the all 0 state attracting the majority-0 states, and the all-1 state attracting the majority-1 states. Within the pre-image frequency histogram window, the number and percentage of ``exceptions`` to either of these conditions is displayed.