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15.7.4 Setting/deleting bits with the mouse or keyboard.

The scale of the bit pattern (1d or 2d) varies according to the size of the network. 0s are coloured grey, 1s are coloured red. The mouse arrow cursor is confined within the bit pattern area. A left button press sets bits on (to 1), a right button press sets bit off (to 0. i.e. deletes 1s). If the left mouse button is kept down a line of 1 bits is drawn, keeping the right mouse button down draws 0 bits.

Bits may also be set from the keyboard. The current bit to be updated is highlighted by a small green flashing cursor, which moves to the right when 1 and 0 are entered to set or delete bits. This cursor is moved with the arrow keys as well as with the mouse. The index of the current bit is given in a top centre ``memory window``, giving the absolute index i.e. n-1 to 0, and also the ij co-ordinates.

The seed can be rotated as in #15.3. To accept the seed bit pattern, enter ``return``. During the bit setting procedure a top right reminder displays the following,

keyboard: 0/1-set bit, arrows-move, accept-ret

mouse: press-set bit, keep pressed-draw, release-move

mouse buttons: left-set 1, right-set 0

rotate-l/r/u/d, accept-ret (or ``rotate-l/r'' for 1d where n<64)

When selected, the seed is also displayed in hex and also decimal for n<=32.