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1 Downloading, unzipping and running.

Updates to DDLab.

The latest version of DDLab is available from the World Wide Web at ```` the DDLab page on ALife online, or directly by ````.

Files to download

ddlab.txt a brief uncompressed text file about DDLab The DDLab reference manual. At present the manual is only available as an

unillustrated Word for Windows file. the DDLab software for DOS.

ddlabx_20.tar.gz the DDLab software for Unix/XWindows.

FTP instructions

If you wish to download these files using FTP, follow these instructions:

% ftp

name: anonymous

password: your complete email address

ftp> cd pub/SOFTWARE/ddlab (note ``SOFTWARE'' is upper case)

ftp> bin (or or ``ftp>asc'' to download ``ddlab.txt``, then get ddlab.txt)

ftp> get (for DOS)

or ftp> get ddlab_20.tar.gz (for UNIX/XWindows)

or ftp> get (the manual in Word for Windows format)

ftp> quit

DDLab documentation.

``'' will unzip to give the following file:

``ddman.doc'' a Word for Windows file with the (un-illustrated) reference manual).

``ddlab.txt'' is a text file with a brief introduction to DDLab

DOS program files.

``'' will unzip (using pkunzip) to give the following files:

``ddlab.exe'' the program

``dos4gw.exe'' the DOS extender, giving access to extended memory.

``,,,`` 4 image files for titles.

some extra files listed below.

Keep these files in the same directory. To run the program in DOS, from this directory enter ``ddlab'' plus the optional program parameters -b (black background) and -h (svga resolution)., i.e. for a black background in svga enter ``ddlab -b -h``. The ``DOS extender'' banner will briefly appear, and the program will start.

UNIX/XWindows program files.

To uncompress ``ddlabx_20.tar.gz'' into a tar archive, type: gunzip ``ddlabx_20.tar.gz``. Now, to unpack the tar archive, type: ``tar -xf ddlabx_20.tar``. This will create a new directory called ``ddlabx_20``, and place the following files into it:

``ddlabx'' the program

some extra files listed below.

Keep these files in the same directory. To run the program in UNIX/X Windows, enter ``ddlabx'' from this directory plus the optional program parameters -b (black background).

Extra program files common to both DOS and UNIX

Files with ``complex'' 1d CA rules which feature interacting gliders.

``glider5.r_s'' about 60 complex 5-neighbour rules.

``glider6.r_s'' about 5 complex 6-neighbour rules.

``glider7.r_s'' about 10 complex 7-neighbour rules.

``pento.eed'' the ``rpentomeno`` 2d pattern, which seeds interesting ``game-of-life'' dynamics.

Section 2 and 3 give brief ``quick start`` examples. You are encouraged to try these examples first to get the flavour of DDLab. Section 4 onwards is the detailed program reference, listing all the various options and prompts with explanatory notes.

Note that DDLab may also be set up and run as a non-Windows application under Microsoft Windows.

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