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13.11 Setting the rule as bits


If ``b'' is selected in #13.6, a bit pattern representing the current rule table is presented. This is divided into byte size chunks (and 8 byte rows for k>=7, i.e. 2 rows for k=7, 4 rows for k=8 and 8 rows for k=9). 0s are coloured grey, 1s are coloured red. To provide a clean slate for setting bits, reset the rule table to null at #13.6 with ``empty-e``. Alternatively, use this method for fine adjustments to rule tables set by other methods.

Bits in the rule table are set to 1 or 0 with the mouse or keyboard. During the bit setting procedure a top right reminder window displays the following:

keyboard: 0/1-set bit, arrows-move, accept-ret

mouse: press-set bit, keep pressed-draw, release-move

mouse buttons: left-set 1, right-set 0

rotate-l/r, accept-ret