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13.5.6 Random + canalyzing.

If ``c'' is selected in #13.5.1, further prompts will be presented to set at random a percentage or number of canalyzing rules (referred to as ``genes``), or of canalyzing inputs (a given canalyzing gene may have up to k canalyzing inputs). Rules with the given canalyzing setting will be assigned at random and the prompts will continue with #14.

The following top right prompts are presented in sequence,

set canalyzing inputs-i genes-g:

According to whether ``i'' or ``g`` is entered, the next prompt selects whether to enter the canalyzing inputs as a percentage of the total inputs in the network, or as a number,

canalyzing inputs, percentage-p (default number): (or genes)

If ``p'' is entered, the next prompt gives information about the location, number and percentage of the current canalyzing genes and inputs, and prompts for the new percentage as follows,

canalyzing inputs = 9/42=21.4% genes = 7/14=50.0% (values shown are examples)

set new percentage canalyzing inputs, accept-ret: (or number, or genes)

After the new percentage (or number) is entered, this prompt will reappear, enter ``return'' to accept. Note that the new percentage (or number) may not be exactly the value requested, because of the workings of the algorithm for randomly assigning the canalyzing genes and inputs. More than one try may be attempted.