Explaining synchrony in feedforward networks: Are McCulloch-Pitts
neurons good enough ?
Comments: 4 pages, 6 figures
In any scientific theory the conceptual framework already determines the
nature and possible scope of the results. Over-simplification prevents an
adequate description of the system whereas too detailed description obscures
the fundamental principles behind the observed phenomena in addition to
misspending time and resources. In theoretical neuroscience this is an
important issue because the description level varies widely from detailed
biophysical descriptions to abstract computational models. We discuss the
question of the appropriate modeling level in the context of a recent report
on synchrony in iteratively constructed feed-forward networks of rat cortex
pyramidal neuron somata [A. Reyes, Synchrony-dependent propagation of firing
rate in iteratively constructed networks in vitro. Nature Neurosci.,
6:593-599 (2003)].