Superpositional quantum computations exploit the fact that a coherent quantum state is a superposition of n distinct states, , each weighted by some complex scalar . Under certain conditions, this quantum state decoheres, and the particle adopts one of the as its determinate state, with a probability that is determined by the ratios of the . The idea proposed in [Feynman, 1982] and developed in, e.g., [Deutsch, 1985], is that if such superpositional states were used to implement the states of a computer, then various registers or memory locations in the computer would not be conventional bits with a determinate value of 1 or 0, but would instead be quantum bits - qubits - which are superpositions of both the 0 and 1 values.
A key advantage to this would be that n qubits could be used to perform computations in parallel, one computation for each combination of values of the superposed states. However, there are two principal difficulties in exploiting this proposal. First, there is the problem of maintaining the coherence (superpositionality) of a qubit while performing computations on it: the danger is that the kind of physical processes necessary to implement the relevant bit operations are such that they would cause the quantum state to collapse or decohere. But even supposing one can perform such operations while maintaining the coherence of the qubit, there is still the difficulty of exploiting the superpositionality of the qubit in a way that can perform effective computational work.
The only specific idea of how this can be done was proposed by Shor [Shor, 1994]. Shor describes how to initialize a superpositional quantum state with a random number x and a number n to be factored into primes. He then describes how to transform that state into another which is such that the probability distribution of the measurements of the state is a simple function of a number r which is a reliable guide to the prime factors of n. A few collapses, then, of this system allows one to calculate r and thus factorize n. If this algorithm could be implemented in a real quantum computational system, one could then produce the prime factors of large (e.g., 159-digit) numbers in seconds. Since current cryptography technology relies on the fact that such numbers would take a single computer many years to factor, Shor's algorithm has generated much interest in quantum computation. However, it has proven difficult to generalize this exploitation of the qubit to other applications. The general problem of how to use a superpositional state to do computational work remains.