Ron Chrisley: Publications

Last updated: June 23rd 2021

Chrisley R. (2020, in press) "A Human-Centered Approach to AI Ethics: A Perspective from Cognitive Science". In Markus D. Dubber, Frank Pasquale, and Sunit Das (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Ethics of AI. Oxford: OUP. .pdf

Chrisley R. (2020, in press) "Artificial Consciousness, Meta-Knowledge, and Physical Omniscience". Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Consciousness. .pdf

McGregor, S. and Chrisley R. (2020) "The Physical Mandate for Belief-Goal Psychology" Minds and Machines. online version; .pdf

Chrisley R. (2018) "Grounded metacognitive architectures for machine consciousness". In Towards Conscious AI Systems: Papers of the 2019 Symposium (Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence 2019 Spring Symposium Series), Stanford, CA, March 25-27, 2019. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2287. .pdf

Jaquiery, M., Andermane, N. and Chrisley, R. (2018) "Trajectory changes are susceptible to change blindness manipulations". bioRxiv 391359; doi:

Scott, R., Samaha, J., Chrisley, R. and Dienes, Z. (2018) "Prevailing theories of consciousness are challenged by novel cross-modal associations acquired between subliminal stimuli". Cognition 175, pp 169-185. ISSN 0010-0277. .pdf

Chrisley, R. and Sloman, A. (2017) "Architectural requirements for consciousness". In Chrisley, Ron, Müller, Vincent C, Sandamirskaya, Yulia and Vincze, Markus, eds., EUCognition 2016: Cognitive Robot Architectures, Chapter 6, pp 31-36. .pdf

Chrisley, R., Müller, V. C., Sandamirskaya, Y. and Vincze, M., eds. (2017) EUCognition 2016: Cognitive Robot Architectures Hamburg: CEUR Workshop Proceedings Volume 1855. ISSN 1613-0073. .pdf

Chrisley, R. and Sloman, A. (2016) "Functionalism, Revisionism and Qualia". APA Newsletter on Philosophy and Computers 16 (1), pp 2-13. ISSN 2155-9708. .pdf

Torrance, S. and Chrisley, R. (2015) "Modelling Consciousness-Dependent Expertise in Machine Medical Moral Agents". In In: Machine medical ethics. Intelligent systems, control and automation: science and engineering (74). Springer International Publishing, pp. 291-316. ISBN 9783319081076 .pdf

Chrisley, R. (2014) "Appearances can be deceiving: critical notice of consciousness and robot sentience." International Journal of Machine Consciousness, 6 (1). pp. 13-20. ISSN 1793-8473 .pdf

Clowes, R.W. and Chrisley, R. (2012) "Virtualist representation." International Journal of Machine Consciousness, 4 (2). pp. 503-522. ISSN 1793-8430 .pdf

Chrisley, R. and Clowes, R.W. (2010) "Models of Consciousness". In Hussain, A., Aleksander, I., Smith, L.S., Barros, A.K., Chrisley, R., Cutsuridis, V., eds. (2010) Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems 2008. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Vol. 657 . Springer. ISBN 978-0-387-79099-2 .html

Hussain, A., Aleksander, I., Smith, L.S., Barros, A.K., Chrisley, R., Cutsuridis, V., eds. (2010) Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems 2008. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Vol. 657 . Springer. ISBN 978-0-387-79099-2 Abstract

Chrisley, R. (2009) "Interactive empiricism: the philosopher in the machine". In McCarthy, N. (ed.), Philosophy of Engineering: Proceedings of a Series of Seminars held at The Royal Academy of Engineering. London: Royal Academy of Engineering. Prerpint .pdf

Chrisley, R. (2009) "Synthetic Phenomenology", International Journal of Machine Consciousness1:1, pp 53-70. Corrected proofs .pdf

Chrisley, R. (2009) "Artificial intelligence and the study of consciousness". In Bayne, T., Cleeremans, A. and Wilken, P. (eds) Oxford Companion to Consciousness. Oxford: Oxford University Press. .pdf

Hussain, A., Aleksander, I., Smith, L. S. and Chrisley, R. (2009) Brain inspired cognitive systems (BICS), Neurocomputing 72(4-6):683-684, ISSN 0925-2312, DOI: 10.1016/j.neucom.2008.10.007. .pdf

Chrisley, R. (2008) "Philosophical foundations of artificial consciousness". Artificial Intelligence In Medicine 44:119-137. doi:10.1016/j.artmed.2008.07.011 ; corrected proofs (.pdf).

Chrisley, R. (2008) "Consciousness studies and understanding pain: Reciprocal lessons". Proceedings of the 2008 Meeting of the British Pain Society Special Interest Group for Philosophy and Ethics: Suffering and Science, Launde Abbey, 23-26 June 2008. British Pain Society.

Chrisley, R. (2008) "Painting an experience: Las Meninas, consciousness, and the aesthetic mode". Journal of Consciousness Studies 15: 38-43. .pdf.

Chrisley, R., Aleksander, I.; Bringsjord, S.; Clowes, R.; Parthemore, J.; Stuart, S.; Torrance, S.; Ziemke, T. (2008) "Assessing Artificial Consciousness: A Collective Review". Journal of Consciousness Studies 15: 95-110..pdf.

Chrisley, R. and Parthemore, J. (2007) "Robotic specification of the non-conceptual content of visual experience". In Proceedings of the AAAI Fall Symposium on "Consciousness and Artificial Intelligence: Theoretical foundations and current approaches". AAAI Press. .pdf.

Chrisley, R. and Parthemore, J. (2007) "Synthetic phenomenology: Exploiting embodiment to specify the non-conceptual content of visual experience". Journal of Consciousness Studies 14 pp. 44-58. .pdf .

Clowes, R., Torrance, S. and Chrisley, R. (2007) "Machine consciousness: Embodiment and imagination". Journal of Consciousness Studies 14 pp. 7-14. .pdf .

Chrisley, R. (2007) "Natural intensions". Proceedings of the Conference on "Adaptivity and Representation". .html .

Chrisley, R. (2006) "Consciousness as Depiction: Review of The World in my Mind, My Mind in the World: Key Mechanisms of Consciousness in People, Animals and Machines by Igor Aleksander". Trends in Cognitive Sciences 10:1. ISSN 1364-6613. .pdf

Sloman, A. and Chrisley, R. (2005) "More Things than are Dreamt of in your Biology: Information Processing in Biologically-inspired Robots". Cognitive Systems Research 6:2, pp 145-174. ISSN 1389-0417 .pdf .

Morse, A. F. and Chrisley, R. (2005) "The SEER Project: Robotic Experiements in Subsymbolic Psychology". Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behaviour Quarterly, issue 120, Spring 2005, pp 3 and 8. ISSN 0268-4179. Full issue (.pdf)

Chrisley, R., Clowes, R. W., & Torrance, S. (2005). "Next-generation approaches to machine consciousness". In R. Chrisley, R. W. Clowes & S. Torrance (eds.), Proceedings of the AISB05 Symposium on Next Generation approaches to Machine Consciousness: Imagination, Development, Intersubjectivity, and Embodiment. Available as Cognitive Science Research Paper 574 .pdf

Sloman, A., Chrisley, R. and Scheutz, M. (2005) "The architectural basis of affective states and processes", Fellous, J. and Arbib, M. (eds) Who needs emotions?: The brain meets the robot. Oxford University Press, pp 203-244. ISBN 0-19-516619-1. Published version (.pdf); Longer, original version (.pdf).

Chrisley, R. (2005) Abstract of "Two problems for Higher-Order Thought Theories of Consciousness". Psyche. ISSN 1039-723X. Abstract.

Chrisley, R. (2004) "Artificial intelligence". In Gregory, R. (ed.) The Oxford Companion to the Mind (second edition), pp 61-63. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-866224-6 .txt

Chrisley, R. (2003) "Embodied Artificial Intelligence". Artificial Intelligence 149, pp 131-150. ISSN 0004-3702. .pdf.

Sloman, A. and Chrisley, R. (2003) "Virtual machines and consciousness". Journal of Consciousness Studies 10:4-5, special issue on machine consciousness. ISBN 0-907845-24X ISSN 1355-8250 .pdf; .ps

Chrisley, R. and Sloman, A. (2002) "How Velmans' conscious experiences affected our brains" Journal of Consciousness Studies 9:11 pp 58-63. Uncorrected proofs (.pdf). Invited commentary on Max Velmans' paper "How could conscious experiences affect brains?", Same issue. ISBN 0907845398 ISSN 1355-8250 Publisher's web page.

Chrisley, R. (2002) "Some foundational issues concerning anticipatory systems". International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems, Volume 11, pp 3-18. Partial Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference CASYS'01 on Computing Anticipatory Systems, Liege, Belgium, August 13-18, 2001, D. M. Dubois (Ed.), Liege: CHAOS. ISSN 1373-5411; ISBN 2-9600262-5-X. .pdf

Chrisley, R. and Ziemke, T. (2002) "Embodiment". In Macmillan Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science. ISBN 0-333-79261-0. .pdf

Chrisley, R. (2001) "A View From Anywhere: Prospects for an Objective Understanding of Consciousness". In Pylkkänen, P. and Vadén, T. (eds.) Dimensions of Conscious Experience (Advances in Consciousness Research 37).Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing, pp 3-13. ISBN 1588111253 .pdf; postscript.

Chrisley, R. (2000) "The Concept of Artificial Intelligence". In Chrisley, R. (ed) Artificial Intelligence: Critical Concepts. .html .pdf

Chrisley, R. (2000) "The Development of the Concept of Artificial Intelligence: Historical Overviews and Milestones". In Chrisley, R. (ed) Artificial Intelligence: Critical Concepts. .html .pdf

Chrisley, R. (2000) "Intelligence As Symbol Processing". In Chrisley, R. (ed) Artificial Intelligence: Critical Concepts. .html .pdf

Chrisley, R. (2000) "The Emergence of Connectionism". In Chrisley, R. (ed) Artificial Intelligence: Critical Concepts. .html .pdf

Chrisley, R. (2000) "Intelligence as a Way of Life". In Chrisley, R. (ed) Artificial Intelligence: Critical Concepts. .html .pdf

Chrisley, R. (2000) "Critiques of Artificial Reason". In Chrisley, R. (ed) Artificial Intelligence: Critical Concepts. .html .pdf

Chrisley, R. (2000) "What is AI? What is A? What is I?". In Chrisley, R. (ed) Artificial Intelligence: Critical Concepts. .html .pdf

Chrisley, R., ed. (2000) Artificial Intelligence: Critical Concepts.. Four-volume reference work. London: Routledge. 2160 pages.

Chrisley, R. (2000). "Transparent Computationalism". In Scheutz, M. (ed.) New Computationalism: Conceptus-Studien 14, Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag. Paper presented at the workshop on "Computationalism: The Next Generation", New Trends in Cognitive Science '99, Vienna, Austria, 17-20 May 1999. MS Word .doc file, Acrobat .pdf file.

Chrisley, R. (1999) Invited contribution to round-table discussion entitled "Neurocomputers -- Ten years further on", part of Neuroinformatics-99 (Moscow, Russia, 20-22, January, 1999). Neural Network World 1:2 (Prague, in English). A Russian-English version will be published as a book by SINTEG.

Chrisley, R. (1999) "Singular terms and reference: Evans and 'Julius'" . The Electronic Journal of Analytic Philosophy (ISSN 1071-5800), special issue on the philosophy of Gareth Evans.

Chrisley, R. (1998) "What might dynamical intentionality be, if not computation?", Behavioral & Brain Sciences 21:4. Peer commentary on van Gelder, T., "The dynamical hypothesis in cognitive science", same issue.

Chrisley, R. (1998) "Non-compositional representation in connectionist networks", in Niklasson, L., Boden, M. and Ziemke, T. (eds.) ICANN 98: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Skövde, Sweden, 2-4 September 1998. Berlin: Springer, pp 393-398. .ps .pdf

Chrisley, R. (1997 ) "Learning in non-superpositional quantum neurocomputers," in Pylkkänen, P. and Pylkkö, P. (eds.) Brain, Mind and Physics. Amsterdam: IOS Press, pp 126-139. .pdf; .html.

Chrisley, R. (1996) Non-conceptual Psychological Explanation: Content & Computation. University of Oxford DPhil thesis. .pdf Postscript.

Chrisley, R. and A. Holland (1995) "Connectionist synthetic epistemology: Requirements for the development of objectivity," Niklasson, L. and Boden, M. (eds.) Current Trends in Connectionism: Proceedings of the 1995 Swedish Conference on Connectionism. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, pp 283-309; ISBN 0 8058 1997 5. .pdf

Chrisley, R. (1995) "Taking Embodiment Seriously: Non-conceptual Content and Robotics," in Ford, K., Glymour, C. and Hayes, P. (eds.) Android Epistemology. Cambridge: AAAI/MIT Press, pp 141-166. Pre-print (.pdf). A review of this volume is here.

Chrisley, R. (1995) "Weak Strong AI: An Elaboration of the English Reply to the Chinese Room," Pylkkänen, P. and Pylkkö, P. (eds) New directions in cognitive science: Proceedings of the international symposium, Saariselka, 4-9 August 1995, Lapland, Finland. Helsinki: Finnish AI Society, pp 178-182. Postscript.

Chrisley, R. (1995) "Quantum Learning," Pylkkänen, P. and Pylkkö, P. (eds) New directions in cognitive science: Proceedings of the international symposium, Saariselka, 4-9 August 1995, Lapland, Finland. Helsinki: Finnish AI Society, pp 77-89. .pdf; Postscript.

Chrisley, R. (1994) "Why Everything Doesn't Realize Every Computation," Minds & Machines 4:4 (special issue on "What is Computation?"). pp 403-420. .pdf.

Chrisley, R. (1994) "Conceptualizing how DETE conceptualizes (or, 'More DETE-tales, please!')," Connection Science 6:1, pp 113-115.

Chrisley, R. and A. Holland (1994) "Connectionist synthetic epistemology: Requirements for the development of objectivity," COGS CSRP No. 353. pp 1-21.

Chrisley, R. (1994) "The Ontological Status of Computational States," The European Review of Philosophy 1:1; Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications. pp 55-75.

Chrisley, R. (1994) "Connectionism, Cognitive Maps, and the Development of Objectivity," in Niklasson, L. and Boden, M. (eds.) Connectionism in a Broad Perspective. London: Ellis Horwood. pp 25-42. .pdf

Chrisley, R. (1993) "Connectionism, Cognitive Maps, and the Development of Objectivity," Artificial Intelligence Review 7, pp 329-354. .pdf

Chrisley, R. (1992) "Externalism before language: The real reason why 'thoughts ain't in the head'". Paper given to the University of Sussex Philosophy Society, March 12th, 1993. .pdf

Chrisley, R., E. McDermott and S. Katagiri (1992) "Objective Functions for Improved Pattern Classification with Back-propagation Networks," COGS CSRP No. 269. pp 1-9.

Chrisley, R. (1992) "Connectionism, Cognitive Maps, and the Develpoment of Objectivity," COGS CSRP No. 259.

Chrisley, R. (1992) "The Ontological Status of Computational States," COGS CSRP No. 247.

Chrisley, R. (1992) "Taking Embodiment Seriously: Non-conceptual Content and Computation" COGS CSRP No. 246.

Chrisley, R. (1992) "Non-conceptual Content and Parallel Distributed Processing: A Match Made In Cognitive Science Heaven?" in Trappl, R. (ed.) Cybernetics and Systems Research '92, Vol. 2. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Corporation. pp 1335-1342.

Chrisley, R. (1991) "A Hybrid Architecture for Cognitive Map Construction & Use," Artificial Intelligence & the Simulation of Behaviour, Special Issue on Hybrid Models of Cognition, Autumn/Winter, 1991. pp 31-33.

Chrisley, R. (1991) "Opening the Black Box: A Non-conceptual Semantics for PDP," abstract in The Proceedings of the Second International Colloquium on Cognitive Science. University of San Sebastian.

Chrisley, R. (1990) "Cognitive Map Construction and Use: A Parallel Distributed Processing Approach," in Touretzky, D., Elman, J., Hinton, G., and Sejnowski, T. (eds.) Connectionist Models: Proceedings of the 1990 Summer School. San Mateo, CA: Morgan Kaufman. pp 287-302. .pdf (7MB).

Kohonen, T., Barna, G., and Chrisley, R. (1990) "Statistical Pattern Recognition with Neural Networks: Benchmarking Studies," in Anderson, J., Pellionisz, A., and Rosenfeld, E. (eds.) Neurocomputing 2: Directions for Research. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. pp 516-524.

Chrisley, R., McDermott, E., and Katagiri, S. (1989) "Objective Functions for Improved Pattern Classification with Back-propagation Networks," ATR Auditory and Visual Perception Research Labs Technical Report, Kyoto, Japan. pp 1-10. .pdf

Chrisley, R. (1989) "Thermodynamic and Back-propagation Approaches to Neural Networks," Proceedings of the 1989 Nordic Symposium on Neural Computing, Hanasaari, Finland; summary of a tutorial lecture. pp 1-8.

Kohonen, T., Chrisley, R., and Barna, G. (1989) "Statistical Pattern Recognition with Neural Networks: Benchmarking Studies," in Personnaz, L., and Dreyfus, G., editors, Neural Networks from Models to Applications (the proceedings of nEuro '88, the 1st European Conference on Neural Networks). Paris: I.D.S.E.T. pp 160-167.

Kohonen, T., Barna, G., and Chrisley, R. (1988) "Statistical Pattern Recognition with Neural Networks: Benchmarking Studies," Proceedings of the Second Annual IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks, San Diego, CA. Vol 1, pp 61-68. .html

Chrisley, R., and Tobias, L. (1987) "Air traffic controller aids for planning of arrival traffic - An AI approach" (Sometimes appears with the title: "Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Time-based Air Traffic Scheduling"). In: AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, Monterey, CA, Aug. 17-19, 1987, Technical Papers. Volume 2 (A87-50401 22-08), pp 1210-1221. New York: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. .pdf; NASA Technical Reports Server.





