Workshop on Synthetic Neuroethology
University of Sussex, Brighton, UK, 9-10 September 2010
Talk Abstracts
Understanding the brain through active
touch sensing in rats and robots
Tony Prescott (Sheffield University)
The systems approach in the brain sciences has demonstrated that there is no straightforward decomposition of the brain into modules, or even a simple means to separate the brain from the body (in control terms), or the body from the environment. So how should we proceed to understand the relationship between brain and behavior? Our approach has been to investigate a complete sensorimotor loop, specifically, the guidance of exploratory behavior by tactile sensing signals in the rat whisker (vibrissal) system. We investigate this system using both neuroethological methods and a synthetic approach whereby we seek to test functional hypotheses using physical (robotic) models. The first part of this talk will review neurobehavioral experiments that show a tight coupling between vibrissal sensing signals in the rat and active control of the movement and positioning of the whiskers. The second half will introduce the SCRATCHbot robotic platform, a biomimetic robot equipped with bilateral arrays of actuated artificial whiskers, that is controlled by models of relevant neural circuits. I will describe how experiments using this platform are providing insights into the sensory modulation of whisking pattern generation; the role of the superior colliculus in orienting to tactile stimuli; and a possible role for the cerebellum in cancelling self-generated sensory noise.
Spiking Neuronal Network Model of Unsupervised Olfactory Learning on Graphical Processing Units
Thomas Nowotny (University of Sussex)
Parallel computing has
been used for a long time, at least since the late
50s and early 60s. However, only recently has parallel computing grown
beyond the domain of expensive super-computers and entered the broader
market in the form of multi-core processors. Somewhat independently, and
less noticed by the general scientific community, graphic processing units
(GPUs) also have become powerful, highly parallel computing devices which
can now challenge the de-facto monopoly of the few big CPU manufacturers.
On this poster I will present the parallel implementation of a spiking
neuronal network model with biologically realistic morphology, elements, and
function on a GPU using the NVidia CUDA framework. The model describes a
prototypical olfactory system of converging and diverging pathways that
performs unsupervised odor recognition (clustering) using a spike timing
dependent plasticity (STDP) learning rule.
When comparing the parallel implementation of the model to a well-designed
standard C/C++ implementation I observed a 24x speedup when using an NVidia
Tesla C870 device for the CUDA implementation and a 3 GHz AMD Phenom II X4
940 processor for the classical implementation. With this speedup, the CUDA
program can run the model comprising 2670 neurons and on the order of
200,000 synapses in faster than real time.
Constraints on representations from the statistics of our visual world
Roland Baddeley (Bristol University)
The light that is
received by visual systems is the product of the surface reflectance of an
object (which will be constant across viewing
position and time), and the illuminant (which can change drastically over time
and viewing position). It would seem sensible for artificial
and natural systems to represent objects and locations in terms of the invariant
reflectance component of the visual signal rather than the
highly variable raw signal.
Here we look at the statistics of surface reflectance, and temporal and spatial
and chromatic properties of real world illuminants to see
what constraints these place on robust illumination invariant representations.
We show that a large number of phenomena (such as why we
only have three lightness terms in English, to how temporal adaption occurs),
can be simply understood in terms of the system attempting
to extract and represent reflectance in noisy illumination corrupted visual
Controlling Biomimetic Robots with Electronic Nervous Systems
Joseph Ayers
(Northeastern University, US)
We build biomimetic robots based on simple neurobiological models, the lobster the honeybee and the sea lamprey. The robots feature a physical plant that captures the biomechanical advantages of the body form, a neuronal circuit-based controller, neuromorphic sensors, myomorphic actuators and a behavioral set based on action patterns, reverse engineered from movies of the animal models. Our controllers are based on neuronal circuits established from neurophysiology. To achieve real-time operation, we base our electronic neurons on nonlinear dynamical models of neuronal behavior rather than physiological models. We employ both UCSD electronic neurons and synapses (analog computers that solve the Hindmarsh-Rose equations) and discrete time map based neurons and synapses that are integrated on a DSP. Together these components provide an integrated architecture for the control of innate behavioral action patterns and reactive autonomy.We will illustrate this approach with a variety of platforms ranging from biohybrids to neuroprostheses and mariculture systems
Neural mechanisms of spatial cognition
Neil Burgess (UCL)
Computational models and single unit
recording data indicate that the neural basis of sense-of-location involves a
compromise between Hippocampally mediated environmental information and
Entorhinally mediated short-term path integration. In particular, the relevant
environmental information appears to be the set of distances to extended
geometrical features (boundaries) along specific allocentric directions, while
short term path integration is supported by 'grid cells' whose firing may be
generated by interference between oscillatory influences on firing in the theta
band. Behavioural, neuropsychological and fMRI evidence suggests that human
memory for the location is supported by similar representations in similar brain
areas, in combination with egocentric representations elsewhere.
Mechanisms of insect behaviour
Barbara Webb (Edinburgh University)
Scientific explanation
often takes the form of proposing mechanisms. Taken literally, this suggests
that one way to evaluate hypotheses
is to build the mechanisms and see whether and how they really account for the
phenomena. We have followed this strategy in investigating
a range of different insect behaviours, including auditory localisation, escape,
visually guided walking, olfactory and visual flight control;
and more recently navigation and learning. A tight interaction between
experiments and modelling (if possible, carried out by the same person)
has been a particularly productive strategy, and I will illustrate this with
some recent results.
Paul Graham (Sussex)
Parsimonious route learning strategies in ants: A possible role for observed scanning behaviours
Bart Baddeley (Sussex)
Studies of visual navigation have revealed how insects combine simple strategies to produce robust behaviour and insect navigation is now an established model system for investigations of the sensory, cognitive and behavioural strategies that enable small-brained animals to learn and utilise complex sequences of behaviour in the real world. We take a modelling approach to investigate the possible interactions between behaviour, learning and the visual ecology of route based navigation.
For an ant that can only translate in one direction relative to its body axis
and has a fixed viewing direction, the direction of movement is determined by
the viewing direction and visa versa. Thus, if the current retinotopic view is
similar to a remembered view from a learned route, it is likely that the current
viewing direction will also represent the correct direction to move in order to
follow that route. We propose that if ants are able to somehow recognise
familiar views, then they can recapitulate routes by simply scanning the
environment and moving in the direction that is deemed most similar to the views
experienced during learning.
Support for such a strategy comes from behaviours observed in both desert ants
and wood ants. When released in an unexpected but familiar place the desert ant
melophorus bagoti scans the environment by turning rapidly on the spot. More
than one scan maybe performed with short straight runs of a few centimetres
separating them before the ant finally sets off in a seemingly purposeful
manner. Wood ants exhibit a second form of scanning behaviour. Instead of
walking in a straight line, wood ants instead tend to weave a somewhat sinuous
path. This has the effect of producing scans of the world centred on the overall
direction of movement.
We provide a proof of concept for this idea by training a classifier to
recognise views and learning a series of non-trivial routes through a real-world
environment using a large gantry robot equipped with a panoramic camera. We also
explore how route structure affects this process and discuss how this might
relate to innate behaviours such as beacon aiming.
Prediction of Homing
Pigeon Flight Paths using Gaussian Processes
Richard Mann (Uppsala University)
Gaussian processes are used as the mathematical framework of a probabilistic
model for predicting the flight paths of individual homing
pigeons as they return home from familiar locations. Learning from past
observations the model makes accurate predictions of future flight
paths. These predictions are used to demonstrate route learning, discover
landmark use and understand the behaviour of pigeons released in
Embodied motion intelligence: a dialogue between insects and robots
Volker Duerr (Bielefeld University)
A central property of nervous systems is that they are practically useless without the body in which they developed. If this claim is true, then a functional understanding of nervous control of behaviour requires a functional understanding of the interactions between central nervous system, its body and even the environment in which the animal is situated. In my talk I will pick examples concerning three issues in legged locomotion, for which the importance of embodied information processing has been demonstrated in software or hardware models by Holk Cruse, Sven Hellbach, Josef Schmitz, Axel Schneider and myself.
(1) The first issue is redundancy: the body has many more degrees of freedom
than necessary for a given task. Coordination rules for inter-leg coordination
are a prominent example where robots have been taught to exploit neurobiological
findings about dealing with redundancy. Today we know that some of these rules
are subject to context-dependent adaptation, calling for a more flexible
implementation than was done up to now.
(2) The second issue concerns limb biomechanics, particularly aspects that are
due to the antagonistic organisation motor apparatus or due to passive
properties of body tissue. Here I will discuss how both of these aspects
simplify the control of limb movements in insects, and present some bionic
solutions developed at the University of Bielefeld.
(3) The third issue concerns highly distributed, multi-modal sensory
infrastructure of the insect body and its embodied nature. Here I will talk
about dedicated sensory limbs that are involved in tactile near-range
orientation, with emphasis on technologically relevant features. Finally, I will
discuss how load sensors in a given leg can provide information about the
present 'walking state' of neighbouring legs, and explain how simple, local
sensory signals can aid the control of inter-leg coordination.
Modelling the modeller: towards a human-like robot with action-oriented imagination.
Owen Holland (University
of Sussex)
Many biological and
artificial systems use models of one kind or another in tasks such as motor
planning, motion control, and some forms of action selection. However, humans
also appear to use models in the form of simulations in activities such as
imagination or episodic memory; some animals may also do this but as yet the
evidence is far from convincing. In this talk I will describe an ongoing project
to build a humanoid robot with a realistic human embodiment, and to equip it
with the necessary mechanisms for deploying a potentially useful form of
imagination. When dealing with such a robot, it is not enough for it merely to
model its environment - the complexity of its body also necessitates the
implicit or explicit modelling of the body in order to predict the outcomes of
interactions between itself and its environment. Of course, explicit self-modelling
provides fertile ground for speculation in a number of areas; the talk will
mainly concentrate on technical issues, but will also attempt to draw some
parallels between the implementation of the artificial system and the possible
or probable implementation of the biological system.