RISN Editor User Guide

V 2022.06.DAGSTUHL

This document gives a brief overview of how to use the RISN Editor. The Editor is under heavy development right now, so the features as described in this manual might now behave differently, or no longer exist. Further, there may be features that are present in the Editor that are not described in this manual.


As a quick reference, the current hotkeys are:

RCreate a new Representation schema.
SCreate a new R-Scheme schema.
DCreate a new R-Dimension schema.
Y/TCreate a new R-Symbol schema.
QCreate a new Placeholder schema.
Ctrl DDuplicate the selected schemas.
CConnect two schemas.
AConnect two schemas by anchoring.
EConnect two schemas by equivalence.
OConnect two schemas by a link indicating that they overlap.
JConnect two schemas by a link indicating that they are disjoint.
VRemove all links between selected schemas.
X/BackspaceDelete all selected links, or schemas and links connected to them.

Creating new schemas puts them under your cursor.

These are available when you have your cursor over the Model editor. See The Toolbar and The Model Editor for more details.

The Model List

On the left of the Editor you have the model list. This list contains all the models you have built. Initially the list will be empty, but new models can be created by pressing the button in the bottom left corner. All models are initially called 'Model'.

Models appear in the left hand list in the order they are created. But you may reorder the Models by grabbing their 'handle' (the ⋮ to the left of the name) and dragging it into the desired position.

Rather than creating a new Model from nothing, you can duplicate an existing Model, using the button found next to the button. This will make an exact copy of the currently viewed Model, except the name will have '(Copy)' after it. The Models are entirely independent: changes made in one will not affect the other.

Models can be renamed by double-clicking on their existing name, and editing the name to be what you now want it to be. Several models can have the same name; this is perfectly fine for the Editor, but potentially confusing for you, so this is not recommended.

If the name of a Model is long, it will be truncated. The full name of the model is visible by hovering your cursor over the name or in the model slots inspector.

To switch between models, click on the model you wish to view. The currently viewed model be highlighted with a grey background, while all other models will have a white background.

If you no longer need a model, you can delete it. This is done by making the model you wish to delete the viewed model (it will have a grey background in the model list), then clicking the button in the bottom left, found next to the button. You will be asked to confirm that you wish to delete the model. The model is permanently deleted. It cannot be recovered.

Below the and buttons, we have buttons for importing and exporting Models. The button downloads a '.risn' file of the selected Model, with the name matching the Model's name. The button allows you to select '.risn' files from your computer, and add the contained Models to the RISN Editor. Models may also be imported by dragging '.risn' files onto an empty space in the Model list.

The Model list can be hidden using the 〈   button that floats at the top right of the list. A   〉 button will appear in the top left of the screen; this can be used to show the Model list again.

The Toolbar

Across the top of most of the Editor (outside the Model list) there is the toolbar. All the core functionality of the Editor can be accessed via buttons found here. We shall discuss each button in turn.

Note that these buttons only work when there is an active model. If no model (in the model list) has a grey background, the buttons will not do anything.

The first two buttons in the toolbar should be familiar: undo, and redo. These buttons act per Model, so each Model maintains a separate history. The history is lost when the Editor is reloaded, and can only maintain 50 "steps". Any history further back is discarded. You can also undo using Cmd Z, and redo using Cmd Shift Z or Cmd Y.

These five buttons create a new schema in the Model. The kind of schema created is determined by the label – Representation, R-Scheme, R-Dimension, R-symbol, or Placeholder. The new schema is created at the 'origin', which is the top left of the Model editor (before zooming and panning). If any existing schemas were selected when this button is clicked, the created schema is automatically linked as a child of the selected schemas. The created schema becomes the new current selection.

Creates new schemas in the model that are an exact copy of your current selection. If you have selected schemas with connections between them, these connections are duplicated. Any connections these schemas have to other schemas in the model are not duplicated. That is, the new schemas will always be disconnected from the rest of the model, but may be connected to each other. The newly created schemas are positions slightly offset from the schemas they were duplicated from, and they become the current selection.

These three buttons are used to connect schemas together. The first button creates a Hierarchy connection (the 'typical' connection in RISN), the second button creates an 'anchored' connection, the third creates an 'equivalence' connection, the fourth creates a connection indicating the two schemas overlap, and the fifth creates a connection indicating that the two schemas are disjoint. When clicking these buttons, you must have exactly two schemas selected: more than two, or fewer than two, and these buttons have no effect. The 'direction' of the connection is determined by the order in which the schemas were selected: the first selected schema is the 'parent', while the second is the 'child'. The parent is connected from the bottom of the schema, while the child is connected from the top. If you have connected the schemas back to front, the connection will appear to 'cut through' the schemas; unlink them, select them in the opposite order, and click the button again to correct the direction.

Remove all the links between the selected schemas. Unlike the linking buttons above, you can have two or more schemas selected, and it will remove all the links between all the schemas in the selection. It does this for every type of link, whether hierarchical or anchoring.

This deletes the links currently selected, or the schemas currently selected along with all the links attached to them.


Use this checkbox to toggle on or off the grid in the Model editor.

After the buttons is a link to this manual.

The Model Editor

Most of the screen in the Editor is dedicated to the Model editor. Here is where the effect of clicking buttons in the Toolbar, or pressing Hotkeys, will occur. Hotkeys are only active while your cursor is in the Model editor.

Navigating the Model is largely done with the mouse. Clicking and dragging anywhere outside of a schema will move the 'view' around. The scroll wheel is used to zoom in and out. Clicking a schema will cause it to become the only selected schema. Shift-clicking an unselected schema will add it to the current selection, while shift-clicking a selected schema will remove it from the current selection. Holding shift while clicking and dragging outside of a schema creates a 'selection rectangle', which will add any schemas inside it to the current selection. Dragging any schema in a selection will move every schema in that selection.

Schemas can be dragged around using the mouse. They can also be 'nudged' using the arrow keys; holding shift while nudging makes the movement smaller.

When using the hotkeys, any 'schema creation' hotkey will cause the schema to be added under the cursor. This is different to the toolbar, in which clicking a 'schema creation' button will add the schema at the 'origin' of the Model.

Sometimes it can be useful to have a background grid, on which you can position the schemas. You can hide or show this grid using the checkbox in the toolbar.


Below the Model editor is the Intelligence panel. By default, this is a bar along the bottom of the Model editor counting the number of errors, warnings, and insights it has detected. If the Editor is still working in the background, the icons will show a spinning ring. If the Editor has finished working, the first icon will be a 'stop sign with a cross', with a count indicating how many errors were detected; the second icon will be a 'warning sign with an exclamation mark', indicating how many warnings were detected.

The label acts as a filter. Clicking on the label will show the inspector panel populated with the warnings and errors, depending on which filters are 'active'. A filter is active if it has a grey background. Errors are listed first, followed by warnings. If no filters are active, the panel is hidden.

An error or warning will display as a line of text: this is a high-level summary of what the Intelligence engine has found. You can click on the summary to select the relevant schemas. When the model no longer has the feature causing the error or warning, the message will go away.

On the left of the message is a small triangle: clicking this will reveal more details. Sometimes, for errors and warnings, this will include a suggestion on how to fix the problem. Click the triangle again to hide the details.

Warnings can be ignored. When viewing the details of the warning, following the detailed description of the problem, there is a checkbox labelled 'Ignore'. When this is checked, this warning will not count against the total number of warnings identified by the Intelligence engine. For example, if you have two warnings, but both are ignored, the warning count will be zero – but the ignored warning count will be two. Ignored warnings appear fainter than regular warnings. If the cause ignored warning is fixed and then reintroduced, the warning will remember that it was hidden.

The Slots Inspector

On the far right is the Slots inspector. Each schema in the Model has associated 'slots': each slot holds one particular piece of information about that schema. When one schema in the Model editor is selected, the Slots inspector displays the information for that one schema. If multiple schemas are selected, the panel is empty. If no schemas are selected, information about the entire model is shown.

The Slots inspector can be hidden using the   〉 button that floats at the top left of the inspector. A 〈   button will appear in the top right of the screen; this can be used to show the Slots inspector again.

Model Slots

Note that these are available when no schemas are selected.

NameSet the name of this model.
NotesAdd any other comments about this model here.

Representation Schema Slots

DomainIndicate the title of the diagram.
DisplayIndicate the physical location of the diagram (e.g., top right image, Dropbox folder).
NotesAdd any other comments about this schema here.

R-Scheme Schema Slots

ConceptA description of the concept.
GraphicThe annotation used in the diagram that represents the concept. If the concept is represented then use ## to indicate that there is no graphic element for the concept.
FunctionSpecifies the role of the schema as semantic, auxiliary, or arbitrary. Select semantic if the schema is essential for the interpretation; auxiliary if the schema is to pragmatically aid the interpretation; and arbitrary if it only has a decoratively or aesthetic purpose.
Explicit?Yes, if there is a graphic object for the concept. No, if there is not a graphic object for the concept.
ScopeGlobal if it affects the overall representation. Local, if it affects part of the representation.
OrganisationIndicated how the concept is related to the graphic. Summarises how all the pieces in the R-Scheme schema are put together.
NotesAdd any other comments about this schema here.

R-Dimension Schema Slots

ConceptA description of the concept.
Concept ScaleIndicates what kind of quantity is associated with the concept. If the concept is about categories or groups, use Nominal; for concepts that can be ordered, use Ordinal; if instances in the concept can be ordered at specific intervals, use Interval; and for instances of the concept whose proportions can be compared, use Ratio.
Concept AttributesList of attributes that are relevant to the concept. They may not be present in the graphic. Example: maximum values, minimum values.
GraphicThe annotation used in the diagram that represents the concept. If the concept is represented then use ## to indicate that there is no graphic element for the concept.
Graphic ScaleIndicates what kind of quantity is associated with the graphic. If the graphic can be categorised or grouped, use Nominal; if the graphic that can be ordered, use Ordinal; if instances in the graphic can be ordered at specific intervals, use Interval; and for instances of the graphic whose proportions can be compared, use Ratio.
Graphic AttributesParts of the display that can potentially be meaningful. Example: blue, red.
FunctionSpecifies the role of the schema as semantic, auxiliary, or arbitrary. Select semantic if the schema is essential for the interpretation; auxiliary if the schema is to pragmatically aid the interpretation; and arbitrary if it only has a decoratively or aesthetic purpose.
Explicit?Yes, if there is a graphic object for the concept. No, if there is not a graphic object for the concept.
ScopeGlobal if it affects the overall representation. Local, if it affects part of the representation.
OrganisationIndicated how the concept is related to the graphic. Summarises how all the pieces in the R-Dimension schema are put together.
NotesAdd any other comments about this schema here.

R-Symbol Schema Slots

ConceptA description of the concept.
GraphicThe annotation used in the diagram that represents the concept. If the concept is represented then use ## to indicate that there is no graphic element for the concept.
Is Class?Yes, if this R-symbol is standing in for many closely related concepts. No, if this R-symbol is just for one concept.
FunctionSpecifies the role of the schema as semantic, auxiliary, or arbitrary. Select semantic if the schema is essential for the interpretation; auxiliary if the schema is to pragmatically aid the interpretation; and arbitrary if it only has a decoratively or aesthetic purpose.
Explicit?Yes, if there is a graphic object for the concept. No, if there is not a graphic object for the concept.
NotesAdd any other comments about this schema here.

Placeholder Schema Slots

DescriptionBriefly describe what you are omitting.
Omitted but understood?If you are inserting this node because this interpretation is missing aspects that would go in the model, select No. If instead this aspect is being omitted purely for space/time/effort reasons, but the interpretation is complete, select Yes.
NotesAdd any other comments about this schema here.

Connection Slots

All the connections have a single Notes slot.