;;; modified by EJB 03/00 -- search on ?? for remaining problems ;;; minor corrections by JAC 08/00 ;;; further corrections by EJB 07/02 1 (ncsubj say jury _) (ncsubj produce investigation _) (dobj produce evidence _) (ncsubj take irregularity _) (dobj take place _) (ncmod _ county Fulton) (ncmod _ jury county) (ncmod _ jury grand) (ncmod _ say Friday) (ccomp _ say produce) (ncmod of investigation election) (ncmod poss election Atlanta) (ncmod _ election recent) (ncmod _ election primary) (cmod that evidence take) ;;; n+scomp is cmod (detmod _ evidence no) ;;; all detmods included (detmod _ irregularity any) (detmod _ jury the) (detmod _ investigation an) 2 (ncsubj say jury _) (ccomp _ say believe) (ncsubj believe it _) (ccomp _ believe combine) (ncsubj combine office obj) (dobj achieve efficiency _) (dobj reduce cost _) (ncmod _ say however) (ncmod _ office two) (xmod to combine achieve) (ncmod _ efficiency great) (xmod to combine reduce) (ncmod of cost administration) (detmod _ jury the) (detmod _ office these) (detmod _ cost the) (aux _ combine be) ;;; aux _ mainv auxmod = semantic head (aux _ be shall) ;;; aux _ aux auxmod (conj and achieve reduce) ;;; conj cj hd1 hd2 ...hdN -- also semantic hd / mainv 3 (ncsubj recommend implementation obj) (arg_mod by recommend jury subj) (ncmod of implementation law) (ncmod poss law Georgia) (ncmod _ title automobile) (ncmod _ law title) (ncmod _ recommend also) (ncmod _ jury outgoing) (detmod _ jury the) (aux _ recommend be) 4 (xcomp to failure do) (dobj do this _) (ncsubj continue failure _) (xcomp to continue place) (ncsubj place failure _) (dobj place burden _) (ncmod _ burden disproportionate) (iobj on place tax-payer) (ncmod _ tax-payer Fulton) (detmod _ burden a) (aux _ continue will) 5 (ncsubj elaborate jury _) (ncsubj add it _) (ccomp that add be) (ncsubj be there _) (xcomp _ be surveillance) (dobj keep price _) (xcomp _ keep reasonable) (ncmod _ elaborate not) (ncmod _ surveillance periodic) (ncmod of surveillance practice) (ncmod _ practice price) (ncmod of practice concessionaire) (ncmod for surveillance purpose) (xmod of purpose keep) (detmod _ jury the) (detmod _ practice the) (detmod _ concessionaire the) (detmod _ purpose the) (detmod _ price the) (aux _ elaborate do) (aux _ be shall) (conj but elaborate add) 6 (ncmod _ work (2)) (ncsubj work legislator _) (dobj pass legislation _) (ncsubj permit legislation _) ;;; that is rel. comp, so missing arg is hd noun (dobj permit establishment _) (ncmod _ legislator Fulton) (ncmod _ official city) (ncmod with work official) (xmod to work pass) (ncmod _ legislation enabling) (cmod that legislation permit) ;;; rel comp `that' rel cls still cmod not xmod (ncmod of establishment plan) (ncmod _ plan pension) (ncmod _ plan equitable) (ncmod _ plan fair) (ncmod for plan employee) (ncmod _ employee city) (detmod _ establishment the) (detmod _ plan a) (aux _ permit will) (conj and fair equitable) 7 (ncsubj marry couple obj) (ncmod _ marry Aug.) (ncmod _ Aug. 2) (ncmod _ Aug. 1913) (detmod _ couple the) (aux _ marry be) 8 (ncsubj have they _) (dobj have son _) (dobj have daughter _) (ncmod _ son Berry) (ncmod _ Berry William) (ncmod _ Berry Jr.) (ncmod _ daughter Cheshire) (ncmod _ Cheshire Mrs.) (ncmod _ Cheshire J.) (ncmod _ Cheshire M.) (ncmod of Cheshire Griffin) (detmod _ son a) (detmod _ daughter a) (conj and son daughter) 9 (ncsubj be home _) (xcomp at be Rd.) (ncmod _ home Hartsfield) (ncmod _ Pelham 637) (ncmod _ Pelham E.) (ncmod _ Rd. Pelham) (ncmod _ Rd. NE) (detmod _ home the) 10 (ncsubj expire term _) (ncmod poss term mayor) (ncmod _ term present) (ncmod of term office) (ncmod _ expire Jan.) (ncmod _ Jan. 1) (detmod _ mayor the) 11 (ncsubj say Snodgrass _) (ccomp _ say bring) (ncsubj hold meeting obj) (ncsubj bring meeting _) (dobj bring response _) (ncmod _ Snodgrass Robert) (ncmod _ Snodgrass chairman) (ncmod _ chairman state) (ncmod _ chairman GOP) (ncmod _ hold night) (ncmod _ night Tuesday) (ncmod in hold ridge) (ncmod _ ridge blue) (ncmod _ response enthusiastic) (ncmod from response audience) (detmod _ meeting a) (detmod _ audience the) 12 (ncsubj be there _) ;;; existential `there' + `be' + xcomp, misnomer by consistent (xcomp _ be vote) (xcomp to vote enter) (dobj enter candidate _) (ncsubj attend who _) (ncmod despite be warning) (ncmod _ vote unanimous) (ncmod accordto be republican) (cmod who republican attend) ;;; wh-RCs are full clauses with wh filling gap (detmod _ warning the) (detmod _ vote a) (detmod _ candidate a) 13 (ncsubj ask crowd obj) (ccomp whether ask want) ;;; wh-headed comps, wh-word is `link' even if also arg (ncsubj want it _) (xcomp to want wait) (ncsubj wait it _) (dobj wait term _) (dobj make race _) (ncsubj vote it _) (dobj vote no _) (ncsubj be there _) (xcomp _ be dissent) (cmod when vote ask) (ncmod _ term more) ;;; more is more adj-like than det-like (xmod to wait make) (cmod and vote be) (detmod _ dissent no) (detmod _ crowd the) (detmod _ term one) (detmod _ race the) (aux _ ask be) 14 (ncsubj succeed he obj) (arg_mod by succeed Ledford subj) (ncsubj be who _) (xcomp _ be assistant) (ncmod _ Ledford Rob) (ncmod of Ledford Gainesville) (cmod who Ledford be) (ncmod _ be more) ;;; more is head of np-adv (ncmod than more year) ;;; than is prep-like (ncmod _ year three) (detmod _ assistant an) (aux _ succeed be) (aux _ be will) (aux _ be have) 15 (ncsubj start campaign _) (ncsubj expect Caldwell obj) (xcomp to expect become) (ncsubj become Caldwell _) (xcomp _ become co-ordinator) ;;; xcomp cos np+prd like be (cmod when expect start) (ncmod _ campaign gubernatorial) (ncmod _ co-ordinator campaign) (ncmod for co-ordinator Byrd) (detmod _ campaign the) (detmod _ co-ordinator a) (aux _ expect be) 16 (ncsubj be there _) (xcomp _ be word) (xcomp to offer rescind) (dobj rescind action _) (ncmod asof be night) (ncmod _ night Sunday) (ncmod of word resolution) (xmod _ resolution offer) (ncmod _ offer there) (detmod _ word no) (detmod _ resolution a) (detmod _ action the) (aux _ offer be) 17 (ncsubj stand Williams _) (ncsubj arm Williams obj) (iobj with arm pistol) (ncsubj insure Williams _) (dobj insure order _) (ncmod _ Williams ordinary) (ncmod _ Williams Carey) (xmod _ Williams arm) ;;; reduced rel cl is xmod and head is pass subj of vb ;;; also parenthetical, so xmod->tacl?? (ncmod prt stand by) (ncmod at stand poll) (xmod to stand insure) (detmod _ pistol a) (detmod _ poll the) 18 (ncsubj say Williams _) (ccomp _ say subject) (ncsubj subject he obj) (iobj to subject call) (ncsubj schedule he _) (dobj schedule election _) (ncmod _ Williams ordinary) (ncmod _ call anonymous) (cmod after subject schedule) (ncmod _ he too) (ncmod _ after soon) (detmod _ election the) (aux _ subject be) 19 (ncsubj fear citizen _) (ccomp that fear be) (ncsubj be there _) (xcomp _ be irregularity) (ncsubj get Williams _) (dobj get himself _) (obj2 get permit) ;;; (ncsubj carry Williams _) -- this is pragmatic got him a permit to carry a gun (cld be him/another) (dobj carry gun _) (ncsubj promise Williams _) (dobj promise election _) (ncmod _ citizen local) (ncmod at irregularity poll) (xmod to permit carry) (ncmod _ election orderly) (detmod _ citizen many) (detmod _ poll the) (detmod _ election an) (detmod _ gun a) (detmod _ permit a) (aux _ be will) (conj and get promise) (conj and fear get) ;;; note chose head of leftmost conjunct for right conjunct where multiple coordination 20 (ncsubj say sheriff _) (ncsubj go everything _) (xcomp _ go smooth) (ncmod _ smooth real) (cmod _ go say) ;;; because say is dislocated and after comma a cmod not ccomp (detmod _ sheriff the) 21 (ncsubj tell he _) (dobj tell committee _) (ccomp _ tell provide) (ncsubj provide measure _) (dobj provide means _) (ncsubj enforce measure _) (dobj enforce law _) (ncsubj be which _) (ncsubj be Texas _) (xcomp _ be republic) (xcomp on be book) (ncmod _ provide merely) (ncmod of means enforce) (ncmod _ law escheat) (cmod which law be) (cmod since be be) (detmod _ committee the) (detmod _ measure the) (detmod _ law the) (detmod _ book the) (detmod _ republic a) (aux _ provide will) (aux _ be have) 22 (ncsubj destroy you _) (dobj destroy confidence _) (ncsubj do you _) (dobj do something _) (iobj to do economy) (ncsubj say he _) (cmod if do destroy) (ncmod in confidence bank) (cmod _ do say) (detmod _ economy the) 23 (ncsubj take you _) (dobj take million _) (ncmod of million dollar) (ncmod outof take circulation) (detmod _ million many) 24 (ncsubj design bill obj) (xcomp to design provide) (ncsubj provide bill _) (dobj provide schooling _) (ncmod _ schooling special) (ncmod for schooling student) (ncmod _ student more) (ncmod _ student deaf) (ncmod in student age) (ncmod _ age scholastic) (ncmod at provide cost) (ncmod _ cost reduce) (ncmod to cost state) (detmod _ bill the) (detmod _ age the) (detmod _ cost a) (detmod _ state the) (aux _ design be) 25 (ncsubj elect Berry obj) (iobj on bet pony) (ncmod _ Berry Rep.) (ncmod _ Berry ex-gambler) (ncmod from ex-gambler Antonio) (ncmod _ Antonio San) (ncmod on elect advocacy) (ncmod of advocacy bet) (detmod poss advocacy his) (detmod _ ex-gambler an) (detmod _ pony the) (aux _ elect get) 26 (ncsubj hear which _) (dobj hear proposal _) (ncsubj expect committee obj) (xcomp to expect give) (ncsubj give committee _) (dobj give it _) (obj2 give report) (ncsubj face resolution _) (dobj face sled _) (ncmod _ committee house) (cmod which committee hear) (ncmod _ local option) (ncmod _ proposal local) (ncmod _ report favourable) (cmod although expect face) (ncmod _ sled hard) (ncmod _ face late) (detmod poss proposal his) (detmod _ committee a) (detmod _ report a) (detmod _ resolution the) (aux _ expect be) 27 (ncsubj whip senate _) (iobj through whip fare) (ncsubj approve bill obj) (arg_mod by approve committee subj) (ncsubj pass senate _) (dobj pass three _) (ncmod _ whip quickly) (ncmod _ fare meagre) (ncmod of fare bill) (ncmod _ bill house) (xmod _ bill approve) (xmod _ whip pass) (ncmod on three calendar) (detmod poss fare its) (detmod _ senate the) (detmod _ three the) (detmod _ calendar the) 28 (ncsubj pass bill obj) (ncmod _ tax revision) (ncmod _ bill tax) (detmod _ bill two) (aux _ pass be) 29 (ncsubj receive proposal _) (dobj receive approval _) (ncsubj print proposal obj) (ncsubj say Roberts _) (ncmod _ approval final) (ncmod _ approval legislative) (ncmod by approval majority) (ncmod _ two third) (ncmod _ majority two) (ncmod before receive March) (ncmod _ March 1) (xmod to receive print) (ncmod on print ballot) (ncmod _ ballot April) (ncmod _ April 4) (cmod _ receive say) (detmod _ proposal the) (detmod _ ballot the) (ncmod prt have to) ;;; have to in sense of 'must' (aux _ have will) (aux _ receive have) 30 (ncsubj argue opponent _) (ccomp that argue give) (ncsubj give ballot _) (dobj give information _) (ncsubj make voter _) (dobj make choice _) (ncmod _ argue generally) (ncmod _ give not) (ncmod about information proposal) (ncmod _ proposal tax) (cmod for give make) (xmod to voter make) (ncmod _ choice intelligent) (detmod _ information enough) (detmod _ ballot the) (detmod _ voter the) (detmod _ choice an) (aux _ give can) 31 (ncsubj vote member _) (iobj with vote Roberts) (ncsubj be who _) (xcomp _ be absent) (ncmod _ member Dallas) (ncmod except vote Jones) (ncmod _ Jones Rep.) (ncmod _ Jones Bill) (cmod who Jones be) (detmod _ member all) 32 (ncsubj succeed Clark _) (dobj succeed McLemore _) (ncsubj retire who _) (ncmod _ Clark Dr.) (ncmod _ McLemore Dr.) (ncmod _ McLemore J.) (ncmod _ McLemore R.) (cmod who McLemore retire) (ncmod at retire close) (ncmod of close term) (ncmod _ term present) (ncmod _ term school) (detmod _ close the) (detmod _ term the) (aux _ succeed will) (aux _ retire will) 33 (ncsubj be Clark _) (xcomp _ be captain) (ncsubj be Clark _) (xcomp _ be letterman) (ncmod during be career) (ncmod during be career) (ncmod _ career college) (ncmod _ Clark Dr.) (ncmod of captain team) (ncmod _ team basketball) (ncmod _ letterman football) (detmod poss career his) (detmod poss team his) (detmod _ letterman a) (conj and be be) 34 (ncsubj solve we _) (dobj solve problem _) (ncsubj force which _) (dobj force people _) (xcomp to force depend) (ncsubj depend people _) (dobj depend ADC _) (ncmod prt depend upon) (iobj for depend subsistence) (ncsubj say Martin _) (cmod which problem force) (cmod _ solve say) (detmod _ people these) (detmod _ problem the) (aux _ solve must) (aux _ force have) 35 (ncsubj make Bellows _) (dobj make disclosure _) (ncsubj ask he _) (dobj ask Parsons _) (xcomp to ask grant) (ncsubj grant Parsons _) (dobj grant client _) (obj2 grant trial) (cmod when make ask) (ncmod _ Parsons judge) (ncmod _ client Clements) (ncmod _ Clements Alan) (ncmod _ Clements 30) (ncmod _ trial separate) (detmod _ disclosure the) (detmod poss client his) (detmod _ trial a) 36 (ncsubj ask Salinger obj) (xcomp to ask elaborate) (ncsubj reply Salinger _) (ncsubj elaborate Salinger _) (ncsubj say I _) (ccomp _ say get) (ncsubj get it _) (xcomp to get go) (ncsubj go it _) (iobj thru go draft) (xmod _ Salinger ask) (ncmod _ Salinger Pierre) (ncmod _ Salinger secretary) (ncmod _ house white) (ncmod _ secretary house) (ncmod _ secretary press) (cmod _ reply say) (ncmod _ draft several) (ncmod _ draft more) ;;; treat more as standard adj (aux _ say will) (aux _ get have) 37 (ncsubj say he _) (ccomp _ say constitute) (ncsubj constitute this _) (dobj constitute misuse _) (ncmod _ serious very) (ncmod _ misuse serious) (ncmod of misuse process) (ncmod _ court criminal) (ncmod _ process court) (detmod _ misuse a) (detmod _ process the) 38 (ncsubj schedule Karns obj) (xcomp to schedule hear) (ncsubj hear Karns _) (dobj hear case _) (ncsubj involve case _) (dobj involve person _) (ncmod _ schedule week) (ncmod _ case seven) (xmod _ case involve) (ncmod _ person 35) (detmod _ week this) (aux _ be have) (aux _ schedule be) 39 (ncsubj hear case obj) (arg_mod by hear Karns subj) (ncsubj take case obj) (iobj under take advisement) (arg_mod by take Karns subj) (ncmod of case judge) (ncmod in judge precinct) (ncmod _ precinct 58th) (ncmod of precinct ward) (ncmod _ ward 23d) (ncmod _ hear previously) (detmod _ case the) (detmod _ judge the) (detmod _ precinct the) (detmod _ ward the) (aux _ hear be) (aux _ take be) (aux _ be have) (conj and hear take) 40 (ncsubj be it _) (xcomp _ be program) (ncsubj guarantee freedom obj) (ncmod of program prepayment) (ncmod of prepayment cost) (ncmod _ cost health) (ncmod with program freedom) (ncmod _ freedom absolute) (ncmod of freedom choice) (xmod _ freedom guarantee) (detmod _ program a) 41 (ncsubj say he _) (ncsubj go people _) (ncsubj afford they _) (dobj afford cost _) (ncmod _ say moreover) (cmod _ go say) (ncmod _ people young) (ncmod _ people qualified) (ncmod _ go not) (ncmod into go medicine) (ncmod into go dentistry) (cmod because go afford) (ncmod _ afford not) (ncmod _ cost schooling) (detmod _ people many) (detmod _ cost the) (aux _ go be) (aux _ afford can) (conj and medicine dentistry) 42 (ncsubj say president _) (ccomp _ say recommend) (ncsubj recommend he _) (dobj recommend increase _) (ncmod _ field health) (ncmod _ health child) (ncmod in say field) (ncmod _ recommend late) (ncmod in increase fund) (ncmod for fund program) (ncmod under program bureau) (ncmod poss bureau child) (detmod _ field the) (detmod _ bureau the) (detmod _ president the) (detmod _ increase an) (aux _ recommend will) 43 (ncsubj say he _) (ncmod by say much) (ncmod _ say not) (ncmod _ much how) (aux _ say do) 44 (ncsubj say president _) (ccomp _ say combine) (ncsubj combine proposal _) (dobj combine element _) (xcomp to means pay) (iobj for pay they) (ncmod _ element indispensable) (ncmod in element program) (ncmod _ program sound) (ncmod _ program health) (ncmod _ element people) (ncmod _ element knowledge) (ncmod _ element service) (ncmod _ element facility) (ncmod _ element means) (detmod _ president the) (detmod poss proposal his) (detmod _ element the) (detmod _ program a) (detmod _ means the) (conj and people knowledge service facility means) 45 (ncsubj back who _) (dobj back plan _) (ncsubj hail those _) (dobj hail message _) (cmod who those back) (ncmod _ plan similar) (ncmod _ year last) (ncmod _ back year) (detmod _ plan a) (detmod _ message the) 46 (ncsubj call Rayburn _) (dobj call program _) (obj2 call thing) (ncsubj make Rayburn _) (dobj make prediction _) (ncmod _ speaker house) (ncmod _ Rayburn Sam) (ncmod _ speaker Rayburn) (ncmod _ Rayburn D.) (ncmod _ Rayburn Tex.) (ncmod _ program Kennedy) (ncmod _ fine mighty) (ncmod _ thing fine) (ncmod on prediction fate) (ncmod in fate house) (detmod poss fate its) (detmod _ prediction no) (detmod _ house the) (detmod _ program the) (detmod _ thing a) (conj but call make) 47 (ncsubj ignore rule obj) (dobj speed approval _) (ncmod _ rule customary) (ncmod _ rule senate) (xmod inorderto ignore speed) (ncmod of approval leader) (ncmod _ leader Negro) (ncmod as approval administrator) (ncmod of administrator agency) (ncmod _ agency housing) (ncmod _ agency finance) (ncmod _ finance home) (detmod _ leader the) (detmod _ agency the) (conj and housing finance) (aux _ ignore be) ; *** passive? 48 (ncsubj prove increase _) (dobj prove one _) (ncsubj call strengthen obj) (ncmod in increase threshold) (cmod as increase call) (ncmod _ force conventional) (ncmod _ strengthen force) (ncmod of one problem) (ncmod poss problem alliance) (ncmod _ problem difficult) (ncmod _ difficult most) (ncmod in problem month) (xmod to month come) (detmod _ increase this) (detmod _ threshold the) (detmod _ strengthen the) (detmod _ alliance the) (detmod _ month the) (aux _ prove will) (aux _ call be) 49 (ncsubj be he _) (xcomp _ be critical) (ncsubj feel he _) (ccomp _ feel be) (ncsubj be what _) (xcomp _ be tendency) (xcomp to tendency be) (xcomp _ be conciliatory) (ncmod of critical what) ;;; what head of nominal/free relative (ncmod poss tendency Kennedy) (ncmod _ Kennedy president) (ncmod _ conciliatory too) 50 (ncsubj take it _) (dobj take poll _) (ccomp that find feel) (ncsubj feel republican _) (ccomp _ feel understate) (ncsubj understate this _) (dobj understate situation _) (ncsubj see republican _) (dobj see it _) (ncmod _ take not) (ncmod _ poll Gallup) (xmod to take find) (ncmod prt find out) (ncmod in republican congress) (cmod as situation see) (detmod _ republican most) (detmod _ situation the) (detmod _ poll a) (aux _ take do) 51 (ncsubj restrain they _) (dobj restrain themselves _) (xcomp from restrain raise) (ncsubj raise they _) (dobj raise question _) (ncsubj make republican _) (dobj make blunder _) (ncsubj be they _) (xcomp in be power) (cmod of_whether question make) ;;; of_whether?? (ncmod _ restrain hardly) (cmod if make be) (ncmod _ blunder amateurish) (ncmod _ blunder monumental) (ncmod in blunder Cuba) (detmod _ question the) (aux _ restrain can) (aux _ be have) (aux _ have will) (aux _ make have) (conj and amateurish monumental) 52 (ncmod _ administration Kennedy) (ncmod _ policy administration) (ncsubj assail policy obj) (arg_mod by assail educator subj) (ncmod _ assail also) (ncmod _ assail now) (ncmod from assail direction) (ncmod _ educator 70) (ncmod _ educator Harvard) (ncmod _ university Boston) (ncmod _ educator university) (ncmod _ educator Brandeis) (ncmod _ institute Massachusetts) (ncmod of institute technology) (ncmod _ educator institute) (detmod _ direction another) (aux _ be have) (aux _ assail be) (conj and Harvard university Brandeis institute) ;;; conj takes as many args as there are heads... 53 (ncsubj oppose Nixon _) (dobj oppose intervention _) (ncmod _ Nixon Mr.) (ncmod for Nixon part) (ncmod in intervention Cuba) (ncmod _ provocation specific) (ncmod without intervention provocation) (detmod poss part his) (aux _ oppose will) 54 (ncsubj make effort obj) (xcomp to effort remove) (dobj remove prick _) (ncmod _ effort strenuous) (ncmod _ prick pin) (ncmod from remove statement) (ncmod _ statement administration) (aux _ make be) 55 (ncsubj look administration _) (iobj at look effort) (xmod to effort show) (ncsubj show administration _) (dobj show determination _) (ncsubj sail administration _) (dobj sail fleet _) (ncmod in look Laos) (ncmod _ administration Eisenhower) (ncmod _ effort administration) (xmod by show sail) (ncmod _ fleet naval) (ncmod into sail water) (ncmod _ Asian southeast) (ncmod _ water Asian) (ncmod as look gesture) (ncmod _ gesture useless) (detmod _ administration the) (detmod _ effort the) (detmod _ fleet a) (detmod _ gesture a) 56 (ncsubj ask it _) (dobj ask communist _) (xcomp to ask freeze) (ncsubj freeze communist _) (dobj freeze situation _) (ncmod _ ask again) (ncmod _ ask again) (ncmod _ situation military) (ncmod in situation Laos) (detmod _ communist the) (detmod _ situation the) (conj and again again) 57 (ncsubj have providence _) (dobj have program _) (ncmod _ have now) (ncmod _ providence east) (ncmod _ defence civil) (ncmod _ program defence) (detmod _ program no) 58 (ncsubj be there _) (xcomp _ be activity) (ncmod _ line state) (ncmod across activity line) (ncmod in activity Massachusetts) (ncmod in activity island) ;;; activity is missing head (ncmod than activity in) ;;; ditto (ncmod _ island Rhode) (ncmod in be week) (ncmod _ week recent) (ncmod toward be enforcement) (ncmod of enforcement law) (ncmod _ law Sunday) (ncmod _ law sale) (ncmod _ activity more) (detmod _ line the) (detmod _ law the) (aux _ be have) 59 (ncsubj have they _) (dobj have chance _) (xmod to chance compete) (ncsubj compete they _) (iobj with compete supermarket) (ncsubj be day _) (xcomp on be Sunday) (ncsubj say resolution _) (ncmod _ day only) (cmod _ day have) (ncmod _ supermarket large) (ncmod poss resolution council) (cmod _ be say) (detmod _ day the) (detmod _ council the) (detmod _ chance a) 60 (ncsubj retain shop obj) (ncsubj provide they _) (dobj provide service _) (iobj to provide community) (ncsubj add which _) (ccomp that add be) (ncsubj be they _) (xcomp _ be source) (ncmod _ shop small) (ncmod for retain provide) (ncmod _ service essential) (ncmod accordto provide resolution) (cmod which resolution add) (ncmod _ be also) (ncmod of source livelihood) (ncmod for livelihood thousand) (ncmod of thousand neighbour) (detmod poss neighbour our) (detmod _ shop the) (detmod _ community the) (detmod _ resolution the) (detmod _ source the) (aux _ retain be) (aux _ be must) 61 (ncsubj suggest he _) (ccomp that suggest allow) (ncsubj allow regroup _) (dobj allow voter _) (obj2 allow pull) (ncmod of regroup force) (ncmod _ voter average) (ncmod _ pull good) (ncmod at pull lever) (ncmod _ lever right) (ncmod for lever he) (ncmod on pull day) (ncmod _ day election) (detmod _ regroup a) (detmod _ voter the) (detmod _ pull a) (detmod _ lever the) (aux _ allow may) 62 (ncsubj say he _) (ccomp _ say confess) (ncsubj confess he _) (ccomp that confess be) (ncsubj be I _) (xcomp _ be member) (ncmod of member party) (ncmod _ party socialist) (ncmod in be 1910) (detmod _ member a) (detmod _ party the) (aux _ confess be) 63 (ncsubj be that _) (ccomp before be study) (ncsubj study I _) (dobj study law _) 64 (ncsubj steer he _) (dobj steer I _) (iobj to steer track) (ncmod _ track right) (ncmod _ free enterprise) (ncmod _ track enterprise) (detmod _ track the) (detmod _ track the) 65 (ncsubj retire Reama obj) (ncsubj engage Reama obj) (iobj in engage counsel) (ncmod _ retire really) (ncmod _ Reama Mr.) (ncmod _ from far) (xmod from Reama retire) (ncmod _ relation industrial) (ncmod _ counsel relation) (aux _ retire be) (aux _ engage be) 66 (ncsubj become it _) (xcomp _ become responsibility) (ncsubj hope I _) (ccomp that hope spear-head) (ncsubj spear-head group _) (dobj spear-head movement _) (ncmod _ group citizen) (detmod poss responsibility our) (detmod _ group the) (detmod _ movement the) (aux _ become have) (aux _ spear-head will) (conj and become hope) 67 (ncsubj start opposition _) (xcomp to start hear) (ncsubj hear opposition obj) (ncmod to opposition movement) (ncsubj speak spokesman _) (ncmod _ rule home) (ncmod _ movement rule) (ncmod _ hear yesterday) (cmod with start speak) (ncmod for spokesman leadership) (ncmod poss leadership town) (ncmod _ leadership democratic) (ncmod _ leadership insurgent) (ncmod prt speak out) (ncmod against speak charter) (ncmod _ rule home) (ncmod _ charter rule) (ncmod infavourof speak charter) (ncmod _ charter model) (ncmod _ league municipal) (ncmod _ charter league) (detmod _ opposition some) (detmod _ movement the) (detmod _ leadership the) (detmod _ charter the) (detmod _ charter the) (aux _ hear be) 68 (ncsubj cite misunderstanding obj) (iobj as cite factor) (ncsubj cause which _) (dobj cause group _) (xcomp to cause obtain) (ncsubj obtain group _) (dobj obtain signature _) (ncsubj term what obj) (obj2 term pretence) (ncmod of misunderstanding meaning) (ncmod _ meaning real) (ncmod of meaning charter) (ncmod _ rule home) (ncmod _ charter rule) (cmod which factor cause) (ncmod _ group citizen) (ncmod under obtain what) ;;; not sure -- free relative? (ncmod _ pretence false) (detmod _ meaning the) (detmod _ charter a) (detmod _ factor a) (detmod _ group the) (aux _ cite be) (aux _ cause have) (aux _ term be) 69 (ncsubj do nothing obj) (dobj take advantage _) ;;; take advt of an idiom? (ncmod _ do yet) (xmod to do take) (ncmod of advantage legislation) (ncmod _ legislation enabling) (detmod _ legislation the) (aux _ do be) (aux _ be have) 70 (ncsubj greet it obj) (arg_mod by greet woman subj) (ncmod with greet chorus) (ncmod of chorus boo) (ncmod _ woman 500) (ncmod in greet Trenton) (ncmod _ greet Monday) (ncmod at greet forum) (ncmod of forum federation) (ncmod _ federation state) (ncmod of federation club) (ncmod poss club woman) (detmod _ chorus a) (detmod _ forum a) (detmod _ federation the) (aux _ greet be) 71 (ncsubj add he _) (ncsubj love we _) (dobj love Eisenhower _) (ncsubj consider we _) (dobj consider he _) (obj2 consider president) (ncsubj be there _) (xcomp _ be nothing) (ncsubj nothing leave obj) (ncmod _ add Sunday) (cmod _ add love) (ncmod _ Eisenhower man) (cmod evenif love consider) (ncmod _ president mediocre) (xmod _ nothing leave) (ncmod of nothing party) (ncmod _ party republican) (ncmod without be leadership) (detmod poss leadership his) (detmod _ man the) (detmod _ president a) (detmod _ party the) (aux _ add have) (aux _ love can) (aux _ leave be) (conj but love be) 72 (ncsubj speak Dumont _) (iobj on speak merit) (dobj have primary _) (xmod of merit have) (ncmod _ primary open) (detmod _ merit the) (detmod _ primary an) 73 (ncsubj decry Mitchell _) (dobj decry rate _) (ncsubj say Mitchell _) (ccomp _ say share) (ncsubj share administration _) (ncsubj share senate _) (dobj share blame _) (ncmod _ rate high) (ncmod of rate unemployment) (ncmod in unemployment state) (ncmod _ administration Meyner) (ncmod _ republican control) ;;; all np-ved compounds treated consistently?? (ncmod _ republican senate) (ncmod _ senate state) (ncmod for blame this) (detmod _ rate the) (detmod _ state the) (detmod _ administration the) (detmod _ senate the) (detmod _ blame the) (aux _ share must) (conj and decry say) (conj and administration senate) 74 (ncsubj say he _) (ccomp _ say be) (ncsubj be Mitchell _) (xcomp against be centralization) (xcomp but be look) (ncsubj look Mitchell _) (iobj to look administration) (dobj meet crisis _) (ncmod of centralization government) (ncmod in centralization Washington) (ncmod _ administration Kennedy) (ncmod for look aid) (xmod to aid meet) (ncmod _ Jersey new) (ncmod _ crisis Jersey) (ncmod _ crisis school) (ncmod _ crisis transportation) (detmod _ centralization the) (detmod _ administration the) (conj but be look) (conj and school transportation) 75 (ncsubj call he _) (iobj for call help) (ncsubj say he _) (ccomp _ say be) (ncsubj be he _) (xcomp against be centralization) (ncsubj have you _) (dobj have it _) ;;; (obj2 have way) this is the `vb x way' construction (Jackendoff) so not really an arg? (ncmod _ have way) (ncsubj say Jones _) (xmod while call say) (ncmod _ have not) (ncmod _ way both) (cmod _ call say) (aux _ have can) 76 (ncsubj fail that _) 77 (ncsubj say Sheets _) (ncsubj represent proposal _) (dobj represent part _) (xcomp to necessary make) (ncsubj make reform _) (dobj make democracy _) (obj2 make more) ;;; more is head of np (cmod _ represent say) (ncmod of part program) (ncmod for program reform) (ncmod _ reform election) (ncmod _ reform necessary) (ncmod in democracy Jersey) (ncmod _ Jersey new) (ncmod than word more) (ncmod _ service lip) (ncmod _ word service) (detmod _ proposal the) (detmod poss program his) (detmod _ word a) 78 (ncsubj credit he obj) (xcomp with credit set) (ncsubj set he _) (dobj set program _) (ncmod prt set up) (ncmod _ program annual) (ncmod _ program co-operative) (ncmod _ prevention fire) (ncmod _ program prevention) (ncmod in set co-operation) (ncmod with co-operation cross) (ncmod _ cross red) (ncmod with co-operation department) (ncmod _ department state) (ncmod of department education) (detmod _ program an) (detmod _ cross the) (detmod _ department the) (aux _ credit be) (conj and cross department) 79 (ncsubj have we _) (dobj have platform _) (ncmod _ platform liberal) (ncmod _ plan well) (ncmod _ platform plan) (ncmod _ look forward) (ncmod _ platform look) (ncmod _ platform honest) (ncmod _ have but) (detmod _ platform a) (aux _ have will) 80 (ncsubj campaign I _) (iobj on campaign record) (dobj meet need _) (ncmod _ record Meyner) (xmod to campaign meet) (ncmod of need year) (ncmod _ year ahead) (ncmod _ campaign but) (detmod _ record the) (detmod _ need the) (detmod _ year the) (aux _ campaign shall) 81 (ncsubj say he _) (ccomp _ say change) (ncsubj change county _) (ncsubj take step obj) (dobj preserve area _) (ncsubj be there _) (xcomp _ be land) (ncsubj leave land obj) (ncmod _ county Morris) (ncmod _ change rapidly) (cmod unless be take) (xcomp to take preserve) (ncmod _ area green) (xmod _ land leave) (xmod to land preserve) (detmod _ land no) (detmod _ area the) (aux _ change be) (aux _ take be) (aux _ be will) (conj and change take) 82 (ncsubj be I _) (xcomp _ be afraid) (xcomp to afraid tangle) (ncsubj tangle I _) (iobj with tangle nominee) (ncmod _ afraid not) (ncmod _ nominee republican) (detmod _ nominee the) 83 (ncsubj honour member obj) (arg_mod by honour colleague subj) (ncmod _ member fifteen) (ncmod of member committee) (ncmod _ committee republican) (ncmod _ committee state) (cmod who member retire) (ncsubj retire who _) (ncmod _ retire voluntarily) (ncmod _ retire year) (ncmod _ honour yesterday) (ncmod _ honour Trenton) (detmod _ committee the) (detmod _ year this) (detmod poss colleague their) (aux _ retire be) (aux _ honour be) 84 (ncsubj be there _) (xcomp _ be retirement) (ncsubj leave they _) (ncmod _ retirement other) (ncmod _ retirement 1961) (ncmod _ committee state) (ncmod _ retirement committee) (xmod _ be come) (ncmod _ come April) (ncmod _ April 18) (ncmod but be leave) (ncmod by leave choice) (ncmod of choice voter) (ncmod _ voter republican) (detmod _ voter the) (aux _ be may) (aux _ be will) (aux _ leave be) 85 (ncsubj be reaction _) (xcomp _ be favourable) (ncmod to reaction plan) (ncmod at be time) (ncmod _ time same) (ncmod among reaction leader) (ncmod _ leader anti-organization) (ncmod _ leader democratic) (ncmod in reaction party) (ncmod _ party liberal) (ncmod poss plan mayor) (ncmod _ plan report) (ncmod _ favourable generally) (detmod _ time the) (detmod _ party the) (detmod _ plan the) (conj and among in) 86 (ncsubj believe he _) (ccomp _ believe hold) (ncsubj hold Buckley _) (dobj hold key _) (iobj to key acceptance) (ncmod _ believe apparently) (ncmod _ Buckley Mr.) (ncmod _ organization democratic) (ncmod poss acceptance organization) (ncmod of acceptance choice) (ncmod for choice mate) (ncmod _ mate running) (ncmod without acceptance struggle) (detmod poss choice his) (detmod _ key the) (detmod _ acceptance the) (detmod _ struggle a) 87 (ncsubj say I _) (ncsubj announce I _) (dobj announce candidacy _) (ncsubj have I _) (dobj have something _) (iobj about say mate) (cmod as have say) (ncmod _ say before) (cmod if have announce) (ncmod _ something definite) (xmod to something say) (ncmod _ mate running) (detmod poss candidacy my) (aux _ say have) (aux _ have will) 88 (ncsubj be hand _) (xcomp _ be out) (detmod _ hand the) 89 (ncsubj report episode obj) (ncmod after day day) (ncmod _ episode new) (ncmod _ report day) (detmod _ episode some) (aux _ report be) 90 (ncsubj expect bill obj) (xcomp to expect pass) (ncsubj pass bill _) (ncmod in expect senate) (ncmod without pass conflict) (ncmod _ conflict major) (ncmod without pass opposition) (detmod _ conflict any) (detmod _ opposition any) (detmod _ senate the) (detmod _ bill several) (aux _ expect be) (conj or conflict opposition) 91 (ncsubj be they _) (xcomp _ be Delaney) (xcomp _ be ONeill) (ncmod _ Delaney James) (ncmod _ Delaney J.) (ncmod of Delaney queen) (ncmod _ ONeill Thomas) (ncmod _ ONeill P.) (ncmod _ ONeill Jr.) (ncmod of ONeill Massachusetts) (conj and Delaney ONeill) 92 (ncsubj rescue what _) (dobj rescue bill _) (csubj be rescue _) (xcomp _ be progress) (ncsubj amend bill _) (dobj amend act _) (ncmod _ progress quick) (ncmod on progress bill) (xmod _ bill amend) (ncmod _ act national) (ncmod _ act defence) (ncmod _ act education) (ncmod of act 1958) (detmod _ progress some) (detmod _ bill the) (detmod _ bill a) (detmod _ act the) (aux _ rescue can) (aux _ be will) 93 (ncsubj propose six obj) (arg_mod by propose group subj) (ncmod of six these) (ncmod _ group religious) (aux _ propose be) 94 (ncsubj be I _) (xcomp _ be missionary) (detmod _ missionary a) 95 (ncsubj jest Khrushchev _) (ncmod _ Khrushchev Mr.) (ncmod in jest mood) (ncmod _ mood expansive) (ncmod of mood banker) (ncmod _ banker successful) (detmod _ mood the) (detmod _ banker the) (aux _ jest be) 96 (ncsubj expand union _) (ncsubj expand member _) (dobj expand assistance _) (ncmod _ union soviet) (ncmod _ member other) (ncmod of member bloc) (ncmod _ bloc communist) (ncmod _ expand rapidly) (ncmod _ assistance economic) (ncmod _ assistance technical) (ncmod _ assistance military) (ncmod to assistance nation) (ncmod _ nation uncommitted) (detmod poss assistance their) (detmod _ union the) (detmod _ member other) (detmod _ bloc the) (detmod _ nation the) (aux _ expand be) (conj and union member) (conj and economic technical military) 97 (ncsubj allocate country _) (dobj allocate more _) (ncmod _ country communist) (ncmod than $ more) ;;; more head of np (ncmod _ $ 1,000,000,000) (ncmod in $ aid) (ncmod _ aid economic) (mod _ aid alone) (ncmod _ allocate year) (ncmod _ year last) (ncmod accordto allocate estimate) (ncmod _ estimate western) (detmod _ country the) 98 (ncsubj be this _) (xcomp _ be outlay) (ncsubj make program _) (dobj make beginning _) (ncmod _ outlay big) (ncmod _ outlay annual) (cmod since be make) (ncmod _ program communist) (ncmod for program country) (ncmod _ country under-develop) (ncmod _ beginning modest) (ncmod in make 1954) (detmod poss beginning its) (detmod _ outlay the) (detmod _ program the) (detmod _ country the) 99 (ncsubj be India _) (xcomp _ be member) (ncmod _ populous most) (ncmod _ member populous) (ncmod _ nation united) (ncmod _ member nation) (ncmod with be more) ;;; more head (ncmod _ inhabitant 400,000,000) (ncmod than inhabitant more) (detmod _ member the) 100 (ncsubj expect committee obj) (xcomp to expect receive) (ncsubj receive committee _) (dobj receive report _) (ncmod _ committee advisory) (ncmod on committee question) (ncmod _ question administrative) (ncmod _ question budgetary) (ncmod _ receive week) (detmod _ week this) (detmod _ committee the) (detmod _ report the) (aux _ expect be) (conj and administrative budgetary) 101 (ncsubj be two _) (xcomp _ be brother) (ncmod _ two latter) (ncmod _ brother half) (detmod _ two the) 102 (ncsubj be noone _) (xcomp _ be optimistic) (ncmod _ optimistic overly) (ncmod _ be but) 103 (ncsubj succeed Pfaff _) (ncsubj resign who _) (dobj succeed Burke _) (ncmod _ Burke Martin) (cmod who Burke resign) 104 (ncsubj marry he obj) (iobj to marry Knecht) (ncsubj have he _) (dobj have daughter _) (ncmod _ Knecht former) (ncmod _ Knecht Audrey) (ncmod _ daughter Karol) (ncmod _ daughter 13) (detmod _ Knecht the) (detmod _ daughter a) (aux _ marry be) (conj and marry have) 105 (ncsubj locate building obj) (ccomp where locate preside) (ncsubj preside Hoover _) (iobj over preside bureau) (ncmod _ locate also) (ncmod pre preside where) ;;; pre used to indicate wh-adv preposing in ncmod (ncmod of department justice) (ncmod _ building department) (ncmod _ bureau federal) (ncmod of bureau investigation) (ncmod _ Hoover Edgar) (ncmod _ Hoover J.) (detmod _ building the) (detmod _ bureau the) (aux _ locate be) 106 (ncsubj occupy spectator _) (dobj occupy seat _) (dobj occupy point _) (ncsubj border seat _) (ncsubj point seat _) (dobj border Lafayette _) (ncmod _ spectator many) (ncmod _ point vantage) (xmod _ point border) (xmod _ seat border) (ncmod _ square Lafayette) (ncmod opposite square house) (ncmod _ house white) (detmod _ spectator many) (detmod _ house the) (aux _ occupy be) (aux _ be will) (conj and seat point) 107 (ncsubj be position _) (xcomp _ be factor) (iobj to contribute defeat) (ncmod _ be indeed) (ncmod poss position administration) (ncmod _ position curious) (ncmod on position tax) (ncmod _ tax sale) (ncmod _ factor major) (mod in factor contribute) (detmod poss defeat its) (detmod _ factor a) (detmod _ tax the) (detmod _ administration the) 108 (ncsubj be bill _) (xcomp for be reconsideration) (ncsubj reconvene legislature _) (ncmod _ bill tax) (ncmod _ be up) (ncmod _ be Wednesday) (ncmod in be house) (cmod when be reconvene) (detmod _ bill the) (detmod _ house the) (detmod _ legislature the) (aux _ be will) 109 (ncsubj be this _) (xcomp _ be sort) (ncsubj care politico _) (xcomp to care acknowledge) (ncsubj acknowledge politico _) (ncmod _ be not) (ncmod of sort thing) (cmod _ thing care) (ncmod _ politico most) (ncmod _ acknowledge publicly) (detmod _ sort the) (aux _ care will) 110 (ncsubj be it _) (xcomp _ be difficult) (xcomp to difficult be) (xcomp _ be certain) (ncsubj view administration _) (dobj view $ _) (ncsubj be view _) (xcomp _ be same) (ccomp how certain view) (ncmod _ $ 28) (ncmod _ 28 million) (mod since be be) (ncmod of view leader) (ncmod _ be not) (ncmod as same view) (ncmod of view one) (detmod _ $ that) (detmod _ leader one) (detmod _ view the) (detmod _ view the) (detmod _ same the) (detmod _ one another) (aux _ be may) 111 (ncsubj investigate Co. _) (dobj investigate part _) (ncsubj play organization _) (ncsubj review organization _) (dobj review project _) (ncmod _ Co. Philadelphia) (ncmod _ Co. transportation) (cmod _ part play) (xmod in play review) (aux _ investigate be) (detmod poss organization its) (detmod _ part the) (detmod _ project the) (detmod _ Co. the) 112 (ncsubj fire Varani obj) (ncsubj accept Varani _) (dobj accept gift _) (ncmod on fire charge) (xmod of charge accept) (ncmod from gift contractor) (detmod _ contractor the) (aux _ fire be) (aux _ be have) 113 (ncsubj take I _) (dobj take position _) (ncsubj violate contract obj) (ncsubj say Berger _) (ccomp that position violate) (ncmod _ violate clearly) (cmod _ take say) (detmod _ position the) (detmod _ contract the) (aux _ take be) 114 (ncsubj call contract _) (iobj for call overhaul) (ncmod of overhaul joint) (ncmod _ joint 102) (detmod _ contract the) 115 (ncsubj pay city _) (iobj for pay work) (ncsubj charge Hemphill _) (ncsubj repair more obj) (ncmod on work 75) (ncmod of 21 which) (detmod _ city the) (detmod _ more no) (ncmod than 21 more) (cmod of 75 repair) ;;; prep head when pp rel cl (cmod _ pay charge) (aux _ repair be) 116 (ncsubj know we _) (dobj know amount _) (ncsubj get we _) (dobj get report _) (ncsubj say Wagner _) (ncmod _ know not) (ncmod _ amount full) (cmod until know get) (ncmod _ report full) (cmod _ know say) (detmod _ amount the) (detmod _ report a) (aux _ know will) 117 (ncsubj reply Wagner _) (ncsubj see you _) (dobj see headline _) (ncsubj hook city obj) (iobj for hook $) (ncmod _ headline city) (ncmod _ see not) (ncmod _ see just) (ncmod _ $ 172,000) (cmod _ reply see) (detmod _ headline the) 118 (ncsubj insist Berger _) (ccomp that insist know) (ncsubj know we _) (dobj know enough _) (ncsubj sue we _) (iobj for sue amount) (xcomp to know sue) (ncmod _ amount full) (detmod _ amount the) 119 (ncsubj investigate PTC _) (dobj investigate matter _) (ncsubj say Pratt _) (ncmod _ matter whole) (cmod _ investigate say) (detmod _ PTC the) (detmod _ matter the) (aux _ investigate be) 120 (ncsubj voice Goodis _) (dobj voice objection _) (ncmod before voice committee) (ncmod _ council city) (ncmod _ committee finance) (ncmod poss committee council) (detmod poss objection his) 121 (ncsubj increase ordinance _) (dobj increase fee _) (ncmod from increase $) (ncmod _ $ 1) (ncmod for $ male) (ncmod from increase $) (ncmod _ $ 2) (ncmod for $ female) (ncmod to increase $) (ncmod _ $ 5) (ncmod _ $ flat) (ncmod _ $ dog) (detmod _ ordinance the) (detmod _ dog a) (detmod _ $ a) (aux _ increase will) (conj and $ $) 122 (ncsubj say Knauer _) (ccomp _ say think) (ncsubj think she _) (ccomp _ think penalize) (ncsubj penalize owner obj) (iobj for penalize service) (ncmod _ Knauer Mrs.) (ncmod _ think not) (ncmod _ owner dog) (ncmod poss service city) (ncmod to service care) (ncmod _ care animal) (detmod _ city the) (aux _ think do) (aux _ penalize be) (aux _ be shall) 123 (ncsubj support schedule obj) (arg_mod by support commissioner subj) (arg_mod by support commissioner subj) (ncmod _ schedule new) (ncmod _ schedule fee) (ncmod _ support also) (ncmod of commissioner licence) (ncmod of commissioner inspection) (ncmod _ commissioner Lieberman) (ncmod _ Lieberman Barnet) (ncmod _ commissioner health) (ncmod _ commissioner Gillis) (ncmod _ Gillis Eugene) (ncmod _ Gillis A.) (detmod _ schedule the) (aux _ support be) (conj licence inspection) (conj and commissioner commissioner) 124 (ncsubj approve commission _) (dobj approve plan _) (ncsubj eliminate plan _) (dobj eliminate hazard _) (ncmod _ approve also) (ncmod _ plan novel) (cmod that plan eliminate) (ncmod _ hazard traffic) (ncmod for hazard pedestrian) (ncmod in pedestrian project) (detmod _ commission the) (detmod _ project the) (detmod _ plan a) (aux _ eliminate will) 125 (ncmod _ chief battalion) (ncmod _ Gladden chief) ; since title like president (ncmod _ Gladden Stanton) (ncmod _ Gladden M.) (ncmod _ Gladden 42) (ncmod _ Gladden figure) (ncsubj suffer Gladden _) (dobj suffer fracture _) (ncmod _ figure central) (ncmod in figure dispute) (ncmod _ dispute representation) (ncmod between dispute association) (ncmod _ fighter fire) (ncmod _ association fighter) (ncmod between dispute union) (ncmod _ union teamster) (ncmod _ fracture multiple) (ncmod of fracture ankle) (ncmod _ ankle both) (conj and association union) (detmod _ figure the) (detmod _ dispute a) (detmod _ association the) (detmod _ union the) 126 (ncsubj be he _) (xcomp in be hospital) (ncmod _ hospital Baptist) (ncmod _ hospital memorial) 127 (ncsubj be both _) (xcomp _ be active) (ncmod in be association) (detmod _ association the) (aux _ be have) 128 (ncsubj reach agreement obj) (ncsubj contest which _) (dobj contest election _) (ncmod between agreement leader) (ncmod of leader party) (ncmod _ party four) (cmod which party contest) (ncmod _ election indecisive) (ncmod on contest Oct.) (ncmod _ Oct. 15) (ncmod after reach hour) (ncmod _ hour almost) (ncmod _ hour 18) (ncmod of hour bargain) (ncmod _ bargain political) (ncmod under reach threat) (ncmod of threat coup) (ncmod _ coup army) (ncmod _ coup dtat) (detmod _ leader the) (detmod _ threat the) (detmod _ coup an) (aux _ reach be) 129 (ncsubj replace Ierulli _) (dobj replace Connall _) (ncsubj call who obj) (iobj to call service) (cmod who Connall call) (ncmod _ Connall Desmond) (ncmod _ Connall D.) (ncmod _ service active) (ncmod _ service military) (cmod who Connall expect) (ncmod _ expect back) (ncmod on expect job) (ncmod by expect March) (ncmod _ March 31) (detmod _ job the) (aux _ replace will) (aux _ be have) (aux _ call be) (aux _ expect be) (conj but call expect) 130 (ccomp that insure have) (ncsubj have country _) (dobj have freedom _) (ncsubj say he _) (cmod _ be say) (xsubj be insure _) (xcomp _ be detriment) (ncmod of freedom choice) (ncmod _ detriment big) (ncmod to detriment union) (ncmod _ union soviet) (detmod _ country the) (detmod _ freedom a) (detmod _ detriment the) (detmod _ union the) 131 (ncsubj say Martin _) (ncsubj help state _) (dobj help country _) (dobj help they _) (xcomp _ help help) (ncsubj help they _) (dobj help themselves _) (ncmod _ help economically) (cmod _ help say) (ncmod _ state united) (ncmod _ help well) (ncmod _ country foreign) (xmod by help help) (detmod _ state the) (aux _ help can) 132 (ncsubj be business _) (xcomp _ be effective) (ncsubj explain he _) (ncsubj be individual _) (xcomp _ be able) (xcomp to able work) (ncsubj work individual _) (ncmod _ business private) (ncmod _ effective more) (ncmod than effective aid) (ncmod _ aid government) (cmod _ be explain) (cmod because be be) (ncmod with work people) (ncmod _ people themselves) (detmod _ people the) 133 (ncsubj say Martin _) (ccomp _ say work) (ncsubj work government _) (ncsubj establish government _) (dobj establish price _) (ncsubj involve which _) (dobj involve income _) (xmod to work establish) (ncmod _ price firm) (ncmod on price product) (ncmod _ product primary) (cmod which product involve) (ncmod _ income total) (ncmod of income country) (detmod _ country one) (detmod _ income the) (detmod _ government the) (aux _ work be) (aux _ be have) (aux _ involve may) 134 (ncsubj hear meeting _) (dobj hear greeting _) (iobj from hear Hatfield) (ncmod _ Salem AP) (ncmod _ meeting statewide) (ncmod of meeting mother) (ncmod _ mother war) (ncmod _ meeting Tuesday) (ncmod in meeting Salem) (ncmod _ Hatfield Gov.) (ncmod _ Hatfield Mark) (detmod _ meeting the) (detmod _ greeting a) (aux _ hear will) 135 (ncsubj go he _) (ncmod on go Friday) (ncmod to go Portland) (ncmod for go swear) (ncmod prt swear in) (ncmod of swear Bryson) (ncmod _ Bryson Dean) (ncmod as swear judge) (ncmod _ county Multnomah) (ncmod _ circuit county) (ncmod _ judge circuit) (detmod _ swear the) (aux _ go will) 136 (ncsubj seek Salter _) (dobj seek re-election _) (ncsubj oppose Salter obj) (arg_mod by oppose Huffman subj) (ncmod _ Salter incumbent) (ncmod _ Salter Richard) (ncmod _ Huffman Donald) (ncmod for oppose term) (ncmod _ year five) (ncmod _ year term) (detmod _ term the) (aux _ oppose be) (conj and seek oppose) 137 (ncsubj change church _) (xmod to ability change) (dobj change method _) (ncsubj determine ability _) (dobj determine ability _) (xmod to ability meet) (ncsubj meet church _) (dobj meet challenge _) (ncsubj go ability _) (xcomp _ go determine) (ncmod poss ability church) (detmod poss method her) (detmod poss ability her) (ncmod of challenge hour) (detmod _ hour this) (detmod _ church the) (detmod _ challenge the) (aux _ go be) 138 (ncsubj be indication _) (ccomp that be end) (ncsubj end bird _) (dobj end drought _) (ncsubj be bird _) (xcomp to be end) (ncsubj coast they _) (ncmod as indication late) (ncmod as late top) (ncmod of top sixth) (detmod poss drought their) (ncmod _ drought victory) (cmod as be coast) (ncmod _ coast along) (ncmod with coast advantage) (ncmod _ advantage 3) (ncmod to 3 0) (detmod _ top the) (detmod _ sixth the) (detmod _ bird the) (detmod _ advantage a) 139 (ncsubj single Brandt _) (ncsubj start Brandt _) (dobj start rally _) (ncmod _ Brandt Jackie) (ncmod _ single deep) (ncmod into single hole) (ncmod at hole short) (xmod to single start) (detmod _ hole the) (detmod _ rally the) 140 (ncsubj slam Robinson _) (dobj slam double _) (ncsubj score Robinson _) (dobj score runner _) (ncmod _ slam then) (ncmod _ double long) (ncmod to slam centre) (ncmod _ centre left) (xmod to slam score) (ncmod _ runner both) (detmod _ double a) 141 (ncsubj rap Throneberry _) (ncmod into rap play) (ncmod _ play fast) (ncmod _ play double) (ncmod _ rap then) (detmod _ play a) 142 (ncsubj slug who _) (dobj slug high _) (ncsubj drive who _) (dobj drive run _) (ncsubj complete Hansen _) (dobj complete squad _) (cmod who Hansen slug) (cmod who Hansen drive) (ncmod _ high 1960) (ncmod _ high oriole) (ncmod of high homer) (ncmod _ homer 22) (ncmod _ run 86) (ncmod _ drive in) (ncmod on drive average) (ncmod _ average .255) (ncmod _ average freshman) (ncmod poss squad bird) (ncmod _ squad spring) (ncmod at complete player) (ncmod _ player 49) (detmod _ high the) (detmod _ average a) (detmod _ bird the) (conj and slug drive) 143 (ncsubj hope he _) (xcomp to hope melt) (ncsubj melt he _) (dobj melt pound _) (ncsubj break flock _) (dobj break camp _) (ncmod prt melt off) (ncmod _ eight additional) (ncmod _ pound eight) (cmod before melt break) (ncmod _ break week) (ncmod _ week three) (ncmod _ week hence) (detmod _ pound an) (detmod _ flock the) 144 (ncsubj be it _) (xcomp _ be first) (ncsubj be who _) (xcomp in be mood) (ncmod of first double) (ncmod _ double two) (ncmod by double Robinson) (cmod who Robinson be) (xmod to mood celebrate) (detmod _ first the) (detmod _ mood a) 145 (ncsubj inform Connie _) (dobj inform he _) (ccomp that inform expect) (ncsubj expect addition obj) (ncmod _ before just) (ncmod before inform time) (ncmod _ time game) (ncmod poss wife Robinson) (ncmod _ wife pretty) (ncmod _ wife Connie) (ncmod to addition family) (ncmod _ expect summer) (ncmod _ summer late) (ncmod _ summer next) (detmod _ addition an) (detmod _ family the) (aux _ be can) (aux _ expect be) 146 (ncsubj ask garden obj) (iobj for ask speed) (arg_mod by ask jockey subj) (ncsubj win garden _) (ncsubj toy garden _) (iobj with toy field) (ncmod in toy stage) (ncmod _ stage early) (xmod _ ask toy) (ncmod _ garden fresh) (ncmod _ speed top) (ncmod only ask in) ;;; only is constit with pp (ncmod in only stretch) (ncmod _ jockey Grimm) (ncmod _ Grimm Philip) (xmod _ win toy) (ncmod by win length) (ncmod by win half) (ncmod in win 1.24) (ncmod in win 3+5) (ncmod for win furlong) (ncmod _ furlong 7) (detmod poss field she) (detmod _ stage the) (detmod _ stretch the) (detmod _ length a) (detmod _ half a) (detmod _ furlong the) (aux _ ask be) (conj and ask win) 147 (ncsubj be both _) (xcomp under be mark) (ncsubj set mark obj) (arg_mod by set Whitfield subj) (ncmod _ mark meet) (ncmod of mark 1.10.8) (xmod _ mark set) (ncmod in set 1950) (detmod _ mark the) 148 (ncsubj time Mills obj) (ncmod in time 1.10.4) (aux _ time be) 149 (ncsubj develop swelling _) (ncsubj come he _) (ncsubj consult he _) (dobj consult physician _) (xmod while develop work) (ncmod _ work out) (ncmod in work Sylvania) (ncmod in develop knee) (ncmod _ come here) (xmod to come consult) (ncmod _ physician team) (detmod _ physician the) (detmod _ knee the) (detmod _ swelling a) (conj and develop come) 150 (ncsubj list Moritz obj) (ncsubj letter he _) (ncmod on list roster) (ncmod _ roster longhorn) (ncmod as list half-back) (ncmod _ half-back right) (ncmod _ half-back position) (cmod at position letter) ;;; pp rel cl -- at head (ncmod at letter which) (ncmod on letter team) (ncmod _ team 1956) (detmod _ half-back a) (detmod _ position the) (detmod _ team the) (detmod _ roster the) (aux _ list be) 151 (ncsubj bother Moritz obj) (arg_mod by bother muscle subj) (ncsubj go several _) (ncmod during bother game) (ncmod _ two first) (ncmod _ game two) (ncmod _ game year) (ncmod _ muscle pull) (ncmod in muscle thigh) (ncmod of thigh leg) (ncmod _ leg right) (ncmod _ leg kick) (ncmod as go result) (ncmod of several conversion) (ncmod _ conversion successful) (ncmod _ go enough) (ncmod _ enough barely) (ncmod _ enough far) (detmod _ year this) (detmod poss leg his) (detmod poss conversion his) (detmod _ game the) (detmod _ muscle a) (detmod _ thigh the) (detmod _ result a) (aux _ bother be) (aux _ go have) (conj and bother go) 152 (ncsubj miss I _) (dobj miss one _) (ncsubj kick I _) (dobj kick 20 _) (ncmod _ miss never) (ncmod in miss game) (ncmod _ game play-off) (ncmod _ 20 about) (ncmod in kick game) (ncmod _ game five) (ncmod _ game play-off) (ncmod _ kick year) (ncmod _ year last) (ncmod _ year two) (cmod _ miss kick) (detmod poss year my) (detmod _ game a) (detmod _ game the) (aux _ miss do) 153 (ncsubj be he _) (xcomp _ be ineligible) (xcomp _ be present) (mod _ ineligible scholastically) (ncmod in ineligible 1959) (ncmod _ present merely) (ncmod _ present season) ;;; low attachment of advps as `be' ellided?? (ncmod _ season last) (conj and ineligible present) 154 (ncsubj knock he _) (dobj knock interference _) (ncsubj make he _) (dobj make stop _) (ncmod _ knock down) (ncmod _ stop key) (ncmod _ make lot) (ncmod of lot time) (detmod _ interference the) (conj and knock make) 155 (ncsubj contribute Gannon _) (dobj contribute play _) (ncmod _ play save) (ncmod on contribute thrust) (ncmod poss thrust falcon) (ncmod _ thrust aerial) (ncmod in thrust stage) (ncmod _ stage late) (detmod _ stage the) (detmod _ thrust the) 156 (ncsubj look he _) (ncsubj be he _) (xcomp _ be able) (xcomp to able run) (ncsubj run he _) (ncsubj explain Meek _) (ncmod _ look well) (ncmod _ well lot) (cmod _ look explain) (cmod _ be explain) (detmod _ lot a) (aux _ look be) (conj and look be) 157 (ncsubj make Texan _) (dobj make themselves _) (obj2 make break) (ncsubj jar Carmichael obj) (ncsubj hit Grayson _) (dobj hit he _) (ncsubj claim guard _) (dobj claim it _) (ncmod _ break comfort) (ncmod on make kick-off) (ncmod _ kick-off opening) (cmod when make jar) (ncmod poss Carmichael Denver) (ncmod _ Carmichael Al) (ncmod _ jar loose) (ncmod from jar ball) (cmod when jar hit) (ncmod _ Grayson half-back) (ncmod _ Grayson Dave) (ncmod _ half-back speedy) (cmod when jar claim) (ncmod _ guard Reynolds) ;;; in apposition first element is always head regardless of restrictivity (ncmod _ Reynolds Al) (ncmod for claim Dallas) (detmod _ break a) (detmod _ Texan the) (detmod _ kick-off the) (detmod _ ball the) (detmod _ half-back the) (aux _ jar be) (conj and hit claim) 158 (ncsubj complete Aggie _) (dobj complete pass _) (ncsubj have Aggie _) (dobj have offence _) (ncmod _ pass 12) (ncmod of 12 15) (ncmod for complete yard) (ncmod _ yard 174) (xmod _ have complete) (ncmod _ offence total) (ncmod of offence yard) (ncmod _ yard 361) (detmod _ offence a) (detmod _ Aggie the) 159 (ncsubj crack McAuliffe _) (dobj crack first _) (ncsubj open McAuliffe _) (dobj open attack _) (ncmod _ McAuliffe Dick) (ncmod of first double) (ncmod _ double two) (ncmod against crack Rudolph) (ncmod _ Rudolph lefty) (ncmod _ Rudolph Don) (xmod to crack open) (ncmod poss attack bear) (detmod poss double his) (detmod _ first the) (detmod _ bear the) 160 (ncsubj move Alusik _) (dobj move Cooke _) (ncmod _ move then) (ncmod prt move across) (ncmod with move drive) (ncmod _ drive line) (ncmod to drive left) (detmod _ drive a) 161 (ncsubj work Nischwitz _) (iobj on work hitter) (ncsubj bunch Indian _) (dobj bunch three _) (ncmod _ hitter 3) (cmod when work bunch) (ncmod _ hit eight) (ncmod of three hit) (ncmod for bunch run) (ncmod _ run two) (ncmod in run sixth) (detmod poss hit their) (detmod _ hitter a) (detmod _ Indian the) (detmod _ sixth the) (aux _ work be) 162 (ncsubj triple Hinton _) (ncsubj single Cook _) (ncsubj single Pavletich _) (ncsubj account roller _) (iobj for account tally) (ncmod _ Hinton Chuck) (ncmod _ Cook Cliff) (ncmod _ Pavletich Dan) (ncmod to triple corner) (ncmod _ corner right-field) (ncmod poss roller Gaines) (ncmod _ roller infielder) (detmod _ corner the) (detmod _ tally the) (conj and Cook Pavletich) (conj and triple single account) 163 (ncsubj hammer Gaines _) (dobj hammer ball _) (ncmod over hammer fence) (ncmod _ fence left) (ncmod for hammer run) (ncmod _ run third) (ncmod _ run Indianapolis) (ncmod in run ninth) (detmod _ ball the) (detmod _ fence the) (detmod _ run the) (detmod _ ninth the) 164 (ncsubj have I _) (dobj have it _) (ncsubj tell he _) (dobj tell newsman _) (cmod _ tell have) (detmod _ newsman a) (aux _ have have) 165 (ncsubj know I _) (ncsubj go reflex obj) (ncsubj be I _) (xcomp _ be man) (xcomp to go be) ;;; going to be, fut tense, head?? (ccomp when know go) (ncmod _ go when) (ncmod _ go not) (ncmod _ man 25th) (ncmod on man club) (ncmod _ club ball) (aux _ go be) (aux _ go be) (detmod poss reflex my) (detmod _ man any) (detmod _ club the) (conj and go go) 166 (ncsubj say she _) (ncsubj learn she _) (ccomp _ learn head) (ncsubj head Jackie _) (dobj head home _) (ncsubj speculate I _) (ncsubj think I _) (ccomp _ think feel) (ncsubj feel Jack _) (ccomp _ feel hurt) (ncsubj hurt he _) (dobj hurt chance _) (cmod when say learn) (cmod _ speculate say) (ncmod _ speculate just) (cmod but speculate think) (ncmod poss chance Boston) (ncmod prt have to) (aux _ head be) (aux _ hurt be) (aux _ think have) 167 (ncsubj stop streamliner _) (ncmod _ pacific union) (ncmod _ streamliner pacific) (ncmod _ streamliner railroad) (ncmod _ streamliner city) (ncmod of city Francisco) (ncmod _ Francisco San) (ncmod in stop Ogden) (ncmod _ Ogden Utah) (ncmod for stop minute) (detmod _ minute afew) (detmod _ streamliner the) 168 (ncsubj be he _) (xcomp _ be mad) (ncmod at mad world) (detmod _ world the) 169 (ncsubj walk Ritchie _) (iobj to walk he) (ncmod prt walk up) (ncmod at walk stand) (ncmod _ stand magazine) (detmod _ stand the) 170 (ncsubj tell I _) (dobj tell he _) (obj2 tell who) (ncsubj be I _) (dobj be who _) ;;; free rel headed by who (ncsubj be he _) (xcomp _ be cold) (ncmod _ cold quite) (conj and tell be) 171 (ncsubj tell I _) (dobj tell he _) (ccomp what tell say) (ncsubj say Liston _) (dobj say what _) (ncsubj say he _) (ccomp _ say be) (ncsubj be Liston _) (xcomp _ be crosser) (ncsubj say he _) (ccomp _ say be) (ncsubj be anything _) (ncsubj get he _) (xcomp through be keyhole) (ncmod _ crosser double) (cmod _ anything get) (ncmod _ he Liston) (detmod _ crosser a) (detmod _ keyhole a) (aux _ say have) (conj and tell say) (conj and say say) 172 (ncsubj throw I _) (ncmod _ throw not) (aux _ throw can) 173 (ncsubj do two _) (dobj do it _) (ncmod _ do incidentally) (ncmod _ two only) (ncmod before do audience) (ncmod _ audience home) (detmod _ audience a) 174 (ncsubj hit Mays _) (dobj hit run _) (ncsubj steal Mays _) (dobj steal base _) (ncmod in hit four) (ncmod _ four season) (ncmod of four nine) (ncmod _ season previous) (ncmod as hit many) ;;; as_as from BNC, seems better to treat like more...than (ncmod as many run) (ncmod _ run 25) (ncmod _ run home) (ncmod in steal four) (ncmod as steal many) (ncmod as many base) (ncmod _ base 25) (detmod poss season his) (conj and hit steal) 175 (ncsubj be they _) (xcomp _ be helpless) (xcomp to helpless do) (ncsubj do they _) (dobj do anything _) (ncmod _ be actually) (ncmod about do policy) (ncmod _ policy nationwide) (detmod _ policy the) 176 (ncsubj be there _) (xcomp _ be afternoon) (ncsubj arise situation _) (ncmod _ afternoon Sunday) (ncmod _ two more) (ncmod _ afternoon two) (cmod when be arise) (detmod _ situation the) (aux _ arise will) 177 (ncsubj lead dissatisfaction _) (iobj to lead request) (ncsubj terminate video obj) (ccomp that request terminate) (ncmod poss request Howsam) (ncmod _ terminate not) (ncmod before terminate end) (ncmod of end game) (detmod _ dissatisfaction this) (detmod _ game the) (detmod _ end the) (detmod _ video the) (aux _ terminate be) 178 (ncsubj succeed he _) (dobj succeed Shaw _) (ncsubj retire who _) (cmod who Shaw retire) (ncmod _ Shaw Buck) (ncmod at retire end) (ncmod of end season) (ncmod _ season last) (detmod _ end the) 179 (ncsubj be Williams _) (xcomp _ be coach) (ncmod _ coach defensive) (detmod _ coach a) 180 (ncsubj depend club _) (iobj on depend aerial) (ncmod in depend past) (ncmod _ depend largely) (ncmod poss aerial Brocklin) (ncmod _ Brocklin Van) (detmod _ club the) 181 (ncsubj force injury _) (dobj force Skorich _) (xcomp to force quit) (ncsubj quit Skorich _) (ncmod after quit season) (ncmod _ season 1948) (detmod _ injury an) (detmod _ season the) 182 (ncsubj be he _) (xcomp _ be there) (ncsubj rejoin he _) (dobj rejoin Steelers _) (ncmod _ be season) (xmod before be rejoin) (ncmod as rejoin coach) (ncmod _ coach assistant) (detmod _ season one) (detmod _ Steelers the) (detmod _ coach an) 183 (ncsubj receive Stengel _) (dobj receive award _) (ncmod _ award Epstein) (ncmod _ Epstein Ben) (ncmod _ guy good) (ncmod _ award guy) (detmod _ award the) (aux _ receive will) 184 (ncsubj head franchise obj) (arg_mod by head Payson subj) (ncmod _ York new) (ncmod _ franchise York) (ncmod _ Payson Mrs.) (ncmod _ Payson Charles) (ncmod _ Payson Shipman) (detmod _ franchise the) (aux _ head be) 185 (ncsubj figure effort _) (ncmod poss effort Shea) (ncmod _ figure prominently) (ncmod in figure stadium) (ncmod _ stadium new) (detmod _ stadium the) 186 (ncsubj play he _) (dobj play basketball _) (ncsubj work he _) (ncmod _ play there) (xmod while play work) (ncmod toward work degree) (ncmod _ degree law) (detmod _ degree a) 187 (ncsubj be all _) (xcomp _ be quiet) (ncmod in be office) (ncmod of office Yankee) (ncmod of office leaguer) (ncmod _ leaguer local) (ncmod _ leaguer national) (ncmod _ be yesterday) (detmod _ office the) (detmod _ Yankee the) (detmod _ leaguer the) (conj and Yankee leaguer) 188 (ncsubj receive Beman _) (ncsubj receive champion _) (dobj receive award _) (ncmod _ Beman champion) (ncmod _ Beman Deane) (ncmod _ champion national) (ncmod _ champion amateur) (ncmod _ champion all) ;;; all predetmod ?? + wld be head if `all of'?? (ncmod _ district metropolitan) (ncmod _ champion district) (ncmod including champion Gardner) (ncmod _ Gardner holder) (ncmod _ Gardner Bob) (ncmod _ title amateur) (ncmod _ holder title) (ncmod _ receive also) (detmod _ champion the) (detmod _ champion the) (detmod _ holder the) (aux _ receive will) (conj and Beman champion) 189 (ncsubj receive Smith _) (dobj receive trophy _) (ncmod of Smith Detroit) (ncmod _ Smith president) (ncmod _ Smith Horton) (ncmod _ president former) (ncmod of president association) (ncmod _ golfer professional) (ncmod _ association golfer) (ncmod _ trophy Hogan) (ncmod _ Hogan Ben) (ncmod for receive come-back) (ncmod follow come-back illness) (ncmod _ illness recent) (detmod poss come-back his) (detmod _ president a) (detmod _ association the) (detmod _ trophy the) (detmod _ illness a) (aux _ receive will) 190 (ncsubj be Palmer _) (xcomp _ be figure) (ncmod _ Palmer Arnold) (ncmod _ figure blazing) (ncmod in be golf) (ncmod over be month) (ncmod _ month past) (ncmod _ month twelve) (aux _ be have) (detmod _ month the) (detmod _ figure a) 191 (ncsubj make it _) (dobj make he _) (xcomp _ make human) 192 (ncsubj stay it _) (dobj stay hand _) (ncsubj meditate who _) (dobj meditate abandonment _) (ncsubj drive frustration _) (dobj drive they _) (iobj to drive despair) (ncmod _ stay and) (ncmod _ stay also) (ncmod of hand thousand) (ncmod of thousand incompetent) (ncmod _ incompetent brood) (cmod who incompetent meditate) (ncmod of abandonment sport) (cmod whose sport drive) (detmod _ frustration whose) (detmod _ hand the) (detmod _ abandonment the) (detmod _ sport a) (aux _ meditate be) (aux _ drive be) 193 (ncsubj boom he _) (dobj boom drive _) (ncmod _ yard 280) (ncmod _ drive yard) (detmod _ drive a) 194 (ncsubj try he _) (ncsubj slice he _) (ncmod _ try again) (ncmod _ more once) (ncmod _ slice more) (ncmod outof slice bound) (conj and try slice) 195 (ncsubj come knowledge _) (xcomp in come handy) (ncmod _ come too) (detmod _ knowledge this) (aux _ come have) 196 (ncsubj rule Joe _) (ccomp that rule drop) (ncsubj drop ball obj) (iobj from_alongside drop spot) (ncsubj enter it _) (dobj enter stream _) (ncmod _ rule naturally) (cmod where spot enter) (ncmod _ enter originally) (ncmod _ enter where) (detmod _ ball a) (detmod _ spot the) (detmod _ stream the) (aux _ drop be) (aux _ enter have) 197 (ncsubj happen it _) (ncmod on happen hole) (ncmod _ hole twelfth) (ncmod _ happen yarder) (ncmod _ yarder 155) (detmod _ yarder a) (detmod _ hole the) 198 (ncsubj say official _) (cmod _ no say) (detmod _ official the) 199 (ncsubj play you _) (dobj play it _) (ncsubj lie it _) (cmod where play lie) (ncmod _ lie where) (aux _ play must) 200 (ncsubj be Palmer _) (xcomp _ be creature) (ncsubj have who _) (dobj have nothing _) (ncmod until be week) (ncmod _ week ago) (ncmod _ be however) (ncmod _ god like) (ncmod _ creature god) (cmod who creature have) (ncmod in nothing common) (ncmod with common duffer) (detmod _ week afew) (detmod _ creature some) (detmod _ duffer the) 201 (ncsubj be there _) (xcomp _ be employee) (xcomp _ be officer) (mod _ 3,325 about) (ncmod _ officer 3,325) (mod _ employee 3,325) (ncmod in be class) (detmod _ class this) (conj and officer employee) 202 (ncsubj report condition obj) (xcomp to report be) (ncsubj be condition _) (xcomp _ be fair) (detmod poss condition his) (aux _ report be) 203 (ncsubj have Bertorelli _) (dobj have stroke _) (ncmod _ senator state) (ncmod _ Bertorelli senator) (ncmod _ Bertorelli Joseph) (ncmod _ Bertorelli A.) (ncmod _ Bertorelli D.) (ncmod _ Baltimore first) (ncmod _ Bertorelli Baltimore) (ncmod _ have yesterday) (ncmod while_in have automobile) ;;; while_in ?? elliptical `while he was in..' (ncmod in have block) (ncmod _ block 200) (ncmod of block street) (ncmod _ Pratt west) (ncmod _ street Pratt) (detmod poss automobile his) (detmod _ stroke a) (detmod _ block the) 204 (ncsubj say police _) (ccomp _ say become) (ncsubj become he _) (xcomp _ become ill) (ncsubj park he _) (xmod while become park) (ncmod infrontof park shop) (ncmod _ shop barber) (ncmod at shop street) (ncmod _ Pratt 229) (ncmod _ Pratt west) (ncmod _ street Pratt) (detmod _ shop a) 205 (ncsubj be equipment _) (xcomp in be operation) (ncsubj say Schaefer _) (cmod _ be say) (ncmod _ immediately almost) (ncmod _ after immediately) (ncmod after be snowfall) (ncmod _ snowfall first) (ncmod _ Schaefer Mr.) (detmod _ snowfall the) (aux _ be shall) 206 (ncsubj lie husband _) (ncsubj say police _) (ncmod on lie floor) (ncmod _ floor kitchen) (cmod _ say lie) (detmod poss husband her) (detmod _ floor the) (aux _ lie be) 207 (ncsubj consist building _) (dobj consist house _) (dobj consist apartment _) (dobj consist hotel _) (dobj consist dormitory _) (dobj consist building _) (ncsubj design house obj) (ncsubj design apartment obj) (ncsubj design hotel obj) (ncsubj design dormitory obj) (ncsubj design building obj) (dobj design building _) (iobj for design shelter) (ncmod prt consist of) (ncmod _ building residential) (ncmod _ building other) (xmod _ building design) (conj and house apartment hotel dormitory building) 208 (ncsubj play component _) (dobj play part _) (ncsubj predict Pantas _) (ncmod _ free trouble) (ncmod _ component free) (ncmod _ life long) (ncmod _ component life) (ncmod _ component quality) (ncmod _ important increasingly) (ncmod _ part important) (ncmod in play merchandise) (ncmod of merchandise housing) (ncmod _ housing new) (ncmod in play 1960) (cmod _ predict play) (detmod _ part an) (detmod _ merchandise the) (aux _ play will) 209 (ncsubj build dreadnought obj) (iobj on build design) (ncsubj supply design obj) (arg_mod by supply state subj) (ncsubj launch dreadnought obj) (cmod _ design supply) (ncmod _ state united) (ncmod in supply 1959) (ncmod _ launch year) (ncmod _ year last) (aux _ build be) (aux _ launch be) (detmod _ dreadnought the) (detmod _ state the) (conj and build launch) 210 (ncsubj hand secret obj) (ncsubj break ring obj) (ncsubj watch ring obj) (csubj remain hand _) (xcomp _ remain untold) (ncmod _ many just) (ncmod _ many how) (ncmod _ secret many) (ncmod _ secret sub) (ncmod prt hand over) (cmod when hand break) (xmod _ ring watch) (ncmod for watch month) (ncmod _ month six) (detmod _ ring the) (aux _ hand be) (aux _ be be) (aux _ break be) 211 (ncsubj be it _) (xcomp _ be there) (ncsubj be servant _) (xcomp at be work) (cmod that be be) ;;; cleft - rel cl modifies `be'?? (ncmod _ servant two) (ncmod _ servant accuse) (ncmod _ servant civil) (detmod _ servant the) 212 (ncsubj be hull _) (xcomp _ be result) (ncmod _ be also) (ncmod of result decade) (ncmod _ decade almost) ;;; almost predetmod like all?? (ncmod of decade work) (detmod _ decade a) (detmod _ hull the) (detmod _ result a) 213 (ncsubj hear call obj) (ncsubj arrest five obj) (ncmod _ hear oddly) (ncmod _ hear still) (ncmod _ hear day) (ncmod _ day 11) (cmod after day arrest) (detmod _ call the) (detmod _ five the) (aux _ hear be) (aux _ arrest be) 214 (ncsubj add he _) (ncsubj bring this _) (dobj bring jealousy _) (dobj bring grievance _) (cmod _ bring add) (ncmod prt bring about) (ncmod _ jealousy petty) (ncmod _ grievance petty) (ncmod _ grievance personal) (conj and jealousy grievance) 215 (ncsubj read Connelly _) (dobj read indictment _) (ncsubj make Connelly _) (dobj make comment _) (ncmod in read open) (ncmod _ Connelly attorney) (ncmod _ Connelly D.) (ncmod _ Connelly Arthur) (ncmod _ state united) (ncmod _ attorney state) (ncmod _ attorney assistant) (ncmod in make open) (detmod _ comment no) (detmod _ indictment the) (conj but read make) 216 (ncsubj say attorney _) (ccomp that say be) (ncsubj be there _) (xcomp _ be proof) (ncmod for attorney defendant) (ncmod _ defendant eight) (ncmod _ defendant other) (ncmod _ say only) (ncmod of proof guilt) (ncmod poss guilt client) (detmod _ proof no) (detmod poss client their) (detmod _ defendant the) 217 (ncsubj flee youth _) (ncmod _ flee then) (ncmod with flee money) (detmod poss money his) (detmod _ youth the) 218 (ncsubj be it _) (ccomp when be attempt) (ncsubj attempt he _) (xcomp to attempt end) (ncsubj end he _) (dobj end relationship _) (ncsubj take murder _) (dobj take place _) (ncmod _ attempt when) (cmod that be take) ;;; another cleft?? (detmod _ relationship the) (detmod _ murder the) 219 (ncsubj attach he _) (dobj attach importance _) (iobj to attach liberty) (dobj make this _) (xcomp _ make know) (cmod if make attach) (ncmod _ liberty personal) (ncmod _ make not) (ncmod _ make why) ;;; why (not) vp-imp/interrog construction (ncmod to know world) (detmod _ importance little) (detmod _ world the) 220 (ncsubj be this _) (xcomp _ be understatement) (ncsubj know I _) (dobj know liberal _) (ncmod for this liberal) ;;; this is a parenthetical which shld be: ;;; (tacl for this liberal) (cmod _ liberal know) (detmod _ liberal the) (detmod _ understatement an) (aux _ be will) 221 (ncsubj think I _) (ccomp that think be) (ncsubj be experience _) (xcomp _ be typical) (ncsubj live southerner _) (iobj in live north) (ncmod _ think not) (ncmod for be southerner) (xmod _ southerner live) (detmod poss experience my) (detmod _ north the) (aux _ think do) (aux _ be will) 222 (ncsubj show account _) (ccomp that show subject) (ncsubj subject northerner obj) (iobj to subject embarrassment) (iobj to subject provocation) (arg_mod by subject hatred subj) (ncsubj display hatred obj) (ncmod _ show not) (ncmod _ hatred Yankee) (xmod _ hatred display) (ncmod in display gathering) (ncmod _ gathering social) (detmod _ account these) (aux _ show do) (aux _ subject be) (aux _ be have) (conj or embarrassment provocation) 223 (ncsubj remain percentage _) (xcomp _ remain unreconstructed) (ncsubj follow Georgia _) (ncsubj follow Alabama _) (ncsubj follow Carolina _) (iobj after follow they) (ncmod _ remain probably) (ncmod _ percentage large) (ncmod of percentage Virginian) (ncmod _ Carolinian south) (ncmod of percentage Carolinian) (ncmod than remain elsewhere) (ncmod _ Carolina north) (ncmod _ follow along) (cmod with remain follow) (detmod _ percentage a) (conj and Virginian Carolinian) (conj and Georgia Carolina Alabama) 224 (ncsubj continue consequence _) (xcomp to continue affect) (ncsubj affect consequence _) (dobj affect area _) (ncmod _ consequence social) (ncmod _ consequence psychological) (ncmod of consequence this) (detmod _ consequence the) (detmod _ area the) (conj and social psychological) 225 (ncsubj be it _) (xcomp _ be hard) (xcomp to hard see) (ccomp how see be) (ncsubj be situation _) (xcomp _ be otherwise) (ncmod _ be how) (detmod _ situation the) (aux _ be can) 226 (ncsubj thank north _) (dobj thank star _) (ncsubj be such _) (xcomp _ be case) (ncsubj draw it _) (dobj draw inference _) (ccomp that thank be) (ncmod at draw time) (ncmod _ time same) (ncmod _ draw not) (ncmod _ inference false) (ncmod _ draw therefrom) (detmod _ north the) (detmod poss star its) (detmod _ case the) (detmod _ time the) (aux _ thank shall) (aux _ draw shall) (conj but thank draw) 227 (ncsubj prevail state _) (iobj over prevail claimant) (ncsubj maintain state _) (dobj maintain measure _) (xmod by maintain prevail) (ncmod _ claimant other) (ncmod for claimant loyalty) (ncmod of loyalty man) (ncmod _ state nation) (ncmod _ measure adequate) (ncmod of measure certainty) (ncmod of measure order) (ncmod within certainty border) (ncmod within order border) (ncmod _ border territorial) (detmod _ measure an) (detmod poss border its) (detmod _ loyalty the) (detmod _ state the) (conj and certainty order) 228 (ncsubj be this _) (xcomp _ be true) (ncsubj be which _) (xcomp _ be battleground) (ncsubj characterize battleground obj) (arg_mod by characterize strife subj) (arg_mod by characterize competition subj) (ncmod _ true particularly) (ncmod in true arena) (ncmod _ arena world) (cmod which arena be) (ncmod _ battleground anarchical) (xmod _ battleground characterize) (ncmod _ competition avaricious) (ncmod for competition empire) (ncmod _ empire colonial) (detmod _ arena the) (detmod _ battleground an) (conj and strife competition) 229 (ncsubj owe sort obj) (arg_mod by owe nation subj) (iobj to owe nation) (csubj astonish owe _) (dobj astonish statesman _) (ncmod of sort duty) (ncmod _ nation other) (ncmod _ century nineteenth) (ncmod _ statesman century) (detmod _ sort any) (detmod poss nation his) (detmod _ statesman a) (aux _ astonish have) (aux _ have will) (aux _ owe be) 230 (ncsubj it reduce obj) (iobj to reduce term) (ncsubj be it _) (xcomp _ be assumption) (iobj for compensate inability) (ncsubj cope individual _) (xcomp to inability cope) (iobj with cope rigour) (xmod _ be reduce) (ncmod _ term simple) (ncmod of assumption duty) (ncmod _ duty collective) (xmod to duty compensate) (ncmod of inability individual) (ncmod of rigour era) (detmod poss term its) (detmod _ inability the) (detmod _ assumption an) (detmod _ duty a) (detmod _ rigour the) (detmod _ era the) 231 (ncsubj be responsibility _) (xcomp _ be concept) (ncsubj limit concept obj) (iobj to limit state) (iobj to limit nation) (ncmod _ responsibility national) (ncmod for responsibility welfare) (ncmod _ welfare individual) (xmod _ concept limit) (ncmod _ limit not) (ncmod _ state united) (ncmod _ nation western) (ncmod _ limit even) ;;; ellided in coord?? (detmod _ concept a) (detmod _ state the) (detmod _ nation the) 232 (ncsubj suggest responsibility _) (dobj suggest acceptance _) (ncsubj imply responsibility _) (dobj imply adherence _) (iobj to adherence principle) (ncmod _ responsibility internal) (ncmod of acceptance ideal) (ncmod _ ideal socialist) (ncmod of ideal equality) (ncmod _ responsibility external) (ncmod of principle supranationalism) (ncmod _ supranationalism ideological) (ncmod _ imply then) (cmod if imply suggest) (detmod _ ideal the) 233 (ncsubj rise nation _) (iobj from rise empire) (ncsubj be nationalism _) (xcomp _ be one) (ncsubj loose force obj) (ncmod _ be today) (cmod as be rise) (ncmod _ nation new) (detmod _ empire former) (ncmod _ empire colonial) (ncmod of one force) (ncmod _ force hurricane) (xmod _ force loose) (ncmod in loose world) (detmod _ world the) (detmod _ empire the) (detmod _ force the) 234 (dobj complement principle _) (xsubj be complement _) (xcomp _ be principle) (ncmod _ principle political) (ncmod of principle nationalism) (ncmod _ principle legal) (ncmod of principle sovereignty) (detmod _ principle the) (detmod _ principle the) 235 (ncsubj exemplify state _) (dobj exemplify principle _) (ncsubj exercise state _) (dobj exercise sovereignty _) (ncmod _ state nation) (ncmod _ exemplify then) (ncmod of principle nationalism) (ncmod _ power supreme) (ncmod over power affair) (ncmod _ affair domestic) (ncmod from independence control) (ncmod _ control outside) (detmod _ state the) (detmod _ principle the) (conj and exemplify exercise) (conj and power independence) 236 (ncsubj hide surface _) (dobj hide picture _) (ncmod _ different quite) (ncmod _ picture different) (detmod _ picture a) (detmod _ surface the) (aux _ hide do) 237 (ncsubj be answer _) (ccomp _ be yes) (ncmod _ answer short) (ncmod to answer question) (detmod _ question those) (detmod _ answer the) 238 (ncsubj set war obj) (arg_mod by set accident subj) (ncmod _ war thermo-nuclear) (ncmod prt set off) (aux _ be can) (aux _ set be) 239 (ncsubj take step obj) (ncsubj guard step _) (iobj against guard sort) (ncsubj trigger mishap _) (dobj trigger destruction _) (xmod to take guard) (ncmod of sort mishap) (cmod that mishap trigger) (ncmod of destruction continent) (detmod _ step what) (detmod _ sort the) (detmod _ sort one) (detmod _ destruction the) (aux _ trigger can) (aux _ take be) (aux _ be have) 240 (ncsubj do anything obj) (ncsubj increase anything _) (dobj increase margin _) (xmod to do increase) (detmod poss margin our) (ncmod of margin safety) (aux _ be be) (aux _ do be) 241 (ncsubj know they _) (dobj know little _) (iobj about know machinery) (detmod poss machinery their) (ncmod beyond know detail) (ncmod _ detail mechanical) 242 (ncsubj discover hole obj) (ncsubj be search _) (xcomp _ be on) (mod _ recently only) (mod _ discover recently) (ncmod _ hole new) (ncmod in discover measure) (ncmod _ measure safety) (ncmod _ be now) (ncmod for be more) (aux _ discover be) (detmod poss measure our) (detmod _ search a) (conj and discover be) 243 (ncsubj be work _) (xcomp under be way) (ncsubj see work _) (ccomp whether see install) (ncsubj install device obj) (iobj on install weapon) (xmod to be see) (ncmod _ device new) (ncmod _ device restrain) (ncmod _ weapon nuclear) (detmod _ weapon all) (aux _ install be) (aux _ be shall) 244 (ncsubj speak expert _) (dobj speak war _) (ncsubj trigger war obj) (arg_mod by trigger pre-emption subj) (arg_mod by trigger escalation subj) (arg_mod by trigger behaviour subj) (arg_mod by trigger term subj) (ncsubj discuss term obj) (ncmod prt speak of) (ncmod _ speak meanwhile) (xmod _ war trigger) (ncmod _ pre-emption false) (ncmod _ behaviour unauthorized) (ncmod _ term other) (cmod that term discuss) (ncmod in discuss report) (detmod _ report this) (detmod _ expert the) (aux _ discuss be) (aux _ be will) (conj and pre-emption escalation behaviour term) 245 (ncsubj register screen _) (dobj register missile _) (ncsubj launch they obj) (iobj against launch state) (ncmod _ screen radar) (ncmod _ missile Soviet) (ncmod _ after shortly) (mod after register launch) (ncmod _ state united) (detmod poss screen its) (detmod _ state the) (aux _ register will) (aux _ launch be) 246 (ncsubj exist location _) (ncmod _ location alternate) (ncmod for exist centre) (ncmod _ centre key) (ncmod _ centre command) (detmod _ centre all) 247 (ncsubj use code obj) (xcomp to use challenge) (xcomp to use counter-challenge) (ncsubj challenge code _) (ncsubj counter-challenge code _) (dobj challenge authentication _) (dobj counter-challenge authentication _) (ncmod _ code additional) (detmod _ authentication the) (conj and challenge counter-challenge) (aux _ use be) (aux _ be can) 248 (ncsubj make he _) (dobj make decision _) (ncmod _ decision momentous) (detmod _ decision the) 249 (ncsubj receive he _) (dobj receive intelligence _) (ncmod in receive emergency) (ncmod _ intelligence available) (ncmod on receive circuit) (ncmod _ phone gold) (ncmod _ circuit phone) (detmod _ emergency an) (detmod _ circuit the) (aux _ receive will) 250 (ncsubj answer question obj) (ncmod _ question vital) (ncmod _ answer quickly) (ncmod accordto answer agenda) (ncmod _ agenda pre-prepare) (detmod _ agenda a) (aux _ answer be) (aux _ be will) 251 (ncsubj be man _) (xcomp _ be Wisman) (ncmod _ man key) (ncmod _ certainly almost) (ncmod _ be certainly) (ncmod _ Wisman Col.) (ncmod _ Wisman William) (ncmod _ Wisman W.) (ncmod _ Wisman controller) (ncmod poss controller SAC) (ncmod _ controller senior) (detmod _ man the) (aux _ be will) 252 (ncsubj be there _) (xcomp _ be phone) (ncmod at be seat) (ncmod _ Power general) (ncmod poss seat Power) (ncmod in seat balcony) (ncmod _ be also) (ncmod _ phone gold) (detmod _ balcony the) (detmod _ phone a) 253 (ncsubj become we _) (xcomp _ become vague) (ncsubj approach we _) (dobj approach secret _) (ncmod _ become now) (cmod for become approach) (ncmod of one nation) (ncmod poss secret nation) (ncmod _ guarded most) (ncmod _ secret guarded) (detmod _ nation the) (aux _ become must) (aux _ approach be) 254 (ncsubj send we _) (dobj send pie _) (ncsubj put they _) (dobj put piece _) (iobj into put it) (mod once put send) (ncmod prt send out) (ncmod _ pie whole) (detmod poss piece their) (detmod _ pie the) (aux _ put can) 255 (ncsubj be answer _) (xcomp _ be secret) (ncmod _ secret cryptographic) (detmod _ answer the) (detmod _ secret a) 256 (ncsubj match each _) (dobj match pie _) (iobj with match fragment) (ncsubj carry he _) (dobj carry fragment _) (ncmod poss pie Wisman) (cmod that fragment carry) (ncmod with carry he) (detmod _ fragment the) (aux _ match must) 257 (ncsubj compare three _) (dobj compare note _) (ncsubj agree three _) (xcomp to agree go) (ncsubj go three _) (detmod _ three all) (aux _ compare must) (conj and compare agree) 258 (ncsubj be head _) (xcomp in be air) (ncsubj sniff head _) (xmod _ be sniff) (detmod poss head their) (detmod _ air the) 259 (ncsubj see man _) (dobj see it _) (ncmod _ man white) (ncmod _ see not) (detmod _ man a) (aux _ see have) (aux _ have will) 260 (ncsubj wait they _) (ncsubj thicken squall _) (ncsubj begin squall _) (xcomp to begin move) (ncsubj move squall _) (ncsubj watch they _) (ncsubj slant squall _) (iobj across slant land) (xmod _ wait watch) (cmod until wait thicken) (cmod until wait begin) (ncmod in move drift) (ncmod _ drift long) (xmod _ slant drift) (ncmod _ land dry) (ncmod _ land burning) (detmod _ squall the) (detmod _ drift a) (detmod _ land the) (conj and thicken begin) 261 (ncsubj chase they _) (dobj chase cloud _) (ncmod _ cloud rain) (detmod _ cloud a) (aux _ chase be) 262 (ncsubj go they _) (iobj after go squall) (ncsubj go pack _) (iobj after go cow) (ncmod as go mercilessly) (ncmod as mercilessly go) ;;; go ellided in compl (ncmod as go pack) (ncmod _ pack wolf) (ncmod _ cow abandoned) (detmod _ squall the) (detmod _ pack a) (detmod _ cow an) 263 (ncsubj follow I _) (dobj follow they _) (ncsubj care they _) (ncmod in follow jeep) (ncmod _ care not) (ncmod _ care now) (detmod _ jeep the) (aux _ care do) (conj and follow care) 264 (ncsubj run they _) (iobj beneath run squall) (ncsubj raise they _) (dobj raise arm _) (ncsubj shout they _) (ncsubj caper they _) (ncmod for run minute) (ncmod _ minute ten) (xmod _ run raise) (xmod _ run shout) (xmod _ run caper) (ncmod for shout time) (ncmod for caper time) (ncmod _ time first) (detmod poss arm their) (detmod _ squall the) (detmod _ time the) (conj and raise shout) ;;; first conjunct of coord conjunct (conj and shout caper) 265 (ncsubj study they _) (dobj study ground _) (detmod _ ground the) (aux _ study be) 266 (ncsubj find he _) (dobj find depression _) (ncmod with depression water) (ncmod _ water rain) (ncmod in water it) (detmod _ depression a) (aux _ find have) 267 (ncsubj bend he _) (ncsubj put he _) (dobj put mouth _) (iobj to put ground) (ncmod prt bend down) (ncmod _ he figure) (ncmod _ figure black) (ncmod _ figure cranelike) (detmod poss mouth his) (detmod _ figure a) (detmod _ ground the) (conj and bend put) 268 (ncsubj look countryside _) (iobj like look park) (ncmod _ park beautiful) (ncmod _ park open) (ncmod with park slope) (ncmod _ slope gentle) (ncmod with park clump) (ncmod _ clump soft) (ncmod _ clump gray) (ncmod _ clump tree) (detmod _ countryside the) (detmod _ park a) (conj and slope clump) 269 (ncsubj lie they _) (ncsubj peep sky _) (iobj at peep they) (ncsubj hop bird _) (iobj from hop branch) (iobj to hop branch) (ncmod with lie bird) (ncmod with lie sky) (xmod _ bird hop) (ncmod above hop they) (ncmod _ sky bright) (xmod _ sky peep) (ncmod _ peep down) (detmod _ bird the) (detmod _ sky the) 270 (ncsubj die man _) (ncmod _ man white) (detmod _ man the) 271 (ncsubj deceive aborigine obj) (ncsubj know he _) (ccomp that know be) (ncsubj be land _) (xcomp _ be hard) (xcomp _ be pitiless) (ncmod _ deceive not) (cmod _ deceive know) ;;; (tusc _ d k) better - semi-colon?? (detmod _ aborigine the) (detmod _ land the) (aux _ deceive be) (conj and hard pitiless) 272 (ncsubj start he _) (xcomp to start glance) (ncsubj glance he _) (iobj toward glance panel) (ncmod at start once) (ncmod _ panel instrument) (detmod _ panel the) 273 (ncsubj say he _) (ncmod _ right damned) (ncmod _ right say) 274 (ncsubj keep landscape _) (xcomp _ keep repeat) (ncsubj repeat landscape _) (dobj repeat itself _) (detmod _ landscape the) 275 (ncsubj show rib _) (ncsubj be it _) (xcomp _ be colour) (ncsubj suffer it _) (iobj from suffer variety) (ncsubj scab hair _) (ncmod _ colour yellow) (ncmod _ colour nondescript) (ncmod of variety sore) (ncmod off scab body) (ncmod in scab patch) (detmod poss rib its) (detmod poss body its) (detmod _ colour a) (detmod _ variety a) (aux _ scab have) (conj _ show suffer scab) 276 (ncsubj be leg _) (xcomp _ be narrow) (xcomp _ be long) (detmod poss leg his) (ncmod _ long very) (conj and narrow long) 277 (ncsubj be there _) (xcomp _ be boomerang) (ncmod _ be also) (ncmod _ boomerang carve) (ncmod _ carve elaborately) (detmod _ boomerang a) 278 (ncsubj cover skin obj) (iobj with cover coating) (ncsubj have which _) (dobj have consistency _) (ncmod _ coating thin) (ncmod of coating sweat) (ncmod of coating dirt) (cmod which coating have) (ncmod _ have almost) (ncmod of consistency skin) (ncmod _ skin second) (detmod poss skin their) (detmod _ coating a) (detmod _ consistency the) (detmod _ skin a) (aux _ cover be) 279 (ncsubj stop Australian _) (xcomp _ stop try) (ncsubj try Australian _) (xcomp to try talk) (ncsubj talk Australian _) (dobj talk pidgin _) (ncsubj understand I _) (dobj understand pidgin _) (ncsubj speak Australian _) (dobj speak word _) (cmod _ pidgin understand) (ncmod _ word strange) (ncmod from speak deep) (ncmod in deep chest) (detmod poss chest his) (detmod _ Australian the) (detmod _ pidgin a) (aux _ understand can) (conj and stop speak) 280 (ncsubj like I _) (xcomp to like make) (ncsubj make I _) (dobj make it _) (obj2 make clear) (ccomp that clear use) ;;; adj with ccomp (ncsubj use I _) (dobj use Persian _) (ncmod by like way) (ncmod _ Persian word) (ncmod _ use not) (ncmod _ use carelessly) (detmod _ word the) (detmod _ way the) (aux _ like shall) (aux _ use be) 281 (ncsubj say he _) (ncsubj be air _) (xcomp _ be right) (ncsubj taste cigarette _) (xcomp _ taste good) (ncmod _ right just) (ncmod _ good particularly) (cmod _ air say) (cmod _ be taste) (detmod _ air the) (detmod _ cigarette a) (aux _ taste will) 282 (ncsubj show life obj) (ncmod in nowhere Isfahan) (ncmod _ show nowhere) (ncmod _ life rich) (ncmod _ life aesthetic) (ncmod of life Persian) (mod so show well) ;;; split so_as like as_as (ncmod as well during) (ncmod _ show during) ;;; during_as ditto but a mess?? (ncmod at promenade bridge) (ncmod _ bridge Khaju) (detmod _ life this) (detmod _ Persian the) (detmod _ promenade the) (detmod _ bridge the) 283 (ncsubj be it _) (xcomp _ be structure) (ncmod _ structure splendid) (detmod _ structure a) 284 (ncsubj come they _) (xcomp to come see) (ncsubj see they _) (dobj see moon _) (dobj see display _) (mod _ sit here) ;;; here is in subj slot (dobj sit king subj) ;;; here sits the king -- locative inversion ?? (dobj sit court subj) (ncsubj lounge priest _) (ncsubj lounge soldier _) (ncsubj lounge member _) (iobj in lounge alcove) (ncmod in sit day) (ncmod _ day old) (ncmod when day come) (ncmod of display firework) (cmod while sit lounge) (ncmod _ member other) (ncmod of member party) (ncmod _ alcove small) (ncmod _ alcove between) (detmod poss court his) (detmod _ day the) (detmod _ moon the) (detmod _ display the) (detmod _ king the) (detmod _ party the) (detmod _ alcove the) (aux _ come have) (conj or moon display) (conj and king court) (conj and priest soldier member) 285 (ncsubj seem delight _) (xcomp _ seem paradoxical) (ncsubj chase Persian _) (dobj chase calf _) (ncmod to seem stranger) (ncmod in delight thing) (ncmod for seem chase) (ncmod _ calf golden) (ncmod as chase much) (ncmod as much people) (detmod poss delight their) (detmod _ people any) (detmod _ thing these) (detmod _ stranger a) (detmod _ calf the) (aux _ seem may) 286 (ncsubj express it obj) (ncmod _ to atleast) (ncmod to express taste) (detmod poss taste their) (ncmod in express form) (ncmod _ form perfect) (detmod _ form a) (aux _ express be) 287 (ncsubj become schedule _) (xcomp _ become strenuous) (detmod _ schedule this) (ncmod _ strenuous too) (ncmod _ for even) (ncmod for strenuous Steinberg) (ncmod _ Steinberg energetic) (ncmod _ Steinberg conscientious) (ncmod _ Steinberg Mr.) (detmod _ Steinberg the) (conj and energetic conscientious) 288 (ncsubj rescind contract obj) (ncsubj explain he _) (ccomp _ explain conduct) (ncsubj lighten smile _) (dobj lighten face _) (ncsubj conduct I _) (dobj conduct concert _) (ncmod _ contract London) (ncmod _ conduct now) (ncmod _ explain cheerfully) (mod as explain lighten) (ncmod _ smile bright) (ncmod _ face intense) (ncmod _ face mobile) (ncmod _ concert hundred) (ncmod _ hundred only) (ncmod _ hundred one) (ncmod _ concert twenty) (detmod poss contract his) (detmod poss face his) (detmod _ smile a) (aux _ rescind be) (conj and rescind conduct) (conj and hundred twenty) 289 (ncsubj begin we _) (xcomp to begin converse) (ncsubj converse we _) (ncsubj become restlessness _) (ncsubj become sensitivity _) (xcomp _ become apparent) (cmod as become begin) (ncmod in converse lounge) (ncmod of lounge hotel) (ncmod _ avenue fifth) (ncmod _ hotel avenue) (ncmod to sensitivity light) (ncmod to sensitivity sound) (ncmod _ become immediately) (detmod poss hotel his) (detmod poss restlessness his) (detmod poss sensitivity his) (detmod _ lounge the) (conj and light sound) 290 (ncsubj be it _) (xcomp _ be Muzak) (ncsubj pipe which obj) (ncsubj endure which obj) (ncmod _ be unfortunately) (cmod which Muzak pipe) (ncmod _ pipe automatically) (ncmod into pipe room) (ncmod _ room public) (cmod which Muzak endure) (ncmod _ endure volens) (ncmod _ volens nolens) (ncmod prt have to) (detmod _ room the) (aux _ endure be) (aux _ be have) (aux _ pipe be) (conj and pipe endure) 291 (ncsubj devise she _) (dobj devise system _) (ncsubj distinguish boy _) (dobj distinguish value _) (ncmod _ devise even) (ncmod of system colour) (cmod whereby system distinguish) (ncmod _ distinguish easily) (ncmod _ value different) (ncmod _ value note) (detmod _ boy the) (detmod _ system a) (detmod _ value the) (aux _ distinguish can) 292 (ncsubj be he _) (xcomp _ be eight) (ncsubj begin he _) (dobj begin lesson _) (cmod when begin be) (ncmod _ lesson violin) 293 (ncsubj run musician _) (iobj from run school) (ncsubj be he _) (xcomp _ be fifteen) (ncsubj save escapade _) (dobj save he _) (ncmod prt run away) (cmod when run be) (ncmod _ save not) (ncmod from save gymnasium) (detmod _ escapade this) (detmod _ musician the) (detmod _ gymnasium the) (aux _ save do) (conj but run save) 294 (ncsubj be this _) (xcomp _ be age) (dobj fill post _) (ncmod _ be not) (ncmod _ young unusually) (ncmod _ age young) (xmod to be fill) (ncmod _ post responsible) (ncmod _ post such) ;;; such a... = mod (detmod _ age an) (detmod _ post a) 295 (ncsubj contribute conductor _) (iobj to contribute level) (ncmod during contribute year) (detmod _ year these) (ncmod _ conductor youthful) (ncmod _ contribute greatly) (ncmod _ level high) (ncmod of level life) (ncmod _ life musical) (ncmod in life Germany) (detmod _ conductor the) (detmod _ level the) (aux _ contribute have) 296 (ncsubj begin he _) (xcomp to begin give) (ncsubj give he _) (dobj give recital _) (ncmod through begin Kulturbund) (ncmod _ Kulturbund Frankfurt) (ncmod _ Kulturbund Jewish) (ncmod _ recital sonata) (ncmod in give synagogue) (ncmod with give Feuermann) (ncmod _ Feuermann cellist) (detmod _ Kulturbund the) 297 (ncsubj consider I _) (dobj consider it _) (obj2 consider centre) (ncsubj make I _) (dobj make it _) (obj2 make point) ;;; make it a point to... idiom (xcomp to make be) (ncsubj be I _) (xcomp _ be there) (ncmod of centre world) (ncmod _ once year) (ncmod _ be once) (detmod _ centre the) (detmod _ world the) (detmod _ point a) (detmod _ year a) (conj and consider make) 298 (ncsubj become Pittsburgher _) (xcomp _ become addict) (ncmod _ addict real) (ncmod to addict Mahler) (ncmod to addict Bruckner) (detmod poss Pittsburgher my) (aux _ become have) (conj and Mahler Bruckner) 299 (ncsubj introduce he _) (dobj introduce music _) (ncsubj resist I _) (xcomp _ resist ask) (ncsubj ask I _) (ccomp how ask feel) (ncsubj feel he _) (iobj about feel it) (ncmod _ feel how) (cmod since resist introduce) (ncmod _ much so) (ncmod _ music much) (ncmod _ music modern) (ncmod _ resist not) (aux _ resist can) 300 (ncsubj consider I _) (dobj consider it _) (xcomp to consider be) (ncsubj be it _) (xcomp _ be job) (dobj expose public _) (iobj to expose what) (ncsubj write what obj) (xmod to job expose) (ncmod _ write today) (detmod poss job my) (detmod _ public the) (aux _ write be) (aux _ be be) 301 (ncsubj learn you _) (dobj learn anything _) (ncmod after learn all) (ncmod _ learn but) (ncmod _ learn never) (ncmod _ anything else) 302 (ncsubj cite he _) (dobj cite Heine _) (dobj cite Stendhal _) (iobj as cite favourite) (ncmod in favourite literature) (conj and Heine Stendhal) 303 (ncsubj want you _) (dobj want job _) (ncsubj return you _) (ncsubj continue I _) (dobj continue attack _) (ncmod _ job guarantee) ;;; nb it's guaranteed_VVN (cmod when want return) (cmod _ want continue) (detmod poss attack my) (detmod _ job a) 304 (ncsubj advise you _) (dobj advise we _) (xcomp to advise act) (ncsubj act we _) (ncmod _ act way) (ncmod _ way same) (detmod _ way the) (aux _ advise will) 305 (ncsubj fail you _) (aux _ fail have) (aux _ have may) 306 (ncsubj want noone _) (dobj want family _) (dobj want child _) (ncsubj hope none _) (iobj for hope castle) (ncsubj say none _) (ccomp that say live) (xsubj be live _) (xcomp _ be satisfactory) (ncmod _ family large) (ncmod in live circumstance) (ncmod _ settled less) (ncmod _ circumstance settled) (detmod _ child no) (detmod _ family a) (detmod _ castle a) (aux _ be will) (conj or family child) (conj and want hope) (conj or hope say) 307 (ncsubj test constitution obj) (ncsubj find constitution obj) (xcomp _ find workable) (ncsubj inaugurate policy obj) (ncsubj fix tradition obj) (ncsubj fix power obj) (ncmod during test term) (ncmod _ term two) (ncmod during find term) (ncmod _ find workable) (ncmod during inaugurate term) (ncmod _ policy strong) (ncmod _ policy national) (ncmod during fix term) (ncmod of tradition office) (ncmod of power office) (ncmod _ office presidential) (ncmod _ fix firmly) (detmod poss term his) (detmod _ constitution the) (detmod _ tradition the) (detmod _ power the) (detmod _ office the) (aux _ test be) (aux _ find be) (aux _ inaugurate be) (aux _ fix be) (conj and test find) (conj and tradition power) (conj and test inaugurate fix) ;;; first head of subord coord used 308 (ncsubj swing he _) (dobj swing York _) (ncmod _ author principal) (ncmod of author federalist) (ncmod _ he author) (ncmod prt swing over) (ncmod _ York new) (ncmod from swing opposition) (ncmod to opposition constitution) (ncmod to swing ratification) (ncmod _ swing handedly) (ncmod _ handedly almost) (ncmod _ handedly single) (detmod _ federalist the) (detmod _ constitution the) 309 (ncsubj serve he _) (xcomp as serve president) (ncmod _ congress continental) (ncmod of president congress) (detmod _ congress the) 310 (ncsubj have Washington _) (dobj have chance _) (xmod to chance work) (ncsubj work Washington _) (ncsubj love he _) (mod _ have never) (ncmod for work stretch) (ncmod _ stretch extend) (ncmod at work occupation) (cmod _ occupation love) (ncmod _ love well) (ncmod _ management plantation) (ncmod _ occupation management) (detmod _ chance a) (detmod _ stretch an) (detmod _ occupation the) 311 (ncsubj serve he _) (xcomp as serve commander) (ncmod in commander chief) (ncmod during serve revolution) (ncmod without serve compensation) (detmod _ revolution the) 312 (ncsubj fight they _) (ncsubj be they _) (xcomp _ be forgiving) (ncsubj seek they _) (xcomp to seek prevent) (ncsubj prevent they _) (dobj prevent legislature _) (xcomp from prevent confiscate) (ncsubj confiscate legislature _) (dobj confiscate property _) (ncmod _ fight hard) (ncmod to forgiving foe) (ncmod _ legislature vindictive) (ncmod _ property Tory) (ncmod in confiscate violation) (ncmod of violation treaty) (ncmod of treaty 1783) (detmod _ foe former) (detmod _ treaty the) (conj but fight be) (conj but fight seek) (conj and be seek) 313 (ncsubj participate Jay _) (iobj in participate decision) (cmod that decision exile) (ncsubj exile decision _) (dobj exile friend _) (ncmod _ friend old) (ncmod _ friend Schaack) (ncmod _ Schaack Van) (detmod poss friend his) (detmod _ decision the) (aux _ participate have) 314 (ncsubj recognize seven _) (ccomp that recognize be) (ncsubj be independence _) (xcomp but be step) (dobj build nation _) (ncmod _ step but) (ncmod _ step first) (xmod toward step build) (detmod _ seven all) (detmod _ step the) (detmod _ nation a) 315 (ncsubj seek all _) (dobj seek fruition _) (ncmod of fruition nationalism) (ncmod in fruition government) (ncmod _ government federal) (ncmod with government power) (ncmod _ power substantial) (detmod _ fruition the) (detmod _ nationalism that) (detmod _ government a) 316 (ncsubj be Jeffersonian _) (xcomp _ be atune) (iobj to atune Whig) (ncsubj be they _) (iobj to be democrat) (ncmod _ be indeed) (ncmod _ Jeffersonian old) (ncmod _ more far) (ncmod _ atune more) (ncmod _ orient Hamilton) (ncmod _ Whig orient) (cmod than be more) ;;; ellipsis of `more (atune)' + more mod atune so why head for than?? (ncmod _ democrat Jacksonian) (detmod _ Jeffersonian the) (detmod _ Whig the) (detmod _ democrat the) 317 (dobj live road _) (ncmod _ road tobacco) (ncmod _ live long) 318 (ncsubj be writer inv) ;;; subj-aux inv (xcomp pre be where) ;;; wh-preposing of xcomp ?? (ncsubj treat writer _) (dobj treat change _) (xmod to writer treat) (detmod _ writer the) (detmod _ change these) 319 (ncsubj cling writer _) (iobj to cling order) (ncsubj consider they _) (dobj consider it _) (xcomp _ consider useful) (xcomp _ consider reliable) (ncmod _ cling perhaps) (ncmod _ writer present) (ncmod _ cling hypnotically) (ncmod _ order old) (cmod because cling consider) (ncmod through consider testing) (ncmod _ testing repeated) (ncmod over testing decade) (detmod _ writer the) (detmod _ order the) (detmod _ decade the) (conj and useful reliable) 320 (ncsubj face Negro _) (dobj face difficulty _) (dobj fit himself _) (ncsubj do he _) (ncmod as difficulty much) (ncmod if much more) (ncmod _ more not) (xmod in difficulty fit) (ncmod into fit economy) (ncmod _ economy urban) (cmod as much do) ;;; comparative -- elliptical again?? (ncmod in do one) (ncmod _ one agrarian) (detmod _ Negro the) (detmod _ economy an) (detmod _ one an) 321 (ncsubj be assertion _) (xcomp _ be phenomenon) (ncmod _ assertion bold) (ncmod _ assertion self) (ncmod after assertion decade) (ncmod of decade subservience) (ncmod _ subservience humble) (ncmod _ be indeed) (ncmod _ century twentieth) (ncmod _ phenomenon century) (ncmod _ phenomenon change) (ncmod _ change abrupt) (ncmod in change way) (ncmod _ way southern) (ncmod of way existence) (detmod _ assertion this) (detmod _ phenomenon a) (detmod _ change an) (detmod _ way the) 322 (ncsubj appear Faulkner _) (xcomp to appear be) (ncsubj be Faulkner _) (xcomp _ be safe) (ncmod for Faulkner one) (ncmod from safe finger) (ncmod _ finger accuse) (ncmod of finger assailant) (ncmod in safe regard) (detmod _ assailant all) (detmod _ regard this) (detmod _ finger the) 323 (ncsubj tend creator _) (xcomp to tend dress) (ncsubj dress creator _) (dobj dress dancer _) (iobj in dress line) (iobj in dress colour) (xcomp to tend give) (ncsubj give creator _) (dobj give they iobj) (obj2 give cyclorama) (ncmod _ creator most) (ncmod _ creator avant-garde) (ncmod _ creator true) (ncmod to true interest) (ncmod in interest self-sufficiency) (ncmod of self-sufficiency movement) (ncmod _ movement pure) (ncmod _ line simple) (ncmod _ colour solid) (ncmod _ colour black) (ncmod _ black often) (ncmod _ cyclorama bare) (ncmod for give setting) (detmod poss interest their) (detmod _ self-sufficiency the) (detmod poss dancer their) (detmod _ cyclorama a) (detmod _ setting a) (aux _ tend have) (conj and line colour) (conj and give dress) 324 (ncsubj continue depersonalization _) (ncsubj metamorphose dancer obj) (arg_mod by metamorphose play subj) (cmod as continue metamorphose) (ncmod _ metamorphose far) (ncmod of play light) (ncmod upon light figure) (detmod poss figure his) (detmod _ depersonalization the) (detmod _ dancer the) (detmod _ play the) (aux _ metamorphose be) 325 (ncsubj lose performer _) (dobj lose sense _) (ncsubj be performer _) (xcomp _ be finial) (ncsubj stretch fabric obj) (ncmod from clothe head) (ncmod to clothe toe) (ncmod in clothe fabric) (xmod _ fabric stretch) (ncmod over stretch series) (ncmod of series hoop) (ncmod _ performer clothe) (mod _ lose well) (ncmod of sense self) (xmod in lose be) (detmod _ series a) (detmod _ performer the) (detmod poss sense his) (detmod _ finial a) (aux _ lose may) 326 (ncsubj extend choreographer _) (dobj extend scope _) (ncmod _ extend thus) (ncmod _ choreographer avant-garde) (ncmod of scope material) (ncmod _ material available) (ncmod for available composition) (ncmod _ composition dance) (detmod _ choreographer the) (detmod _ scope the) (aux _ extend have) 327 (ncsubj trust creator _) (dobj trust intuition _) (xcomp to trust lead) (ncsubj lead intuition _) (dobj lead he _) (ncsubj have path _) (dobj have validity _) (ncsubj mirror it _) (dobj mirror reality _) (detmod poss intuition his) (ncmod along lead path) (cmod that path have) (ncmod _ validity internal) (cmod because have mirror) (ncmod of reality experience) (detmod _ creator the) (detmod _ path a) (detmod _ reality the) (detmod poss experience his) 328 (ncsubj determine unit obj) (ncmod of unit form) (ncmod _ determine subjectively) (ncmod _ determine heart) (ncmod by heart way) (ncmod of way breath) (ncmod to heart line) (detmod _ unit the) (detmod _ heart the) (detmod _ way the) (detmod _ breath the) (detmod _ line the) (aux _ determine be) 329 (ncsubj concern he obj) (iobj with concern event) (ncmod _ concern still) (ncmod _ concern however) (ncmod _ event personal) (detmod _ event a) (aux _ concern be) 330 (ncsubj use who _) (dobj use method _) (ncsubj exclude musician _) (dobj exclude control _) (cmod who musician use) (ncmod _ method chance) (ncmod _ exclude also) (ncmod _ control subjective) (ncmod of control development) (ncmod _ development formal) (detmod _ method the) 331 (subj dictate toss _) (ncmod of toss coin) (ncmod _ safeguard perhaps) (ncmod with toss safeguard) (ncmod _ safeguard add) (ncmod of safeguard reference) (ncmod to reference oracle) (ncmod of oracle Ching) (ncmod _ Ching I) (ncmod _ Ching book) (ncmod _ book Chinese) (ncmod of book change) (ncmod of handle material) (ncmod _ material choose) (detmod _ toss a) (detmod _ safeguard the) (detmod _ oracle the) (detmod _ Ching the) (detmod _ book the) (detmod _ handle the) (detmod _ material the) 332 (xsubj be become _) (xcomp _ be dance) (ncmod accordto be Litz) (ncmod _ Litz Katherine) (ncmod _ become process) (ncmod of process realization) (detmod _ become the) (detmod _ process the) (detmod _ dance the) 333 (ncsubj become this _) (xcomp _ become dance) (ncsubj call dance obj) (obj2 call prelude) (xmod _ dance call) (ncmod to prelude flight) (detmod _ dance a) 334 (ncsubj object Nikolais _) (iobj to object art) (ncmod _ Nikolais Alwin) (ncmod as art outpouring) (ncmod of outpouring emotion) (ncmod _ emotion personal) (detmod _ outpouring an) 335 (ncsubj be sequence _) (xcomp unlike be sequence) (ncsubj see sequence obj) (ncmod of sequence movement) (ncmod in sequence dance) (ncmod _ dance Cunningham) (xmod to sequence see) (ncmod in see life) (detmod _ dance a) (detmod _ sequence the) (detmod _ sequence any) (aux _ see be) 336 (ncsubj divide work obj) (iobj into divide segment) (ncsubj determine drawing _) (dobj determine order _) (cmod if determine divide) (ncmod _ segment large) (ncmod _ minute last) (ncmod _ drawing minute) (ncmod of drawing number) (ncmod _ number random) (ncmod of order segment) (ncmod for determine performance) (ncmod _ performance particular) (detmod _ performance any) (detmod _ work a) (detmod _ segment several) (detmod _ drawing a) (detmod _ order the) (detmod _ segment the) (aux _ divide be) (aux _ determine may) 337 (ncsubj change sequence _) (dobj change position _) (ncsubj eliminate sequence obj) (iobj from eliminate it) (ncmod _ change and) (ncmod _ only not) (ncmod _ change only) (ncmod in position work) (ncmod _ eliminate even) (ncmod _ eliminate altogether) (detmod _ sequence any) (detmod poss position its) (detmod _ work the) (aux _ change can) (aux _ eliminate be) (aux _ be can) (conj but change eliminate) 338 (ncsubj arbitrate choreographer _) (ncmod _ arbitrate then) (detmod _ choreographer the) (aux _ arbitrate must) 339 (ncsubj rearrange he _) (dobj rearrange matter _) (ncsubj bump performer _) (iobj into bump other) (cmod sothat rearrange bump) (ncmod _ performer two) (ncmod _ bump not) (detmod _ each other) (aux _ rearrange must) (aux _ bump do) 340 (ncsubj touch I _) (iobj upon touch it) (ncsubj want I _) (xcomp to want write) (ncsubj write I _) (dobj write book _) (ncmod _ touch and) (ncmod _ touch so) (ncmod _ touch only) (ncmod _ touch now) (cmod much_as touch want) (ncmod _ want long) (ncmod about book it) (detmod _ book a) (aux _ touch will) (aux _ want have) 341 (ncsubj be right _) (xcomp _ be essential) (ncsubj contend upholder _) (xcomp to essential maintain) (ncsubj maintain right _) (dobj maintain balance _) (xcomp to essential protect) (ncsubj protect right _) (dobj protect liberty _) (iobj from protect danger) (ncmod of right state) (cmod _ be contend) (ncmod _ balance federal) (ncmod of liberty people) (ncmod of danger power) (ncmod _ power centralize) (ncmod in power government) (ncmod _ government union) (detmod _ right this) (detmod poss upholder its) (detmod _ state the) (detmod _ balance the) (detmod _ liberty the) (detmod _ people the) (detmod _ danger the) (detmod _ government the) (conj and maintain protect) 342 (ncsubj begin we _) (xcomp by begin declare) (ncsubj declare we _) (ccomp that declare create) (ncsubj create man obj) (xcomp _ create equal) (detmod _ man all) (aux _ create be) 343 (ncsubj be fact _) (ccomp that be differ) (ncsubj differ confederacy _) (iobj from differ one) (ncsubj do constitution _) ;;; elliptical comparative (ncmod _ confederacy southern) (ncmod _ one early) (ncmod _ much almost) (ncmod as differ much) (cmod as much do) (ncmod _ constitution federal) (detmod _ fact the) (detmod _ confederacy the) (detmod _ one the) (detmod _ constitution the) 344 (ncsubj tempt one obj) (xcomp to tempt say) (ncsubj say one _) (ccomp that say fight) (ncsubj fight war obj) (ncmod on fight difference) (ncmod between difference concept) (ncmod of concept sovereignty) (ncmod in difference preamble) (ncmod _ preamble two) (ncmod _ war bad) (ncmod of war century) (ncmod _ century nineteenth) (detmod _ preamble these) (detmod _ difference the) (detmod _ concept the) (detmod _ war the) (detmod _ century the) (aux _ tempt be) (aux _ fight be) 345 (ncsubj issue he _) (dobj issue proclamation _) (ncsubj feel he _) (ccomp that feel leave) (ncsubj leave necessity _) (dobj leave he _) (obj2 leave way) (dobj save union _) (xmod to way save) (ncmod _ proclamation emancipation) (cmod when issue feel) (ncmod _ when only) (ncmod _ way other) (detmod poss proclamation his) (detmod _ way no) (detmod _ union the) 346 (ncsubj emerge citizen _) (ncsubj promise Lincoln _) (ncmod outof emerge ordeal) (ncmod in emerge south) (ncmod as south in) (ncmod in emerge north) (ncmod as emerge sovereign) (ncmod poss sovereign America) (ncmod _ sovereign true) (ncmod in emerge birth) (ncmod _ birth new) (ncmod of birth freedom) (cmod as emerge promise) (detmod _ ordeal this) (detmod _ citizen the) (detmod _ south the) (detmod _ north the) (detmod _ birth a) 347 (ncsubj be there _) (xcomp _ be lesson) (ncsubj serve one _) (xcomp to serve keep) (dobj keep American _) (xcomp from keep turn) (ncsubj turn American _) (iobj from turn ballot) (iobj to turn bullet) (cmod that one serve) (ncmod _ be also) (ncmod _ serve since) (ncmod _ since ever) (ncmod in keep conflict) (ncmod _ another one) (detmod _ lesson one) (detmod poss conflict their) (ncmod with conflict another) ;;; one another -- right-headed if in doubt (detmod _ lesson a) (detmod _ ballot the) (detmod _ bullet the) (aux _ serve have) 348 (ncsubj wonder one _) (iobj about wonder applicability) (iobj to applicability people) (detmod poss applicability its) 349 (ncsubj be it _) (xcomp during be century) (xcomp during be revolution) (ncsubj make independence _) (dobj make stride _) (ncmod _ be but) (ncmod _ two last) (ncmod _ century two) (ncmod _ revolution scientific) (cmod that be make) (ncmod from independence environment) (ncmod _ environment physical) (ncmod _ rapid most) (ncmod _ stride rapid) (detmod poss independence our) (detmod _ century the) (detmod _ revolution the) (detmod _ environment the) (detmod _ stride the) (aux _ be have) (aux _ make have) 350 (ncsubj be future inv) (xcomp _ be akin) (iobj to akin future) ;;; non-verbal complementation adj/n + iobj = pp (ncmod of future psychology) (ncmod _ future rich) (ncmod of future physics) (ncmod at physics time) (ncmod of time Newton) (detmod _ future the) (detmod _ future the) (detmod _ time the) 351 (ncsubj be there _) (xcomp _ be resemblance) (mod _ resemblance haunt) (ncmod between resemblance notion) (ncmod of notion cause) (ncmod in notion Copernicus) (ncmod in notion Freud) (detmod _ resemblance a) (detmod _ notion the) (conj and in in) 352 (ncsubj be bomb _) (xcomp as be harmless) (ncmod as harmless automobile) (ncmod in automobile garage) (detmod _ bomb the) (detmod _ automobile an) (detmod _ garage a) 353 (ncsubj dwindle hour _) (iobj to dwindle darkness) (ncsubj give worry _) (dobj give rise _) (iobj to give ritual) (iobj to give celebration) (ncsubj recognize we _) (dobj recognize which _) (ncmod _ postulate frequently) (ncmod _ worry postulate) (ncmod _ worry antique) (cmod that worry dwindle) (ncmod _ hour daylight) (ncmod _ darkness complete) (ncmod _ give apparently) (cmod which celebration recognize) (cmod which ritual recognize) (ncmod _ recognize still) (detmod _ worry the) (detmod _ hour the) (detmod _ ritual a) (detmod _ celebration a) (aux _ dwindle may) (conj and ritual celebration) 354 (ncsubj be it _) (xcomp _ be curious) (ncsubj induce century _) (dobj induce degree _) (dobj allow people _) (xcomp to allow abandon) (ncsubj abandon people _) (dobj abandon ceremony _) (ccomp that curious induce) (ncmod _ century even) (ncmod of century repetition) (ncmod of repetition cycle) (ncmod _ cycle yearly) (ncmod _ induce not) (ncmod _ degree sufficient) (ncmod of degree confidence) (xmod to confidence allow) (ncmod of ceremony solstice) (ncmod _ solstice winter) (detmod _ cycle the) (detmod _ degree a) (detmod _ ceremony the) (detmod _ solstice the) (aux _ induce do) 355 (ncsubj be element _) (xcomp _ be decisive) (ncmod of element behaviour) (detmod poss behaviour our) (detmod _ element what) 356 (ncsubj fear we _) (ncmod _ wonder small) (ncmod _ fear then) (cmod that wonder fear) 357 (ncsubj dispel which _) (dobj dispel fear _) (ncsubj take achievement _) (dobj take place _) (cmod which achievement dispel) (ncmod of fear cosmos) (ncmod _ take century) (ncmod _ century three) (ncmod _ century ago) (detmod _ achievement the) (detmod _ cosmos the) (detmod poss fear our) 358 (ncsubj tend ritual _) (xcomp to tend persist) (ncsubj persist ritual _) (ncmod in tend agriculture) (ncmod _ tend forexample) (ncmod despite tend advance) (ncmod in advance biology) (ncmod _ ritual elaborate) (ncmod alongwith persist sense) (ncmod _ sense continue) (ncmod of sense imminence) (ncmod of imminence disaster) (ncmod _ disaster natural) (detmod _ disaster some) (detmod _ advance the) (detmod _ sense a) (detmod _ imminence the) 359 (ncsubj be there _) (xcomp _ be domain) (ncsubj bring understanding _) (dobj bring reduction _) (ncmod _ domain many) (cmod in domain bring) ;;; pp rel cl (ncmod prt bring about) (ncmod in bring which) (ncmod _ reduction widespread) (ncmod _ appropriate quite) (ncmod _ reduction appropriate) (ncmod in reduction ritual) (ncmod in reduction fear) (aux _ bring have) (conj and widespread appropriate) (conj and ritual fear) 360 (ncsubj derive example obj) (iobj from derive knowledge) (ncmod _ derive perhaps) (ncmod _ example most) (ncmod _ example illuminate) (ncmod of example reduction) (ncmod of reduction fear) (ncmod through reduction understanding) (ncmod _ knowledge increase) (ncmod of knowledge nature) (ncmod of nature disease) (detmod poss knowledge our) (detmod _ example the) (detmod _ reduction the) (detmod _ nature the) (aux _ derive be) 361 (ncsubj contain situation _) (dobj contain analogy _) (dobj confront we _) (ncmod with situation regard) (ncmod to regard attitude) ;;; `with regard to' might better be an idiom?? (ncmod to regard control) (ncmod of control disease) (ncmod _ analogy close) (ncmod to analogy problem) (xmod _ problem confront) (ncmod with problem respect) ;;; ditto `with respect to'?? (ncmod to respect people) (detmod poss attitude our) (detmod poss control our) (detmod _ situation the) (conj and attitude control) 362 (ncsubj like reviewer _) (xcomp to like call) (ncsubj call reviewer _) (dobj call play _) (xcomp _ call nihilistic) (ncmod _ reviewer American) (ncmod _ reviewer newspaper) (detmod poss play his) 363 (ncsubj find they _) (dobj find pessimism _) (ncmod _ pessimism deep) (ncmod in find they) 364 (ncsubj be it inv) ;;; sai (ccomp that be deceive) (ncsubj deceive ear _) (ncsubj deceive eye _) (dobj deceive I _) (ncmod _ eye own) (ncmod _ ear own) (detmod poss eye my) (detmod poss ear my) (aux _ deceive have) (aux _ be can) (conj and eye ear) 365 (ncsubj be it inv) ;;; sai (xcomp _ be relevant) (ncsubj teach it _) (dobj teach we _) (obj2 teach something) (xcomp to useful know) (dobj know something _) (iobj about know ourselves) (ncmod _ be or) (cmod because be teach) (ncmod _ something useful) 366 (ncsubj come name _) (iobj into come discussion) (ncsubj grow priest _) (xcomp _ grow loud) (ncsubj tell priest _) (dobj tell I _) (ccomp that tell hate) (ncsubj hate Beckett _) (dobj hate life _) (ncmod poss name Beckett) (cmod when grow come) (cmod when tell come) (detmod _ discussion the) (detmod _ priest the) (conj and grow tell) 367 (ncsubj be that _) (xcomp _ be thing) (ncsubj think I _) (ncsubj find I _) (dobj find thing _) (ncsubj meet we _) (cmod _ be think) (ncmod _ one atleast) (cmod _ thing find) (ncmod prt find out) (cmod when find meet) (detmod _ thing one) (aux _ find can) 368 (ncsubj be appearance _) (xcomp _ be Irish) (ncmod poss appearance Beckett) (ncmod _ hew rough) (ncmod _ Irish hew) 369 (ncsubj break mouth _) (iobj into break smile) (ncmod _ break frequently) (ncmod _ smile disarm) (detmod _ mouth the) (detmod _ smile a) 370 (ncsubj see Beckett _) (dobj see world _) (ncsubj be world _) (xcomp _ be shatter) (ncmod for be thing) (cmod that world see) (ncmod _ shatter already) (detmod _ thing one) (detmod _ world the) 371 (ncsubj be it _) (xcomp _ be around) (ncsubj be chance _) (xcomp to be let) (dobj let it _) (dobj around we _) ;;; compl of adj around adj+dobj (ncmod _ around all) (ncmod _ chance only) (ncmod _ be now) (ncmod prt let in) (detmod poss chance our) (conj and be be) 372 (ncsubj be it _) (xcomp _ be mess) (ncsubj make you _) (dobj make sense _) (ncmod of sense mess) (ncmod _ be not) (cmod _ mess make) (detmod _ mess a) (aux _ make can) 373 (ncsubj be I _) (xcomp _ be philosopher) (ncmod _ be not) (detmod _ philosopher a) 374 (ncsubj speak one _) (ccomp _ speak be) (ncsubj be what _) (xcomp _ be infrontof) (ncsubj be that _) (xcomp _ be mess) (dobj infrontof he _) ;;; adj+comp given idiom (ncmod prt speak of) (ncmod _ speak only) (ncmod _ be now) (ncmod _ be simply) (detmod _ mess the) (aux _ speak can) (conj and speak be) 375 (ncsubj begin he _) (xcomp to begin speak) (ncsubj speak he _) (iobj about speak tension) (ncmod _ begin then) (ncmod in tension art) (ncmod between tension mess) (ncmod between tension form) (detmod _ tension the) (detmod _ mess the) (detmod _ form the) (conj and mess form) 376 (ncsubj keep we _) (dobj keep it _) (ncsubj come we _) (ncmod into come time) (ncsubj invade it _) (dobj invade experience _) (ncmod _ keep but) (ncmod _ keep now) (ncmod prt keep out) (ncmod _ long no) (ncmod _ keep long) (cmod because keep come) (cmod when come invade) (ncmod at invade moment) (detmod _ moment every) (detmod _ time a) (detmod poss experience our) (aux _ keep can) (aux _ come have) 377 (ncsubj admit chaos obj) (iobj to admit chaos) (ncsubj ask I _) (cmod _ admit ask) (ncmod pre how admit) (aux _ admit be) (aux inv be can) ;;; sai in aux group 378 (ncsubj be that _) (ccomp why be become) (ncsubj become form _) (xcomp _ become preoccupation) (ncsubj exist it _) (ncsubj accommodate it _) (dobj accommodate material _) (iobj from separate material) (ncmod _ become why) (ncmod _ form itself) (cmod because be exist) (ncmod as exist problem) (ncmod _ problem separate) (cmod _ material accommodate) (detmod _ form the) (detmod _ preoccupation a) (detmod _ problem a) (detmod _ material the) 379 (ncsubj respond I _) (ncsubj say thing obj) (cmod _ say respond) (ncmod _ say yet) (ncmod _ thing similar) (ncmod _ say not) (ncmod about say art) (ncmod of art past) (detmod _ art the) (detmod _ past the) (aux _ say be) (aux inv be can) ;;; sai in aux grp 380 (ncsubj be this _) (xcomp _ be clear) 381 (ncsubj allow this _) (dobj allow mystery _) (xcomp to allow invade) (ncsubj invade mystery _) (dobj invade we _) (ncmod _ allow not) (detmod _ mystery the) (aux _ allow do) 382 (dobj take doctrine _) (ncsubj ponder you _) (dobj ponder quality _) (ncmod poss doctrine Augustine) (ncmod of doctrine grace) (xmod _ grace give) (xmod _ grace withhold) (ncmod _ quality dramatic) (ncmod in quality theology) (detmod _ theology this) (detmod _ quality the) (aux inv ponder have) ;;; sai (conj and grace grace) 383 (ncsubj make we _) (dobj make sense _) (ncmod pre make how) (ncmod of sense division) (detmod _ division this) (aux inv make can) ;;; sai 384 (ncsubj be word _) (dobj be perhaps _) (ncmod _ word key) (ncmod in word play) (detmod poss play my) (detmod _ word the) 385 (dobj give lead _) (ncsubj ask I _) (ccomp what ask think) (ncsubj think he _) (dobj think what _) (iobj about think those) (ncsubj find who _) (dobj find significance _) (xmod _ ask give) (ncmod _ lead theological) (cmod who those find) (ncmod _ significance religious) (ncmod to significance play) (detmod poss play his) (detmod _ lead a) (detmod _ significance a) 386 (ncsubj kneel he _) (ncsubj kneel he _) (ncmod prt kneel down) (ncmod at kneel bed) (ncmod as kneel long) (cmod as long kneel) (detmod poss bed his) (aux _ kneel can) 387 (ncsubj have it _) (dobj have depth _) (ncmod at have moment) (ncmod of moment crisis) (ncmod _ depth no) (ncmod _ depth more) (ncmod than depth tie) (ncmod _ school old) (ncmod _ tie school) (detmod _ moment the) (detmod _ tie an) 388 (ncsubj deal they _) (iobj with deal distress) (cmod for yes deal) 389 (ncsubj scream it _) (iobj at scream you) (ncmod _ in even) (ncmod in scream taxi) (ncmod of taxi London) (detmod _ taxi the) (aux _ scream be) 390 (ncsubj pay I _) (dobj pay attention _) (ncmod to attention play) (ncmod as pay writer) (ncmod on writer theatre) (ncmod _ attention close) (detmod _ writer a) (detmod _ play the) (detmod _ theatre the) (aux _ pay have) 391 (ncsubj join America _) (dobj join Europe _) (ncmod _ join now) (ncmod in join phase) (ncmod _ phase mature) (ncmod of phase development) (detmod _ phase this) (aux _ join be) 392 (ncsubj confine man obj) (iobj to confine outlet) (ncmod _ confine not) (ncmod for confine energy) (ncmod _ energy vital) (detmod _ outlet one) (detmod poss energy his) (aux _ confine be) 393 (ncsubj transcend urge _) (dobj transcend body _) (dobj transcend self _) (ncmod _ urge creative) (ncmod _ urge forexample) (detmod _ urge the) (detmod _ body the) (detmod _ self the) (conj and body self) 394 (ncsubj be all _) (xcomp _ be sex) (ncmod _ be but) (ncmod for be generation) (ncmod _ generation beat) (detmod _ generation the) 395 (ncsubj be jazz _) (xcomp _ be sex) (ncsubj be marijuana _) (xcomp _ be stimulus) (ncsubj adjust tempo obj) (iobj to adjust release) (ncmod to stimulus sex) (ncmod _ tempo beat) (ncmod _ release orgiastic) (ncmod of release impulse) (ncmod _ impulse sexual) (detmod _ stimulus a) (detmod _ tempo the) (detmod _ release the) (detmod _ impulse the) (aux _ adjust be) (conj _ be be adjust) 396 (ncsubj illustrate force obj) (arg_mod by illustrate refusal subj) (xmod to refusal dance) (ncmod _ force singular) (ncmod _ force uncompromising) (ncmod of force revolt) (ncmod against revolt cult) (ncmod of cult restraint) (ncmod in dance place) (ncmod _ place public) (detmod poss revolt their) (detmod poss refusal their) (detmod _ force the) (detmod _ cult the) (detmod _ place a) (aux _ illustrate be) 397 (ncsubj disdain they _) (dobj disdain art _) (ncmod unlike disdain hero) (ncmod unlike disdain flapper) (ncmod of hero generation) (ncmod of flapper generation) (ncmod _ generation lose) (xmod of art neck) (xmod of art pet) (detmod _ hero the) (detmod _ flapper the) (detmod _ generation the) (detmod _ art the) (conj and hero flapper) (conj and neck pet) 398 (ncsubj reserve that obj) (iobj for reserve square) (detmod _ square the) (aux _ reserve be) 399 (ncsubj be this _) (xcomp _ be far) (ncmod from far sexuality) (ncmod _ sexuality vulgar) (ncmod _ sexuality leer) (ncmod of sexuality square) (ncmod _ class middle) (ncmod _ square class) (ncmod in square heat) (detmod _ sexuality the) (detmod _ square the) 400 (ncsubj be that _) (ccomp why be be) (ncsubj run argument _) (ncsubj be square _) (xcomp _ be fearful) (xcomp _ be fascinate) (ncsubj fascinate square obj) (arg_mod by fascinate it subj) (cmod _ be run) (ncmod _ fearful so) (ncmod of fearful jazz) (ncmod _ fascinate yet) (ncmod _ fascinate perversely) (detmod _ argument the) (detmod _ square the) (aux _ fascinate be) (conj and fearful fascinate) 401 (ncsubj be jazz _) (xcomp _ be mystique) (ncmod like jazz sex) (detmod _ mystique a) 402 (ncsubj combine mystique obj) (iobj with combine marijuana) (iobj with combine jazz) (ncsubj intend mystique obj) (xcomp to intend provide) (ncsubj provide mystique _) (dobj provide design _) (ncmod of mystique sex) (xmod _ mystique combine) (xmod for design live) (detmod _ mystique the) (detmod _ design a) (aux _ intend be) (conj and marijuana jazz) 403 (ncsubj secede beatnik _) (iobj from secede society) (ncsubj afflict society obj) (iobj with afflict drive) (ncsubj be beatnik _) (xcomp _ be concerned) (iobj with concerned salvation) (xmod _ beatnik secede) (cmod that society afflict) (ncmod _ afflict fatally) (ncmod _ drive deathward) (ncmod _ salvation personal) (ncmod in salvation present) (ncmod _ present living) (detmod poss salvation his) (detmod _ beatnik the) (detmod _ society a) (detmod _ drive a) (detmod _ present the) (aux _ afflict be) 404 (ncsubj mirror work _) (dobj mirror mentality _) (ncmod of mentality psychopath) (ncmod _ mentality rootless) (ncmod _ mentality irresponsible) (detmod poss work their) (detmod _ mentality the) (detmod _ psychopath the) (conj and rootless irresponsible) 405 (ncsubj be they _) (xcomp _ be non-conformist) (ncmod on be principle) 406 (ncsubj compose poet _) (dobj compose poem _) (ncsubj contain which _) (dobj contain hint _) (ncmod _ poet beat) (ncmod _ poem line) (ncmod on line John) (ncmod _ John Tijuana) (cmod which poem contain) (ncmod _ hint happy) (ncmod for hint survival) (detmod _ poet one) (detmod _ poem a) (detmod _ John a) (detmod _ hint afew) 407 (ncsubj learn initiate _) (ncsubj be fact _) (ccomp that be move) (ncsubj move they _) (iobj toward move simplicity) (ncmod _ fact new) (cmod _ fact learn) (ncmod of initiate cult) (ncmod prt have to) (detmod _ cult this) (detmod _ fact the) (detmod _ initiate the) (aux _ learn have) (aux _ move must) 408 (ncsubj be mission _) (xcomp to be find) (dobj find way _) (ncsubj express they _) (dobj express which _) (ncsubj produce they _) (dobj produce what _) (ncsubj be what _) (xcomp _ be disorder) (iobj on nourish hysteria) (ncmod _ mission professed) (ncmod of mission generation) (ncmod _ generation disaffiliate) (ncmod _ way new) (ncmod of way life) (cmod which way express) (ncmod in express poetry) (ncmod in express fiction) (ncmod _ disorder unfortunately) (xmod _ disorder nourish) (ncmod _ on solely) (ncmod of hysteria negation) (detmod _ mission the) (detmod _ generation this) (detmod _ way a) (detmod _ hysteria the) (aux _ express can) (conj and poetry fiction) (conj but be be) 409 (ncsubj be who _) (xcomp _ be representative) (ncmod _ representative creative) (ncmod of representative movement) (detmod _ movement this) (detmod _ representative the) 410 (ncsubj come who _) (iobj to come Venice) (ncsubj forsake woman _) (dobj forsake radicalism _) (ncsubj be woman _) (xcomp _ be interested) (iobj for live moment) (xcomp on be move) (cmod who woman come) (ncmod _ Venice west) (xmod in interested live) (ncmod _ for only) (xmod in interested be) (ncmod _ be constantly) (detmod _ woman the) (detmod _ moment the) (detmod _ move the) (aux _ forsake have) (conj , in in) ;;; coord without explicit conj?? 411 (ncsubj attract who obj) (iobj to attract Mecca) (ncsubj be other _) (xcomp _ be homosexual) (xcomp _ be addict) (xcomp _ be hoodlum) (cmod who other attract) (ncmod of Mecca generation) (ncmod _ generation beat) (ncmod _ addict heroin) (ncmod _ hoodlum smalltime) (detmod _ Mecca this) (detmod _ generation the) (aux _ attract be) (conj and homosexual addict hoodlum) 412 (ncsubj compose he _) (dobj compose poetry _) (ncsubj capture poetry _) (dobj capture rhythm _) (ncmod _ carry high) (ncmod on carry charge) (xmod _ compose carry) (ncmod _ poetry magical) (cmod that poetry capture) (ncmod _ rhythm organic) (ncmod of rhythm life) (ncmod in capture word) (detmod _ charge this) (detmod _ rhythm the) 413 (ncsubj be poet inv) (ncsubj achieve poet _) (xcomp to be achieve) (dobj achieve unity _) (ncsubj be he _) (xcomp _ be engage) (iobj in engage derangement) (ncmod _ achieve how) (ncmod _ poet beat) (ncmod of unity form) (cmod when achieve be) (ncmod at engage time) (ncmod _ time same) (ncmod _ derangement systematic) (ncmod of derangement sense) (detmod _ poet the) (detmod _ time the) (detmod _ derangement a) 414 (ncsubj be there _) (xcomp _ be indication) (xcomp _ be sure) (ncmod after be year) (ncmod _ year eighteen) (ncmod _ eighteen only) (ncmod of year non-interference) (ncmod _ be already) (ncmod of indication melioration) (ncmod though indication in) (ncmod in indication degree) (ncmod _ degree slight) (xmod to degree be) (detmod _ degree a) 415 (ncsubj impair improvement obj) (ncmod _ impair but) (ncmod with impair renewal) (ncmod of renewal interference) (ncmod in renewal 1954) (ncmod as with with) ;;; tricky?? (ncmod with impair beginning) ;;; elliptical + inside brackets?? (ncmod in beginning 1835) (detmod poss beginning its) (detmod _ renewal the) (detmod _ improvement the) (aux _ impair be) 416 (ncsubj argue south _) (ccomp that argue be) (ncsubj treat slave obj) (ncmod in argue year) (ncmod _ war pre-civil) (ncmod _ year war) (ncmod _ treat not) (ncmod _ humanely less) (ncmod _ treat humanely) (ncmod than less worker) (ncmod _ worker factory) (ncmod of worker north) (detmod _ year the) (detmod _ south the) (detmod _ slave the) (detmod _ worker the) (detmod _ north the) (aux _ treat be) 417 (ncsubj be line _) (xcomp _ be one) (ncmod _ good pretty) (ncmod _ one good) (detmod _ line the) (detmod _ one a) 418 (ncsubj talk people _) (iobj about talk law) (ncmod of law land) (detmod _ law the) (detmod _ land the) 419 (ncsubj become expression _) (xcomp _ become clich) (ncmod _ clich quite) (detmod _ clich a) (detmod _ expression the) (aux _ become have) 420 (ncsubj seem they _) (xcomp to seem able) (ncsubj able they _) (xcomp to able think) (ncsubj think they _) (iobj of think any) (ncmod _ seem not) (aux _ seem do) 421 (ncsubj be there _) (xcomp _ be academy) (ncsubj be there _) (xcomp _ be England) (cmod if be be) (ncmod _ academy suitable) (ncmod in academy neighbourhood) (ncmod _ neighbourhood own) (ncmod _ be always) (ncmod _ England new) (detmod _ academy no) (detmod poss neighbourhood your) 422 (ncsubj involve who obj) (ncmod _ involve nilly) (ncmod _ nilly willy) (aux _ involve be) 423 (ncsubj follow everybody _) (dobj follow pattern _) (dobj segregate child _) (iobj into segregate school) (ncsubj leave folk obj) (ncmod _ leave well) (cmod after leave follow) (ncmod _ England new) (ncmod _ pattern England) (xmod of pattern segregate) (ncmod _ school private) (ncmod _ folk only) (ncmod _ folk poor) (detmod poss child one) (detmod _ pattern the) (detmod _ folk the) (aux _ follow have) (aux _ leave be) 424 (ncsubj be it _) (xcomp in be class) (ncsubj find one _) (ncsubj find one _) (dobj find friction _) (iobj in find class) (iobj in find class) (ncmod _ in precisely) (ncmod _ class poor) (ncmod _ class economic) (cmod that in find) (ncmod _ find always) (ncmod _ friction most) (ncmod _ friction racial) (detmod _ class this) (detmod _ friction the) (aux _ find have) (conj and find find) 425 (ncsubj be man _) (xcomp _ be able) (xcomp to able say) (ncsubj say man _) (ncsubj sin I _) (ncsubj be there _) (xcomp _ be hope) (cmod _ say sin) (ncmod _ sin father) (ncmod for hope he) (detmod _ hope no) (detmod _ man a) (aux _ be must) (aux _ sin have) (conj or be be) 426 (ncsubj be it _) (xcomp _ be question) (ncsubj put Englander _) (dobj put which _) (iobj outof put mind) (cmod which question put) (ncmod _ Englander new) (ncmod _ ago long) (ncmod _ put ago) (detmod poss mind their) (detmod _ question a) 427 (ncsubj mock god obj) (ncmod _ mock ever) (ncmod in mock run) (ncmod _ run long) (detmod _ run the) (aux _ mock be) (aux inv be can) 428 (ncsubj be England _) (xcomp _ be schoolmaster) (ncsubj know everyone _) (ncmod _ England new) (cmod as be know) (ncmod _ be long) (ncmod to schoolmaster nation) (detmod _ nation the) (aux _ be have) 429 (ncsubj think I _) (ccomp that think involve) (ncsubj involve something obj) (ncmod _ something more) (ncmod than this more) (ncmod _ think but) (aux _ involve be) 430 (ncsubj be it inv) (xcomp _ be ironical) (ncsubj be state _) (xcomp _ be last) (ncsubj establish state _) (dobj establish university _) (ncmod _ be not) (ccomp that ironical be) (ncmod poss state Williams) (ncmod _ Williams Roger) (ncmod _ state island) (ncmod _ island Rhode) (ncmod _ last very) (ncmod of last eight) (ncmod _ eight forty) (xmod to last establish) (ncmod _ university state) (detmod _ last the) (detmod _ eight the) (detmod _ university a) (aux _ be have) (aux _ have shall) 431 (ncsubj say historian _) (ccomp _ say segregate) (ncsubj segregate we _) (dobj segregate child _) (ncsubj write historian _) (ncmod _ historian Yale) (xmod _ historian write) (ncmod _ write year) (ncmod _ year ago) (ncmod in write review) (ncmod _ review Yale) (ncmod in we England) (ncmod _ England new) (ncmod _ since long) (ncmod _ segregate since) (detmod poss child our) (detmod _ year afew) (detmod _ review the) (aux _ segregate have) 432 (ncsubj marry he _) (ncsubj object who _) (ncmod in marry one) (ncmod of one summer) (ncmod at summer home) (ncmod to marry disapproval) (ncmod _ disapproval great) (ncmod of disapproval father) (cmod who father object) (ncmod becauseof object youth) (ncmod _ youth extreme) (detmod poss summer his) (detmod poss father his) (detmod poss youth his) (detmod _ disapproval the) 433 (ncsubj give he _) (dobj give we iobj) (obj2 give account) (ncmod of account this) (ncmod in account poem) (ncmod _ poem lively) (ncmod _ poem humorous) (ncmod _ poem artist) (ncmod _ artist happy) (detmod poss poem his) (detmod _ account an) (detmod _ artist the) (conj and lively humorous) 434 (ncsubj scan I _) (dobj scan world _) (ncsubj strive I _) (xcomp to strive see) (ncsubj see I _) (dobj see man _) (ncmod through scan symbol) (ncmod _ symbol print) (ncmod _ symbol swart) (cmod through strive rag) (ncmod poss rag beggar) (ncmod _ man inner) (detmod _ rag the) (detmod _ man the) (conj and scan strive) 435 (ncsubj understand writer _) (dobj understand self _) (ncmod _ understand well) (ncmod _ self deep) (detmod _ writer few) ;;; by analogy with a_few (detmod poss self their) (aux _ understand have) 436 (ncsubj answer he _) (ncsubj be it _) (ncsubj be temple _) (xcomp _ be architect) (ncsubj be it _) (xcomp _ be temple) (xcomp _ be immortal) (ncmod _ so not) (mod _ be so) (cmod _ so answer) (ncmod _ be not) (cmod that temple be) (cmod _ be answer) (detmod _ architect the) (detmod _ temple the) (conj but architect temple) 437 (ncsubj say nothing obj) (ncsubj be theme _) (xcomp _ be loyalty) (ncmod _ nothing almost) (ncmod of say victory) (ncmod poss victory Charles) (ncmod _ victory spectacular) (ncmod _ say be) (ncmod _ theme central) (ncmod _ loyalty heroic) (ncmod of loyalty people) (ncmod _ people Swedish) (ncmod to loyalty king) (ncmod _ king idolize) (ncmod in loyalty misfortune) (ncmod in loyalty defeat) (detmod poss king their) (detmod _ theme the) (detmod _ loyalty the) (detmod _ people the) (aux _ say be) (conj and misfortune defeat) 438 (ncsubj aspire each _) (xcomp to aspire be) (ncsubj be each _) (xcomp _ be god) (ncsubj be it _) (xcomp _ be kind) (ncmod in god form) (ncmod _ form human) (ncmod with be each) (ncmod _ kind different) (ncmod of kind god) (detmod _ god a) (detmod _ kind a) (conj but aspire be) 439 (ncsubj fail each _) (ncsubj bring each _) (dobj bring ruin _) (iobj on ruin country) (ncsubj worship country _) (dobj worship he _) (ncmod _ fail catastrophically) (ncmod in fail invasion) (ncmod of invasion Russia) (cmod that country worship) (detmod _ invasion an) (detmod _ country the) (conj and fail bring) 440 (ncsubj write Heidenstam _) (dobj write work _) (iobj about write figure) (ncsubj revere figure _) (ncmod _ work four) (ncmod _ work other) (ncmod of work fiction) (ncmod _ figure early) (xmod _ figure revere) (ncmod in revere memory) (ncmod _ memory Swedish) 441 (ncsubj be it _) (xcomp _ be different) (ncsubj intend history obj) (iobj for intend reader) (ncsubj suit history obj) (iobj for suit student) (ncmod with different volume) (ncmod _ volume Swede) (ncmod _ volume chieftain) (ncmod _ volume history) (ncmod _ reader general) (ncmod _ suit particularly) (ncmod _ school high) (ncmod _ student school) (ncmod _ chieftain Svenskarna) ;;; note bracketed title translation otherwise ignored (detmod poss volume his) (detmod poss chieftain their) (detmod _ Swede the) (detmod _ history a) (detmod _ reader the) (conj and intend suit) (conj and Swede chieftain) 442 (ncsubj be it _) (xcomp _ be unnecessary) (xcomp to unnecessary speak) (ncmod of speak Charles) (ncmod _ Charles XII) (ncmod of speak Adolphus) (ncmod _ Adolphus Gustavus) (conj and Adolphus Charles) 443 (dobj note evidence _) (xsubj be note _) (xcomp _ be step) (ncsubj be cure _) (xcomp _ be detection) (xcomp _ be removal) (ncmod _ step first) (ncmod _ cure almost) (ncmod _ cure only) (ncmod _ detection early) (detmod _ evidence such) (detmod _ step the) (detmod _ cure the) (conj and detection removal) 444 (ncsubj deteriorate ability _) (ncsubj live we _) (dobj live life _) (ncmod _ deteriorate not) (ncmod _ ability physical) (ncmod _ deteriorate already) (ncmod becauseof deteriorate life) (ncmod _ sedentary more) (ncmod _ life sedentary) (cmod _ life live) (ncmod _ live now) (detmod poss ability our) (detmod _ life the) (aux inv deteriorate have) (aux _ live be) 445 (ncsubj be version _) ;;; loc inversion -- see 284?? (ncsubj know version obj) (iobj as know corporation) (ncmod in be stead) (ncmod _ version Milquetoast) (xmod _ version know) (detmod poss stead his) (detmod _ version a) (detmod _ corporation the) 446 (ncsubj cover amount _) (dobj cover fact _) (ncmod of amount ballyhoo) (ncmod prt cover up) (ncmod _ fact sordid) (detmod _ amount no) (detmod _ fact the) (aux _ cover will) 447 (ncsubj be it _) (xcomp _ be notorious) (iobj for notorious disregard) (ncsubj depend it _) (iobj on depend they) (ncmod asto be benefit) (ncmod to benefit employee) (ncmod _ disregard callous) (cmod where be depend) (ncmod _ where except) (ncmod for depend service) (detmod poss disregard its) 448 (ncsubj urge initiative obj) (xcomp to urge produce) (ncsubj produce initiative _) (dobj produce good _) (dobj produce service _) (ncmod _ area other) (ncmod in urge area) (ncmod _ initiative private) (ncmod of initiative type) (ncmod _ type proprietorship) (ncmod _ good desire) (ncmod _ service desire) (detmod _ area all) (detmod _ type the) (detmod _ good the) (detmod _ service the) (aux _ urge be) (aux _ be shall) (conj and good service) 449 (ncsubj react corporation _) (iobj to react stimulus) (ncmod _ react violently) (ncmod _ range short) (ncmod _ stimulus range) (ncmod _ stimulus e.g.) (ncmod _ e.g. report) (ncmod _ report quarterly) (ncmod _ report annual) (ncmod _ report dividend) (conj and quarterly annual) 450 (ncsubj establish proprietorships _) (dobj establish identity _) (ncsubj represent identity _) (dobj represent personality _) (ncsubj establish proprietorships _) (dobj establish relationship _) (ncmod _ identity meaningful) (xmod _ identity represent) (ncmod _ personality human) (ncmod _ establish thus) (ncmod _ relationship sincere) (ncmod with relationship customer) (ncmod with relationship community) (detmod _ identity a) (detmod _ personality a) (aux _ establish can) (conj and establish establish) (conj and customer community) 451 (ncsubj lack leadership _) (ncsubj have it _) (dobj have place _) (xmod to place develop) (ncmod in lack society) (ncmod _ place legitimate) (cmod because lack have) (detmod poss society our) (detmod _ place no) (aux _ lack be) 452 (ncsubj die proprietor _) (ncsubj become establishment _) (xcomp _ become corporation) (ncsubj acquire it obj) (arg_mod by acquire proprietor subj) (ncmod _ acquire either) ; treatment of leading co-ordinator? (ncsubj decide government _) (xcomp to decide drop) (ncsubj drop government _) (dobj drop it _) (cmod when become die) (cmod until become acquire) (cmod until become decide) (detmod _ proprietor the) (detmod _ establishment the) (detmod _ corporation a) (detmod _ proprietor another) (detmod _ government the) (aux _ become shall) (aux _ acquire be) (conj or acquire decide) 453 (ncsubj threaten strike _) (dobj threaten security _) (ncsubj prevent strike _) (dobj prevent relationship _) (xmod _ strike threaten) (ncsubj motivate strike obj) (ncmod of security proprietorship) (xmod if strike motivate) (ncmod _ motivate internally) (ncmod _ relationship healthy) (detmod _ security the) (detmod _ proprietorship the) (detmod _ relationship a) 454 (ncsubj be battle _) (xcomp _ be easy) (ncmod _ easy not) (detmod _ battle the) 455 (ncsubj have which _) (dobj have atmosphere _) (ncsubj probe observation _) (dobj probe atmosphere _) (ncsubj use those _) (dobj use length _) (ncsubj give observation _) (dobj give information _) (ncmod of observation emission) (ncmod _ emission radio) (ncmod of emission planet) (cmod which planet have) (ncmod _ atmosphere extensive) (ncmod to probe extent) (ncmod _ extent great) (ncmod than extent those) ;;; than again ?? (xmod _ those use) (ncmod _ length short) (ncmod _ length wave) (ncmod in give case) (ncmod _ unobtainable otherwise) (ncmod _ information unobtainable) (ncmod about information characteristic) (ncmod of characteristic surface) (ncmod _ surface solid) (detmod _ emission the) (detmod _ planet a) (detmod _ atmosphere an) (detmod _ atmosphere the) (detmod _ extent a) (detmod _ case some) (detmod _ characteristic the) (detmod _ surface the) (aux _ probe will) (aux _ give shall) (conj and probe give) 456 (ncsubj supply observation _) (dobj supply data _) (ncmod _ observation radio) (ncmod of observation Venus) (ncmod of observation Jupiter) (ncmod _ supply already) (ncmod _ data unexpected) (ncmod _ data experimental) (ncmod on data condition) (ncmod _ condition physical) (ncmod of condition planet) (detmod _ planet these) (detmod _ condition the) (aux _ supply have) (conj and Venus Jupiter) 457 (ncsubj observe Mars obj) (iobj at observe length) (ncsubj be intensity _) (xcomp in be agreement) (ncsubj predict which obj) (ncmod _ observe twice) (ncmod _ length wave) (ncmod _ 3 about) (ncmod _ cm 3) (ncmod _ wave cm) (ncmod of intensity radiation) (ncmod _ radiation observe) (ncmod _ agreement reasonable) (ncmod with agreement radiation) (ncmod _ radiation thermal) (cmod which radiation predict) (ncmod on predict basis) (ncmod of basis temperature) (ncmod _ temperature know) (ncmod of temperature Mars) (detmod _ intensity the) (detmod _ radiation the) (detmod _ radiation the) (detmod _ basis the) (detmod _ temperature the) (aux _ observe be) (aux _ be have) (aux _ predict be) (aux _ be may) (conj and observe be) 458 (ncsubj be diameter _) (xcomp _ be minute) (ncmod _ diameter maximum) (ncmod _ diameter angular) (ncmod of diameter disk) (ncmod _ disk planetary) (xmod as disk observe) (ncmod from observe earth) (ncmod _ 1 about) (ncmod _ minute 1) (ncmod of minute arc) (detmod _ disk any) (detmod _ diameter the) (detmod _ earth the) 459 (ncsubj be this _) (xcomp _ be small) (ncsubj resolve emission obj) (ncmod _ small much) (ncmod than small resolution) (ncmod _ resolution high) (ncmod of resolution reflector) (ncmod _ reflector even) (ncmod _ large very) (ncmod _ reflector large) (ncmod under reflector construction) (ncmod _ construction now) (ncmod _ resolve consequently) (ncmod _ emission radio) (ncmod of emission region) (ncmod _ region different) (ncmod of region disk) (ncmod _ resolve not) (detmod _ resolution the) (detmod _ reflector the) (detmod _ emission the) (detmod _ disk the) (aux _ resolve be) (aux _ be can) (conj and be resolve) 460 (ncsubj be there _) (xcomp _ be measurement) (ncmod _ for specifically) (ncmod for measurement determination) (ncmod of determination polarization) (ncmod of polarization radiation) (ncmod _ radiation planetary) (detmod _ measurement few) (detmod _ determination the) (detmod _ polarization the) (aux _ be have) 461 (ncsubj follow which _) (ncsubj refer average obj) (ncsubj call variation obj) (obj2 call component) (ncmod in refer discussion) (cmod which discussion follow) (ncmod _ average time) (ncmod of average emission) (ncmod _ emission radio) (ncmod _ refer to) (ncmod as refer component) (ncmod _ component constant) (ncmod in call discussion) (ncmod _ variation superimpose) (ncmod _ variation periodic) (ncmod _ component variable) (detmod _ discussion the) (detmod _ average the) (detmod _ emission the) (detmod _ component the) (detmod _ variation the) (detmod _ component the) (aux _ refer be) (aux _ be will) (aux _ call be) (aux _ be will) (conj and refer call) 462 (ncsubj make experiment obj) (dobj apply anode _) (ncsubj cool anode obj) (arg_mod by cool gas subj) (ncmod on make arc) (ncmod _ arc electric) (xmod _ make apply) (ncmod _ anode porous) (ncmod _ anode graphite) (xmod _ anode cool) (ncmod _ gas transpire) (ncmod _ gas argon) (detmod _ arc an) (detmod _ anode a) (detmod _ gas a) (aux _ make be) 463 (ncsubj establish balance obj) (ncmod _ balance detail) (ncmod _ balance energy) (ncmod of balance anode) (detmod _ balance a) (detmod _ anode the) (aux _ establish be) 464 (ncsubj make observation obj) (ncsubj take picture obj) (ncsubj study picture _) (dobj study phenomenon _) (ncmod _ observation qualitative) (ncmod _ speed high) (ncmod _ picture speed) (ncmod _ picture motion) (xmod to take study) (ncmod _ phenomenon flow) (ncmod in phenomenon arc) (ncmod at study velocity) (ncmod _ velocity various) (ncmod _ velocity mass) (ncmod _ velocity flow) (detmod _ arc the) (aux _ make be) (aux _ take be) (conj and make take) 465 (ncsubj be requirement _) (xcomp _ be severe) (ncmod _ requirement cool) (ncmod _ severe particularly) (ncmod at be anode) (detmod _ requirement the) (detmod _ anode the) 466 (ncsubj resemble condition _) (dobj resemble those _) (ncmod _ condition flow) (ncmod at condition anode) (ncmod of condition arc) (ncmod _ burning free) (ncmod _ arc burning) (ncmod near those point) (ncmod _ point stagnation) (ncmod _ resemble hence) (detmod _ condition the) (detmod _ anode the) (detmod _ point a) 467 (ncsubj apply method obj) (arg_mod by apply Sheer subj) (arg_mod by apply co-worker subj) (ncmod _ Sheer C.) (ncmod _ method third) (ncmod to apply knowledge) (ncmod _ apply successfully) (ncmod for apply time) (ncmod _ time first) (ncmod _ Sheer Ref.) (ncmod _ co-worker Ref.) (ncmod _ Ref. 2) (detmod poss knowledge our) (detmod _ method the) (detmod _ time the) (aux _ apply be) (conj and Sheer co-worker) 468 (ncsubj arise difficulty _) (ncmod _ arise however) (ncmod _ difficulty technical) (xmod by arise melt) (ncmod at melt spot) (ncmod _ spot local) (ncmod _ spot hot) 469 (ncsubj adjust tube obj) (arg_mod by adjust drive subj) (dobj establish space _) (ncmod in adjust direction) (ncmod _ direction axial) (ncmod _ drive electric) (xmod to adjust establish) (ncmod _ require space) (ncmod _ space electrode) (detmod poss direction its) (detmod _ tube this) (detmod _ drive an) (detmod _ space the) (aux _ adjust be) (aux _ be can) 470 (ncsubj mount anode obj) (ncsubj attach which obj) (iobj to attach plug) (iobj to attach disk) (ncmod by mount means) (ncmod of means holder) (ncmod in anode figure) (ncmod _ figure 2) (ncmod _ holder anode) (cmod which holder attach) (ncmod _ plug steel) (ncmod _ disk steel) (detmod _ anode the) (detmod _ holder the) (detmod _ plug a) (detmod _ disk a) (aux _ mount be) (aux _ attach be) (conj and plug disk) 471 (ncsubj require size obj) (dobj ensure uniformity _) (ncsubj leave flow _) (dobj leave anode _) (ncmod _ size small) (ncmod _ size pore) (xmod to require ensure) (ncmod of uniformity flow) (xmod _ flow leave) (detmod _ size this) (detmod _ flow the) (detmod _ anode the) (aux _ require be) 472 (ncsubj expose it obj) (iobj to expose jet) (ncmod _ velocity high) (ncmod _ jet velocity) (ncmod _ jet gas) (detmod _ jet a) (aux _ expose be) 473 (ncsubj be holder _) (xcomp _ be cool) (ncsubj determine loss obj) (mod by determine measure) (dobj measure rise _) (ncmod in be design) (ncmod _ holder anode) (ncmod _ cool water) (ncmod in determine design) (ncmod _ loss heat) (ncmod by loss conduction) (ncmod from loss anode) (ncmod _ rise temperature) (ncmod of rise coolant) (detmod _ design this) (detmod _ holder the) (detmod _ loss the) (detmod _ anode the) (detmod _ rise the) (detmod _ coolant the) (aux _ determine be) (conj and be determine) 474 (ncsubj be source _) (xcomp _ be rectifier) (ncmod _ source power) (ncmod _ rectifier commercial) (ncmod _ rectifier C.) (ncmod _ C. D.) (detmod _ source the) (detmod _ rectifier a) 475 (ncsubj have which _) (dobj have temperature _) (ncsubj change region _) (dobj change size _) (dobj change location _) (cmod which region have) (ncmod _ temperature high) (ncmod than temperature rest) (ncmod of rest surface) (ncmod _ surface anode) (ncmod _ change continuously) (detmod _ region this) (detmod _ temperature a) (detmod _ rest the) (detmod _ surface the) (conj and size location) 476 (ncsubj include loss _) (dobj include heat _) (ncsubj conduct heat obj) (ncmod _ loss total) (ncmod _ loss heat) (ncmod through loss holder) (ncmod _ holder anode) (ncmod _ heat also) (xmod _ heat conduct) (ncmod of base piece) (ncmod _ piece cylindrical) (ncmod through conduct base) (ncmod into conduct part) (ncmod _ part adjacent) (ncmod _ part metal) (detmod _ loss the) (detmod _ holder the) (detmod _ heat the) (detmod _ base the) (detmod _ piece the) (detmod _ part the) 477 (ncsubj take value obj) (iobj from take Ref.) (ncmod _ dependent temperature) (ncmod _ value dependent) (ncmod of value ) (ncmod _ Ref. 7) (detmod _ value the) (aux _ take be) 478 (ncsubj consist it _) (dobj consist block _) (ncsubj hold block obj) (arg_mod by hold shim subj) (ncmod prt consist of) (ncmod _ block two) (ncmod with block surface) (ncmod _ surface flat) (xmod _ block hold) (ncmod prt hold apart) 479 (ncsubj hang weight obj) (iobj on hang end) (ncsubj allow weight obj) (xcomp to allow pull) (ncsubj pull weight _) (dobj pull tape _) (dobj pull material _) (ncsubj test material obj) (ncmod in hang use) (ncmod _ use normal) (ncmod of end tape) (xmod to material test) (ncmod between pull block) (detmod _ end the) (detmod _ tape the) (detmod _ tape the) (detmod _ material the) (detmod _ block the) (aux _ hang be) (aux _ allow be) (aux _ test be) (conj and hang allow) (conj and tape material) 480 (ncsubj pull tape obj) (ncmod in pull test) (ncmod _ tape ) (ncmod between pull block) (ncmod with pull motor) (ncmod with pull pulley) (ncmod at pull rate) (ncmod of rate ) (ncmod with pull clearance) (ncmod of clearance ) (ncmod _ 0.002) (ncmod on clearance side) (ncmod _ side each) (ncmod of side tape) (detmod _ test this) (detmod _ tape a) (detmod _ block the) (detmod _ motor a) (detmod _ pulley a) (detmod _ rate a) (detmod _ clearance a) (detmod _ side each) (detmod _ tape the) (aux _ pull be) (conj and motor pulley) 481 (ncsubj use system obj) (ncsubj make measurement obj) (ncmod which system depend) (ncmod _ depend not) (mod upon depend feed) ; feeding (ncmod of feed fluid) (ncmod into feed manometer) (mod if use make) (ncmod of measurement pressure) (ncmod _ pressure normal) (ncmod in make time) (ncmod _ time reasonable) (ncmod prt have to) (detmod _ system a) (detmod _ feed the) (detmod _ fluid the) (detmod _ manometer the) (detmod _ pressure the) (detmod _ time a) (aux _ use be) (aux _ be have) (aux _ make be) (aux to be make) ;;; be to be make ?? 482 (ncsubj explain pressure obj) (arg_mod by explain head subj) (ncsubj be this _) (xcomp _ be sufficient) (xcomp to sufficient explain) (ncsubj explain this _) (dobj explain reading _) (ncmod _ pressure negative) (ncmod _ explain not) (ncmod _ head velocity) (ncmod _ head ) (cmod since explain be) (ncmod _ sufficient not) (ncmod by sufficient magnitude) (ncmod _ magnitude several) (detmod _ pressure this) (detmod _ head the) (detmod _ reading the) (aux _ explain be) 483 (ncsubj give they _) (dobj give information _) (ncmod _ give also) (ncsubj aid which _) (iobj in aid design) (cmod which information aid) (ncmod of design instrument) (ncmod _ satisfactory more) (ncmod _ instrument satisfactory) (ncmod for instrument measurement) (ncmod of measurement pressure) (ncmod _ pressure normal) (detmod _ design the) (detmod _ instrument a) (detmod _ measurement the) (detmod _ pressure the) (aux _ aid will) 484 (ncsubj be _) (xcomp _ be work) (xcomp to necessary fill) (dobj fill column _) (ncmod _ work necessary) (ncmod _ column manometer) (ncmod from fill height) (ncmod _ height reference) (ncmod to fill h) (detmod _ work the) (detmod _ column the) (detmod _ height the) 485 (ncsubj find energy obj) (arg_mod by find take subj) (arg_mod by find equate subj) (dobj take derivative _) (iobj to equate zero) (ncmod _ energy minimum) (ncmod _ energy total) (ncmod _ energy potential) (ncmod with derivative respect) (ncmod to respect H) (detmod _ energy the) (detmod _ derivative the) (aux _ find be) (conj and take equate) 486 (ncsubj give this _) (dobj give _) (xcomp _ be pressure) (cmod which be) (detmod _ pressure the) 487 (ncsubj extend method obj) (xcomp to extend include) (ncsubj include method _) (dobj include difference _) (ncsubj cause difference obj) (arg_mod by cause field subj) (ncmod _ difference concentration) (xmod _ difference cause) (ncmod _ field shear) (detmod _ method this) (detmod _ difference the) (aux _ extend be) (aux _ be can) 488 (ncsubj justify this obj) (ncsubj do this obj) (ncsubj prepare which obj) (ncmod _ justify thermodynamically) (ncmod in justify case) (ncmod in do paper) (ncmod _ paper separate) (cmod which paper prepare) (detmod _ case this) (detmod _ paper a) (aux _ justify be) (aux _ be can) (aux _ do be) (aux _ be will) (aux _ prepare be) (aux _ be be) (conj and justify do) 489 (ncsubj have this _) (dobj have analogy _) (ncsubj state assumption obj) (arg_mod by state Philippoff subj) (ncsubj apply mechanics obj) (iobj to apply solution) (ncmod _ analogy interesting) (ncmod with analogy assumption) (xmod _ assumption state) (cmod that assumption apply) (ncmod _ mechanics deformational) (ncmod of mechanics solid) (ncmod _ solid elastic) (mod _ solution flow) ; flowing (detmod _ analogy an) (detmod _ assumption the) (detmod _ mechanics the) 490 (ncsubj be mechanics _) (xcomp _ be similar) (ncsubj infer we _) (ccomp that infer be) (ncsubj be thermo-dynamics _) (xcomp _ be similar) (cmod if infer be) (ncmod _ infer also) (ncmod _ be also) (detmod _ mechanics the) (detmod _ thermo-dynamics the) (aux _ infer can) (aux _ be will) 491 (ncsubj be they _) (xcomp _ be ellipsoid) (ncsubj be conclusion _) (xcomp _ be approximation) (cmod if be be) (ncmod _ be not) (ncmod _ approximation reasonable) (detmod _ conclusion the) (detmod _ approximation a) (aux _ be will) 492 (ncsubj depend energy _) (iobj on depend temperature) (ncsubj be energy _) (xcomp _ be independent) (iobj of independent pressure) (iobj of independent volume) (ncmod _ energy internal) (ncmod of energy gas) (ncmod _ gas ideal) (ncmod _ depend only) (detmod _ energy the) (detmod _ gas an) (conj and depend be) (conj or pressure volume) 493 (ccomp that note exert) (ncsubj contain gas _) (dobj contain energy _) (ncsubj exert gas _) (dobj exert pressure _) (cmod though exert contain) (ncmod _ gas ideal) (ncmod _ gas itself) (ncmod _ energy additional) (ncmod _ gas compress) (ncmod _ pressure increase) (detmod _ energy no) (detmod _ gas the) (detmod _ gas the) (detmod _ pressure an) (aux _ exert do) 494 (ncsubj do work obj) (arg_mod by do gas subj) (ncsubj come energy _) (iobj as come energy) (ncmod for energy work) (ncmod _ work isothermal) (xmod _ work do) (ncmod _ gas perfect) (ncmod _ energy thermal) (ncmod from come surroundings) (detmod poss surroundings its) (detmod _ work any) (detmod _ energy the) (detmod _ gas the) (aux _ come must) 495 (ncsubj conform moment _) (iobj to conform relation) (ncmod _ moment experimental) (ncmod _ moment second) (ncmod _ moment ) (ncmod _ relation ) (ncmod in conform agreement) (ncmod with agreement theory) (detmod _ moment the) (detmod _ relation the) 496 (ncsubj provide effect _) (dobj provide information _) (ncmod _ effect paramagnetic) (ncmod _ effect dipole) (ncmod on information shape) (ncmod _ shape particle) (detmod _ information some) (detmod _ effect the) (detmod _ shape the) 497 (ncsubj discuss we _) (dobj discuss bond _) (ncmod _ discuss first) (ncmod _ bond ) (ncmod in bond ) (detmod _ bond the) 498 (ncsubj be there _) (xcomp _ be evidence) (ncsubj be bond _) (xcomp _ be symmetric) (cmod that evidence be) (ncmod _ evidence ample) (ncmod from evidence source) (ncmod _ source many) (ncmod _ bond ) (ncmod in bond ) 499 (ncsubj be distance _) (xcomp _ be A) (ncmod _ be here) (ncmod _ distance ) (ncmod _ A 2.44) (detmod _ distance the) 500 (ncsubj be there _) (xcomp _ be possibility) (ccomp that possibility be) (ncsubj be bond _) (xcomp _ be symmetric) (ncsubj be Douglass _) (xcomp _ be unable) (xcomp to unable determine) (ncsubj determine Douglass _) (dobj determine symmetry _) (ncmod _ be then) (ncmod _ bond ) (cmod although be be) (ncmod from determine data) (ncmod _ ray x) (ncmod _ data ray) (detmod _ bond this) (detmod poss symmetry its) (detmod _ possibility the) (detmod poss data his)