Dienes & Longuet-Higgins (in press), Cognitive Science.

Smooth experiment, reported in the introduction of experiment 2.


Participants. We used 68 participants who were students at the University of Sussex. Twenty-eight participated in the training conditions, in which each participant was trained and tested on one transform. An equal number of training participants were randomly assigned to each transform. Forty participated in the control conditions, in which each participant was tested on a transform but not trained on it. An equal number of control participants were randomly assigned to each transform.
Materials. The order of pitch classes in the first hexachord was determined by randomly choosing a starting (white) pitch class, then randomly picking a direction (clockwise or anticlockwise) and moving round the clock face systematically in that direction, picking out the whites in order. For example, consider the whites consisting of the set {0, 2, 7, 9, 10, 11} again. If the random starting note was 9, and the random direction was clockwise, the first hexachord would be: 9, 10, 11, 0, 2, 7 (A, Bb, B, C, D, G). Thus, for a transpose, the second hexachord would be 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 1 (Eb, E, F, F#, Ab, Db). Each note was played in the octave that ensured the interval from the last note lay within the range -5...+6 semitones (for the nonoctified materials only). This procedure ensured that the second hexachord was a literal pitch transformation of the first (for the nonoctifed materials); that is, the transforms respected normal arithmetic rather than modulo arithmetic. The two hexachords were separated by a delay of one second to help draw attention to the hexachord structure of the tone row. Also, unlike experiment 1, the distractor items were not randomly scrambled: In nongrammatical tone rows, the second hexachord was a cyclic permutation of what the grammatical one would be (cyclic permutation has "ecological validity" in that it is a devise employed by Stravinsky and Krenek in their serialist pieces); specifically, the first tone of the hexachord was moved to become the last tone of the hexachord. So for the example being used in this paragraph, the second hexachord would become 4, 5, 6, 8, 1, 3 (creating the non-grammatical tone row: 9, 10, 11, 0, 2, 7, 4, 5, 6, 8, 1, 3).


training: (i) numbers (ii) pitches (iii) audio sample stimulus
(a) transpose: (i) numbers (ii) pitches (iii) audio sample stimulus
(b) non-transpose: (i) numbers (ii) pitches (iii) audio sample stimulus

training: (i) numbers (ii) pitches (iii) audio sample stimulus
(a) inverse: (i) numbers (ii) pitches (iii) audio sample stimulus
(b) non-inverse: (i) numbers (ii) pitches (iii) audio sample stimulus

training: (i) numbers (ii) pitches (iii) audio sample stimulus
(a) retrograde: (i) numbers (ii) pitches (iii) audio sample stimulus
(b) non-retrograde: (i) numbers (ii) pitches (iii) audio sample stimulus

training: (i) numbers (ii) pitches (iii) audio sample stimulus
(a) inverse retrograde: (i) numbers (ii) pitches (iii) audio sample stimulus
(b) non-inverse retrograde: (i) numbers (ii) pitches (iii) audio sample stimulus

Procedure. The procedure for the trained participants was the same as in experiment 1, only the materials differed. The control participants participated in only the test phase.


To our surprise, trained participants once again performed at chance for each transform. The means and standard errors are shown in Table 1.

Table 1.
Percent correct classification (standard errors in parentheses).


  Trained participants:   Control participants:  
Transform: Nonoctified: Octified: Nonoctified: Octified:
transpose 50.6 (4.5) 60.0 (5.0) 53.1 (3.0) 54.6 (4.9)
inversion 44.1 (3.4) 60.0 (8.2) 57.7 (3.3) 56.6 (4.5)
retrograde 42.0 (3.5) 45.7 (6.7) 47.4 (2.8) 59.7 (3.6)
inverse retrograde 45.7 (3.0) 63.8 (7.9) 45.9 (3.7) 55.8 (4.9)

A three-way (training (trained vs control) by transform (transpose vs inversion vs retrograde vs inverse retrograde) by octave displacement (octified vs non-octified)) mixed model ANOVA indicated no main effect of training, F(1, 60) = 0.98, p = .33, MSe = 0.019, and no interactions involving training (all p's > .10). The upper limit of the 95% CI on the difference between trained and control scores is 1%. That is, the lack of learning of the trained participants is established to a high degree of sensitivity.
The only significant effect was the main effect of octave displacement, F(1, 60) = 13.86, p < .0005, MSe = 0.018, with all participants performing better on the octified rather than non-octified stimuli. Because there was no octave displacement by training interaction, F(1, 60) = 1.71, p = 0.20, MSe = 0.018, the effect of octave displacement is not due to anything learnt in the training phase but due to pre-existing biases people bring to the test phase.

Six of the 28 trained participants had achieved grade 5 or better on a musical instrument; the rest had very little or no musical training. Comparing these two groups, on the non-octified material the "musically experienced" participants classified 45% (SD = 11%) of the materials correctly and the musically inexperiened classified 46% (SD = 10%) of the materials correctly, the difference was not significant, t(26) = 0.23. For the octified materials, the musically experienced scored 50% (SD = 18%) and the musically inexperienced scored 59% (SD = 19%), t(26) = 1.07.

In summary, there is no evidence for learning with these materials.