Harry at
Christ's Hospital 












This is Harry’s school’s Quadrangle.


The building on the right is “Big School”, the main hall. Turning anti-clockwise, the next building is the Maths block, AKA the “Royal School Of Mathematics”. The third is part of the Science school.







This building is the dining hall, where Harry marches into lunch almost every day.


Also some musical performances are held here.


This is in the Quad.






The nearest building is Harry’s boarding house, called Thornton B


The top two floors are the rooms and the bottom floor is recreational.


Inside, the housemaster also has his flat.





These two photos are of the stairs and corridors to Harry’s room.


The far door on the second picture leads to the “lav-ends” (showers, sinks, and toilets).






This is Harry’s desk in his room


The coat that Harry is wearing is part of the uniform