HELP VED_HTML David Young August 1997 VED_HTML is a Ved utility to help in editing HTML documents. It is not a previewer or syntax checker, but it can reduce the amount of typing needed to edit HTML markup information. It incorporates a facility for automatically inserting HTML tags into a plain document, although this should usually be regarded as producing a rough first attempt which will need refining using the interactive editing facility. Various HTML authoring tools are available; VED_HTML does not attempt to compete with these, but it is useful for those who edit their HTML with an ordinary text editor. CONTENTS - (Use g to access required sections) 1 Introductory tutorial 1.1 Preliminaries 1.2 Loading the package 1.3 Inserting and deleting tags 1.4 Viewing the results 1.5 Converting an existing text file 1.6 Further notes 2 Scope letters 3 Command-line commands 4 Keyboard sequences 5 Notes on tag insertion and deletion 5.1 Line breaking during insertion 5.2 Cursor positioning after insertion 5.3 URL handling 6 Document preparation 6.1 The overall procedure 6.2 Selecting particular operations 7 Customisation 7.1 Tags 7.2 The ved_html_init.p file 7.3 Keyboard strings 7.4 Tag properties 7.5 Preprocessing options 7.6 Miscellaneous ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Introductory tutorial ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This introduction is intended to be useful to relatively new users of Ved, but others should skim it to get the general idea of the package. sections 2 onwards give a more systematic description. 1.1 Preliminaries ------------------ You should already be able to use Ved to edit normal text. You should also have a working knowledge of HTML, or at least be learning about it. This file will not help you to learn HTML; it is only concerned with speeding up typing in HTML tags that you already know about. In this file means the key labelled "Enter" on your keyboard, not the letters E, N, T, E and R. Similarly means the "Esc" or "Escape" key, the "Return" key, the "Delete" key and the space bar. You press each of these briefly, on its own, and not in conjuction with other keys. (The "Control" key is different, and is held down while other keys are pressed, but it is hardly used in this file.) This file will often use an expression like 'give the command (or Ved command) "abc xyz"'. This means you give the command on the Ved command line, as follows: 1. Tap 2. Type "abc xyz", without the quotation marks. What you type will appear on the Ved command line. 3. Tap Alternatively, you will sometimes see an instruction like 'type "abcxyz"'. This means that you simply type the characters abcxyz, without any preliminaries and without the quotation marks. You will not necessarily see the characters you type appear anywhere, though instructions may appear on the command line. 1.2 Loading the package ------------------------ To make the package available you must load the program. To do this, give the Ved command "html". You will see a message on the command line, but no changes are made to any files at this point. 1.3 Inserting and deleting tags -------------------------------- Here is some text to practice on. Language proper can be defined by the concurrence of two fundamental processes: articulation and integration. This dual process can be found in the language of narrative. Move the Ved cursor onto a word in the paragraph above. Then type "hwb". An HTML tag will appear round the word the cursor was in; the word would now be rendered in bold font by a browser. Although what you typed may appear complex, you used far fewer keystrokes than you would need to use to insert the tag and its closer by hand. The key sequence to insert the tag actually has a simple structure, which is as follows. 1. The first part is "h". This is used to initiate insertion of a tag as well as other VED_HTML commands. (You can change this sequence if you want to though - see sections 3 and 7.) 2. The next part is the letter "w". This is the "scope letter" which defines how big a chunk of text you want to include in the body of the HTML element. The letter "w" stands for "word". You may have noticed that the word was highlighted when you reached this point. 3. The final part is "b". This specifies the tag. The space at the end is necessary to distinguish the B tag from other tags beginning with the letter "B". Now put the cursor into the test paragraph above again, and type "hppr". This has the same lead-in sequence, but the scope letter is "p" for paragraph, so the whole of the paragraph is enclosed. The tag name is just "pr", which inserts the PRE tag. PRE is the only tag name beginning with "pr", so there is no ambiguity, and the space at the end is not needed. In general then, to insert a tag, you do the following: 1. Position the cursor on the text that is to form the body of an HTML element. 2. Type "h". 3. Type a scope letter to indicate how much text is to be included - a full list is in section 2. Scope letters are lower case. 4. Start typing a tag name. It can be in lower case. When enough characters to identify a tag unambiguously have been typed, it will be inserted. If you reach the end of the name before this happens, type . To delete a tag, put the cursor inside the element it defines and type "h". Try this with the B tag you inserted earlier. Note that the command starts with the same sequence, but followed by rather than a scope letter. Experiment on the test paragraph above. Use the scope letters "c" (character), "w", "s" (sentence), "l" (line) and "p". Try tags such a B, I, PRE, P, LI, UL, H1, HR, BLOCKQUOTE, BODY. Do not worry about blank lines and line breaks that may appear - see section 5.1 below. Note that if a tag such as HR has no closer, it is placed before the text that you have selected. Now put the A tag round the line below: A pointer to COGS home page Because the line starts with a URL, and the A tag expects a URL in its attributes, the URL is moved there instead of remaining in the body of the element. More details are in section 5.3. If you try experimenting on text that contains the characters "<" or ">", other than as part of a valid tag, you might find that an error occurs. A message about "unrecognised tag" or "incomplete tag" will probably appear on the status line. The best way to avoid this is to remove the characters by preparing the text - see section 1.5. There are commands to delete all the text in a scope, to undo deletions and to splice deleted text back in a different position. You can also highlight all the HTML tags in a file. Details of these operations are given in sections 3 and 4. 1.4 Viewing the results ------------------------ You will need to use a browser to look at the results of your editing. The following instructions give an indication of how to do this, but you will almost certainly want to vary them according to your own preferences. 1. Create a file for the HTML document, by giving the command "ved temp1.html". (I have called it temp1.html because it is meant as a temporary file for experimenting with. You can choose your own name of course.) 2. Copy some text into it. You might copy the test paragraph above, for example, using the usual Ved commands. 3. Mark up the text as HTML. You could use the scope letter "f" (file) to put the BODY tag round all the text. You could then type in a title in front of the body and put a TITLE tag round it, a HEAD tag round that, and then use the "f" scope again to put an HTML tag round everything to make a legal HTML document. 4. Write the file by giving the command "html write". (You can use standard command "w1" instead if you have not switched on tag highlighting - see section 3.) 5. In a windows environment, move the cursor to a terminal window such as an xterm; in a non-windows environment give the Ved command "stop". Either way you should have a prompt for a shell command. Now start your browser looking at the file you have made, for example by typing "lynx temp1.html" or "netscape temp1.html". If you already have a browser running, just tell it to open the file temp1.html. You will then probably wish to modify the document. You will need to use something like the following cycle: 1. Return to Ved. In a windows environment you probably just need to move the cursor. In a non-windows environment suspend your browser (typically by holding down the "control" key and typing "z") and then resume Ved (typically with the shell command "fg ?ved"). 2. Edit the file using Ved. 3. Write the modified file with the command "html write". 4. Return to the browser. In a windows environment move the cursor to the relevant window. In a non-windows environment, give the ved command "stop" then the shell command "fg ?lynx" (or whatever is appropriate). 5. Tell the browser to reload the file. In netscape you simply click on the "reload" button, whilst in lynx you hold down the "control" key and type "r". You will see the results of your modifications. Repeat these last steps until you are happy with the document. This edit-write-reload cycle can be done quickly, especially in a windows environment, once you are used to it. 1.5 Converting an existing text file ------------------------------------- Instead of editing in all the markup code, you may wish to have an existing text file automatically converted to HTML. VED_HTML will attempt this for you, though it will not necessarily get it entirely right, as it is difficult to produce perfect rules for this process. You can try this out on the file that you are reading with the following instructions. 1. Rename the file with the command "name temp2.html". This gives you your own copy of this help file, that you can alter without affecting anything else. You can of course choose a name other than temp2.html. ___You ______should ________normally ______rename ___any ____file ____that ___you ___are _____about __to _______process ____this ___way __in _____order __to ________preserve ___the ________original ________version. 2. Give the command "html prep". The "prep" is short for "prepare" as the process is intended as preparation for interactive editing. 3. Write the file and view it using a browser, as described in the last section. The new file can be edited using any editor, but Ved with VED_HTML provides an quick way to modify it further. If you want to use VED_HTML on a file containing HTML special characters (such as "<") which are not part of tags, but you do not want to invoke the full set of preparation procedures, you can translate the special characters only with the command "html prep htmlchars". See section 6 for more details. 1.6 Further notes ------------------ The information so far is sufficient to make straightforward use of VED_HTML. The rest of this file gives more details about what it offers, and includes lists of the scope letters, the various commands including facilities such as tag highlighting and cutting and pasting tags. In addition, it is possible to customise VED_HTML in various ways to suit your use of it. For example, by default the program assumes that P tags have closers, but many authors use P tags without closers. You can switch P closers off for a session with the command "html pclosers off", and you can also make this your personal default. More generally, you can find out about and change all the tags that the program knows of. There are also many changes that can be made to the HTML text preparation program. Details of these are all given below in section 7. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Scope letters ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VED_HTML identifies blocks of text using scope letters, often in conjunction with the cursor position. Opening tags are placed in front of the scope and closing tags at the end. Some of the scope letters have been mentioned above. They are listed in full here. In every case, the scope may be automatically reduced to take account of existing HTML tags. For example, if a line of text contains only an opening B tag and no closer, tag nesting is violated by placing a tag pair round the whole line. The scope is therefore reduced to be either the part of the line to the left of the B tag, or the part of the line to the right, depending on the position of the cursor. To see exactly what a scope letter means in a given context, simply type the sequence "h" followed by the scope letter (as if you were going to insert a tag). The scope will be highlighted. Type or to remove the highlighting and restore any previous character attributes. _____Scope_ ______letter ____Text_ ________referred_ __to . The cursor position: no text is included, and both opening and closing tags are inserted as if they had simply been typed in one after the other at the current cursor position (i.e. to the left of the character under the cursor mark). c The character under the cursor mark. w The word containing the cursor. Uses * vedstartwordleft and * vedendwordright to delimit words. u The URL containing the cursor. A URL is identified as text starting with a string in vedhtmlurlstarts and ending at the first character not in vedhtmlurlchars. l The line containing the cursor. s The sentence containing the cursor. Uses * vedprevsent and * vednextsentend to delimit sentences. p The paragraph containing the cursor. Uses vedhtmlinparagraph to delimit paragraphs. This is user-definable - see section 7. o The pr_ocedure containing the cursor (normally a Pop-11 procedure). Uses * ved_mcp to delimit procedures. r The marked range. x In XVed, the X-selection. (Only available from the command line because of a limitation in XVed.) k The part of the text delimited by the top two positions on Ved's position stac_k. The cursor should be moved to one end of the text and the "push" key pressed, then the same done at the other end, before invoking this scope. i The contents of the HTML element containing the cursor. Inserted tags go just _inside the opener and closer surrounding the cursor. e The whole of the HTML _element containing the cursor. Inserted tags go just outside the opener and closer surrounding the cursor. f The whole of the current file. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Command-line commands ----------------------------------------------------------------------- There are two ways of interacting with VED_HTML: commands given on the Ved command line, and key sequences. The command-line commands are as follows. html Loads VED_HTML if it is not already loaded. (Any of the other command-line commands will also do this.) html prep html prep _______options html prep not _______options Prepares the current file by inserting HTML tags round the existing text, substituting for special characters, etc. The first form carries out all the available operations, whilst the other forms, where _______options is a space-separated sequence of words, specify which operations to include or omit. Permitted options are: titles, htmlchars, headers, attributes, lists, paragraphs, graphchars, wrappers. See section 6. html _____scope _________tagabbrev The argument _____scope must be a scope letter and _________tagabbrev must be the name of tag, optionally abbreviated. The abbreviation must be no shorter than that shown by the "html abbrevs" command, though a terminating full stop is never needed. The tag will be inserted round the specified scope if it has a closer, or in front of it if it does not. Can also be done using a keyboard sequence. See comments in section 5. html del html del _____scope In the first form with no argument, deletes the tag containing the cursor. If the argument _____scope is present it must be a scope letter, and all the text in the specified scope is deleted. Can also be done using keyboard sequences. html undo The last VED_HTML deletion is reversed. This may not work correctly if other edits have been made since the deletion took place. Can also be done using a keyboard sequence. html splice _____scope The argument _____scope must be a scope letter. Inserts the last VED_HTML deletion round the scope if the deletion involved both an opening and closing tag; otherwise places it at the start of the scope. Can also be done using a keyboard sequence. html show Switches on and off highlighting of HTML tags. html write html write ________filename Writes the current file with * vedwriteoutplain set to 1, so that Ved attributes are not written. This means that tag highlighting does not affect the browser's view of the document. In the first form the file is written under its own name; in the second it is written to the file named. html keys Changes the lead-in sequence for keyboard html commands (which defaults to "h".) After giving this command, the new sequence must be typed followed by three times. (The old sequence is not reclaimed as normal text, but a different action can be assigned to it.) html printtags Prints details of all the tags that VED_HTML knows about in a Ved buffer. See section 7 for how this tag information can be changed. html abbrevs Prints the abbreviation of each tag name that VED_HTML knows about in a Ved buffer. The abbreviation of a tag name is the shortest initial substring that identifies it uniquely. Where an abbreviation is followed by a full stop, the name must be terminated with , or "." when being input for insertion other than on the command line. html readtags html readtags ________filename Reads in new tag descriptions from a file. See section 7 for how to set up such a file. If the ________filename argument is given, that file is used; if omitted, the name held in the variable vedhtmltagfile is used. The current tag descriptions are forgotten. html pclosers html pclosers on html pclosers off In the first form, reports on whether VED_HTML expects P tags to have closers. The other two forms switch P closers on or off. Closers for P tags should used consistently in a file. The default is "on", but it is possible to change the default for a user. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Keyboard sequences ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Some keyboard sequences are defined for rapid tag manipulation, as alternatives to the command-line commands above. These are simply typed while editing, without going to the command line. A prompt is displayed on the command line at various points if the user pauses. The entries below use the following components, which are typed without spaces between them: # means the sequence held in the variable vedhtmlkeys, which defaults to "h", but which is user-definable (see section 7). # is a scope letter as listed in section 2. # is a tag abbreviation, terminated where necessary by , or "." (These termination characters are also user-definable.) # Other characters appearing below are typed literally. The shift key must be pressed for letters shown in upper case. The specified tag is inserted round the text scope, or in front of it if the tag has no closer. The scope is highlighted until the tag is inserted. See the notes in section 5. The tag surrounding the HTML element containing the cursor is deleted. For a tag with a closer, the cursor must be after the first character of the opener, and on or before the last character of the closer, but not inside any nested element. For a tag without a closer, the cursor must be in the tag itself. The whole of the scope specified is deleted, including both text and any tags. The scope is highlighted until is pressed; the operation can be abandoned at this point with one of the tag termination characters. D Same as , but without scope highlighting. U The last VED_HTML deletion is reversed. This may not work correctly if other edits have been made since the deletion took place. S Inserts the last VED_HTML deletion round the scope if the deletion involved both an opening and closing tag; otherwise places it at the start of the scope. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Notes on tag insertion and deletion ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.1 Line breaking during insertion ----------------------------------- Some HTML tags logically break the text up into chunks, which will be rendered by a browser as separate blocks on the page. When manipulating text in Ved, it is convenient if such chunks are kept separate from one another, and the simplest way to do this is to make sure that each chunk is a separate paragraph. For this reason, when VED_HTML inserts a tag which is designated a "separator", it will check that the element created appears as a separate paragraph. First, it will make sure that the opening tag occurs at the start of a line, by breaking the line if necessary. Second, it will if necessary insert a line break after the closing tag, and then a blank line below the paragraph to separate it from any following text. No blank line is inserted above a paragraph. This is because VED_HTML regards a line starting with a separating tag as a paragraph start, so there is no need to do so from its point of view. Ordinary Ved will not recognise such a line as a paragraph break, however. If you wish to give the rest of Ved the same view of paragraphs is VED_HTML has, you can load the following line (or put it in your ved_html_init.p file - see section 7.2):  vedhtmlinparagraph -> vedinparagraph; 5.2 Cursor positioning after insertion --------------------------------------- Usually, the cursor will remain where it was after a tag is inserted. However, if the tag has a required attribute, such as the "CODE" attribute for an APPLET tag, the cursor will be moved to the position of the attribute's value in the tag opener, as the next thing to be done will normally be to type or copy in that value. 5.3 URL handling ----------------- Some tags can have URLs as attribute values. Such tags are identified by having a particular character ("*" by default) in their attribute strings (see section 7.1). When such a tag is inserted, VED_HTML checks to see whether the text in the selected scope starts with a URL, defined as in section 2. If it does, then the URL is placed in the tag attributes instead of in the body of the element. URLs which do not occur at the start of the scope are left where they are. Note that when a tag containing a URL in its attributes is deleted, the URL is deleted too, so deleting such a tag is not simply the reverse of inserting it. Deleted tags, including any URLs, can be recovered using the "html undo" and "html splice" commands or their keyboard sequence equivalents. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 Document preparation ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.1 The overall procedure -------------------------- The "html prep" command invokes a series of operations intended to convert an ordinary text file to HTML. It should always be followed by inspection of the results and hand editing to correct any errors. "Prep" is meant to be short for "preparation" or "preprocessing". A file should always be renamed, usually with a .html suffix, before executing "html prep", in order to preserve the original version. Unlike, for example, * PAGE, VED_HTML does not do this for you. Alternative programs are available. For instance, * HELP_TO_HTML does a similar job for help and ref files, and * AUTOFORMAT can also generate HTML output. These have different strengths and weaknesses to VED_HTML, and it is probably worth comparing the results of the various programs to see which gives the most satisfactory results. The preprocessing facility can be tailored in many ways by assigning values to variables. Almost all of the tags used are user-definable. See section 7 below for details. VED_HTML does the following when the "html prep" command is used. The word in bold after the number can be used to identify each operation - see the next subsection. (Note that this is not a strict order of operations: some of them are interleaved.) 1. titles The title, authors and document heading in REF and HELP files are stripped out. The text is saved and used in the last operation to set up the title, heading and authors for the HTML document. 2. htmlchars Characters that have special functions in HTML such as "<" and ">" are replaced by their HTML codes. 3. headers Ved section headers as found in HELP and REF files are replaced by HTML headers. An index, as used by * ved_g, is replaced by a list of links to the headers. In addition, headers are made into links that point back to the index, so that it is always easy to navigate in a file by returning to the index, in the style of * ved_g. This behaviour can be turned off - see section 7. 4. attributes Characters that have bold, italic or underline attributes in Ved are given suitable HTML tags. 5. lists Sections of text that look like lists are given appropriate HTML tags. A line is taken to look like a potential list entry if the part from the start of the text to the first white space is: a. a single non-alphanumeric character, or "o" or "x", or b. a single letter followed by "." or ")", or c. an integer optionally followed by ".", ")", or ".)", or d. two integers separated by "." optionally followed by ".", ")", or ".)". A list entry can extend over several lines, provided it starts with a line like one of the ones above. Except for nested lists, at least two successive list entries are needed before a list is identified as such. Successive list entries must be indented by the same amount, and start with the same character in case (a) above, or increment the letter or integer appropriately in cases (b)-(d). Nested lists are allowed, identified by an increase in indentation, or in the case of numeric lists only, by a change from one integer to two. Only one level of nesting of numeric lists is catered for. At present, handling of nested lists is not always correct. 6. paragraphs Other paragraphs are surrounded by tags. A guess is made at the type of each paragraph; the categories are as follows: a. a single indented line b. a paragraph whose lines are all indented the same amount c. a paragraph whose lines are indented by different amounts d. a paragraph whose lines begin with Ved's "format space" e. a paragraph whose lines begin with Ved's "prompt space" f. a paragraph whose lines are not indented and tags are inserted depending on the categories. 7. graphchars Graphical and special space characters are replaced by their printing equivalents. 8. wrappers BODY, TITLE, HEAD and HTML tags are used to wrap the text up into an HTML document. Information from the first operation is incorporated into these if possible. 6.2 Selecting particular operations ------------------------------------ It is possible to carry out a selection from the operations listed above, by giving the relevant identifying words at the end of the command. For example, "html prep htmlchars paragraphs" does only operations 2 and 6. Alternatively, operations can be omitted by placing the word "not" before them, so "html prep not lists graphchars" does all the operations ______except lists and graphical character translation. However, care is needed with this. For example, if an attempt is made to do lists, headers, paragraphs or wrappers when there are HTML special characters still untranslated in the file, an error will result. Thus the htmlchars option is almost always needed; however if this option is used after any tags have been inserted, it will destroy them. There are several other interactions. To avoid most of these problems, it is best to use the prep command once only on any given file, invoking all of the operations required. They will then be done in a sensible order. The wrappers option will use information from the last invocation of the titles option, regardless of whether it was applied to the same file. These two options should therefore usually be used together. All prep commands also turn off highlighting, ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 Customisation ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.1 Tags --------- To inspect the tags that VED_HTML knows about, give the "html printtags" command. A Ved buffer is created in which a list of tags is printed, together with some information about each. Each entry is enclosed in curly brackets and has three parts. For example, the A tag appears as   {A [hascloser] 'HREF="^"'} # The first part is the name of the tag. # The second part, in square brackets, contains some or all of the words "hascloser", "separates" and "keepspaces". The words are separated by spaces; if none is present then this part of the entry appears as "[]". # If "hascloser" is present, VED_HTML will insert and delete closing tags for this type of element. # If "separates" is present, VED_HTML will treat elements with this tag as separate paragraphs (see section 5.1). # If "keepspaces" is present then VED_HTML will preserve leading spaces in this kind of element, which is taken to be preformatted text. # The third part, in single quotes, is a template for the element's attributes, which will be included when an opening tag is inserted. If no attribute string is required, this part is the letter N, without quotes. If the template is present, two user-definable special characters, which are not themselves inserted into the attributes, can appear: # The character "^" (by default) represents the position the cursor should be placed at when the tag is inserted (see section 5.2). # The character "*" (by default) represents the position at which a URL found at the start of the scope should be inserted (see section 5.3). If "*" and "^" appear adjacent to one another and a URL is present, the cursor position character is ignored. The whole list of tags is enclosed in square brackets which appear on the first and last lines. To make changes to the tag list VED_HTML uses, do the following: 1. Print the tags with the command "html printtags". 2. Move to the buffer containing the tag list, and give the command "name $poplib/ved_html_tags.p". (If you wish, a different file name can be used - see section 7.6.) 3. Edit the tag list. Take care to preserve the sequence of brackets and quote marks accurately. If you wish to add new tags, it is probably easiest to copy the entry for an existing tag and change it. You can change the properties or attributes of any existing tag, and delete tags freely, as long as you stick to the format above. Make sure you do not delete the opening and closing square brackets on the first and last lines. Make sure no tag name appears more than once. 4. Write the file with the command "w1". 5. Read the new tags in with the command "html readtags". (If you used your own choice of filename at step 2, give the name at the end of the command: "html readtags ________filename".) If there is no error, the revised list of tags will be operation. If you add or delete tags, the acceptable abbreviations may change. You can check the current abbreviations with the "html abbrevs" command. If you used $poplib/ved_html_tags.p as the file name, then your revised tags will be read in every time you use VED_HTML. If you used a different file name, then you will either have to read them in with the "html readtags ________filename" command in each session, or record the different filename in your ved_html_init.p file - see below - if you want the revisions to take effect in every session. Note that there is a special simpler facility for effectively removing the "hascloser" property from the P tag - see sections 3 and 7.6. 7.2 The ved_html_init.p file ----------------------------- When it is loaded, VED_HTML looks for a file called $poplib/ved_html_init.p. (Here, $poplib stands for the directory where you keep certain Pop-11 files, such as init.p and vedinit.p; it is often simply your home directory, but you can find out by giving the command "echo $poplib" to the shell. You can refer to it literally as $poplib from within Ved: you do not need to do any translation yourself.) If this file exists, VED_HTML will compile it on startup, setting the value of its internal variables and so customising your setup by overriding the defaults. The file should therefore contain a sequence of assignments to the variables listed below; for example it might contain  false -> vedhtmlPclosers; if you want never to have closers associated with P elements, and  false -> vedhtmljumptoindex; if you do not want headings in converted help files to be links back to the index. The variables that can be set in the file are listed in the remaining sections. 7.3 Keyboard strings --------------------- vedhtmlkeys [______active ________variable] The string that invokes VED_HTML. Default: '\e\eh' vedhtmltagtermin [________variable] A list of characters that can be used to terminate tag name input when the tag name is an initial substring of another tag name. Tags need to be reread if this is changed. Default: [`.` `\s` `\r`] vedhtmlscopeattr [________variable] The character attribute to be used to display the selected scope. Default: `\[7]`. 7.4 Tag properties ------------------- vedhtmlopenleft [______active ________variable] vedhtmlopenright [______active ________variable] vedhtmlcloseleft [______active ________variable] vedhtmlcloseright [______active ________variable] These hold the strings that delimit HTML tags. You are unlikely to want to change them, but if you do, vedhtmlpunctchars needs to be changed as well. Defaults: '<' '>' '' vedhtmlpunctchars [________variable] This holds a string whose characters must be treated by Ved as punctuation in order for tags to be correctly separated from other text. See * vedchartype. Default: '<>' vedhtmltagchars [________variable] A string with the characters that are legal in HTML tag names in addition to alphanumeric characters. Default: '.-' vedhtmlPclosers [______active ________variable] If P tags are not expected to have closers; otherwise they are. This will override any specifications in a user's ved_html_tags.p file read in at initialisation, but will be overriden by tag specifications read in using the "html readtags" command subsequently. Default: vedhtmluppercase [________variable] Unless , tag names are converted to upper case when read from the file, the keyboard or the command line. Default: vedhtmltags [______active ________variable] The list of tags known about. The format of the list entries is as described in section 7.1. This should be set using the ved_html_tags.p file rather than ved_html_init.p. Use "html printtags" to see default. vedhtmlcursormark [________variable] A string indicating where to put the cursor in a tag attribute template (section 7.1). Default: '^' vedhtmlurlmark [________variable] A string indicating where to put the URL in a tag attribute template (section 7.1). Default: '*' vedhtmltagattr [________variable] The character attributes to be used for displaying tags when tag highlighting is switched on. Default: `\[2b]` 7.5 Preprocessing options -------------------------- Note that tag names are generally words, not strings. vedhtmlglobalreplace [________variable] List of strings controlling replacement of special characters. Each string is in the form needed by ved_sgs (see ___REF * _________VEDSEARCH). Default: ['/&/&' '/>/>' '/ vedhtmlattribtags("b"); to associate the STRONG tag with the Ved bold attribute. In this case only, tag names are strings rather than words. The default table is set up using [[b 'B'] [i 'I'] [u 'U']]. vedhtmlmainhead [________variable] Tag to use for main heading of document. Default: "H1" vedhtmlauthors [________variable] Tag to use for authors of document. Default: "H2" vedhtmlmainheadsep [________variable] Tag to use to separate heading and authors from rest of text. Default: "HR" Section heading and index information: vedhtmljumptoindex [________variable] Boolean that controls whether headings become links back to the index. Default: vedhtmlheaders [________variable] Vector of tags to use for different levels of heading. Default: {H2 H3 H4} vedhtmlindextype [________variable] Tag to surround index of document. Default: "UL" vedhtmlindexentry [________variable] Tag to surround entry in index. Default: "LI" vedhtmlindexmarks [________variable] Vector of strings to use to indent different levels of entry in the index. Default: {'' ' . . ' ' . . . . '} vedhtmlembeddedindextag [________variable] Some files have embedded indexes which could perhaps be handled properly. This tag will be placed round them. Default: "P" vedhtmlcontents [________variable] A string to place over the index. Default: 'Contents' Paragraph and list tags: vedhtmllistentry [________variable] Tag for an entry in a list. Default: "LI" vedhtmlsymlist [________variable] Tag to surround a list with unnumbered entries. Default: "UL" vedhtmlnumlist [________variable] Tag to surround a list with numbered entries. Default: "OL" vedhtml1linepara [________variable] vedhtmlindentpara [________variable] vedhtmlraggedpara [________variable] vedhtmlformatpara [________variable] vedhtmlpromptpara [________variable] vedhtmlnormpara [________variable] Tag names for the paragraph types described in section 6. Defaults: "BLOCKQUOTE", "BLOCKQUOTE", "PRE", "PRE", "PRE", "P". vedhtmlparatype(__l0, __l1) -> ___tag [_________procedure ________variable] Inspects lines __l0 to __l1 inclusive of the current file, and returns an appropriate tag to make them into an HTML element. 7.6 Miscellaneous ------------------ vedhtmltagfile [________variable] A string giving a file name. If the file exists, it is read for a list of tags and their properties at startup and when the "html readtags" command is given without an argument. Default: '$poplib/ved_html_tags.p' vedhtmldump [________constant ______vector] Contains information about the last deletion operation performed by VED_HTML. vedhtmlchartype [_________procedure ________variable] * vedchartype is dlocalised to the value of this variable inside VED_HTML so that tags are treated as separate objects. The default is that characters in vedhtmlpunctchars are punctuation and other characters are as given by the current global definition of vedchartype. vedhtmlinparagraph [_________procedure ________variable] * vedinparagraph is dlocalised to the value of this variable inside VED_HTML so that elements delimited by separators are treated as separate paragraphs. The default is that every line except a blank line is in a paragraph; a line with "." in column 1 or with an HTML separator as the first text is a paragraph starting line. vedhtmlurlstarts [________variable] A list of strings any of which may indicate the start of a URL. Default: ['http:' 'https:' 'file:' 'ftp:' 'mailto:' 'news:' 'nntp:' 'wais:' 'gopher:' 'telnet:' 'cid:' 'mid:' 'afs:' 'prospero:' 'x-exec:'] vedhtmlurlchars [________variable] A string giving the characters which are legal in the part of a URL following a member of vedhtmlurlstarts, in addition to alphanumeric characters. Default: '/.:@?#&', --- _____________________________$poplocal/local/help/ved_html --- _________Copyright __________University __of ______Sussex _____1997. ___All ______rights _________reserved.