First-order optic flow and the control of action

Paper presented at the European Conference on Visual Perception, Groningen, August 2000

David Young
School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences
University of Sussex

Looming and collision

During direct approach, immediacy
= 1/(expected time to collision)
= rate of dilation

View mpeg or gif of flow for direct approach.

camera moving directly towards plane


Dilation does not imply approach: it is also produced when the view angle changes

View mpeg or gif of flow for motion past slanted surface.

camera moving past slanted plane

First-order flow

  • Comprises dilation, shear and rotation.
  • Is independent of pan/tilt eye movements.
  • Is linear in image coordinates; we model the local flow with the first two terms of the Taylor expansion
                       v(r) = v0 + M r + …
    where v is the optic flow vector at image position r, v0 is the zero-order flow, and M is a 2×2 matrix of first-order flow parameters.


  • Expansion/contraction of image. Symbol D.
  • Results from approach and from change of surface slant.
View dilation mpeg or gif.


  • Extension along a specified direction with contraction along the orthogonal direction. Symbols S (magnitude), theta (direction).
  • Occurs during motion relative to a slanted surface.
View shear mpeg or gif.
Angle theta between shear axis and reference axis


  • Image rotation. Symbol R.
  • Occurs during motion relative to a slanted surface; also produced by eye rotation about line of sight.
View rotation mpeg or gif.

Example: rotation + shear

View rotation+shear mpeg or gif. Camera moving sideways above surface


To understand the information available for the control of action from the instantaneous first-order optic flow of a single surface patch.

View general first-order flow mpeg or gif (dilation+rotation+shear).

"Action variables"

  • We seek to generalise the immediacy-dilation relationship to 3D.
  • We introduce 4 variables relevant to the control of action and determined by the flow.

Plane immediacy

Inverse time to contact with plane containing surface patch (tangent plane).

Shows expected impact point in plane containing surface patch

Plane immediacy and flow

Assume spin (physical rotation of visual system about line of sight) is 0.

Plane immediacy = D - 3S cos(phi),
where sin(phi) = R/S

Point immediacy

Inverse time-to-contact with plane normal to line of sight and passing through point of interest (centre of patch).

Shows expected impact point in plane normal to line of sight

Point immediacy and flow

Assume zero spin.

Point immediacy = D - S cos(phi),
where sin(phi) = R/S (as before).

Course angle

Orientation in image of plane containing line of sight and velocity vector.

Bird's eye view

Shows angle between reference axis and line from centre of image to direction of motion.

Course angle and flow

Assume zero spin.

Course angle = theta + phi/2,
where sin(phi) = R/S

Surface tilt

The orientation in the image of the projection of the normal to the surface patch.

Bird's eye view

Shows angle between reference axis and projection of surface normal.

Tilt and flow

Assume zero spin.

Tilt angle = theta - phi/2,
where sin(phi) = R/S

Action variables from flow

  • If we can assume zero spin, then the first order flow determines the four action variables, up to two discrete ambiguities:
  • you can add 180 degrees to the shear axis angle theta;
  • you can replace phi by (180 degrees - phi).

Action variables for navigation

  • We need to show that the four action variables are relevant to control.
  • A theoretical demonstration is given by a simulated docking task.

An agent manoeuvring in 3D has to land on a surface patch gently, approaching along the surface normal.

Bird manoeuvring to land on surface.

Rules for approach: a simple algorithm

Control algorithm.

View simulation mpeg or gif.
Above: motion in two vertical orthogonal planes;
below: motion in horizontal plane, and optic flow

General form of the relations

Now phi couples the relations between the four flow variables D, R,S, theta and the five action variables, which now include spin.

  • Independent measurement of any one of the action variables will constrain phi and hence all the other action variables (up to discrete ambiguities).
  • E.g. in locomotion, plane immediacy for the ground plane might be known to be 0, or spin might be constrained.
  • Other possible constraints include: flow from a second surface patch; second-order flow; variation of flow with time.
  • Without any additional constraints, first-order flow from a single patch is unlikely to be useful.
Plane immediacy = D - 3S cos phi
Point immediacy = D - S cos phi
Course angle = theta + phi/2
Tilt angle = theta - phi/2
Spin = R - S sin phi

Possible experiments

Subjects can usually interpret first-order flow stimuli as arising from surfaces in 3-D motion.

  • They can be asked to estimate action variables. Tilt and course angle are easiest.
  • Since flow alone is ambiguous, the results of different assumptions — e.g. zero spin — can be compared with observations.
View mpeg or gif of general flow which can be seen as a rigid surface in motion.


  • First order flow from a single surface patch provides, in principle, powerful information for navigation in 3 dimensions — provided at least one additional constraint is present.
  • Reformulating the relation between flow, surface orientation and motion makes it possible to ask experimentally how this information is used.