Machine Learning - Lecture 12 Perceptrons

Chris Thornton

Sample problem

     X       Y        CLASS
  (0-100)  (0.0-9)

    44      5.5    ->   H
    49      2.4    ->   M
    51      7.0    ->   H
    75      0.9    ->   M
    71      3.8    ->   H
    56      3.1    ->   M
    80      6.1    ->   H
    36      5.3    ->   M

Datapoint plot

Financial prediction example

In this domain, data are financial quantities, e.g., daily prices of commodities.

The aim is to predict future prices.

The goal is (usually) to maximize trading profits.

FTSE-100 movement classifications

X is % increase in price of gold; Y is % increase in FTSE-100

Val=1: market rise sustained on the following day; Val=0: rise not sustained

Linear separation of classes

Linear separation is the third of the simpler forms of patterning.

Normally only seen with numeric data, i.e., continuous variables.

From statistics, we have a simple and robust method for modeling and predicting patterning of this form.

A little maths involved but the process can be visualised as geometry.

Inner products

An easy way to define a linear boundary involves using inner products.

Assuming datapoints are fully numeric, we can calculate the inner product of any two by multiplying together their corresponding values (and adding up the results).

So if and are two datapoints, their inner product is calculated as

Boundaries from thresholds

If we look at how datapoints compare with some fixed reference point, we find a nice relationship between inner products and lines.

All datapoints for which the inner product with the fixed reference point exceeds some given threshold turn out to be one side of a line.

All other datapoints are on the other side.

This gives us an easy way of representing linear boundaries.

We can define them in terms of a fixed reference point and an inner-product threshold.


Reference point

Inner products

An inner-product threshold defines a line

Finding the boundary by error correction

The position of the linear boundary is a function of the reference point.

Moving the reference point closer to the origin moves the line in the same direction.

Also vice versa.

This suggests an incremental method for getting the line into the right position.

  1. Get each datapoint in turn.

  2. If it's inner product is too high (i.e., it's outside the line boundary), move the reference point back a bit.

  3. If it's too low, move the reference point out a bit.

  4. Stop if all datapoints are correctly classified.

Using error correction

Inner product too high

Inner product too low

What happens in the end

Using an explicit error value

Instead of working in terms of overshooting and undershooting, it is easier to use an error measure.

The coordinates of the reference point are termed weights.

The reference point is called the weight vector.

The error for a datapoint is defined in terms of a target value for that datapoint (e.g., 1 or 0).

Here is the target value for the i'th datapoint, and is the inner product for that datapoint.

Using this definition we can get correction simply by adding a proportion of the error.

This takes care of both over and undershoots.

Delta rule

Assuming the error for datapoint defined as above, the new value for the i'th weight is

where is the i'th value from the datapoint and is the current value of the i'th weight.

Here, we also have a scaling parameter , known as the learning rate.

This rule for finding a linear boundary is called the delta rule.

Delta-rule error correction algorithm

  1. Set the weight vector to random values.

  2. Select the next datapoint and calculate its inner product with the weight vector.

  3. Calculate the error.

  4. Derive new weights using the delta rule.

  5. Repeat from step 2 until average error is acceptably low.


Demo using stockMarket data

The neural network connection

Error-correction is interesting partly due to the connection it makes between machine learning and neural networks.

Reference weights can be viewed as modeling the synaptic weights of neural cells in brains.

The algorithm becomes a way of simulating learning in neural networks.

In fact, this was one of the main ideas lying behind innovation of the method.

Perceptron Convergence Theorem

In the 1950s, Frank Rosenblatt demonstrated that a version of the error-correction algorithm is guaranteed to succeed if a satisfactory set of weights exist.

If there is a set of weights that correctly classify the (linearly seperable) training datapoints, then the learning algorithm will find one such weight set in a finite number of iterations

The main proof was developed in

Rosenblatt, F. (1958). Two theorems of statistical
separability in the perceptron. Mechanisation of Thought
Processes: Proceedings of a Symposium held at the National
Physical Laboratory, 1. London: HM Stationary Office.

Mark 1 Perceptron

Rosenblatt built a machine called the Mark 1 Perceptron, which was essentially an assembly of weight-vector representations for linear discriminations.

Noting the machine's ability to learn classification behaviours (through error-correction), Rosenblatt went on to make ambitious claims for the machine's `true originality'.

Minsky and Papert

Some while later, Rosenblatt's claims were strongly questioned by Minsky and Papert, in their book `Perceptrons'.

Machines based on linear-discriminant representations were noted to be incapable of learning boolean functions such as XOR.

  1 1 -> 0
  0 1 -> 1
  1 0 -> 1
  0 0 -> 0
This led to the so-called `winter of connectionism'.

Minsky, M. L. and Papert, S. A. (1988). Perceptrons: An Introduction to Computational Geometry (expanded edn). Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.



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