KR-IST: Lecture 7b First-order Logic
Chris Thornton
From reasoning to knowledge representation
With any set of implication rules (e.g., the celebrity
rulebase), search-like processes can be used to determine
implied facts and conclusions.
The combination of rulebase and inference method can be viewed as a
representation of knowledge for the domain, i.e., a knowledge
base (KB).
A system which packages up knowledge represented this way is a
knowledge-based or expert system.
From knowledge representation to logic
Rule-based methods of knowledge representation are also known as
With a history stretching back 2000 years, the study of logic
and formal reasoning was a kind of pre-computation AI.
AI methods of knowledge representation (KR) are generally based
on adapted systems of formal logic.
What is a logic?
A logic is a formal language for representing facts and properties of
a world in a precise, unambiguous way.
- Sentences in the language are constructed according to formal
rules and relationships.
- A semantics identifies the formal meaning of any sentence.
- An inference method allows new sentences to be generated from
existing sentences.
Propositional logic
The simplest logic of all.
Allows facts about the world to be represented as sentences formed from:
- propositional symbols: P, Q, R, S...
- And:
- Or:
- Not:
- Implies:
- Therefore:
- wrapping parentheses: (...)
- logical constants: true, false, unknown
Propositional logic examples
- `It is humid': Q
- `If it is humid, then it is hot': Q
- `If it is hot and humid, then it is raining': (P
Truth tables
The meaning of logical relationships is defined using truth tables.
A truth table shows how truth values combine under the relevant
Basic rules of inference
The two main rules of inference are
Soundness and completeness
In logic, sentences have a value.
This is normally a truth value, i.e., true or false.
The associated inference method is then said to be
- sound if it does not generate false facts (i.e., contradictions),
- complete if it is able to produce every sentence that is
logically entailed by any existing set of sentences.
A semantics maps sentences to facts in the world; e.g., the
mapping determines which objects in the world are referenced
by which objects in the language. This is called a
referential semantics.
The way one fact follows another should be mirrored by the
way one sentence is entailed by another.
Problems with propositional logic
In Propositional logic, we have no way to represent properties of objects.
We cannot represent property-based generalisations.
For example, it is impossible to represent this categorical syllogism in
Propositional logic:
Every person is mortal
Tony Blair is a person
Therefore Tony Blair is mortal
First-order logic
First-order logic (FOL) (also known as first-order predicate
calculus or FOPC) adds
- predicates which can represent properties, e.g., mortal(person),
or relationships, e.g., likes(fred, sausages),
- existentially quantified variables, e.g.,
at least
one X such that...
- universallly quantified variables, e.g.,
X it is the
case that...
Using predicates to represent relationships
In order to represent a relationship between individual objects, we
can use a predicate specifying the objects as its arguments.
- `Alison likes Richard and chocolate'
- likes(alison, richard)
likes(alison, chocolate)
Using predicates within a rule
- `If Richard is a friend of Alison then Alison likes Richard'
- friends(alison, richard)
likes(alison, richard)
Using variables with predicates to capture generalisations
We can capture generalisations by asserting that any instance of a given
class has the relevant property. For example
- `Every elephant is grey'
X: elephant(X)
Using quantifiers and variables
We can use quantification to distinguish general and specific
More examples
Usually, there are several ways to render a sentence in FOL. There's
no `one right answer'.
Consider these
Examples cont.
Problems with FOL
FOL is a powerful language for representing knowledge.
But its expressiveness complicates the derivation of inferences. (It gets
easier if we exliminate existential quantification and assume `negation by
Also, in FOL you cannot construct sentences which make assertions
about other sentences. For example, you cannot say things like `there
exists a property such that...'
For this task, you need a higher-order logic.
Special-purpose logics
Other flavours of logic offer different forms of sentence valuation.
For example
- fuzzy logic: evaluation in terms of probability;
- modal logic: evaluation in terms of a propositional attitude
such as belief. Good for sentences containing `should', `must' etc.
- temporal logic: evaluation in terms of truth at a particular
moment in time.
The Frame problem
A fundamental difficulty for sentential representation is
the frame problem.
This affects all varieties of knowledge representation but is
particularly apparent where evaluation is in terms of truth, and
rules are used to define the results of actions.
Frame problem example
Suppose we have
paint(X, C)
color(X, C)
move(X, P)
position(X, P)
and it is known that
paint(tony, blue).
move(tony, garden).
We should then be able to infer that
colour(tony, blue)
position(tony, garden)
But the inference is, in fact, logically unsound
There is the possibility that the colour of tony gets changed by the
move action.
Nothing in what we know rules this out.
Addressing the frame problem
The most obvious way to protect against the frame problem is to add
rules which capture the non-effects of actions.
Such rules are known as frame axioms.
For example
move(X, P)
color-before-move(X, C)
color(X, C).
asserts the fact that moving an object will not affect its colour.
However, this is not satisfactory.
Since most actions do not affect most properties of a situation, in
a domain comprising
actions and
properties, we are going
to need approximately
frame axioms.
The Epistemological Frame Problem
The underlying puzzle is how a cognitive creature with many beliefs about the
world can update those beliefs when it performs an act so that they remain
roughly faithful to the word.
Imagine being the designer of a robot that has to carry out an everyday task,
such as making a cup of tea. Now, suppose the robot has to take a tea-cup from
the cupboard. The present location of the cup is represented as a sentence in
its database of facts alongside those representing innumerable other features
of the ongoing situation, such as the ambient temperature, the configuration of
its arms, the current date, the colour of the tea-pot, and so on. Having
grasped the cup and withdrawn it from the cupboard, the robot needs to update
this database. The location of the cup has clearly changed, so that's one fact
that demands revision. But which other sentences require modification?
- From reasoning to knowledge representation
- From knowledge representation to logic
- Propositional logic
- Truth tables
- Basic rules of inference
- Soundness and completeness
- Semantics
- Problems with propositional logic
- First-order logic
- Using variables with predicates and quantifiers to capture
- Problems with FOL
- Special-purpose logics
- The Frame problem
- What does it mean to say that predicate calculus is a
`first-order' logic?
- What is the difference between implication and conjunction?
- Represent the following assertions using propositional
logic: Fred enjoys swimming or Fred enjoys dancing; Fred
enjoys swimming and Fred enjoys dancing; Fred doesn't
dance; If Fred enjoys dancing then Fred enjoys swimming.
- Represent the same assertions using first-order logic.
- State the inference known as modus ponens. State the
inference known as modus tollens.
- Write out the truth table for the exclusive-or
- List the principle limitations of first-order logic and
give an example of a situation in which they would be
Exercises cont.
- Consider this categorical syllogism.
Every knowledge representation is formal
Propositional logic is a knowledge representation
Therefore propositional logic is formal
- Produce the most accurate propositional representation of this
assertion you can think of.
- Produce the best predicate logic representation you can
think of.
Exercises cont.
- Represent the first three verses of the song `House of the
Rising Sun' in FOL.
There is a house in New Orleans
They call the Rising Sun
And it's been the ruin of many a poor boy
And God I know I'm one
My mother was a tailor
She sewed my new bluejeans
My father was a gamblin' man
Down in New Orleans
Now the only thing a gambler needs
Is a suitcase and trunk
And the only time he's satisfied
Is when he's on a drunk
Exercises cont.
- Using first-order logic, represent as accurately as possible the
information contained in these comments on the availability of
mortgages during the credit crunch.
To be considered for the best mortgage deals during the current
difficult conditions, you must borrow substantially less than the
full purchase price, have a perfect credit record and be able to
act fast.
Only people who have built up savings over
several years and have shown their ability to live on less than
their salary are able to get a mortgage.
It is first-time buyers who are hardest hit by the need to stump up
a bigger deposit in order to get the choice of the best deals.
Exercises cont.
- Use FOL to represent the information contained in the lyric to
`When a man loves a woman'.
When a man loves a woman
Can't keep his mind on nothing else
He'll trade the world
For the good things he's found
If she's bad, he can't see it
She can do no wrong
Turn his back on his best friend
If he put her down
When a man loves a woman
Spend his very last time
Tryin' to hold on to what he needs
He'd give up all his comfort
Sleep out in the rain
If she says that's the way it ought to be