<:> Exercises

  abc -> bbbcccddd, bca -> ?
  abc -> abd, iijjkk -> ?
  abc -> abd, kji -> ?
  abc -> abd, jffwww -> ?
  abced -> abcde, ppqqrrss -> ?
  abcdfeg -> abcdefg, onmlkij -> ?
  abc -> axc, nnn -> ?
  aqc -> abc, pqc -> ?
  abcc -> abcd, xyzz -> ?
  pgzlrb -> pgzmrb, sizcq -> ?
  pgzlrb -> pgzmrb, sicjz -> ?
  pqr -> rqp, a -> ?
  a -> pqr, z -> ?
  a -> z, pqr -> ?
  eqe -> qeq, abbbc -> ?

Solving a Bongard problem involves finding a rule which fits all six images on the left page, but none of the images on the right page. Go to http://www.cs.indiana.edu/~hfoundal/res/bps/bpidx.htm and work through at least 10 such problems. Then write a list of the similarities and differences between Bongard problems and sequence-analogy problems.