Generative Creativity - lecture 10:
Generative instruments


Many uses of generative functionality involve some element of hands-on creativity.

For example, generative functionality may be encapsulated within an `instrument' which is then `played' by a human.

An interesting example of this type of approach is Tim Blackwell's `swarm music'.

Swarm Music

Blackwell (who describes himself as a `live algo-mentalist') was originally inspired by the correspondence between the organisational properties of music and the organisational properties of bird-flocking.

His approach involves using an adaptation of Craig Reynolds 1987 flocking simulation for purposes of itneractive music generation.


The agents in Reynolds' simulation were dubbed `boids'.

Each boid applies just three rules for controlling its motion.

No global control is involved, except for dealing with things like collision detection.

The flocking behaviour emerges as a natural result of the interactions of the agents.

Motion rules

Emergent flocking

Basic principles of swarm music

Swarm music involves several steps.


An interesting feature of Swarm Music is the potential for interaction.

The system is built so that `targets' may be introduced.

These are agents which come into existence at specified locations so as to influence the behaviour of the swarm.

Targets can come from a pre-existing score, or from a human musician playing in real-time, or from another swarm.

E.g., real-time musician begins to play staccato notes in C minor; the swarm moves through the musical space toward compatible notes.

Interactive-swarms output

These examples illustrate interactions between humans and swarms and between two swarms.

Wind Up (autonomous ensemble + human)

Rain Trance (autonomous ensemble)

Robin and Swarm (autonomous swarm + human)

(More examples on Blackwell's website at


Combinuing a vehicle simulation and a paintbox.

See the applet at



Page created on: Mon Feb 16 16:49:35 GMT 2009
Feedback to Chris Thornton