<> Using Markov chains to generate music

Markov chaining is particularly useful for generative music and is very widely used.

In an early example, Harry F. Olson at Bell Labs used Markov chains in the 1950s to analyse the music of American composer Stephen Foster, and generate scores based on the analyses of 11 of Foster's songs.

Lejaren Hiller used a computer at Princeton in 1955 to generate the Illiac Suite (the first genuine case of music GC, according to Geraint Wiggins). Combined Markov chaining and application of rules of 16th century counterpoint. There are many good websites on this including

http://www.music.psu.edu/Faculty%20Pages/Ballora/INART55/illiac_suite.html and http://www.lim.dico.unimi.it/eventi/ctama/baggi.htm

Lejaren Hiller and Robert Baker also worked with Markov processes to produce their `Computer Cantata' in 1963.