<:> Later Cope

Cope has also explored ways of enforcing higher-level structures (mediated by allusions, quotations, paraphrases, likenesses, frameworks, commonalities) at both analytic and generative stages. Also how to detect them using learning/analogy methods etc.

Also (and particularly) ways of modulating these processes using `SPEAC' coding.

Represent music as a standard sequence of abstract, musical events: S=statement, P=preparation, E=extension, A=antecedant, C=consequent. Allow hierarhies and fuzzy categorizations.

Structures rules (from p. 237-8 of 2005)

  S --> P S | A C | S E
  P --> P E | E E | A C
  E --> S E | E E
  A --> A E | P A | P A E | S E A
  C --> C E | P C
Anaylytic and generative proceses made to conform to SPEAC structuring.

Needs compositions to be SPEAC-labelled either automatically or by hand. (Cope seems to have explored both approaches).

Cope also uses `association nets' as a way of modulating random combination.