Generative Creativity - Lecture 2:
The basics

What it's about

There is ongoing debate about what creativity really is, or at

least what the concept picks out.

But this course side-steps that issue, taking creativity to be any process which produces an especially valued artefact.

The key distinction will be between `hands-on' and `hands-off' versions of the process.

The course focusses on the latter approach with attention focussing particularly on the possibilities opened up by modern, computational methods.

Basic questions

To make progress with any application of generative creativity, we need detailed answers to specific questions.

So concerning production of images, say, we would want to know

Application areas

Generative approaches are increasingly common in these areas.

All approaches involve use of models.

Some attempt to build a model from examples.

Basic equipment

Java applets provide an excellent, zero-cost, genre-free framework for presenting generative media over the web.

But they are quite complex to use and some of the `fine details' of object-oriented programming are not really required.

We need some specific methods to make life easy.

Hello World applet - Java code

  import javax.swing.*;
  import java.awt.*;

  class AppletPanel extends JPanel {
     public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
         g.drawString("Hello World", 10, 20);

  public class Hello extends JApplet {
     public void init() {
        getContentPane().add(new AppletPanel());

Hello World applet - HTML code

Make a file using a text editor called `Hello.html' containing

  <applet code="Hello.class" width=128 height=128> 
You can do this for any applet. The crucial details is the value of the 'code' parameter. This must be the name of the relevant class file.

Hello World applet in action

To run the applet, first make sure you have html file and the class file in the same folder. Then simply open `Hello.html' in a web browser.

Alternatively, you can run the applet as a standalone application using the `appletviewer' command from the command prompt:

  appletviewer Hello.html

Fonts and backgrounds

To change the background color, insert something like


inside the paintComponent definition.

To change the pen color insert something like


before the drawString call.

Mouse and keyboard interaction

If we want the applet to be interactive, we need to add MouseListener functionality.

This involves defining methods which `listen' out for certain types of button-press.

For full details, look at the documentation for `MouseListener'. (This is most easily done by googling `MouseListener', or `Java 5.0 MouseListener' if you want specific documentation for version 5, say.) Look at the documentation for `KeyListener' to see how to make an applet listen to the keyboard.

Interactive Hello World applet

  import javax.swing.*;
  import java.awt.*;
  import java.awt.event.*;

  class HelloWorldPanel extends JPanel implements MouseListener {
     MouseEvent event;

     public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
        g.drawString("Hello World", 10, 20);
        if (event != null) g.fillOval(event.getX(), event.getY(), 20, 20);

     public void mousePressed(MouseEvent event) {
        this.event = event;

     public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent event) { }
     public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent event) { }
     public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent event) { }
     public void mouseExited(MouseEvent event) { }


  public class HelloWorld extends JApplet {
     public void init() {
        HelloWorldPanel appletPanel = new HelloWorldPanel();

Interactive applet




Page created on: Wed Jan 13 12:09:42 GMT 2010
Feedback to Chris Thornton