e x p e r i m e n t a l   r o b o t   a r t
Copyright (c) 2004 Chris Thornton. All rights reserved.


MMChapter 1: Introduction
MMChapter 2: The commanded paintbot
MM----Attribute changes
MM----Changing shape
MM----Creating new shapes
MM----Programmed attribute changes
MMChapter 3: The random factor
MM----The Modify window
MM----Red-green-blue (RGB) values and ranges
MM----Randomisation ranges
MM----Program randomisation
MM----Using random values in commands
MM----Behavioural cycles
MM----Bug sex
MMChapter 4: Casting images from movies
MM----The show frame
MM----Setting endFrame and startFrame values
MM----The zoom setting
MM----Casting example
MMChapter 5: Into the innards
MM----Other parts
MM----Using component trails
MM----Bug dynamics
MMChapter 6: The role of the passive object
MM----Getting stuck into mud
MM----Collecting debris
MM----Sensor filters
MMChapter 7: Hands on, off and on top
MM----Follow-me brush strokes
MM----Color bending
MM----Bug windows as control panels
MM----Dynamics bending
MM----Use of groups
MM----Shape groups
MMChapter 8: Advanced BugScript programming
MM----Advanced uses of `set'
MM----Random numbers
MM----Random colors
MM----The `init' command
MM----The `if' command
MM----Basic scheduling using a counter variable
MM----The bigger `if', the flexible `goto'
MM----Looping with `setpos' & `goto'
MM----The twist setup
MM----Contractive casting
MM----Programmed interaction
MM----Sensing proximity and direction
MM----Examples from the `wriggler' setup
MM----BugScript programming: a footnote
MM----Tied strings
MM----Array processing
MM----Processor implants: the hybrid kit/com-bug
MM----Build-up to the end; a worked example

Chapter 1: Introduction

BugArt has roots in work done by Seymour Papert, Daniel Bobrow, Wallace Feurzeig and others in the 1960s. These researchers developed a computer system called `Logo', which though simple to use, gave access to the full power of symbolic computation. (A history of logo is available from the Logo Foundation website.)

Logo was used to control a simple robot called the `turtle'. This was equipped with a downwards-pointing pen which scraped along the floor as the turtle moved about. Placed on a large sheet of paper, the turtle would then trace out a line showing its trajectory across the floor. On being given the command `FORWARD 50', the robot would move forward 50 steps. `RIGHT 90' would make it turn right ninety degrees, and so on.

Turtle motion evaluation scenario.

To get this programmable turtle to draw any sort of pattern it is necessary to give the right sequence of commands. Let's say the aim is to make the turtle draw a square. To get this, there would have to be a command to make the turtle move forwards a few steps and then turn 90 degrees to either the left or right. Then there would have to be a command to make the turtle repeat the sequence four times. The result would be a square drawn on the floor.

This idea of a computer-controlled turtle making marks on a surface is the inspiration behind BugArt. But whereas Logo treated robotic picture-drawing as a means to an end (learning about programming), for BugArt it is an end in itself. Logo was all about the programming. BugArt is all about the images.

Chapter 2: The commanded paintbot

The first time you run BugWorks on your computer, a large window with buttons around its border will pop up on your display. It should look like this.

The main BugWorks window.

This is the main BugWorks display and work-area. The big white area in the middle of the window is the `arena': this is where you put your robots. Along the bottom are the `tape transport' buttons, used for running the simulation. The other buttons divide into three groups. Along the left border are the tools, used mainly for adding robots and other objects. Along the right edge are buttons for actions applied to selected objects. Finally, there are buttons along the top border for file operations, changing settings and so forth.

The easiest way to get the hang off all this is to try something out. As a first experiment, we'll work through the process of creating a simulated robot (a `bug') and getting it to generate an image of a square, just like in the Logo example above.

First, click on the `Add com-bug' button from the main window. Your pointer should now have a small, circular object attached to it. This is a bug, or `com-bug' to be precise. To place the bug into the arena, click down once in the blank area of the main window. The bug will be placed at the corresponding location.

You have now created your first bug and placed it in the arena. From the BugArt point of view, the arena is the `canvas' and the bug is the `paintbrush'. So you now have a `robot paintbrush' sitting on your canvas waiting to do something.

With com-bugs, there are two ways to control behaviour. You can use a control panel of buttons or you can write simple commands. For BugArt, it is best to use commands. Click once on the bug to make sure it is selected, then press the Open button from the right-hand panel. A dialog will pop-up offering you a choice of using the button panel or the program editor. It should look like this.

The com-bug dialog offers the option of two control methods.

Choose `Program editor'. A new window will then be added, which you should place somewhere below the main BugWorks window. The new window should look like this:

The com-bug window bug is a `program editor', used for entering commands.

This is the bug's window. As a com-bug, the bug's behaviour is controlled by commands and the window shows what those commands are. It also allows you to add to and modify the commands. This is why com-bug windows are sometimes called `program editors'.

Initially, com-bugs always have the same program consisting of the single command `move 50'. This ensures that an unmodified com-bug will always try to move forwards fifty units in each movement. To change this behaviour we need to modify the program.

Click somewhere in the program editor and, after deleting the `move' command already there, type in the following.

   move 100
   turn 90

When run, this program will make the bug move 100 steps forward before turning 90 degrees to the right.

To start the image-generation process, press the `Run' button from the main window. This starts the simulation running, i.e., it tells the system to activate any bugs in the arena. The instructions you entered will then be executed repeatedly and the bug will move continuously in a rectangular pattern.

(Be careful to get the right `Run' button when you do this. If you press the one in the program editor, rather than the main window, the bug will execute the instructions once only.)

With the simulation running, the bug should be moving in a smooth, rectangular pattern. To produce an image, all you need to do is press the `Show trails' button. The bug will then leave a trail of color behind it and an image similar to `First Box' will be built up.

`First Box' (1 object, 104 frames) - A bug programmed to repeatedly execute a forwards movement followed by a 90-degree turn builds up a square pattern. In brackets are the number of objects involved in the simulation and the number of cycles (frames) required to build up the image.

Note the importance of pressing the `Show trails' button! To generate BugArt, bugs *must leave a trail when they move. But they will not do this until `Show trails' has been pressed. Note also the slider next to the `Show trails' button---only visible when the simulation is running. This can be used to control the speed of the simulation.

By changing the program in the program editor, you can change the way the image looks. For example, if you change the turn command to

     turn 45

the shape will be eight-sided rather than four-sided, as in `First Octagon'. Here the image build-up is shown in a nine part sequence, known as a `cast-grid'. The cast-grid runs left-to-right and top-to-bottom like English text.

`First Octagon' (1 object, 130 frames) - Changing the angle of turn to 45 degrees builds up an octagonal shape rather than a square one. Here the build-up of the image is shown in a nine-part sequence which runs left-to-right and top-to-bottom.

If you make the turn angle very small relative to the number of steps taken, the bug will produce a circular pattern, as in `First Circle'. As an experiment, try using trial-and-error to work out how small the turn has to be in order to achieve a visually smooth, circular trajectory.

`First Circle' (1 object, 480 frames) - Making the angle of turn small converts the octagon-drawing bug into a circle-drawing bug.

In the present setup we have used a com-bug because these are, in many ways, easier to control. But we can also generate images using kit-bugs, added using the `Add kit-bug' tool. The behaviour of these is more difficult to manipulate. But they do have the advantage of having a useful behaviour built-in. An unmodified com-bug just tries to move forwards in whatever direction it is already heading. An unmodified kit-bug on the other hand will always try to move towards the nearest object in the arena, whatever that object is. If you add two kit-bugs and set the simulation running, the bugs will chase each other around the arena. The generated image will be along the lines of `First Chase'.

`First Chase' (2 objects, 21 frames) - Unmodified kit-bugs always try to move towards the nearest object in the arena. If this is another bug of the same type, the result is a mutual chase.

More information about controlling the behaviour of com-bugs and kit-bugs will be provided later on.

Attribute changes

Images of circles and polygons can get boring. But it's easy to liven things up. The trail left by a bug is a sequence of impressions made by `stamping' its shape on the arena surface. The bug's body shape and color are the `bricks' from which the image is built up. So one way to change the image is to change these attributes.

The easiest way to change the body color of the bug is to use the color sliders located in the bottom, right corner of the main window. First select the bug and then move the sliders to vary the intensity of red, green or blue in the color. For example, for a more blue color, move the blue slider to the right and the green and red sliders to the left. If you try moving the color sliders with no bug selected, it will be the color of the arena which is affected. (This is how you can obtain a customised `background' color.)

`Red Polygon' was generated using the com-bug we added earlier, but with a turning angle of 40 degrees, a warm, red, body color and a plum shade for the arena.

`Red Polygon' (1 object, 136 frames) - The color of the bug's body fixes the color of its trail. With a red body color, we get a red pattern. With nothing selected, moving the color sliders controls the color of the arena.

An alternative way to change the bug's color is to use the Properties dialog. In fact, this gives access to all the attributes which you can change. For example, to change the color of the body to yellow, open the Properties dialog, pull down the color menu and select `yellow'.

The Properties dialog gives access to an object's main attributes.

In the Properties dialog you may notice that the bug's shell color (the value of `shellColor') is given as `noTrailBlack'. This is a special version of black which doesn't show up in the trail.

To see the difference these `noTrail...' colors make, try setting the shell color to an ordinary value, e.g., `blue'. When you re-run the simulation, the image will take on a more tubular appearance, as in `Blue Shells'.

`Blue Shells' (1 object, 132 frames) - With a permanent shell color, a trail of shapes is created. Colors whose names begin with `noTrail...' do not show up in trails.

The special color `noTrailBlack' is used for all newly created bugs. This is why borders do not normally appear in trails.

Changing shape

The shape of the bug can also be changed using the Properties dialog. BugWorks provides a range of built-in shapes including `box', `triangle' and `oval'. There are also some odd shapes such as `battery' and `chest'. To give a bug a box shape, select the bug, open the Properties dialog, pull down the shape menu and select `box'. With a box-shaped bug we now obtain `Blue Box Shells'.

Note the fill effect at the corners. This results from the fact that the square outline of the bug gets stamped out repeatedly as the bug turns the corner.

`Blue Box Shells' (1 object, 129 frames) - Using a red-brown, box-shaped bug and a program combining a forwards move with a 40 degree turn, we get a nine-sided figure. `Frills' at the corners result from the way the bug stamps out a sequence of shapes as it turns.

Variations on this image can be generated by playing with the attribute values. You can try different shapes, shell widths, sizes and colors. But to obtain something really new, we need to modify the underlying program of commands. For example we might replace the existing program with the following sequence of four commands:

   move 20
   turn -40
   move 20
   turn 80

Here, two `turn' commands are interleaved between two `move' commands so as to achieve a swivelling `gun-turret' action. This small increase in program complexity paves the way for a very different image. Using a trail-making shell color with a triangle pattern produces `Triangular Shells'. This exhibits the `spirographic' quality so characteristic of images generated using simple com-bug programs with polygonal shells.

`Triangular Shells' (1 object, 179 frames) - A blue shell color and a triangular body makes the most of this swivelling `gun-turret' action.

Creating new shapes

As well as letting you specify built-in shapes such as `box' and `triangle', BugWorks also allows you to draw your own shapes. For this you use the Draw tool from the main window. To draw a new shape, select the Draw tool and click somewhere in the arena. Each subsequent click will add a new edge to the shape and you can continue adding edges as long as you like.

The Draw tool lets the user define new shapes by clicking out a sequence of points in the arena.

When you've finished, click the mouse close to the starting point. The system will finalise the shape and ask you to provide a name for it. Once you've done this, the new shape will be available for use in shape menus. `Beach Cutout' shows the kind of shape that can be generated.

`Beach Cutout' (1 object, 39 frames) - A shape created using the Draw tool.

With a customised shape, new visual effects are easily obtained. `Unstable Beach' was generated using the `Beach Cutout' shape with a com-bug programmed to rotate on the spot.

`Unstable Beach' (1 object, 39 frames) - With a hand-drawn shape even simple com-bug programs may produce complex patterns.

Using the Resize tool, a bug with a custom shape may be resized just like any other shape. Beware of making bugs too large or too small. If you make a bug too small, you may struggle to re-select it. If you make it too big you will find that it is unable to do much within the confines of the arena.

In the event of a collision, a bug is automatically turned to the right, by an amount fixed by the setting of `autoSwervingAmount'. (The normal value for this is 10, meaning that a bug will be automatically turned 10 degrees to the right any time it collides with the border of the arena or another object.) This is quite a useful feature in general because it stops bugs from getting stuck in corners and `traffic jams'. But it also mean that objects which are too large to move within the arena will tend to rotate continuously.

The image `Arrow Confusion' exploits this effect in a simple way. It was built up using a set of four bugs, all having a user-defined arrow shape. The size of the bugs was increased to the point where they were effectively unable to move at all within the arena. The result was infinite rotation caused by the continual application of auto-swerving.

`Arrow Confusion' (7 objects, 15 frames) - The auto-swerving facility creates endless rotation when bugs are too large to move around within the arena.

All shapes, including the ones you draw yourself, can be altered using simple editing methods. To edit a shape, click on one of its corners to bring up the `drag handles'. You can then drag any corner to a new position. If you wish, new corners can be created by clicking over boundaries.

As an illustration of the possibilities, `Acdc' uses three kit-bugs using shapes roughly representing the letters `A', `C' and `D'.

`Acdc' (3 objects, 27 frames) - An image created using letter-shaped, kit-bugs. All the shapes used here were created using the Draw tool.

When working with shapes, you will find it easier if you temporarily turn off `Show trails' and increase the size of the object you are working on. With a larger object, it is easier to bring up the grab-handles. It is also easier to get the edits right. The size of the object can always be reduced again when the shape has been finished.

As a demonstration of shape editing, consider the derivation of a chevron shape from a box shape, illustrated in the figure below.

Illustrating how a box shape can be turned into a chevron shape by adding corners and dragging them to new positions. (1) The original shape is a box. (2) Clicking on a corner brings up the grab-handles. (3) A new corner is made by clicking over the bottom edge. (4) A second corner is made by clicking over the top edge. (5) The lower, central handle is dragged upwards. (6) The upper, central handle is dragged downwards.

Once a desired shape has been created, the Resize tool may be used to stretch it widthways or lengthways. If you have not previously given the shape a name, you can do this at any time using the `ADD CHOICE...' option in the shape menu (from the Properties dialog). Simply type in the name you want to use and press OK. All shape menus will then include this shape as an option. If you don't give a name to the new shape it will be given a machine-generated name---something like `unnamed0'. But do bear in mind that shapes will only be saved if you save a simulation in which they are used. If you don't save them this way, they will be discarded when you close the system.

`Chevron Roller' was constructed using a chevron-shaped com-bug and this command sequence:

 move 100
 turn 90
 move 20
 turn 90
 move 100
 turn -90
 move 20
 turn -90

`Chevron Roller' (1 object, 666 frames) - The image illustrates use of a chevron shape with a `roller action' program. The commands ensure that the bug works its way across the image in a series of sweeps.

The program ensures that the bug moves back and forth across the image, gradually filling in pattern. The auto-swerving facility ensures that the bug is kept within the arena's borders.

`Exploding Hook' began with the introduction of a single, kit-bug. The shape of the bug was changed to `box' and edited so as to create an elongated, skittle shape. The body color was set to `green'. Two copies of the bug were then created, using the Copy and Paste buttons, and an image was cast from a short simulation sequence. (The process of image casting is described later on.)

`Exploding Hook' (3 objects, 14 frames)

Changing colors and editing the shape to obtain a more `whiskery' configuration produced the hairy-ball effect of `Self Juggling Skittles'.

`Self Juggling Skittles' (4 objects, 167 frames)

Further illustrating the possibilities of shape editing, `Hexplosion' was cast from a setup involving a single kit-but whose original shape was `box'. One corner of the shape was pulled out and a new one added along one of the borders.

`Hexplosion' (1 object, 300 frames) - Two red-orange bugs rotate around a central position. The pattern of collisions caused by the knife-like bodies creates an explosive effect.

Programmed attribute changes

Com-bugs are mindlessly obedient agents. Once a particular sequence of `move' and `turn' commands has been entered into the relevant program editor, they will repeat the sequence indefinitely, carving out a regular pattern across the arena. But they can do much more than just move and turn. There are a large number of commands which they will happily obey; we will look at these towards the end of the book. One command which is worth knowing from the outset, however, is `set'. This can be used to make the bug change its appearance. For example, to have the bug change its color to red, you would use a `set' command like this:

   set bug.color = red

To change its shape to `box':

   set bug.shape = box

To give the bug an invisible shell, the command would be

   set bug.shellColor = invisible

In fact, `set' commands can be used to change any attribute value you like. The commands

   set bug.width = 25
   set bug.length = 50
   set bug.shape = triangle

for example, would produce a long, thin bug with a triangular shape. Commands like these can be interspersed between `turn' and `move' commands so as to produce varying patterns of variation.

If you're short of inspiration, try pressing the Randomise button at the bottom of a com-bug window. This will generate a random sequence of commands including a variety of `set' commands. In many cases the simulation results will be chaotic, with the bug tending to dart about the arena changing its appearance in an erratic fashion. Sometimes, though, some sort of visual coherence may emerge. For instance, the following program yields the image `In Training', which shows an interesting diagonal pattern.

  set bug.width = 19
  move 6
  set bug.shellColor = randomColor
  set bug.shellWidth = 4
  set bug.heading = 159
  turn 169
  set bug.color = randomColor
  set bug.width = 18
  turn 162
  move 7
  set bug.shape = box
  move 14
  turn -102
  set bug.heading = 251
  turn 148

`In Training' (1 object, 317 frames) - An unusually well-organised image cast from a simulation using a single, randomly-programmed com-bug.


Using the basic tools introduced in this chapter---the `set', `move' and `turn' commands, shape-drawing, attribute changes etc.---you should now be equipped for some self-motivated experimentation. If your initial efforts tend to produce nothing very unimpressive, do not give up. As with any creative endeavour, BugArt requires perseverance. You may have to go back and re-read bits of the text several times before things become clear. When it comes to manipulating your bugs, you'll find that they almost certainly will not do what you expect first time around. But whatever they do do, there will a logical reason for it. And however much it may seem that they are deliberately trying to be difficult, this is just an illusion!

Like all other chapters, this one concludes with a `pause gallery'. The aim of this is to present a selection of images constructed using the methods described in the chapter. For this material, only a bare minimum of explanation is provided. If you like, you can treat it as an exercise to identify the methods that have been used to build-up the underlying simulation.

`Twizzles' (1 object, 340 frames) - In this image a chrystaline effect is achieved using an elongated bug that repeatedly executes a rotational movement followed by a forwards transition of a fixed length. `set' commands were used to give the bug a cyan color during the full rotation but a more violet shade during the semi-rotation. The general effect is cold and wintry, reminiscent of patterns of frozen condensation.

`Twizzles' (1 object, 340 frames) - This is the `Twizzles' image shown as a nine-cell cast-grid. The cells show the accumulation of trails over nine, equal intervals.

`Supernova' (2 objects, 775 frames) - This image, which features the rotation of a hand-drawn bug, demonstrates how the underlying `buginess' of the image-creation process can be masked by accumulated trails.

In many cases, an image will make use of a short simulation sequence, i.e., a brief spurt of behaviour. In other cases, the image is built-up over a larger number of cycles. In some cases images may require a considerable length of simulation. `Firewheel' is a case in point. This requires several thousand simulation cycles to reach the desired state.

`Firewheel' (1 object, 3219 frames) - Here a braiding effect has been achieved using a single bug moving in a fixed cycle. The reds and golds are introduced by explicit color-change commands applied while the bug is in motion.

`Firewheel' (1 object, 3219 frames) - The same image, shown as a cast-grid.

Chapter 3: The random factor

In traditional art, the artist controls a small number of variables---principally the color and shape of marks being made. In BugArt, the artist has access to a much wider range of variables. When using a com-bug, for example, there will be a sequence of `set', `move' and `turn' commands to conjure with. Changing any one of these will affect the image. Each command is effectively a variable under the artist's control.

This level of complexity can enhance the creative experience. But it can also produce a sense of overload. From the artistic point of view, there may be just too many things that can be varied at any one time, while modulating any single factor may have no noticeable effect on the final product.

But there is a solution. BugArt is a machine-mediated process. There is a computer in the loop. And we can make use of this to lighten the creative load.

The Modify window

BugWorks provides a range of mechanisms for `creativity support'. Of these, the most useful is probably the Modify window. This allows multiple attributes of objects to be changed `all in one go'. It is a kind of labour-saving device for bugartistes.

To see what the Modify window can do, try the following. Use the `Add kit-bug' tool to add a kit-bug to the arena. Increase its size using the Resize tool and set its shape to `star'. Then make a copy of it (select and press Copy) and add several instantiations to the arena (by pressing Paste several times).

Running the simulation (with `Show trails' on) should now produce some `shooting star' patterns, a little like `Star Salute' perhaps. When first created, kit-bugs always try to move towards whatever is nearest to them. The closer an object is, the more they tend to move towards it. So, if one bug has another bug as its nearest neighbour, both bugs will tend to move towards each other.

`Star Salute' (3 objects, 260 frames)

Where we have more than two bugs, the dynamics of the simulation may be more difficult to predict. Each bug attempts to move towards the nearest object but this may change from moment to moment. The interactions that can result can be difficult to predict and quite good visual results can be generated using a large number of different-looking kit-bugs. This is where the Modify window comes in handy. It makes it easy to randomise the visual attributes for a set of bugs using a single button-press.

To open the Modify window, press the Modify button from the right hand panel. The window that pops-up should look like this:

The Modify window is used to modify multiple attributes all in one go.

The Modify window needs to be placed somewhere below the main window, as in this typical layout for a BugWorks session:

A possible layout for a BugWorks session. The screenshot shows the main window along with several bug windows, the Modify window and a selection of part windows.

Use the `Select bugs' button from the Modify window to select all the kit-bugs you have added to the arena. Then tick the `color' check-box. You can now use the Cycle button to change the color attribute of all the bugs in the simulation with a single button press. Each time you press Cycle, all the bugs will be given a new color in a pre-defined sequence. This looks more interesting if you try it with the simulation running. The effect will be something along the lines of `Stariation'.

`Stariation' (3 objects, 26 frames) - Using the Cycle button from the Modify window, the colors of all the bugs in the simulation can be changed simultaneously.

Instead of Cycle, you can use the Randomise button to set each selected bug to have a randomly selected color. To find the best color combinations for the current simulation, simply press the Run button and keep pressing the Randomise button until you achieve a satisfactory effect. `Mace Eye' is a typical result. It was constructed from the simulation used to generate `Star Salute' after the randomisation facility had been used to modify sizes, colors and shell colors.

`Mace Eye' (3 objects, 482 frames) - The Randomise button from the Modify window is useful for exploring attribute combinations.

The Modify window lets you randomise or cycle any attribute you like. But for now, leave the `appearance' and `parts' check-boxes unticked. Use of these options involves involves knowing something about the innards of bugs---a topic we will look at later on.

The value of the `shellWidth' attribute controls the width of the object's shell. Changes in this can have the effect of giving the image a less `jagged' appearance. `Pleasant Thoughts', which uses a high shell width value, has a distinctly fluffy appearance.

`Pleasant Thoughts' (2 objects, 150 frames) - Demonstrating the effect of using a high shell-width value, this makes use of a com-bug programmed to execute a `wriggling' motion.

The image `Angry Thoughts' on the other hand was generated from the same bugs running in the same simulation, but with shell widths set to the normal value 1. It is also possible to set the `shellWidth' value to 0 in order to eliminate shells completely. (Another way to achieve the same effect is to set the `shellColor' to `invisible'.)

`Angry Thoughts' (2 objects, 156 frames)

Use of extremely high shell width values, together with spiky shapes (such as a star shape) can produce very blobby patterns, as in `Thick Star Shells'. This is one way to break-up unwanted `geometricality'.

`Thick Star Shells' (4 objects, 4 frames) - This image, cast from a very short sequence of a simulation, shows three star-shaped objects all of which have been given a large `shellWidth' value.

When used in conjunction with a small group of kit-bugs, the Modify window is capable of generating more or less endless visual variety, particularly when the Randomise button is used to manipulate multiple attributes. `No Room in the Basket', for example, was derived from `Thick Star Shells' using just a few clicks of the Randomise button.

`No Room In The Basket' (3 objects, 58 frames)

Commonly, experiments using the Modify window begin with all bugs and all generic attributes selected. The Randomise button is then utilised until one of the bugs acquires an interesting appearance. This is then de-selected, effectively protecting it from subsequent modification. Further randomisation can then be applied to try to enhance the appearance of the remaining bugs. This process of incremental refinement can also involve the progressive de-selection of attributes.

Of course it is easy to generate too much diversity this way. Often an image will have more visual impact where bugs retain clear commonalities. For example, images generated using bugs of one shape often have a coherence that is lacking in images combining different shapes.

As an illustration, consider `Dragon Tails' below, shown first as a cast-grid and then as a single image. This was obtained using kit-bugs, but with `color', `shellColor' and `size' attributes randomised using through the Modify window. Triangle shapes produce fan-effects when a trail-making shellColor is used and the effect is more striking when the shape is replicated across all the bugs involved.

`Dragon Tails' (3 objects, 103 frames) - The cast-grid shows how even a simple simulation rapidly `clutters up'.

As you can see, images constructed using multiple bugs can become cluttered very quickly. The best looking frames often occur early on in any simulation run, as is illustrated in this cast from a short initial sequence of `Dragon Tails'.

`Dragon Tails' (3 objects, 103 frames) - This image was cast from a short, initial sequence of the `Dragon Tails' simulation. With greater levels of complexity, less is often more: an image generated from a shorter sequence will often pack a stronger visual punch.

Red-green-blue (RGB) values and ranges

After the Randomise or Cycle button has been used to update attribute values, you may find it useful to open a Properties dialog to see what the new attribute values actually are. In most cases, the new values should be self-explanatory, e.g., the shape attribute may have changed from `oval' to `triangle'. But changes made to `color' and `shellColor' attributes may need interpretation.

The value of a color attribute is normally a color name like `yellow' and `red'. But it can also be what is known as an `RGB' (red-green-blue) value. This is just a sequence of three numbers, each of which lies between 0 and 255. The numbers specify the intensity of redness, greenness and blueness in the color. An RGB value like

   0 180 255

thus specifies a color made up from no red (first value), a moderate amount of green (second value) and a maximum amount of blue (last value). The notion of color combination should not be taken too literally here. Although the RGB value above might seem to specify a kind of greeny-blue color, it actually denotes this:

The value

   255 0 0

on the other hand would denote perfect red because it has a maximum red value and zero values for green and blue. In the figure below, 21 examples are given showing randomly selected colors with their corresponding RGB specifications.

Color samples with their corresponding RGB (red-green-blue) specifications. The first number in each sequence specifies the red intensity, the second number the green intensity and the third the blue intensity.

When using the Cycle button to change color attributes, color values will be reset to standard color names. However, when using the Randomise button, color values will be set to RGB values. This helps to maximise diversity. (There are many more possible RGB values than there are named colors.)

You may have noted that RGB values are also produced when you use the sliders to reset color. The resulting color is specified in terms of whatever RGB values are currently showing on the sliders.

Randomisation ranges

BugWorks allows you to control the range from which random colors are selected via the setting of `randomColorRange'. In the Settings dialog (accessed from the main window) you will find this is initially

   0-255 0-255 0-255

With this setting, a value in a randomly-selected RGB spec can be anything between 0 and 255, i.e., there is no limit on what the color can be.

If you set the value of `randomColorRange' to

   0-100 0-100 0-100

on the other hand, all the values will be taken from the range 0-100 and the color will therefore be quite dark. The figure below shows four examples of colors randomly selected from this range.

Colors randomly generated using the `randomColorRange' value `0-100 0-100 0-100'.

If you change the `randomColorRange' to

   0-255 0 0

random colors will be darkened shades of red because we have specified the red value to be anything between 0 and 255 but the green and blue value to be exactly 0. The result is that the color will be made up of a certain intensity of redness and nothing else. Some examples appear in the figure below.

Examples of colors randomly generated using the scheme `0-255 0 0'.

If you want colors to be lightened shades of magenta, say, you would have to specify something like

   255 0-255 255

i.e., a range which requires maximum values for red and blue and anything between 0 and 255 for the green value. Examples below:

Examples of colors randomly generated in the scheme `255 0-255 255'.

In contrast, the value

   255 255 0-255

will produce random colors which are shades of yellow, because perfect yellow (in the RGB scheme) is an equal mixture of red and green.

BugWorks will also let you use symbolic values in these range specifiers. For example you can specify

   0-255 R R

as a way of constraining the green and blue intensities to be identical to the red intensity (itself unrestricted). When selecting a random RGB value using this specification, the system will first choose a random number (from the range 0-255) for the redness and then---because an `R' appears in the G and B positions---will use the same value for green and blue. The result will be that random colors have identical R, G and B values. They will therefore be shades of grey (i.e., darkened shades of white). Examples below:

Shades of grey generated randomly using the scheme `0-255 R R'.

For even greater control you can use symbolic expressions like `R/2' and `G+30'. For example, the specification

   G 100-200 G-50

will ensure that random colors have a green value which is randomly chosen from the range 100-200, a red value which is identical to the green value and a blue value which is the result of subtracting 50 from the green value.

Colors generated using the spec `G 100-200 G-50'.

It is also possible to use multiplication and division. This can be a convenient way to maintain the same color `percept' over a number of shades. For example, use of the scheme

   B*2 B+40 80-100

will ensure that random colors have a blue value chosen from the range 80-100, a green value chosen from the range 0-50 and a red value which is twice the blue value. The end result is a muddy red color, as in the examples shown below.

Colors generated using a spec featuring multiplication and division.

One final example!

   200-255 R/2 90

This will ensure that random colors have a red value in the range 200-255, a green value which is half the red value and a blue value of 90.

Symbolic expressions using multiplication and division make it possible to preserve proportionality between red, green and blue intensities. And it is this, more than absolute intensity, which is key in color perception. Two quite different colors will often be perceived as being the `same color' provided the red/green/blue proportions are the same.

(If you want to explore the effects of changing these range specifiers, there is a useful shortcut. In the Settings dialog, simply enter the word `random' as the value of any color range and the system will then invent a range specifier on the fly. Of course, you then have two levels of randomness to conjure with. First there is the random choice of range specifier. Then there will be selections of colors chosen randomly within the specified range. If this is making your head hurt, move on quickly.)

Program randomisation

Randomisation is a powerful tool in BugArt because it enables the image-maker to harness the power of trial-and-error. When randomisation is implemented via the Modify window, the effect may be distributed across any number of objects. Trial changes can then be applied to any number of attributes in any number number of objects.

But the Modify window is far from being the only way in which BugWorks supports randomisation. As we have seen, there is also the Randomise button which appears in each com-bug program editor. This can be used to generate a random program of `move', `turn' and `set' commands. The image `In Training' was generated in this way.

As noted, com-bugs given randomly-generated programs of this sort tend to behave in a wild fashion, darting around in all directions, repeatedly changing shape, color and size. The visual effect can be extremely `busy'. `Beserker' is a not too offensive example.

`Beserker' (1 object, 900 frames)

Program randomisation will occasionally generate interesting structures involving interleaved patterns of repetition and translation. `Unwashed Blanket' is a good example as is `Illogical Tool'.

`Unwashed Blanket' (1 object, 1235 frames)

`Illogical Tool' (1 object, 81 frames)

On the whole, though, this approach does tend to generate too much disorder. To achieve the best visual effects it is often necessary to find some way to emphasise symmetries and commonalities. One of the easiest ways to do this is to have a set of com-bugs all use the same program. The easiest way to to achieve this is simply to copy and paste the relevant program from one program editor into another.

`Depression With Holes' was generated this way. It uses four com-bugs following the same program of commands. The behaviour generated by all four bugs is identical, except with respect to its location within the arena.

`Depression With Holes' (4 objects, 108 frames) - Illustrating the effect of program re-use, this was cast from a simulation involving a group of four bugs all executing the same steps in sequence, but at different locations and headings.

Another example is `Hole in the Plan'. This used three, identically programmed com-bugs. The commonality in behaviour here produces a striking regularity.

`Hole In The Plan' (3 objects, 384 frames) - This image was cast from a simulation featuring a group of bugs all following the same sequence of commands. The sense of lopsided symmetry results from the duplication of behaviour at different locations and orientations.

Using random values in commands

Randomisation can also be achieved by inserting `random' values into commands themselves. For instance, it is possible to use the command

   move random7

This will cause the bug to move forwards some number of steps randomly chosen from the range 0-7. (You can of course use any number you like instead of 7.) You can also use these random values in turn commands and set commands. For instance,

   turn random90

will cause the bug to turn to the right by some number of degrees randomly chosen from the range 0-90.

Colors can also be specified using random values in set commands. The most obvious way to do this is to create three random intensity values, making up an RGB value. Intensity values are numbers between 0 and 255, so color randomisation would be achieved by

   set bug.color = random255 random255 random255

This will set the bug's color to an RGB value randomly selected from all possible RGB values. To create colors of particular shades, simply modify the randomisation ranges. The command

   set bug.color = random255 random80 random80

is likely to produce a fairly dark shade of red, because the red value will be chosen form the range 0-255 while the green and blue values will be chosen from the more restricted range 0-80.

The letter `R', 'B' or `G' can be attached to the end of any color attribute so as to access the red, blue or green intensity of the color independently. To randomise the blue intensity of the bug's shell color, the command would be

  set bug.shellColorB = random255

To set the red intensity of the bug's color to a randomly chosen value from the upper part of the range, the command would be something like

   set bug.color = 200 + random55

Sometimes, what we want is to set the bug to use a color generated according to the current setting of `randomColorRange'. As noted in the previous chapter, this setting (accessed via the main Settings dialog) controls the range in which random colors are generated. To obtain a color selected from the range defined by this setting, use the the `randomColor' variable. For example:

   set bug.color = randomColor

Working in much the same way as the `randomColor' variable, there is also `randomShellWidth'. The value of this is a number randomly generated within the range defined by `randomShellWidthRange' (normally 1-5). So a command such as

    set bug.shellWidth = randomShellWidth

will set the bug's shell width randomly but within the range currently defined by `randomShellWidthRange'. (Tip: to eliminate shells from all bugs in your simulation, set `randomShellWidthRange' to `0-0' and then randomise the shell widths of all the bugs.)

Behavioural cycles

With no random values used, com-bugs are likely to fall into some kind of cycle, in which they carve out a regular pattern around a central point. Given enough time, the effect will then be to fill-in a roughly spherical region of texture. This will often produce floral patterns. `Petallic' is an example.

`Petallic' (1 object, 439 frames)

Commands using random turns or moves are a useful way of injecting diversity and ensuring that the behaviour does not fall into a repeating cycle. When random moves and turns are implemented, the bug's behaviour will be more along the lines of a `random walk' through the arena. For example, a single com-bug using the program

  move 10
  turn random100
  move 10
  turn -random100

generates the image `Random Twisting'. (A custom `coffin' shape is used here.)

`Random Twisting' (1 object, 879 frames) - A simple random-walk through the arena.

Random walks are a good way to fill in a large area of texture, as can be seen in `Group Ladder Scribbling', which features several com-bugs running identical programs containing random moves/turns.

`Group Ladder Scribbling' (6 objects, 724 frames) - This image illustrates the way in which random walks can be used to fill the arena with pattern.

`Snakes and Ladders', generated from a similar setup, shows some unusual chain effects, resulting from the use of invisible bodies in certain parts of the simulation.

`Snakes And Ladders' (3 objects, 300 frames) - This image was developed using three com-bugs running the same program. The laddering results from the way in which bodies are made invisible for a part of the sequence. Only the shell of the bug is then drawn, allowing other image detail to show through.

Bug sex

As a final support for randomisation, BugWorks provides the possibility for `sexual reproduction', or at least a BugArt version of it. This is provided via the Reproduce button on the right of the main window. Pressing this button will generate a `mutant offspring' from whatever bugs are currently selected. If two bugs are selected when the button is pressed, the process is performed in a manner reminiscent of sexual reproduction in nature. The offspring is generated by creating a new bug which inherits attributes from both parents, with a small element of randomisation thrown in. If a single bug is selected when the button is pressed, the process is carried out in a manner which mimics asexual reproduction. The offspring is simply a mutated copy of the parent.

For BugArt purposes, the Reproduce button offers little more than can be achieved using the Randomise button in the Modify window. So no great effort should be made to come to terms with its use. As ever, the quality of results obtained through use of this device depends very much on the quality of the ingredients which are fed in. `Hand of Hooks' is a reasonably appealing product.

`Hand Of Hooks' (2 objects, 532 frames) - Changing bug shape produces subtle modulations in the tail-chasing antics of kit-bugs. In this image, a distended diamond shape, derived using the Reproduce button, paves the way for a novel, hooking motion.


In a procedure known as `The British Museum Algorithm', 100 monkeys typing randomly on 100 typewriters eventually produce the Complete Works of William Shakespeare. The algorithm is known to be feasible in principle. But, of course, it could never be completed in practice due to the huge amount of time required (longer than the age of the universe). This result is often taken as demonstrating that random processes cannot play any real role in creativity. And it might be thought to throw doubt on the validity of some of the techniques described in this chapter.

But the way randomisation is used in BugArt is quite different to the way it is used in the British Museum Algorithm. In BugArt, randomisation does not impact the final output (the image) directly. Rather, it impacts the functionality of the mark-making agents. Randomisation is certainly used to inject novelty, but this novelty is then moulded and refined by other processes. Randomisation in BugArt, then, is much more like what happens in Jackson Pollack's `drip and splash' method, say, than in the British Museum algorithm.

The pause gallery for the chapter now presents a range of images whose construction involved randomisation of some kind. The roller images `Paint it Mauve' and `Paint it Yellow' demonstrate the way settings of `randomColorRange' can be used to modulate color randomisation. `Walker' showcases the use of behaviour duplication in a set of com-bugs. `Headache' features an interaction between a kit-bug and a randomised com-bug, while `Keep off the Beanstalk' and `Cool Deviance' explore use of custom shapes and shell width variation.

`Paint It Mauve' (3 objects, 656 frames)

`Paint it Mauve' was constructed using three com-bugs and the `roller' command sequence used earlier for `Chevron Roller'. The bugs were given invisible shells and random body colors with `randomColorRange' set to

   B-100 B-50 150-255

With this setting, random colors tend to have large blue values, smaller green values and negligable red values, tending to produce a mauve or purple shade.

Changing the random ranges and re-randomising the bug colors gives a different look. `Paint it Yellow' was produced using the same simulation but with colors randomised in the range `150-255 R-20 R/4'.

`Paint It Yellow' (3 objects, 48 frames)

Random colors chosen from these ranges will have a fairly high red value (in the range 150-255), a green value that is just slightly less then the red value and a blue value that is the red value divided by 4. Such colors tend to be a muddy yellow/brown.

`Walker' (3 objects, 152 frames) - Illustrating the use of duplicated com-bug programs derived using the Randomise facility of the program editor.

`Headache' (2 objects, 23 frames)

`Keep Off The Beanstalk' (2 objects, 153 frames)

`Cool Deviance' (2 objects, 95 frames)

`Purposeless Furry Balls' is another example. Cast from a com-bug simulation fearturing several random turns and moves, this exhibits a single random walk, kept within the confines of the arena by auto-swerving.

Chapter 4: Casting images from movies

The quick and easy way to create BugArt involves using a printer. First you create your simulation. Then you press Run and switch trails on. After a while you stop the simulation, press Print and the generated image pops out of your printer.

This is a nice and simple way to generate images. But it's not the best way. A more powerful method involves saving a simulation as a movie, and then `casting' an image from the movie. Doing it this way gives you more control over what appears in the image. It also lets you save the image in an electronic form for inclusion in web pages. (Nearly all the images in this book were created as movie casts.)

In order to cast an image from a movie, we first have to record a simulation sequence as a movie. This involves using the BugWorks record facility (only available in the full version of the system). The procedure is exactly as used on a tape recorder. To record a simulation, simply press the Record button. The simulation will then be activated, just as if you had pressed Run, and everything that happens will be recorded until you press Stop.

At this point, the BugWorks movie-player window will pop-up along with the Save-movie dialog. For convenience, place the dialog somewhere below the movie-player window, as in this screenshot.

Recorded simulations may be saved as movies using the Save-movie dialog in conjunction with the movie-player.

The basic usage of this facility should be self-explanatory. To review the recorded movie, press the Run button in the movie player, or simply click somewhere in the window. To save the movie to disk, press the Save button in the dialog.

The show frame

Casting an image from a movie involves inserting an appropriate value for the `showFrame' field in the Save-movie dialog. This value specifies how far the movie should be advanced when displayed as a static image. By default, the value is zero, which means that only the first frame is displayed. By changing the setting, we can arrange for the image to show the accumulated trails from any amount of initial `footage'.

To establish a good `showFrame' for the movie, first reset the movie to its starting state, by pressing Reset or by double-clicking the window. Then, while holding the CTRL key down, drag the pointer horizontally across the window from left to right. This will have the effect of slowly advancing the movie, i.e., of `scrubbing' it forwards. Dragging in the other direction has the opposite effect: it will retard the movie, i.e., scrub it backwards.

During these operations, the current frame number is displayed in the top, left corner. It is this number which shows you what the `showFrame' value should be. Once the movie has been advanced to a satisfactory point, i.e., once the image has a satisfactory appearance, simply copy the number showing in the top, left corner into the `showFrame' field of the Save-movie dialog. To check the new value has been registered, press Show. The movie-player will redisplay the movie up the selected frame. If the final image is what you expect, you can press Save to save the movie.

For example, consider the `Cracking Up' image. This was cast from a movie of a simulation involving two, triangular kit-bugs.

`Cracking Up' (2 objects, 193 frames)

In making the cast, the movie was first advanced to frame 8. At this point the movie player window looked like this. Note the 8 appearing in the top, left corner.

On further examination, the image at this point seemed a little `undeveloped'. So it was further advanced to frame 60. At this point the window looked like this.

The value 60 was then entered as the `showFrame' value and the movie was saved to disk using the Save button.

Setting endFrame and startFrame values

Before saving the movie you can also change the settings for `endFrame' and `startFrame' if you wish. These define where the movie starts and ends. Changing the `startFrame' setting may be useful if the movie features some unwanted footage right at the start. Changing the `endFrame' setting, only affects the movie when it is displayed as a `cast-grid' (see below).

Once these settings have been fixed, the Save button is pressed. A file dialog pops up allowing you to specify a name for the movie. The movie is then saved to disk, from where it can be re-played (and if desired, re-cast) at any time using the Movies button in the main BugWorks window. When displayed in a web page, the movie will always be advanced to the relevant `showFrame', thus re-creating the desired static image.

The zoom setting

The zoom facility provides another way to control what appears in the image. To zoom in on a region of the arena, use the selection-box, i.e., drag the pointer across the relevant area. The window will automatically reconfigure to display just the selected region. To reset the zoom level, double-click the window. Zooming can also be done using the left-hand scroll-bar.

Changing the zoom setting is a good way to crop off unwanted white-space around the edge of the arena. It can also be used to focus down on a particular detail of the simulation. Zoom and scrollbar settings are saved along with the movie and are re-created whenever the the movie is played or displayed as an image.

Casting example

As an illustration of what can be achieved through casting, consider the two images below. Both of these were derived from the same movie, which was itself derived from a simulation involving three skittle-shaped kit-bugs. `Hexplosion' was produced directly from the saved movie, without any zoom being applied and without changing the `startFrame' value. The `showFrame' was set to the final frame of the movie (i.e., the `endFrame' value) so as to ensure that the image would contain the entire accumulation of trails.

`Hexplosion' (1 object, 300 frames)

Contrasting with this, we have `Hole in the Hex'. This was cast from the same movie using a zoom setting focussing on a small central region of the arena and a reduced `showFrame' value. By focussing on a small region of the arena and a shorter sequence, the cast yields a very different image.

`Hole In The Hex' (1 object, 260 frames) - A contractive cast focussing on a small central region of the arena.


Setting the `showFrame' value to an early frame in a simulation sequence produces a `snapshot' of the activity that occurs up to that point. Chained together in a sequence, such snapshots provide a static representation of how the movie progresses over time. Snapshot chains like these are called `cast-grids'---several examples have already been seen in previous chapters. The image `firstOctagon' is shown in cast-grid form, for example, as is `Twizzles'.

The movie-player allows cast-grids in the standard 3x3 format to be generated automatically. Clicking in the window with the ALT key held down will automatically cycle the movie-player through its display modes, one of which is the cast-grid mode. (The other mode simply runs the movie with trails switched off.) While in cast-grid mode, the player will display the movie as a 3x3 grid of casts, each one showing a slightly longer initial sequence from the movie.


Casting images from movies may seem like a slightly exotic way of creating static images. But in a sense, the process is just an extension of the traditional process of framing. The placement of different borders around an image can have a dramatic effect on the image's visual impact. Traditional artists therefore take steps to ensure that their images are given the right frame before being displayed. But for traditional art, framing is essentially a `post-production' issue, something to be considered after the original image has been completed. The creative process should be completed before the framing process begins. Were the latter to influence the former, it would be the `tail wagging the dog.'

BugArt turns this convention around, drawing the process of framing right into the heart of the creative process itself. Provided with an extra spatial dimension (courtesy of the movie-player's zoom mechanism) and an extra temporal dimension (courtesy of the frame-marker mechanism) the process is transformed into a new tool of image enhancement.

There is absolutely nothing to stop the casting process from having a direct influence over the simulation design and operation. In fact, this is really what is expected. For the bugartiste, is is not so much a case of the tail wagging the dog; it is more a matter of liberating the potential synergy between two mutually reinforcing processes.

The images included in this chapter's pause gallery provide some illustrations of the way the relationship between casting and simulation-making can be negotiated. In each case, the image is first shown as a cast-grid and then as a single image, with the cast-grid representation using a neutral cast, i.e., no zoom and `showFrame' set to zero. The aim is to highlight the impact casting has on the underlying simulation product.

`Curry Aftermath Pre Cast' (1 object, 1919 frames) - A neutral cast-grid representation drawn from a simulation involving a single com-bug executing a lurching motion with color-change effects.

`Curry Aftermath' (1 object, 1919 frames) - A cast utilising a narrow zoom setting so as to focus on a small region of the arena. The image benefits from the removal of extraneous white space around the edge.

`Bad Head Pre Cast' (2 objects, 595 frames) - In this neutral cast-grid presentation, trails created by the bugs in the simulation only partially cover the arena.

`Bad Head' (2 objects, 595 frames) - A cast isolating a fully-covered region from the right half of the arena.

`Prozac' (6 objects, 276 frames) - The original simulation paints color into a small area of the arena.

`Prozac' (6 objects, 276 frames) - In this cast, the image is rendered without any `gaps'.

`Emotional Cricket' (8 objects, 29 frames) - Trails from the original simulation are mainly focussed in the top half of the arena.

`Emotional Cricket' (8 objects, 29 frames) - In this cast, the zoom level has been set so as to neatly frame the filled portion of the arena.

`Emotional Cricket Cast2' (8 objects, 29 frames) - This highly contractive cast samples just the first ten frames of the construction of the the ball pattern on the left.

In some cases, cast-grids may have a visual appeal which exceeds that of the original image itself. Of the two versions of `Two Towers' shown below, it may be felt that it is the cast-grid which has the greater visual impact.

`Two Towers' (2 objects, 110 frames)

`Two Towers' (2 objects, 110 frames) - A cast-grid representation in which the grid layout appears to add visual interest to the underlying image.

Chapter 5: Into the innards

The behaviour of a com-bug is the result of its program of commands. But with kit-bugs, it is the components and the way they are wired up that makes the difference. Opening a window onto a kit-bug will clarify what this means. Examining the way the internal components of the kit-bug are organised will show why an unmodified kit-bug will always tend to move towards the nearest object.

Use the `Add kit-bug' tool to add a kit-bug to the arena. Making sure the bug is selected, press Open. The window which pops up will show a top-down, plan view of the bug's components, as below.

A kit-bug's window. The two sensors are shown as green triangles while the wheels are shown as grey rectangles. Note the way each sensor makes a connection to the wheel on the opposite side. It is this `cross-connection' which causes stimulation to flow to the opposite side of the bug. This ensures that the bug always moves towards the stimulus rather than away from it.

You will see the circular body of the bug with its `nose line' pointing upwards. In the lower half of the window there should be a couple of gray, box-shaped components. These represent the wheels. In the top half, there should be a couple of triangular components. These represent the sensors. All of the objects in the window can be dragged around using the mouse.

Note how the left-hand sensor is joined by a line to the right-hand wheel, while the right-hand sensor makes a connection to the left-hand wheel. These lines represent connections which carry signal from one component to another. The bug is said to be `cross-wired' because signal coming from the sensor on one side goes into the wheel on the other side.

The way the simulation works, the amount of incoming signal to a wheel controls the wheel's speed of rotation. Since the amount of signal generated by a sensor depends on the closeness of the nearest object, we have a tight linkage between the relative position of other objects in the arena and the speed with which the two wheels rotate.

If the closest object is on the left hand side of the bug, the left-hand sensor will generate the most signal. This will cause the right-hand wheel to turn fastest. The right-hand side of the bug then travels faster than the left-hand side and the bug turns to the left. This is the side where the closest object is. If the closest object is on the right-hand side, the effect is reversed. Now it is the right-hand sensor which generates the most signal and the left-hand wheel that turns fastest. The bug turns towards the right which is, again, the side where the closest object is. The behaviour is beautifully simple and robust. But it is really just a big knee-jerk reaction---a simple consequence of the fact that each sensor is connected to the wheel on the opposite side of the bug.

The main appeal of the standard `cross-wired' bug from the BugArt point of view is that it generates a smooth, curving trail for very little effort. It is possible to generate smooth curves using com-bugs, of course, but the process is more cumbersome and curvature tends to remain static. The arc carved out by a cross-wired bug, on the other hand, will show a curvature which varies automatically as it turns towards whatever it is being attracted to. The curvature is greatest when the bug is side-on to the attracting object. As the turn is completed, the curvature decreases, an effect illustrated in `Simple Approach'.

`Simple Approach' (2 objects, 18 frames) - A cross-wired bug will always tend to turn and move towards the closest stimulus. The rate of turn is highest when the bug is side-on to the stimulus.

Another appealing property of the cross-wired bug is that it is easy to modify its dynamic properties. The rate at which the bug turns towards any sensed object depends on the difference between the two sensor signals, which in turn depends on the difference in the position of the sensors relative to the object in question. To obtain faster turns, we only have to move the sensors further apart. To obtain more gradual turns, we shift them closer together. The idea is illustrated in the screen-show below. It shows two bugs in plan view, one with sensors set wide apart and the other with them set closer together.

By moving sensors further apart, the difference between sensor-to-object distances is increased. The result is that there will be a greater difference in the speed of the two wheels and the bug will tend to turn more quickly towards the closest object.

The difference that sensor separation makes on behaviour is illustrated in `Different Curves'. This shows how three, differently configured bugs move towards a small yellow target in the bottom, left corner of the arena. The image was created by setting up three kit-bugs each with a slightly different degree of separation between its sensors. The bug with widely spaced sensors turns quickly towards the object while the other two turn more slowly. The bug whose sensors are very close together only turns very slowly towards the target.

`Different Curves' (4 objects, 141 frames)

(If you are wondering why the three bugs in `Different Curves' do not try to turn towards each other, it is because they were configured to use filtered sensors. The way these work is described later on.)

The standard, cross-wired kit-bug will try to move towards the closest object, regardless of what that object is. This means that it will happily move towards another bug. Two or more cross-wired bugs placed into the arena will therefore tend to chase each other around. As we have seen, these chases can create swirling vortices which quickly become complex. Very often these chases will degenerate into simple race-track patterns. `Basic Chase' is an illustration of the effect.

`Basic Chase' (3 objects, 460 frames) - The chase effect obtained from kit-bugs is more interesting with randomised color, shape and size values. Here the two bugs pursue each other in a race-track pattern which gradually shifts downwards and to the right, creating a 3-dimensional effect.

As ever, judicious use of the Modify window to vary properties such as color, shape and size will quickly produce very different looking results.

Other parts

Kit-bugs may have any number of parts and these can be connected together in any number of ways. There are several different types of part in addition to sensors and wheels. Changing a bug's configuration of internal parts changes its behaviour. But often the change will be hard to predict.

To experiment, open a kit-bug and press `Show tools' to bring up the tool bar. In addition to the usual Grab tool, you will see a Connect and a Resize tool. The Resize tool works the same way it does in the main window. It is useful for resizing wheels and this is certainly the easiest way to fine-tune the speed of a bug. (Bigger wheels produce more speed.) The Connect tool is used for creating and deleting connections between parts. (Drag between parts to make a connection. Drag again to delete it.)

In addition there is an `Add' tool for every type of component that the system implements. These include batteries, sensors, wheels, junctions, transformers, processors and neurons. By adding parts to a bug and creating connections between parts, it is possible to obtain a large variety of behaviours.

For example, take a kit-bug and try deleting both sensor-wheel connections. Then add a battery and connect it to just one of the wheels. When you run the simulation, the bug will rotate on the spot because the internal arrangement ensures that only one wheel receives any signal.

Now introduce another battery with a connection to the other wheel. Use the Properties dialog to reset the battery's activation value to 0.5. When you run the simulation the bug should now carve out some sort of arc. Although both wheels are receiving signal, one signal is higher than the other.

From the BugArt point of view, manipulation of behaviour through innards-editing is not an immediate concern. If you want to investigate use of parts in more detail, access the BugWorks tutorial (via the Tutor button). This goes into full detail on all features of the system. For current purposes, basic operations using batteries, sensors and wheels will be sufficient.

Using component trails

Aside from being a way of manipulating behaviour, the introduction of parts is an interesting way to vary a bug's `paintbrush' characteristics. After the `appearance' attribute has been set to `transparent' in the Properties dialog, a bug's internal components will be visible, just as they are in the Open window. This means they will show up in the trail. With its parts on display, the trail made by a bug becomes considerably more detailed. Since it is possible to modify a part's attributes (size, shape, color etc.) in the same way as one modifies those of a bug, these part trails can be used to create a range of visual effects.

With standard kit-bugs, there will be trails made by the wheels and the sensors. But there will also be trails made by the connecting channels. These are normally drawn in shades of red, with the intensity of red indicating the amount of signal passing through the channel. (Negative signal is represented using shades of blue.)

`Wormingoes' is an attempt to illustrate what can be achieved purely on the basis of channel coloration. It uses two kit-bugs with the standard configuration of cross-wired wheels and sensors. The sensors have been pulled well out from the body so that they protrude a considerable distance. The wheels have then been moved closer together to achieve more vigorous turning. Finally, all wheels and sensors have been made invisible so as to allow the color effects to dominate.

`Wormingoes' (16 objects, 127 frames) - An image in which sensor-motor connections protrude outside the body of the host bug. The coloration effects result from the way in which the system uses shades of red to display the amount of signal being carried on a connection.

`Peeping Pink' is from the same setup. Generated using kit-bugs and the default activation colors, sensors were again pulled well out from the body and all parts were made invisible.

`Peeping Pink' (18 objects, 117 frames) - Another image exploiting protruding parts. Here the striation effects created by the sensor-wheel channels dominate the layout.

When exploiting channel coloring in this way, it may be helpful to use larger channels. This can be achieved by modifying the value of `channelWidth' in the Properties dialog. With a larger `channelWidth' value, the channel coloration effects will stand out more strongly. For maximum impact, lose the bugs altogether by selecting `invisible' for both body and shell color. `Bashful Alien' is a version of `Wormingoes' which exploits invisibility in this way.

`Bashful Alien' (8 objects, 150 frames) - Simulation possibilities are pushed to the limit in this image, which is built up solely from the coloration effects applied to sensor-motor connections of two invisible bugs.

All the color conventions can be altered in the settings dialog. The way signal levels are represented is defined by the setting of `activationColorRange', which works in much the same way as the `randomColorRange' setting. Normally, this is set to

   255 0-255 0-255

This specifies the range of RGB values to be used for representing signal levels. The spec uses the same left-to-right conventions as an RGB value. The first item (255) represents the range of red intensities. The second item (0-255) represents the range of green intensities and the third item (0-255) represents the range of blue intensities. This particular setting ensures that channel colors will range from

   255 0 0

which is perfect red, to

   255 255 255

which is perfect white. Signal levels will be represented, then, using shades of color between red and white.

To obtain different channel coloring, simply change the setting of `activationColorRange'. In `peepingBlueAndGreen' for example, the setup from `Peeping Pink' was re-used but with the value of `activationColorRange' set to `0 0-255 0-255' to ensure that activations were displayed using shades of green.

`Peeping Blue And Green' (18 objects, 110 frames) - Also cast from the `Peeping Pink' setup, this makes use of a green/blue color scheme for channel colors.

Using `140 140 0-255' for `activationColorRange' with the same setup used for `Bashful Alien' produces the differently flavoured `Bad Air Day'.

`Bad Air Day' (8 objects, 100 frames) - Here the channel color scheme constrains red and green intensities to a single value, effectively forcing all the color variation to be expressed through the blue intensity.

(If you want to experiment with activation-color ranges, you can specify the word `random' as the setting for `activationColorRange' and the system will then automatically choose a random setting for you.)

Images constructed using unmodified kit-bugs with parts showing are often complicated, zip-like patterns. `Zipper Knot' and the other `Zipper' images below are typical casts from this sort of setup.

`Zipper Knot' (14 objects, 45 frames) - An image generated using two transparent, cross-wired bugs. In each bug, the wheels were enlarged and moved slightly apart and the left-hand sensor was relocated to the lower, left quadrant of the bug.

When experimenting with transparent bugs, it is often desirable to modify properties of the parts of all the bugs in the arena. This is the sort of task for which the Modify window is well suited. To randomise the shapes of all the parts of a set of bugs, first select all the bugs to be modified. Then open the Modify window and tick the `Parts' checkbox and the `shape' checkbox. Pressing the Randomise button will now randomise the shapes of all the parts of all the selected bugs. `Zipper Twist' exemplifies what can be achieved.

`Zipper Twist' (14 objects, 167 frames)

Remember that any shape with corners can be edited. This applies equally well to parts. If the randomisation of part shapes has produced a shape with corners, it is possible to modify that shape by (a) clicking on a corner to bring up the grab-handles and then (b) pulling the handles to whatever position is desired. `Zipper Slasher' and `Zipper Hog' were produced by pulling out the apex of the triangular shape of the left wheel, prior to re-running the simulation.

`Zipper Slasher' (14 objects, 36 frames) - the cold, blue spikes scything across the image result from the use of an elongated triangle for one of the bug's sensors.

`Zipper Hog' (14 objects, 104 frames) - The blood-red splashes in the centre of the image result from bursts of activity on sensor-wheel channels.

Still more extreme effects can be obtained by using the Modify window to randomise `inputSources', an attribute of all parts. This attribute defines which other components have a connection in to the part. By randomising its value, one is effectively reconfiguring the internal configuration of the bug with a single button push. Surgery on the cheap!

Bug dynamics

As noted, the standard kit-bug is `cross-wired'. The sensor on one side of the bug drives the wheel on the other side with the effect that the bug always turns towards whatever is closest to it. But the sensor-motor connections may also be uncrossed. In other words, they can be set so that the left sensor drives the left wheel and right sensor drives the right wheel. The behaviour produced by the bug then changes in an interesting way. Rather than approach the closest object, the bug will now try to move away from it.

`Pester Power' (2 objects, 63 frames) - Kit-bugs are easily re-configured so as to exhibit `evasion'. In this case, they always attempt to move away from the nearest object.

`Pester Power' provides a simple demonstration of the effect. Two standard, kit-bugs are involved, both using a custom shape and an enlarged shell width. The sensor-wheel connections in the larger bug have been uncrossed with the result that it responds by trying to move away from the smaller bug. A deep red background has been used here for maximum color contrast.

`Pester Power' (2 objects, 63 frames) - Due to different internal configurations, the two bugs here display opposite behaviours. The smaller bug repeatedly tries to approach the larger bug, while the larger bug attempts to move away.

With cross-wired bugs, the strength of response depends largely on the separation of the sensors and the size of the wheels, which is itself affected by the size of the bug. Bigger wheels produce more speed and if wheel-size is increased substantially, the bug will appear to `jump' from position to position. This can produce scatter effects, as in `Evergreen'. The image was generated using two ant-shaped, kit-bugs one of which was equipped with extremely large wheels.

`Evergreen' (2 objects, 197 frames) - Giving a bug oversized wheels enables it to `jump' from position to position. In this setup, the wheels for the green bug were made large while the wheels for the purple bug were kept small. The result is that the green bug circles the purple bug, moving forwards in large jumps.

Where bugs travel smoothly around the arena, the visual effect will always be somewhat `tubular'. Giving bugs the ability to jump can thus be a useful way of injecting novelty. Expanding wheel length is a quick and easy way to produce jumping. But there are other ways to do it.

Where com-bugs are used, the attribute `moveStep' directly controls the size of the step that the bug makes in each cycle, while `turnStep' controls the angle of turn that can be completed. By setting a com-bug's `moveStep' to a high value, we effectively force the bug to jump around the arena. As a simple example, `Niner' was constructed from a triangular com-bug using the program `move 100' with a `moveStep' of 2. Note that the `moveStep' value is interpreted proportionately with the size of the bug. The default value of 0.2 implies that com-bugs move in steps which are 20% of their body length. The value of 2 thus causes the bug to make jumps which are twice its length.

`Niner' (1 object, 46 frames)

`Cubism' exploits a different form of jumping. All the bugs in this setup are kit-bugs with rectangular bodies and invisible shells. Normally they would travel smoothly around the arena. However, because the global setting for `gridCellSize' has been increased from 1 to 10, the bugs are effectively being `snapped to grid' each time a move takes place. With a cell size of 10, the grid is very coarse grained (i.e., large cells). The result is that the bugs are compelled to jump from position to position, rather than moving smoothly between them. Normally, the `gridCellSize' setting is used as a means of facilitating more precise location of objects by hand. But like everything else in the system, it can be pressed into service as a way of conjuring up novelty.

`Cubism' (16 objects, 210 frames) - A complex image constructed from simple components. Fifteen rectangular, kit-bugs execute a mutual chase. But the imposition of of a coarse-grained grid on the arena (via the setting of `gridCellSize') forces bugs to jump from position to position.


Illustrating some of the ways in which the techniques described in this chapter can be put to use, the pause gallery for this chapter presents a range of images constructed using transparent bugs, i.e., bugs with their parts on show. Various other techniques from preceding chapters have been brought into play at the same time.

`Visit From James' (11 objects, 195 frames) - Two arrow-shaped bugs execute a tight, mutual chase. The pulled-out sensors set up a vortex of interlocking bars.

`The Future Is Yellow' (14 objects, 65 frames) - An unusual offering, cast from a simulation involving two kits bugs with massively enlarged channels and a `activationColorRange' value producing shades of yellow. Demonstrating, if nothing else, that not all BugArt is spirographic.

`Billipede' (8 objects, 183 frames) - Enlarged and protuding channels are again used to generate dynamic linear effects. A blue scheme has been used here for displaying channel activation.

Chapter 6: The role of the passive object

In traditional art, the quality of the image is not only a result of the marks made. The surface on which the marks are made also influences the result. Different surfaces yield different effects and traditional artists may go to great lengths to ensure that a surface's properties are exactly right.

In an ideal BugArt system we would have complete control over all `physical' properties of the underlying surface. Unfortunately, although BugWorks allows control of color it provides no way of controlling more subtle qualities such as texture and viscosity. However, surface-related effects can sometimes be achieved through the introduction of passive objects.

BugWorks provides buttons for adding `mud', `rock' and `debris'. These objects are like bugs except that they don't do anything, which is what makes them `passive'. However, each type of object permits a different type of interaction:

  • Rock cannot be moved or penetrated.

  • Mud cannot be moved but can be penetrated.

  • Debris cannot be penetrated but it can be moved.

Use of these objects in BugArt involves taking advantage of the way in which they modulate interactions with bugs.

Getting stuck into mud

Rock objects can be put to use as attractors for guiding bugs along desired trajectories. Used carefully, they can form the basis for `conduits' in the image surface, as illustrated in `Rock Path'. Here two kit-bugs are attracted towards, and then deflected by two triangular lumps of rock.

`Rock Path' (4 objects, 83 frames) - In this cast, Two rock objects act as attractors for the two cross-wired kit-bugs.

But the impenetrability of rock can be a problem. On colliding with a lump of rock, a bug is automatically `swerved' to one side (provided the setting for `autoSwervingAmount' is a non-zero value). Although this does not affect `Rock Path' too badly, it can easily produce ugly discontinuities in the image. In this situation it may be better to use `mud'. Mud is similar to rock in that it cannot be moved. But its penetrability means that collisions are no longer a problem.

Mud objects are added using the `Add mud' tool. Once added to the arena, mud can be resized and reshaped to suit, just like any other object. More interestingly, mud can be given a customised `solidity' value, i.e., it can be made more or less solid. Using the Properties dialog, the solidity of the mud may be set to any value between 0 (implying no solidity at all), 0.5 (reasonably penetrable) to 1 (totally impenetrable). An intermediate solidity value is best since it nurtures more complex interactions.

The speed of a bug moving through a patch of mud is reduced depending on the mud's solidity value. But the most interesting effects occur when a bug just `nicks' the edge of a patch of mud. The side which falls into the mud is slowed down more than the side which is still outside it; the bug slews towards the centre of the object. If the mud object is circular this can create wave-like effects.

Demonstrating the effect in a simple way is `The Saddle'. Here a standard, bug with a chevron shape produces an unusually complicated motion through the arena. The behaviour of the bug is being influenced by the presence of three large blobs of mud, all of which have been made invisible. As it crosses out of an area occupied by some mud, one of the bug's wheels is suddenly able to move more rapidly. The bug executes a U-turn, turning back towards the mud's center.

`The Saddle' (4 objects, 288 frames)

`Upside Down Cleavage' is cast from a similar setup. It uses a large dollop of mud and a single bug. The bug is attracted to the mud but on entering is firmly deflected to the left. The result is a `fluttering' motion which gradually encircles the arena.

`Upside Down Cleavage' (2 objects, 155 frames)

Cast from a slightly modified setup, `Pop' uses a `pile' of copies of the original mud object and a star shaped bug.

`Pop' (7 objects, 211 frames)

`Shattered' on the other hand uses three blobs of fairly thick mud together with a couple of cross-wired kit bugs which have been given dart-like shapes. The shell colors of both bugs have been made invisible so as to emphasise the starburst effect produced when orbiting a mud object.

`Shattered' (5 objects, 100 frames)

`Slinky Balls' is a variation on the theme further demonstrating use of bugs with invisible bodies.

`Slinky Balls' (4 objects, 38 frames)

Collecting debris

Debris is like rock in that it cannot be penetrated. But it can be `pushed' around the arena. Debris objects are useful for BugArt purposes because, like bugs themselves, they leave a trail when moved. In `Squeeze Out', a large number of round, blue debris objects have been placed in the middle of the arena. A single yellow bug with an invisible shell color is then `set loose'. As the bug pushes towards the centre of the pack, the mud objects are pushed to one side, leaving trails as they go.

`Squeeze Out' (33 objects, 705 frames) - In this cast, a large number of debris objects are pushed aside as the yellow bug moves forwards. A black background has been used to emphasise the yellow/blue contrast.

The slightly chaotic trajectories of debris trails contrast with the smoothly curving and straight-line trails we generally obtain from kit-bugs. Their presence creates a sense of disorder which may be lacking in images constructed purely from active-bug trails.

`Reluctant Sweets' (69 objects, 151 frames)

`Reluctant Sweets' presents a similar effect but with a lighter image and randomly-colored debris. The large triangular bug moves through a `cloud' of randomly colored debris, pushing the objects to one side as it does so.

Sensor filters

With rock, mud and debris brought into play, it is often desirable to control the reactions that bugs have to different types of object. For example, we may want to modify a kit-bug so that it will only be attracted to passive objects and not to other bugs. (This is what we needed to do in order to create the `Different Curves' image earlier on.)

`Arrow Eye' is a case in point. Here two arrow-shaped kit-bugs are caused to circle a single rock object. For purposes of creating this image it was essential to modify the bugs so that they would be attracted only to the central rock and not to each other.

`Arrow Eye' (3 objects, 15 frames) - In this simulation, two arrow shaped kit-bugs use filtered sensors so as to avoid responding to each other.

When first created, kit-bugs are equipped with what are known as `proximity sensors'. These respond indiscriminately to everything in the arena. They generate a signal which reflects the proximity of the nearest object in the arena regardless of what that object actually is. By adding filters to such sensors, however, it is possible to refine their sensitivity.

The general principle is that we add something to the `inputSources' attribute which says what properties something has to have in order for it to register as a stimulus. The annotation to the sensor spec must specify the name of an attribute followed by its required value, all enclosed in square brackets. The annotation effectively adds a constraint to the specification. Sensitivity is then narrowed down to whatever objects meet the constraint.

To add a filter to a sensor, first open a Properties dialog on the sensor. Select the part and then press Properties (or right-click the part). The value of the `inputSources' attribute will show up as


If you want the sensor to be sensitive only to rock, you would need to change this to

   [proximity [type rock]]

If you wanted the sensor to be sensitive only to yellow objects, you should use

   [proximity [color yellow]]

and so forth.

Use of more than one constraint is allowed. For example, a constraint which limits sensitivity to objects which are both triangular and blue would be

   [proximity [color blue][shape triangle]]

To focus sensitivity onto a single object, specify the appropriate name value as a constraint. For example, to achieve a sensor that is only sensitive to the rock called `rock3' you would use

   [proximity [name rock3]]

`Selective Chase' was cast from a simulation involving three standard kit-bugs with filters used in all six sensors. The three bugs were given two pairs of sensors each, with one pair cross-connected to the wheels and the other uncrossed. Filters were then added to each pair to cause them to respond only to bugs of a particular color (either red or yellow). In other words, the bugs were configured to approach bugs of one color but flee from bugs of the other.

`Selective Chase' (3 objects, 584 frames) - An image showing unusual kit-bug dynamics resulting from use of sensor filters. Each bug was endowed with a tendency to approach bugs of one color but flee from bugs of another.

Endowing all three bugs with oversized wheels produces the remarkably different `Behind the Facade', illustrating the general principle that in BugArt it is difficult to predict what lies `just around the corner' in a particular setup.

`Behind The Facade' (3 objects, 1031 frames)

`Upstairs Downstairs' illustrates the use of sensor filters to modulate responses to passive objects. The simulation has been set up here to contain a number of rock objects arranged in a staircase pattern. The body color of all the rocks is `invisible'. But the two rocks at either end of the staircase have a green `shellColor'. The bug has the standard, cross-wired configuration, a box shape and a red-brown color. Its sensors, however, have been modified so as to be sensitive only to objects with a green `shellColor'. In other words, the `inputSources' value, in both cases, has been specified as

   [proximity [shellColor green]]

The result is that the bug is drawn towards the blocks at the ends of the staircase. But inevitably it collides with the intermediate blocks along the way and is `auto-swerved' away. The result is a `bouncing down the stairs' effect rendered upside-down.

`Upstairs Downstairs' (7 objects, 288 frames)


Illustrating some of the possibilities of methods described in this chapter, the pause gallery presents a range of images cast using highly contractive samplings. In `His Dark Pyjamas', the underlying simulation comprised a number of hand-drawn kit bugs `running amok' among a set of hand-drawn debris objects. `Depths of Mud' was cast from a similar setup, but in this case using a single, lump of hand-drawn, invisible mud. The differently-flavoured `Suspended Mud' benefits from a pseudo-3-dimensional background effect built-up using com-bug shell trails.

`His Dark Pyjamas' (2 objects, 364 frames) - A selection of hand-drawn kit-bugs interacting in a `soup' of hand-drawn debris objects yields this image, cast from a small portion of the arena.

`Depths Of Mud' (15 objects, 119 frames) - A contractive cast focussing on a small detail from a simulation involving a number of hand-drawn kit bugs interacting around a `pool' of low-solidity mud.

In this cast, a scattering of mud objects with negligable solidities modulate the behaviour of a large com-bug `bouncing' across the arena.

Chapter 7: Hands on, off and on top

Up to this point, BugArt has been a little like letting off fireworks: we set out the bangers, rockets and catherine wheels (or at least the mud, bugs and rock), we light the blue-touch paper and stand well back. The process has been a strictly `hands-off' activity. But it doesn't have to be like that. BugWorks provides a range of ways in which the bugartiste can work `hands-on'. By getting more directly involved in the image-generation process, effects can be achieved which may be difficult to produce any other way.

Anyone familiar with the system will have noticed that it can be used as a kind of paint box. With trails switched on, dragging objects across the arena leaves a streak of color. So, it is possible to draw a picture by hand simply by dragging a suitably configured object around the arena. To illustrate, `Bugart' is my attempt to write the book's title using a small piece of brown rock.

`Bugart' (1 object, 885 frames) - With trails switched on, hand-drawn images can be produced by dragging objects around the arena.

BugWorks will let you carry out any action while the simulation is running. This means that you can interact with a `live' arena. Having started a simulation running, you can add a new piece of debris, change the color of the background, add a sensor to a bug, change the width of a rock, or anything else that appeals. Any changes made will directly affect the image. If you move a rock from one place to another, for example, the image will show the relevant trail that you created in doing so.

There is the potential, then, for a cooperative style of work, or what I call the `hands-on-top' approach (because it's somewhere between `hands-on' and `hands-off'). In following this approach, we can bring into play all the techniques explored so far. But we can also attempt to modulate the image-generation process using the facilities provided by the BugWorks user interface.

Follow-me brush strokes

A quick way to get started with hands-on-top creativity involves setting up a simulation in which a set of standard bugs chase after an object that you move around the arena by hand. I call this the `follow-me' technique. Follow-me images are fun to produce and the method vastly extends the range of patterns that can be achieved.

To try your hand at this, proceed as follows. Use the relevant tools to add a small rock and three or four kit-bugs to the arena. Start the simulation running, grab the rock and move it around a little. When they're not chasing after each other, the bugs should now attempt to chase the rock you are moving around.

Remember that kit-bugs move towards the closest object. So moving your target object in front of a bug should capture its `attention'. Once all bugs have been captured in this way, the effect will be something like a swarm of bees buzzing around an open jam jar. `Spagarti' is the result of my attempt to write `bugart' again, while being pursued by four `captivated' kit-bugs.

`Spagarti' (5 objects, 670 frames) - A hands-on-top image in which cross-wired kit-bugs pursue a target that is moved around the arena by hand.

Note that it is best to take advantage of the impenetrable property of rock in follow-me experiments. If you use a mud object, the bugs will tend to move across it while the simulation is running, making grabbing difficult. Another tip for follow-me creativity: if you hold down the CTRL key while you drag the target around, the bugs will match their speed with the motion of the object. This allows you to keep a tighter rein on developments.

Casts taken from a follow-me scenario may be more striking if the target object is left out of the image altogether. You can achieve this effect by giving the target an invisible shell and body color. However, in this case you'll need to remember where you put it so that you can re-grab it at the start of the image making process! If you lose it, use the `Select all' button. This will put boundary highlights around all the objects, enabling you to find any invisible ones.

`Invisible Target' (5 objects, 479 frames) - A follow-me image illustrating use of an invisible target.

For bigger, brighter variations on this theme, just add more kit-bugs in a greater variety of shapes, sizes and colors. As always, the easiest approach involves using the Modify window to inject variety. `Pulse Chasers' users star-shaped bugs and a target which `pulses` from left to right.

`Pulse Chasers' (5 objects, 113 frames) - A follow-me image in which a visible target is moved from right to left across the arena.

Color bending

BugWorks provides color sliders for manipulating the color of selected objects. Like all other components of the user interface, these can be used while the simulation is running. This means that we can use them to `bend' the color of bugs and other objects while they are moving around the arena.

`Kenwood Bender' illustrates the effect. Bug colors were initially set to perfect yellow but while the simulation was running, the blue value of all the bugs was then increased so as to cause the yellow to `fade to white'. Following this, the red and green values were reduced to evoke a blue shade.

`Kenwood Bender' (3 objects, 1631 frames)

Color bending can also be applied with kit-bugs. The familiar tail-chase image produced by three kit-bugs pursuing each other around the arena becomes more interesting if the colors of the bugs are updated using the sliders while the chase is ongoing.

In `Depressed Hoover', three triangular, cross-wired kit-bugs with invisible shells are featured. With the simulation running and all three bugs selected, the green slider was slowly moved from left to right, creating a range of magenta shades.

`Depressed Hoover' (3 objects, 388 frames) - Using the color sliders, the color of bugs can be modified while the simulation is running. In this image, the green slider was used to create a range of magenta shades.

`Sex Alert' is based on an interaction between three kit-bugs with the color sliders being used to slowly bring out a red shade in just one of the bugs. The unusual dynamics were achieved by using the Modify window to randomly reset the sizes of all the wheels. (This involved using the window with `parts' and `size' checked.) The bug shells have been made invisible so as produce a more `squirted' effect.

`Sex Alert' (3 objects, 66 frames) - An image illustrating the use of color sliders to vary the shade of a single object.

For a gentler, more rural effect consider `Pine Cone Love'.

`Pine Cone Love' (3 objects, 368 frames) - A simple cone shape was defined and selected in three kit-bugs. The shape modulates the normal, kit-bug interaction due to the different types of collision which are now possible. Hands-on color-bending was used to vary shades.

Bug windows as control panels

Hands-on-top creativity depends on the functionality provided by the user interface. The follow-me technique exploits the fact that objects can be dragged around the image while the simulation is running. The color-bending technique exploits the potential of the color sliders. Many other opportunities are offered by the kit-bug window. This window shows the bug's components along with a tool bar (accessed with the `Show tools' button) for manipulating those components. As usual, everything in the window can be manipulated while the simulation is running. In effect, the window can therefore be used as a kind of control panel for the bug.

In a simple application, the Resize tool was used to change the length and width of a standard kit-bug bug while it was moving towards a target at the top of the arena. `Inner Tube' is the resulting cast.

`Inner Tube' (2 objects, 53 frames) - Use of the Resize tool in a bug window allows for dynamic reshaping.

The Resize tool can also be used to resize parts. If the bug is transparent its parts will be visible in the main window and any changes of part dimensions will change the `brush pattern' produced by the bug. `Iris Cutter' features an enlarged standard bug circling some mud, while one its sensors is slowly stretched out in the corresponding window.

`Iris Cutter' (9 objects, 51 frames) - An image illustrating the use of the Resize tool to dynamically modify the size of a part.

Parts in the bug's window can also be repositioned. Assuming the bug is transparent, this is another good way to alter the bug's `footprint' in the image. `Breast Kicks' illustrates the possibilities.

`Breast Kicks' (14 objects, 100 frames) - In the simulation from which this image was cast, the position of the brown bug's right sensor was manipulated as the run proceeded.

Cast from a similar setup but rather more complex, `Dancing Cobras' relies on the manipulation of wheel position to produce a splaying effect. With the simulation running, the right wheel of the dark-colored bug was slowly dragged from left to right. The resulting motion produces the `embankment' effect in the trail while the natural tendency of the bugs to curl around each other creates a vertical iteration of twisting bars.

`Dancing Cobras' (18 objects, 123 frames) - Hands-on manipulation of wheels was used in this simulation to produce a rhythmic splaying action.

The striping effect in `Dancing Cobras' benefits from inclusion of a range of red shades. This results from the fact that, with a transparent body, any sensor-wheel channel is drawn in a shade of red corresponding to the amount of activation carried by the channel. For greater control over this, you may want to re-define the range of shades in which channels are drawn. As previously explained, this is done by updating the `activationColorRange' value in the Settings dialog.

Dynamics bending

Changing part positions can have interesting secondary effects if, as is the case with the cross-wired kit-bug, those parts are sensors and their functionality depends on their position. Remember that the behaviour of a kit-bug depends on the way in which the sensors connect to the wheels. If the connections are crossed, the bug will tend to approach the closest object. If the connections are uncrossed, the bug will tend to move away from it.

By repositioning the sensors we can vary the degree to which the connections cross-over and therefore the degree to which the bug will tend to approach or flee from nearby objects. In effect, the behaviour of a kit-bug can be modified on the fly as it moves through the arena, simply by dragging its sensors around.

Part-dragging appears to be a particularly promising avenue for experimentation. In `No Farthing', two standard bugs were placed in the arena and given randomly assigned colors. One of the bugs was then made transparent and its window was opened. With the simulation running, the right hand sensor was dragged slowly left and right. The impact on the image results not only from the fact that the dragging creates varying channel effects in the image, but also from the fact that it changes the nature of the interaction.

`No Farthing' (8 objects, 330 frames) - A cast showcasing the effects of in-simulation part-dragging.

`No Farthing Cast2' (8 objects, 330 frames) - A more contractive cast, focussing on the boundary between the two trails.

Use of groups

The possibilities for creating novel dynamics are particularly good when hands-on manipulation is used with groups. To create a group, first select the bugs you want to included. You can use the selection box to do this. Or you can select the members one by one. But remember to hold down the SHIFT key so as to accumulate selections.

Once you have a set of bugs in a group, any change made to an attribute of one member of the group applies to them all. Opening a window onto a bug in the group effectively opens a window on the whole group. Any change made to any aspect of the bug in this window impacts every bug in the group. In effect, the window becomes a control panel for the group.

Bugs in a group share all ordinary attributes, including color, size, shape, shell color and appearance. The only attributes which are not shared are position and heading. This can be a problem from the visual point of view since using a group necessarily forces use of a single color and shape. However, a group can be cancelled at any time by pressing Group again. A natural procedure is to collect bugs into a group for purposes of experimenting with dynamics and then to ungroup them so as to diversify color and shape.

The simulation from which `Its Rude to Expand' was cast used three triangular kit-bugs placed in a group. Using the Resize tool in the group's window, the bugs were dilated lengthways as they moved through the arena.

`Its Rude To Expand' (3 objects, 45 frames) - The dilation effects in this image were achieved by placing three bugs in a group and then using the Resize tool from the group window to dynamically modify bug length.

`Group Hug' and `Degroup Hug' were cast from a similar setup. In the case of `Group Hug', sensor positions were manipulated to produce varying dynamics.

`Group Hug' (3 objects, 592 frames) - Dynamic modification of sensor position impacts the dynamics of the group.

With the group cancelled and attributes randomised to produce a more visually diverse effect, the simulation yields the different `De Group Hug'.

`De Group Hug' (3 objects, 41 frames)

Shape groups

For BugArt purposes, group-related effects are often more conveniently achieved through use of a named shape. Once a shape has been created and named, any bug can be set to use that shape by specifying the relevant name in its Properties dialog. Subsequently, any change made to the shape, in whatever context, will affect the shape of all users of the shape. The name thus defines implicitly a `shape group'. The advantage for the bugartiste is that the bugs in this type of group are able to have different values for key visual attributes such as color and size.

Shape groups are fun to play with, even in the absence of any bug behaviour. For example, consider `bugsOfParadise'. This was generated using kit-bugs all using the same, hand-drawn shape. The bugs were de-activated (by deletion of sensor-motor connections) and a recording was made in which the shape was dynamically manipulated, using a grab-handle in a window opened onto one of the bugs.

`Bugs Of Paradise' (3 objects, 83 frames)

For the traditional artist, this type of hands-on approach may feel more natural than some of the other techniques we have explored. Using a bug window as a `control panel' for purposes of manipulating a set of on-screen objects is a bit like using a texturing tool tool in a modern art package. Using color sliders to `bend' the color of an object as it moves along a trajectory is similar to dynamically altering a gradient definition. Indeed there is nothing to rule out using the system exclusively in this way, as a package of object-oriented drawing and texturing tools.

However, with BugArt it is desirable to resist the temptation to close-down and get too over-focussed on any particular channel of activity. With such a vast space of possibilities to contend with, retaining a playful and experimental mind-set is always a key objective.


And so to the penultimate pause gallery of the book. In this case the presentation is made up of a selection of images all of which share the property of having involved some form of hands-on activity.

`Cushion Of Death' (3 objects, 479 frames) - This image was constructed using dynamic part-resizing and triangular bugs. The form of `tail chase' obtained conjures up an impression of a 3-dimensional object.

`Wallpaper Of Yin' (3 objects, 500 frames) - In this image, randomisations of `position' and `heading' were applied (via the Modify window) while the simulation was running so as to repeatedly destabilise the dynamics and maximise coverage of the arena.

`Overload' (14 objects, 97 frames) - An image featuring perhaps a little too much visual activity. Using group-based manipulation techniques, it is easy to generate clutter.

`View From The Top' (2 objects, 36 frames) - Another image illustrating the effects which can be achieved by hand-manipulation of parts.

Chapter 8: Advanced BugScript programming

Earlier in the book, we saw how com-bugs could be controlled using `move', `turn' and `set' commands. In this chapter we will examine some other commands that can be used and look at the opportunities for experimentation. The complete set of commands which can be used in BugWorks is called `BugScript'.

Advanced uses of `set'

A certain amount of attention has already been given to the `set' command. We've seen how it can be used to set new values for a bug's attributes. For example

   set bug.color = red

sets the bug's color to be red.

But `set' can also be used to store data in `variables'. These can be thought of as `little boxes' in which bits of data can be placed for safe-keeping. For example

  set num = 2

puts the number 2 into the variable `num'. (The variable gets created automatically by the `set' command. You don't have to do anything special to make it come into existence.)

Once the `set' command has been executed, the number 2 is said to be the `value' of the variable and the word `num' becomes a pseudonym for the stored contents. This means that the program

  set num = 4
  set product = num * num

actually sets the value of `product' to be 8, because in the second line `num' is a variable whose value is 4.

To test this, you can use a `print' command to print out the value of the relevant variable. The `print' command has absolutely no effect on the bug. It just makes the computer print something on your screen. (The printing will actually come out in a window that will pop-up automatically the first time you use the command.) For example, try running

   set num = 4
   print hello num

The result will be that `hello 4' gets printed out rather than than `hello num'. Thanks to the set command on the previous line, `num' is treated as a variable with a certain value, i.e., a pseudonym for something else.

The set command allows anything to be stored in a variable, including words and sentences. So

  set num = bong
  print hello num

prints `hello bong', and

  set sentence = a number of words
  print sentence

prints `a number of words'.

You can also use the set command to obtain some information from the user (which will normally be you). For example, try

   set name = what is your name ?
   print name

Because the `set' command here is terminated by a space followed by a query symbol, the system will put up a dialog on your screen containing the string `what is your name' and a text-entry field. Everything then stops until you type something in and press `OK'. Once you have done this, the variable `name' is set to contain whatever you typed in and the `print' command prints it out. (If you use this command, do remember to include a space before the query. It will not work unless you do.)

The set command can also handle mathematical expressions. So

  set val = 2 + 4 * 3 + (12 / 4)
  print val

works out the value of 2 + 4 * 3 + (12 / 4), stores it in the variable `val' and then prints the contents of the variable.

Expressions like this can mix numeric and `truth' elements. So

  set val = 2 + 4 < 3 * 6
  print val

prints `true', indicating that the the original expression is a true rather than a false relationship: the value of `2 + 3' really is less than the value of `3 * 6'. (Expressions which have truth values will be important later on when we come to look at the `if' command.)

Random numbers

When using the `set' command we often want to store a randomly chosen number in a variable. This can be done using a `random' variable, just the same way we did when implementing random-sized moves and turns. For example

   set x = random15

will set `x' to a randomly selected (`picked out of the hat') number between 0 and 15. You can get different results by appending different numbers to the word `random'. But it does make a difference whether you use a number with a fractional part or not. Thus

   set x = random3.0

sets x to a random, fractional number between 0 and 3, which could be something like 1.43729, while

   set x = random3

sets x to a random integer (whole number) between 0 and 3, i.e., 0, 1, 2 or 3.

As we've seen, using random variables in `move' and `turn' commands produces `random walks'. Using the program

   turn random100 - 50
   move 10

for example, we obtain a movement in which the bug's heading changes by anything between -50 degrees and +50 degress after every 10 steps. (The value of random100 is a number between 0 and 100 so subtracting 50 from this produces a number between -50 and +50). An image cast from this simulation will show no obvious pattern. `Drunk Again' illustrates the general effect.

`Drunk Again' (1 object, 161 frames) - A random walk.

In BugWorks, turns are implemented by adding the turn value to the bug's heading. So a negative turn value implies a turn to the left while a positive value implies a turn to the right. A bug whose heading is 180 degrees (due south) executing a turn of -90 degress ends up with a heading of 90 degrees (due west). Following a turn of 90 degress, on the other hand, the bug ends up with a heading of 270 degrees (due east).

Of course, there will be the rare occasion when the value of `random100 - 50' is actually zero, implying no turn at all. This will happen if the value of `random100' is exactly 50, as it will occasionally be. In this case we'll end up subtracting 50 from 50 and get zero. In the vast majority of cases though (on average 99 out of 100) the random number will not be 50 and we'll end up with what we want: a small turn either left or right.

The idea of producing a random change to a numeric variable using a random value varying over an identical positive and negative range can be applied to other attributes. For example, we can use the same idea to randomly vary width. Adding the command

   set bug.width = bug.width + random10 - 5

to the program yields a simulation where the resulting random dilations add some novelty to the random walk. `Drunken Dilation' is a typical cast.

`Drunken Dilation' (1 object, 719 frames) - A cast derived from a simulation combining a random walk with continuous, random dilation of width.

Random colors

As we've seen, the color of any object in BugWorks can be an RGB value, i.e. a set of three values in the range 0-255, specifying the red, green and blue intensity respectively. To endow the bug with a randomly selected color, then, we can use a `set' command in conjunction with three random values:

   set bug.color = random255 random255 random255

To explore the effect, simply add commands to produce a movement and a random reset of heading:

   set bug.color = random255 random255 random255
   set bug.heading = random360
   move 50

With an arrow-shaped com-bug running this program, the simulation yields `Dart Storm'.

`Dart Storm' (1 object, 718 frames)

Reducing the size of the `move' and introducing an oval bug-shape produces the calmer `Gums'.

`Gums' (1 object, 234 frames)

Often, when generating random colors, there will be a desire to generate particular shades. One way to achieve this is to adjust the ranges in which the random numbers are generated. For instance, to generate some sort of dark red color we might use

   set bug.color = random100 random20 random20

By allowing the red intensity to be a value in a much larger range then the other two intensities, we are conjuring up a color which is predominantly red. And by making the range 0-100 rather than 0-255, we are ensuring that, whatever the color is, it will be fairly dark.

Unfortunately, this approach does not work so well for generating lighter colors. To produce light colors we need to generate values which are towards the top end of the 0-255 range, i.e., between 200 and 255. Random variables produce numbers which range from zero upwards. To achieve the high-valued random numbers, then, we might expect to use something like

   set bug.color = 200 + random55 200 + random55 200 + random55

But this command does not work because the system cannot decide which bits of the command specify which intensity value. An alternative approach which will work involves introducing three separate variables:

   set r = 200 + random55
   set g = 200 + random55
   set b = 200 + random55
   set bug.color = r g b

Inserted into the `Gums' program, this produces `Light Gums' in which we find the expected sequence of light shades.

`Light Gums' (1 object, 81 frames) - An image illustrating the use of constrained randomisation to achieve a sequence of light shades.

Having to introduce special variables in order to get control of individual intensities is long-winded, but the system's suffix mechanism for color intensities does make things a little easier. An `R`, `G' or `B' may be attached to the end of any color variable, so as to get at the red, green or blue intensity individually. To access the green intensity of the bug's color, for example, we use


as in the command

   set bug.colorG = 100

which would set the green intensity of the bug's color to be 100.

These suffixes can also be attached to `bug.shellColor', so as to access the intensities of the shell color. A variation on the mosaic image above, making use of intensity suffixes might then be constructed like this.

  set bug.colorG = random100
  set bug.colorB = 100 + random100
  set bug.colorR = 200 + random55
  move 100
  set bug.heading = random360

The color-setting commands here have been set so as to ensure a relatively low green intensity, a high red intensity and a medium blue intensity. The result is the `fluffy-shaded' mosaic pattern in `Class of Pink'.

`Class Of Pink' (1 object, 481 frames) - An image cast from a simulation in which a com-bug repeatedly resets its color intensities within constrained ranges.

The `init' command

Like the `set' command, the `init' command sets a variable to a value. However, `init' commands are only executed once, at the start of any run. This means they can be used to initialise variables or attributes.

For example to ensure that the bug begins a simulation at a certain position, we can use `init' commands to explicitly set its X and Y coordinates. The X coordinate is the bug's position working down from the top of the arena. The Y coordinate is the position working across from the left. So the command pair

   init bug.X = 10
   init bug.Y = 10

has the effect of starting the bug close to the top, left corner of the arena.

We can also use an `init' command to initialise the bug's heading. For example

   init bug.heading = 180

will have the effect of starting the bug pointing due South. (Remember a heading value of 0 means due North, 90 means due East, 180 means due South, 270 means due West and you can work out the values in between for yourself.)

The `if' command

Like any programming language, BugScript implements the conditional `if' command. This is an odd command because it doesn't do anything directly. Rather it executes a second command depending on the truth of an expression. For example

  if 2 = 2 print yes

prints `yes', because 2 does equal 2. But

  if 2 = 5 print yes

prints nothing because 2 does not equal 3. The bit that goes right after the word `if' is an ordinary expression which can contain variables if you wish. The sequence

  set x = 2
  if 2 = x print of course

prints `of course' of course.

The expression may also be as complicated as you like. It can combine truth-value and numeric elements but its overall value must be a truth value. As an illustration,

  set x = 2
  set y = 4
  if (x + 2) < (y + (x / 3)) print yes

prints `yes' because the overall value of the expression is a truth-value and its value is true. If the expression you put in an `if' command does not have a truth value, the value is then treated as `false'. (This is actually quite useful, as we will see when talking about `array processing'.)

Basic scheduling using a counter variable

The simplest program for a com-bug program is just a sequence of `turn' and `move' commands. The program says what the bug should do in each cycle of the simulation. It's a case of `everything every time'---every instruction in the program is executed in every cycle of the simulation. But using BugScript commands such as `if' and `goto', we can get beyond this and start making use of programs which schedule different behaviours to happen at different times.

To illustrate the idea consider how we might build a `stroking' motion, i.e., moving back and forth along a curved trajectory. As we saw at the outset, it is easy enough to make a com-bug move in a curved trajectory by combining a `move' command with a `turn' command. The commands

    move 5
    turn 2

for example, will produce a smoothly curving trajectory. But what if we want the bug to reverse its direction at a certain point? If we simply add

   turn 180

to the end of the program, the bug will turn around at the end of the first simulation cycle before it has had any chance to create a curve. How can we make the turn happen later on?

A long-winded way to achieve the effect would simply be to repeat the command pair `move 5 turn 2' many times over before adding the `turn 180':

   move 5
   turn 2
   move 5
   turn 2
   move 5
   turn 2
   move 5
   turn 2
   move 5
   turn 2
   move 5
   turn 2
   move 5
   turn 2
   move 5
   turn 2
   move 5
   turn 2
   move 5
   turn 2
   move 5
   turn 2
   turn 180

But this is tiring and boring and we still only get a very short curve. Something better is needed.

The solution is to make use of a `counter variable'. The basic idea is to create a variable and initialise its value to 0. Then, in each cycle of the simulation, we add 1 to its value, like this:

   init t = 0
   set t = t + 1

With these commands in place, the variable `t' behaves like a counter or a clock. After four simulation cycles, its value is 4. After six simulation cycles its value is 6 and so on. Applying an `if' to the counter variable we can then make something happen in any cycle of the simulation we want. The code to make the the bug turn 90 degrees in the 30th cycle would be

   if t = 30 turn 90

What we usually want, of course, is to have the bug turn 180 degrees in every 30th cycle, not just the first one. This can be achieved by testing, not the value of the variable itself, but the remainder obtained when it is divided by the desired interval.

An example will illustrate this. Let's say our desired interval is 10 cycles and our counter variable has the value 14. When we divide 14 by 10 we get 1 with a remainder of 4. The non-zero remainder tells us that we are not in a 10th cycle. When our counter variable has the value 20, however, the division produces 2 and remainder 0. The remainder value of 0 tells us that this is a 10th cycle.

To obtain the remainder of a division in BugScript, the `%' operator is used instead of the usual division operator `/'. For example, the value of

    20 % 10

gives us the remainder of dividing 20 by 10, which is 0. In contrast, the value of

    14 % 10

is 4.

A complete program for the desired stroking motion would then be

  init t = 0
  set t = t + 1
  move 5
  turn 2
  if t % 30 = 0 turn 180

The first line initialises our counter variable `t' to zero while the second makes sure that it is incremented in each cycle. We then have the `move' and `turn' commands. Finally, comes the `if' command which tests to see whether the remainder of dividing `t' by 30 is zero. If it is, we must be in a 30th cycle. The bug is then turned through 180 degrees so as to point back the way it was coming. The general result is that it moves back and forth across the arena in a curving trajectory. The general effect is shown in `Curve Reversal'.

`Curve Reversal' (1 object, 307 frames) - An image illustrating the use of a counter variable to schedule a trajectory-reversal in every 30th simulation cycle.

If we want perfect trajectory reversal, then we need to reverse the angle of turn each time we reverse direction. Again, this requires use of a variable:

  init a = 2
  init t = 0
  set t = t + 1
  move 5
  turn a
  if t % 30 = 0 turn 180
  if t % 30 = 0 set a = -a

This program adds two extra commands to the previous version. The first command initialises variable `a' to the value 2. The last command sets `a' to be the negative of itself every 30th cycle, effectively toggling the value between 2 and -2. The only other change is that the angle of turn is now specified as `a' rather than 2. The program yields a curving, stroking motion with a perfect trajectory reversal, as shown in `Perfect Curve Reversal'. The 3-dimensional effect here arises because of the room that is taken up by the 180-degree turn, executed at the end of each curve.

`Perfect Curve Reversal' (1 object, 1822 frames) - A bug requires a certain amount of room to execute a 180-degree turn. The net effect is that, in the curve-reversal simulation, curves are gradually built up on the side towards which the bug makes its turn.

The bigger `if', the flexible `goto'

The simulation of curve-reversal required use of a counter variable to count simulation cycles. By applying `if' commands to the value of this variable (in fact to the remainder produced by dividing it by the required interval) we were able to schedule the relevant actions to happen at the right moment. But what happens if we have a large number of actions which need to be scheduled at a particular time? Is it going to be necessary to precede each command with an identical `if' command?

In fact we can get the same effect using a `goto' command. For example, to get rid of the duplicated `if' commands in the perfect-curve-reversal program, we could re-write the program like this.

  init a = 2
  init t = 0
  set t = t + 1
  move 5
  turn a
  if t % 30 != 0 goto end
  turn 180
  set a = -a

Here the `if' command causes the computer to jump to the end of the program (i.e., miss out everything else) if the current cycle is not at the desired interval. Note the use of the `!=' here, to signify `not equal'. The `if' command effectively `stands guard' over all the commands which follow it. In this program there are only two. But there could be any number.

The `goto' command is often used, as it is here, to jump to the end of the program. But you can trigger a jump to a specific point by labelling that point with a `setpos' command. For example, instead of using `goto end', we could have used `goto doobydoo' in conjunction with a `setpos doobydoo' like this.

  init a = 2
  init t = 0
  set t = t + 1
  move 5
  turn a
  if t % 30 != 0 goto doobydoo
  turn 180
  set a = -a
  setpos doobydoo

Because we have labelled the last line of the program with `setpos doobydoo' the `goto doobydoo' jumps to that point. (You can of course use any label you like.) Used in conjunction with a `goto' command, we can then get an `if' to apply to any sequence of commands.

Once a basic motion has been implemented, casting possibilities may be explored by varying variable values, or by adding color-changing commands. For example, we might try the following.

  init a = 2
  init t = 0
  set t = t + 1
  move 5
  turn a
  if t % 30 != 0 goto end
  set a = -a
  turn 170
  set bug.colorG = bug.colorG - 5
  set bug.size = bug.size - 1

This is basically the program for perfect curve-reversal with a couple of changes. The trajectory reversal is now a turn through 170 degrees only. And on each reversal the green intensity of the bug is reduced by 5, while its size is decreased by 1. The simulation yields `Unfurling'.

`Unfurling' (1 object, 3225 frames) - An image cast from a simulation derived by applying some minor modifications to the curve-reversal program.

Further changes may or may not yield interesting results:

  init t = 0
  init a = 2
  set t = t + 1
  move 5
  turn a
  if t % 30 != 0 goto end
  turn 190
  set bug.colorG = bug.colorG - 5
  set bug.length = bug.length + 1
  set a = -a

In this variation, the turn angle has been changed to 190 degrees and the size-change command has been modified so as to apply only to length. Using a revised color scheme, we get `Pot Plant Launcher'.

`Pot Plant Launcher' (1 object, 2393 frames) - Cast from the same setup as `Unfurling', this shows a bug in an expanding trajectory-reversal cycle, with length increasing and green-intensity decreasing.

Looping with `setpos' & `goto'

Though rarely of use in BugArt applications, the `goto' command can also be used for explicit looping, i.e., for getting the computer to explicitly repeat a sequence of commands. By placing a suitable `setpos' command at the beginning of the code we want to repeat, and a `goto' at the end, we can make the computer keep jumping back and going over the same sequence again. For example, here is a little program which prints out all the numbers from 0 up to 20 by repeatedly executing the commands between `setpos loopstart' and `goto loopstart'.

  init x = 0
  setpos loopstart
  print x
  set x = x + 1
  if x < 21 goto loopstart

Each time the program gets to the line which says

  if x < 21 goto loopstart

the value of `x' is tested to see whether it is less than 21. If it is, the computer jumps back to the `setpos loopbit' and starts working down from there. If the value of `x' is not less then 21, execution continues as normal. (In this case there are no more commands so execution terminates.)

If, instead of using an `if' command at the end, we had just put

  goto loopstart

the computer would just carry on indefinitely printing out increasingly large numbers. (If you try this, you'll need to press the `Run/Stop' button at some point to stop the execution.)

The twist setup

The trajectory-reversal examples show how we can make single com-bugs generate complex geometric patterns without the need for any interaction. Those examples made use of movement around the arena. It is also possible to generate patterns with bugs that stay in one place.

Let's say we take a com-bug, set it to have a `box' shape, and, in its program editor, insert the single command

   turn 45

Running the simulation with trails switched on yields the crimp-edged circle of `Box Twist1'.

`Box Twist1' (1 object, 250 frames)

Changing the `shellColor' of the bug to something that leaves a trail (e.g., `red'), we get `Box Twist2' and the beginnings of a pattern.

`Box Twist2' (1 object, 144 frames)

Continuing on, we can make use of a toggle variable to make the bug change its size as it spins:

   init d = 1
   turn 9
   set bug.size = bug.size + d
   if bug.size < 5 or bug.size > 100 set d = -d

This program initially sets the value of `d' to 1. In each cycle it rotates the bug nine degrees to the right and adds the value of `d' to its size. It then uses an `if' command to see whether the bug's size (the average of its length and width) is less than 10 or greater than 100. If the size falls outside these bounds, the program sets the value of `d' to be the negative of its current value (which will produce a positive value if `d' was negative to begin with.)

The general effect is to toggle the program between expansion and contraction, i.e., to create rhythmic dilation. Setting the toggle variable to be the negative of itself achieves this effect automatically since the size-change command then has the effect of altering the size in the `other direction', i.e., reducing it if it was increasing before and vice versa.

Running the simulation generates `Box Twist3'.

`Box Twist3' (1 object, 342 frames)

Variations on this setup are easy to generate. We can change the color of the bug or its shell using `set' commands within the program. We can also modify the behaviour by slightly altering the numbers that are used as initialisations and thresholds. Changing the `turn' angle, for instance, changes the pattern in interesting ways, as does changing the `init' command so as to give a different starting value to `d'. Using an orange-based color scheme and the commands `turn 13' and `init d = 4' produces `Box Twist4'.

`Box Twist4' (1 object, 101 frames)

Another way to progress this is to have the program vary features of the bug in synchronisation with the dilation. For example, we might focus on varying color:

  init d = 2
  turn 8
  set bug.size = bug.size + d
  set bug.colorG = bug.size
  if bug.size < 5 or bug.size > 100 set d = -d

This introduces a `set' command which resets the bug's color depending on its size. (This may sound like a strange thing to do but, in BugArt, the stranger the better.) Note the use of the `G' suffix here---the variable specified is actually `bug.colorG' rather than `bug.color'. The attachment of a `G' to the end of the color attribute makes sure that it is the green-intensity value which is accessed. The effect that is actually achieved is that the green intensity of the bug's color is set to be equal to its size. The image generated is now `Box Twist5'.

`Box Twist5' (1 object, 175 frames)

To make the color variation a little more prominent, we can set the shell color to be `invisible' and amplify the color variation by setting the green intensity to be three times the current size:

   set bug.colorG = bug.size * 3

This will generate values greater than 255 when the bug's size is close to 100, but the system will happily ignore any excess in an intensity value so we don't need to worry. Using a bug with a slightly more yellow starting color, we now obtain `Box Twist6'. (The non-circular appearance here results from use of a more rapid dilation sequence.)

`Box Twist6' (1 object, 69 frames)

A further variation is obtained by arranging for the shell color to be varied along with the color and size:

  init d = 2
  turn 8
  set bug.size = bug.size + d
  set bug.colorG = bug.size * 3
  set bug.shellColorR = bug.size * 2
  if bug.size < 5 or bug.size > 100 set d = -d

Here we have one command to vary the color and one to vary the shell color. Both make use of the bug's size but note how they use different multiples and focus on different intensity values. One product from this setup is `Box Twist7' in which the color variation begins to suggest a 3-dimensional effect.

`Box Twist7' (1 object, 177 frames)

With this cast we are getting towards something that is visually quite interesting. But many avenues remain unexplored. We have made no use of the possibilities of lateral motion, for instance. The bug merely rotates on the spot, shrinking and expanding as the simulation continues.

To introduce some sideways motion, we could add a `move' command somewhere suitable, e.g., each time the bug reaches its smallest size. In the program below, this is done using a second `if' which executes `move 500'. A `huge' movement has to be effected at this point because the bug's tiny size means that any normal movement will be barely noticeable.

 init d = 5
 init-bug.size = 23
 turn 15
 set bug.size = bug.size + d
 set bug.colorG = bug.size * 3
 set bug.shellColorR = bug.size * 2
 if bug.size < 5 or bug.size > 70 set d = -d
 if bug.size < 5 move 500

`Star Birth' was generated utilising this program running in a star-shaped com-bug.

`Star Birth' (1 object, 67 frames)

From the same setup (but using different cast settings), we get `Ecstatic', generated using a triangular bug and a much longer simulation sequence. Note how the slight asymmetries in the bug's rotation means that the move command is executed at different orientations. The overall effect is of the bug `jumping' from position to position, executing one complete cycle of expansion and contraction at each site before finally returning to its starting position.

`Ecstatic' (1 object, 955 frames) - A rotating, dilating, triangular com-bug programmed to execute a forwards jump when its size reaches a minimum threshold. Color-changing commands cause the color to vary in synchronisation with size.

Contractive casting

With such complex simulations, images based on a full view of a complete simulation run can be visually overwhelming. In this situation it may be better to cast the image from a small sample, showcasing just one aspect of the underlying behaviour. As we have seen, such samples are easily generated using the BugWorks Movie facility (accessed via the Movies button).

To illustrate, consider `Triangle Twist5'. This is a cast from a complete simulation run in the setup used for `Ecstatic'. An altered bug size and color scheme were used along with slightly different variable initialisations. (Changing the initial size of the bug also has a surprisingly dramatic effect in this setup since it is this which implicitly controls the angle at which the `great leap' is made and therefore the coarse layout of the picture.)

`Triangle Twist5' (1 object, 981 frames) - An image cast from an entire triangle-twist simulation.

To simplify the image, one might consider casting from a short initial sequence of the run, as in `Triangle Twist3'.

`Triangle Twist3' (1 object, 434 frames)

As an alternative, the cast might use the zoom feature to focus on a small region of the arena, as in `Triangle Twist4'.

`Triangle Twist4' (1 object, 318 frames) - An image cast from a very small region of the arena.

Highly contracting samplings such as these can produce surprisingly different visual effects---effects which seem to be only distantly related to the original simulation. For example, consider `Custom Twist1'. This was derived from the same setup but using a hand-drawn bug shape with an invisible shell.

`Custom Twist1' (1 object, 258 frames)

Taking a cast from a small region on the boundary between two stars yields the `sunrise' effect of `Box Twist8'.

`Box Twist8' (1 object, 306 frames)

As an extreme example of contractive casting, consider `Mist Twist'. This uses the simulation sequence that builds the dark blue star in `Custom Twist1', focussing on a tiny region just above the star's center.

`Mist Twist' (1 object, 205 frames) - Illustrating the effects of contractive sampling, this image was constructed using a sequence of around 30 frames and a region representing less than 1/100th of the arena surface.

Programmed interaction

The setups we have been looking at use a single bug. All the visual effects therefore result from behaviour the bug produces spontaneously. Often these involve some sort of dilation combined with some sort of rotational movement, as in `Perfect Hernia'

`Perfect Hernia' (1 object, 441 frames)

or the closely related `Shell Wrap'.

Often, though, we want to make use of interaction. We want to see what sort of effects can be obtained when one bug's behaviour is affected by that of another.

Obviously, there can be no interaction unless bugs are able respond to each other in some way. And there can be no response unless bugs have some way to sense what is going on around them. In kit-bugs, we have the built-in sensors. These provide information about the proximity of objects in the arena and the crossed-configuration of the connections ensures movement in the direction of the closest object. But with com-bugs, there are no sensors. There is therefore no provision of information about other bugs in the arena. How then are com-bugs going to interact?

BugWorks plugs the gap through provision of a whole raft of special variables. We've already seen how a bug can `sense' its own properties through use of the `bug.XXX' variables. A bug can test its own color by accessing `bug.color', it can test its size (the average of width and length) by accessing `bug.size' and it can test its position in the arena by accessing `bug.X' and `bug.Y'.

BugWorks extends this regime to cover other bugs and objects. For example, let's say there is a bug in the arena called `fred'. We can make a command access the size of `fred' by using `bug.fred.size'. To set our bug's size to be the same as fred's we would write

   set bug.size = bug.fred.size

If we want to access the attributes of an ordinary object rather than a bug, we use the same approach but with the prefix `obj.' rather then `bug.'. (In fact, either prefix will work.) For instance, to set our bug's color to be the same as that of a rock called `rock1' we would write

  set bug.color = obj.rock1.color

For many purposes, the object or bug of interest will be the one which is nearest. BugWorks makes life easy here by allowing use of the shortcut `bug.nearest', dispensing with the need to identify the bug by name. To set our bug to have the same Y coordinate as the nearest bug we would use

   set bug.Y = bug.nearest.Y

Sensing proximity and direction

For programs in which we want one bug to react to the proximity or direction of another, we can make use of the `distance' and `direction' variables. The `direction' variable always contains the compass bearing of the relevant bug. So

  set bug.heading = bug.nearest.direction

will set our bug to point directly towards the nearest bug.

In contrast

  set bug.heading = bug.nearest.direction + 180

sets our bug point to point the other way (for purposes of evasion perhaps).

Of course, there is nothing to lose and everything to gain in using novel applications of these variables. For example, we might seek to set the green intensity of our bug's color according to the distance of the nearest bug:

   set bug.colorG = bug.nearest.distance

This sounds odd but both the green intensity and the distance are numbers, so it will work. Of course distance values can be anything from zero upwards so potentially this is going to generate intensity values in excess of the legal maximum of 255. But BugWorks ignores any excess in an intensity value so this won't do any harm.

Aside from providing a way of accessing the attributes and relative properties of other bugs, you can also use special variables to access properties of parts. This works much the same as it does for objects. To access the shape of the part called `sensor3' you would use `bug.sensor3.shape'. To access the shape of fred's part of the same name you would use `bug.fred.sensor3.shape' and so on.

The `dot' scheme even extends to the arena itself. In BugWorks, the arena is represented within the system as an object called `arena'. So attributes of the arena may be accessed using variables of the form `obj.arena....'. To set the bug's shell color to be the same as the arena's color you would write

  set bug.shellColor = obj.arena.color

However, do bear in mind that if you change the attributes of the arena object in some way, the alteration may not register until the next time you re-start the simulation. For example, if you used

   set obj.arena.color = cyan

with the aim of setting the arena's background color to be cyan, the resulting alteration would not show-up until the next time the simulation was started.

Beyond this, we also have a small number of miscellaneous variables, which strictly speaking do not access the properties of any object but which do provide useful information of one kind or another. The variable `end', for example, always stores the location just after the end of the program while `start' stores the location of the program's first command. These are useful because when writing programs it is often necessary to have the computer jump to the end (or the start) of the program.


  goto end

makes the computer jump to the end of the program, while

  goto start

makes it jump to the start.

The maximum distance value for the arena is available in the variable `sim.maxDistance' while the index of the current simulation cycle (a number between 1 and infinity) is available via the variable `sim.cycle'.

Examples from the `wriggler' setup

With these special variables to hand, there is no shortage of ways in which we can make a com-bug responsive to its environment and the behaviour of the objects around it. We are all set to explore ways of exploiting interaction between com-bugs.

To build up an interesting interaction, it is often useful to start with a program which generates a simple motion of some sort. The program below is a good candidate.

  init d = 0.5
  init limit = 7
  init a = 0
  set a = a + d
  if a > limit or a < -limit set d = -d
  turn a
  move 3

To see what this does, create a com-bug, open it and then paste or hand-copy the program into its program editor. When you run the simulation, you will find that the bug executes a kind of writhing, forwards motion, as in `Basic Wiggler'.

`Basic Wiggler' (1 object, 372 frames)

Of the seven commands, it is the two at the end which actually generate the motion. To understand how the program works, start at the end and work back. The `move' command produces a small forwards move of a fixed size while the `turn' command produces a turn whose angle is fixed by the value of the variable `a'. The number of degrees turned is whatever the current value of `a' is.

But what is the value of `a'? Thanks to the `init' command, it contains the value 0 initially. But in each cycle, the current value of `d' is added to `a' before `a' is used in the turn command. The value of `a' thus grows incrementally, as does the size of the turn made. The net effect is that the bug slowly `swings' to the right in an effect that is something like a ship adding right rudder.

Once the value of `a' exceeds the value of `limit' (here set to 7), the toggle value `d' is set to be the negative of itself, with the result that changes to `a' then become negative rather than positive. The bug slowly `swings back' the other way and the whole cycle is repeated only this time using negative changes to `a' and a negative limit. The final effect is the snake-like motion seen in `Basic Wiggler'.

Of course, we still have no interactive element here. But we we can easily introduce one by making use of the `obj.nearest.distance' variable. For example, we could add to the end of the program the command

   set bug.size = obj.nearest.distance / 5

The value of `obj.nearest.distance' is the distance of the closest object in the arena. This command, then, sets the bug's size to be one fifth of the distance between it and its nearest neighbour.

To see the interaction that this produces, create a second bug which uses the same program (so as to give each bug something to respond to). The effect achieved will then be something like `Wriggling Dilation'.

`Wriggling Dilation' (2 objects, 163 frames) - An image cast from a simulation in which bugs dynamically reset their size depending on their proximity to each other.

For best results, we should also pay attention to color. A simple approach would be to add a second `set' command which applies the same approach to the bug's color attribute as has already been applied to its size. For example, we might use

   set bug.colorG = obj.nearest.distance

setting the green intensity of the bug's color to be the distance between it and its nearest neighbour. But image diversity will be increased if we make the color variation a function of a relationship that we have not already used. An appealing idea is to make use of the relative direction since this will tend to vary independently of distance. To this end, we might try this:

   set bug.colorR = obj.nearest.direction

Here, we set the red intensity of the bug's color to be equal to the relative direction of the nearest object. This will be a number between 0 and 360---just outside the 0-255 range we really need for intensity values. But, as noted, the system will knock off any excess from an intensity value so we don't have to worry.

The problem with this approach is that it generates unexpected discontinuities whenever the relative direction changes clockwise from the highest value (359) to the lowest value (0). The way we are doing things, this yields a sudden (and usually unpleasing) change in color, as in `Bouts of Depression'.

`Bouts Of Depression' (2 objects, 549 frames) - With color reset as a function of the direction of the nearest bug, sudden changes in shade will occur as the relative heading changes between 0 and 359.

Instead of using the `direction' variable, we are better off using either the `elevation' or `transition' variable. For a given bug, these show how far ahead the bug is along a particular axis. The `elevation' variable shows how far ahead the bug is in the northwards direction. The `transition' variable shows how far ahead it is in the westwards direction.

The values of these variables vary between 0 and 180. If the bug is due north, the elevation is 180. If due south, the elevation is 0. The values of the `transition' variable work the same way only using the east-west axis as a reference. If the bug is due east the transition value is 180. If due west, it is 0 and if due north or south, the value is the mid-value of 90.

Values of these two variables are well suited for use in color variation because they tend to change smoothly as bugs move around the arena. Provided bugs don't put in any large jumps, color set directly from either of these values is more or less guaranteed to vary smoothly. `Snakes Behaving Like Dogs' is a striking demonstration of the effect.

`Snakes Behaving Like Dogs' (2 objects, 798 frames) - In this cast, color is reset in each bug depending on the elevation of the other bug.

To implement this effect, use a set command to set the color intensity value directly from the either the `elevation' or `transition' variable:

    set bug.colorG = obj.nearest.elevation

This should work fine. But to squeeze out the maximum benefit we should re-scale the value so as to make full use of the range of possible colors. Values of `elevation' and `transition' vary between 0 and 180. But color intensity values can vary between 0 and 255. So to make full use of available color variation we should use something like this:

   set bug.colorG = (obj.nearest.deviation / 180) * 255

Adding this command to our program, gives us a sequence of nine commands.

  init d = 0.5
  init limit = 7
  init a = 0
  set a = a + d
  if a > limit or a < -limit set d = -d
  set bug.size = obj.nearest.distance / 4
  set bug.colorG = (obj.nearest.elevation / 180) * 255
  turn a
  move 2

This is getting a little complex but we still only have the three basic components in the program. These are the `wriggle generator', the `size manipulator' and the `color manipulator'. The visual effects from this setup can be quite evocative, as in `Cellosunder'.

`Cellosunder' (2 objects, 327 frames)

These com-bug casts have a noticeably different character from those generated using either kit-bugs, or spontaneous com-bugs. There is a clear interactive element here, as there is in any kit-bug chase. But the effect here does not involve changes of direction. Rather, it involves changes of size: the bug's contract as they draw near to each other and expand as they move away. At the same time they are changing hue as a function of their spatial relationship on the north/south axis.

An image from the same setup which brings out the color effect more effectively, I think, is `Geisha'. This is based on four com-bugs (all running the same program) and a fairly short simulation sequence. There is something of a `caligraphic' effect here, suggestive of hand-drawn figures.

`Geisha' (4 objects, 178 frames)

As ever, we have the possibility of re-generating the image from different starting conditions. And the results can be quite surprising. As an illustration, consider `The Blessing'. This was cast from the `Geisha' setup but using just two box-shaped bugs and different initial colors. Again, the image is based on a very short simulation sequence.

`The Blessing' (2 objects, 137 frames)

A personal favourite from this batch of casts is `The Kiss'. This re-uses the `Geisha' setup but returns to the use of just two bugs. Again, different initial colors have been applied and the image has been cast from a short simulation sequence.

`The Kiss' (2 objects, 281 frames)

BugScript programming: a footnote

The set of commands that can be used with com-bugs is known as `BugScript'. And though it may not be obvious, BugScript is a actually a simplified programming language for computers. Unlike most programming languages, BugScript is tailored to a very specific task---namely the control of bugs. But it does have many of the properties of a true programming language and can even be used (at a stretch) for traditional, data-processing purposes.

As a bugartiste you will probably have little interest in this sort of thing, being more concerned with the production of visual materials. However, should you have any desire to investigate the use of BugScript for more conventional tasks, you will need to be aware of the way in which BugScript supports manipulation of non-numeric data. The key concept to acquire is that of the `tied string'.

Tied strings

We have seen already that BugScript allows use of strings of characters, i.e., words, phrases and sentences. For example, consider the `hello world' program, which simply prints out `hello world'. This is the first program to be attempted in any programming language. In BugScript it is just

   print hello world

Here the `hello world' is actually a string, i.e., a character-based data structure. Conventionally, special symbols would have to be used to show where the command bit ends and the data part begins. But BugScript keeps things simple and just works on the principle that any sequence of characters which doesn't include a command word has to be a string.

BugScript also allows strings to be built up from different bits and pieces by joining them together using the `~' symbol. For example, after the initialisation

  set x = 2

the command

  print foo~x

will print `foo2' rather than `foo~x'. This is because, in string construction, the rule is that a component's value is used wherever possible. The string `foo' has no value so is used as is. The string `x' on the other hand has the value 2 so the final construct is `foo2'.

A constructed string can contain any number of linked parts. Thus

  set y = grunge
  set z = bongos

  print y~shack~z

will print `grungeshackbongos'.

The rule that evaluation continues as long as possible means that variable names can also be constructed out of bits and pieces.

  set foo1 = baz
  set i = 1
  print foo~i

will print `baz', because this is the value of the variable `foo1', which is itself the value of `foo~i'.

This approach paves the way for a primitive form of `array indexing'. For example, if we create a set of values like this.

  set a1 = foo
  set a2 = baz
  set a3 = dong
  set a4 = bing
  set a5 = goo

We can then cycle over the values, printing out the contents of each variable using simple iteration:

  set i = 1
  setpos loop
  print a~i
  set i = i + 1
  if i < 6 goto loop

To test this, simply copy the above into a com-bug program window and press `Run'.

Array processing

Using a variable-based `array' and a setpos/goto pair we can create a looping process which will process all the data stored in that array. For example, this example sums the values stored in the `array' and prints out the total.

  init a1 = 8
  init a2 = 93.623
  init a3 = 0.0003
  init a4 = 967544

  init i = 1
  init total = 0

  setpos loop
  set total = total + a~i
  set i = i + 1
  if a~i > 0 goto loop

  print The sum of the i values is total

As an exercise, try modifying this program so that it will print out the average of the values in the array. (Hint: this will involve creating a new variable to store the result of dividing the total by the number of items in the array.)

Note the way this program uses the test `if a~i > 0' to decide whether there are any further `array cells' to be processed. This works because once `i' has reached the value 5, the value of `a~i' will not be a number and therefore cannot possibly be greater than 0. The value of `a~i > 0' is then not a truth value so is treated as `false'.

For a more practical challenge, try writing a program which will print out the color values for all the bugs in the arena. First make sure that the bugs in the arena have their default names (e.g., `bug0', `bug1', `bug2' etc.) Then use the `array indexing' approach to iterate over them, accessing and printing out the color value in each case.

Here ends the nerdy footnote.

Processor implants: the hybrid kit/com-bug

With the full power of BugScript to hand, there are many new things we can do. We can write much more complex com-bug programs for one thing. We can also start to exploit the possibilities of the `processor implant'. In this technique, we insert a programmable component into a kit-bug so as to turn it into a hybrid kit/com-bug. This approach gives us the best of both worlds, with regard to functionality and flexibility.

To experiment, add a couple of kit-bugs to the arena. Select one of them and press Open to bring up the group window, and then `Show tools' to bring up the tools. Use the `Add processor' tool to add a processor to the bug in exactly the same way as you would add an object to the arena. Finally, with the processor selected, press Open from the main window to bring up the editor window for the processor. (Alternatively, just double-click the processor.)

So far, this should feel fairly like bringing up the editor for a com-bug, except that the editor here has no Randomise button at the bottom. In this case the bug is actually a kit-bug and the processor we have added is something like an `on board computer'. However it can be programmed using BugScript commands just like a com-bug. The processor gives us a way to add some extra `twists and turns' to whatever behaviour the kit-bug produces as a result of its configuration of internal parts and connections.

If the simulation is run with the two kit-bugs they will produce the familiar pattern: they will try to move towards each other with the usual result.

However, using the processor functionality we can easily introduce some variation. As with the setups above, we can introduce color-changing commands to vary color according to positional relationship. And again, the easiest approach involves using the `elevation' or `transition' variables since these tend to vary smoothly with motion. For example, the command

   set bug.colorG = bug.nearest.elevation

added to the program editor will produce improved output, as illustrated by `Elevated Chase'.

`Elevated Chase' (2 objects, 78 frames)

For better results, add similarly-programmed processors to buth bugs (or put the bugs in a group). In the case of the present setup, this produces `Elevated Chase2'.

`Elevated Chase2' (2 objects, 96 frames)

For best results, use the Modify window to apply further randomisation of attributes. `Abduction Threat' exemplifies what can be achieved.

`Abduction Threat' (2 objects, 86 frames)

For purposes of eliminating all trace of the familiar `tail-chasing' dynamics, a randomising `turn' command inserted into the processor may be of use. For example, the command

   turn random100 - 50

causes a random turn through anything between -50 and 50 degress. Adding this to the program used by both bug's processes produces novel dynamics, as cast in `Furenze'. Considerably more dynamic diversity can be obtained by introducing small variations into the turn randomising command.

`Furenze' (2 objects, 385 frames)

Choosing how to further develop a setup involving hybrid kit/com-bugs is really a matter of personal choice. Dilation effects are easily introduced and will often produce interesting results. The command sequence

   set bug.width = bug.width + 10
   if bug.width > 100 set bug.width = 10

will cause the host bug to swell up as the simulation proceeds. Once the width exceeds 100 it will be reset to a value of 10. A simple cast taken from this arrangement is `Furenze2'.

`Furenze2' (2 objects, 64 frames)

Dilation effects can be applied to both bugs at once. We can also arrange to have length vary inversely with width, producing a kind of `squelching' body mutation.

  set bug.width = bug.width + 10
  set bug.length = 100 - bug.width
  if bug.width > 100 set bug.width = 10

The effect of this change is amplified by the fact that the change of length alters the sizes of the bug's wheels which, in turn, has an impact on speed. Copying the same dilation commands to the second bug produces `Furenze3'.

`Furenze3' (2 objects, 169 frames)

The same setup with box-shaped bugs and a new color scheme yields `Exterminate'.

`Exterminate' (2 objects, 22 frames)

It takes only a small change to the processor programs to generate significant visual alteration. `The Fate of Onion Sellers' illustrates the point. Like `Exterminate' this was generated from the setup used for `Furenze3' but with modified variable values, oval bugs, invisible shells and differently initialised colors.

`The Fate Of Onion Sellers' (2 objects, 80 frames)

It's tempting to continue this process of experimentation in the hope of achieving ever more visual diversity. For example, we could attempt to make more use of the motional functionality of the processor implants, perhaps adding commands to make the bugs produce specific movements in specific parts of the arena (or when in a specific relationship with another bug). But at this level of complexity we are already dangerously close to the point at which further additions will probably yield diminishing or negative returns. With BugArt it is always easy to add more. But there comes a point at which `more' produces `less'. Beyond this point, it is not be long before `more' becomes `total chaos.' One of the key skills for the bugartiste is knowing when to stop.

So, let's stop.


Way back when, back in the 1960s, before the Summer of Love, before Apollo 13, before the Beatles fell out, before Nixon, Charles and Di, before pretty much everything that I can remember, a small band of people interested in how to teach computing came up with a great idea: the idea of attaching a pen to a robot.

Their aim was to make computer programming more concrete, more fun, more simple. They probably didn't think about art at all. But forty years on, using computers that in the 1960s would have seemed unbelievably powerful, using color screens and printers that can spew out beautifully bright images for the price of a loaf of bread, things look different. Now the idea of attaching a pen to a robot sounds like a piece of genuine inspiration.

On a conservative view (not getting quite so carried away) BugArt might be seen as just another avenue in the evolution of computer imaging software. Computer art packages provide a range of drawing, painting and processing tools. BugWorks could be seen as a new twist on the theme. On this view, BugArt is just the stuff you get when you use the BugWorks `painting package'.

On a more spirited view, BugArt is a qualitative departure from convention because of the way it separates artist and output. The traditional artist is normally in direct physical contact with the creative output; the bugartiste may be utterly remote from it. Doing BugArt is not so much about making use of a new tool, then, it is more about stepping back from the coalface, delegating responsibility for the fine details to artificial agents. It is something like becoming the manager of a creative workforce.

Because BugArt is fundamentally a hands-off activity, physical skill is less of a key issue. Being handy with a pen doesn't help much. More important is the ability to get into an alert and playful mind-set, one which is capable of responding positively to the space of possibilities on offer. BugArt favours those whose creative abilities run ahead of their their physical abilities, then. All that is really required is an ability to plan ahead and to envisage unusual combinations of functionality. The key goal is to re-conceptualise the artistic process as a strategic activity in which a large number of disparate processes are brought to bear in the formation of a final product.

But enough of the talk. To bring the book to a close, a `demo' of a complete BugArt, image-making session will be presented. This will follow through the steps in the development of a particular image, showing the intermediate results that are produced along the way and providing a commentary on the thoughts and ideas which move the process forwards. It is hoped this will give some final clues about how to achieve good results.

Build-up to the end; a worked example

The demo will focus on a project, the goal of which will be the production of a suitable image to go with (or perhaps replace) the traditional book-ending declaration `THE END', scheduled to appear at the end of this chapter. To get the ball rolling we start off with the simple idea of trying to build the image around the six letters that actually appear in `THE END'. Of course, should things develop in a way which rules out use of explicit lettering, that will be fine.

To begin the process of experimentation, we need to build some bugs (or objects) which show the relevant letter shapes. BugWorks provides a range of built-in shapes but no letters as such. We will need to use the Draw tool to create the shapes we want.

A first attempt to draw a T produces `Hand Drawn T'.

`Hand Drawn T' (1 object, 146 frames)

The shape is somewhat irregular but we can edit it so as to make it more symmetrical. To access the grab-handles, we select the object and click on a corner. The shape can then be distorted to suit, simply by dragging the corners around. To make life easier, we set `gridCellSize' to a high value while doing this. This imposes a coarse-grained grid over the arena making it much easier to align vertices. A setting of about 10 for `gridCellSize' is normally about right for this sort of task, although smaller values should be used for more detailed editing tasks. Once finished, we set `gridCellSize' back to its null value of -1, losing the grid altogether.

Editing proceeds satisfactorily and, after a while, we have obtained a T shape of reasonably regular appearance, as in `Edited T'.

`Edited T' (1 object, 100 frames)

We now go on to produce shapes for all the other letters, editing them as appropriate. `Letter Shapes' showcases the results.

`Letter Shapes' (5 objects, 100 frames)

Having created the shapes we want we now have a choice to make as to what sort of activity to introduce. What dynamics do we want? How should the simulation work? Since we have used kit-bugs for the letter shapes, we could just try running the simulation right away. The bugs will then commence their usual routine of trying to move towards the closest object. We should then get some sort of swirling storm of letter-shaped bugs moving around the arena.

In trying this idea out we first copy and paste the `E' bug (because we need two Es in `THE END') and allocate random colors in the usual manner. Running the simulation then yields `The Long March'.

`The Long March' (6 objects, 78 frames)

This is the first output produced. Is it any good? Do we like it? Or are we barking up the wrong tree?

My own feeling is that the cast does have a certain appeal. But I don't like the fact that longer sequences (the cast shown is taken from a very short initial sequence) become chaotic very quickly. In fact, further exploration of the setup yields nothing memorable. `Uninspiring Chase' is a typical product, requiring immediate despatch to the recycle bin.

`Uninspiring Chase' (6 objects, 84 frames)

Thumbs are now twiddled while an attempt is made to decide where to go next. If tail-chasing is not going to generate anything interesting, we need a new direction. What should it be? If kit-bugs are of no use, what about com-bugs? Still fresh in mind are those rather nice dilation and color-bending images from the previous chapter. Perhaps a com-bug dilation program might throw up something interesting.

Given the plan to use six letter shapes simultaneously, we'll need to be using six com-bugs. But we don't really want to be dealing with six different programs. What we want is a set of six com-bugs that all use the same program. One way to achieve this would be to create six com-bugs and then put them in a group. But that's not going to work in this case because then they will all end up with same shape, color, size etc---definitely not what we want.

This is another case where the hybrid kit/com-bug comes in useful. In this case, the advantage is to do with the fact that, with the hybrid kit/com-bug, we have the option of naming the behaviour produced and thereby of creating a `behaviour group', rather like the `shape groups' described previously.

The `commanded' behaviour of a hybrid bug is produced by the processor that we add to it. The behaviour of any processor can be given a name by setting the `behaviour' attribute in the Properties dialog. By setting the same name for the behaviour attributes of a set of processors, we effectively ensure that they all produce the same behaviour. If those processors are parts in a set of hybrid-bugs, then the result obtained is a `behaviour group', i.e., a group of bugs which all share the same behaviour.

Six kit-bugs are duly added to the arena. We are not interested in their standard approach behaviour so we get rid of all the sensors and wheels. We then add a processor to each bug and set the `behaviour' attribute to a particular name (e.g., `lettermoves').

One of the processors is then opened. The window is a program editor for the selected processor, of course. But because we have explicitly named the behaviour, and used the same name in all cases, the window effectively provides a program editor for the entire set of processors. Whatever commands we type into this window will be followed by all six of our bugs.

As a first experiment, a simple dilation program is entered into the program editor, i.e., we type in a set of commands which will make the bug(s) expand and contract in a steady rhythm. (A sample program for this behaviour can be found in the previous chapter.) With the six bugs given random colors, a short simulation run yields `J At The End'.

`J At The End' (6 objects, 194 frames)

While aesthetic quality is a subjective issue, particularly in BugArt, this cast seems to me to have something quite interesting about it. It has a chunky flavour, different from the radial and tubular patterns we are familiar with. The colors are slighlty insipid for my taste and I find the `cracks' between the N and the E worrying.

The next move, therefore, is to shake up the color scheme (using Randomisation) and to alter the initial positions of the bugs so as to eliminate the `cracks'. To add some additional vitality, a color-bending command is added to the program so as to oscillate blue intensities in rhythm with dilation. This yields `A At The End'.

`A At The End' (6 objects, 201 frames)

To my eyes, this is better. In fact, I like this quite a bit. I like the way the letters appear to throw interleaved shadows in tones which vary with the distance away from the center of the relevant dilation zone. The image looks a little like a lollipop lying on its side. It is a bit rough around the edges but this gives it a solidity which seems to complement the soft coloring.

Following the key BugArt rule to keep going while the going is good, further variations on this setup are now explored. In developing the `twist' setup in the previous chapter, we made use of spontaneous rotation, i.e., combined rotation and dilation. To find out whether this might be a fruitful modification to the current scenario, we add a small `turn' command to the group program. This effectively overlays a pattern of rotation on the existing pattern of dilation.

We are using randomisation to explore possible color schemes, of course. But so as to obtain less busy schemes, we introduce this more constrained range for the `randomColorRange' setting:

  180-240 200-240 250-255

The ranges for all three intensity values are right up at the top end of the scale. The result is that color randomisation produces very light shades, tending towards being blue, due to the way blue intensities are limited to a range very close to the maximum value.

Running the simulation now generates the gently flavoured `Two Dots At The End'. This is almost a `wash' of pale shades. But the radial patterns created by the rotating letters are just visible along the horizontal mid line of the arena.

`Two Dots At The End' (6 objects, 100 frames)

Still following the path we took in developing the `twist' setup, we now add a color bending command to the program. This sets the green intensity to be twice the bug's size (itself ranging between 5 and 100):

   set bug.colorG = bug.size * 2

This gives us much more visual variation but with shells on show the overall effect is becoming slightly raucous. To calm things down, we get rid of the shells. The naiive way to achieve this would be to go around all the bugs changing the `shellColor' value in each one. A quicker method involves using the Modify window. With all bugs selected and `shellColor' ticked in the Modify window, pressing the Cycle button will eventually bring all the bugs around to the adoption of `invisible' as their shell color. (Note this is a good trick for forcing the adoption of a particular value of any attribute.)

The simulation now generates a whole range of promising casts. `Arabella At The End' is an example.

`Arabella At The End' (6 objects, 308 frames)

This has been carefully configured so as to capture the moment at which two zones of dilation/rotation are about to `collide' (see the boundary effect between the E zones). The color combinations work fairly well and curiosities in the rotation patterns provide visual interest. But the big worry with this is that we've now effectively lost the underlying letter shapes. In fact, they are barely discernible.

Time for a re-think! Winding the setup back a few stages (by eliminating the rotational element of behaviour), attention now focusses on what can be achieved purely on the basis of dilation, casting and careful positioning of the bugs. Experiments in which the letter-shapes (bugs) are initialised in different arrangements are now carried out. And it is soon discovered that, with careful casting, it is possible to superimpose imprints of the letters over the washes created by the dilation.

An example illustrating the effect is `Athene At The End'. This uses a roughly diagonal arrangement, with a cast that ensures there are letter-shaped indentations along the edges of two dilation zones.

`Athene At The End' (6 objects, 217 frames)

For me, this image is definitely promising. But I find it annoying that it makes use of so little functionality! I'm itching to add some bells and whistles to the behaviour, to move beyond use of bog-standard dilation and color-bending. I have the idea of looking at use of non-symmetric size variation, i.e., changes which affect length and width in different ways. To explore the possibilities, the line in the program which resets the size value in each cycle is changed so as to change the width value only. With yet another randomised color scheme, the simulation now produces `N At The End'.

`N At The End' (6 objects, 152 frames)

Again, this is not so bad. I like the way it looks as if the letters have been slapped onto the arena, leaving streaks of color gradient behind them. But to my mind it's not attention-grabbing. And, in fact, the setup seems to be peculiarly cast-sensitive. Only a small minority of possible casts have any appeal. The one used here terminates the sequence at the point where bug widths have been reduced to a low level, but not quite to zero. The result is that the letter shapes are thin and widely spaced, which is what sets up the `slapped' effect.

Another cast from the same move is `B At The End'. Again, this leaves me in two minds. The image doesn't present any corny spirographic swirls. It has a nice `by-hand' quality. But for me it just doesn't have the impact. It's too quiet.

`B At The End' (6 objects, 199 frames)

Feeling quite disgruntled now I try re-introducing length-variation but now making it an inverse function of width variation. This produces `elongation' in the behaviour, which is amusing to watch, but it doesn't change the feel of the final image very much. `G At The End' is a sample cast. It does have something about it but not enough to satisfy.

`G At The End' (6 objects, 138 frames)

Still reluctant to give up entirely on this avenue of exploration, I try one final cast. `L At The End' utilises footage from somewhat later in the dilation sequence, highlighting the larger bug sizes which result towards the expansion `climax'. It has the amusement value that the letters are upside-down but is that really a plus?

`L At The End' (6 objects, 172 frames)

It is gradually dawning on me that we have probably missed the natural stopping point for this project. The idea of using one of the better casts from the simpler dilation simulations is beginning to sound less unattractive. But I can't quite resist one last experiment. I go off and investigate the use of bugs which combine elongation with a rotational behaviour. This setup produces some gorgeous color washes, particular when the letter shapes are all initialised at or very close to the same position.

One product of this setup is `P At The End'. This uses a highly contracting cast to focus attention on the high-activity region in the center of the arena. But again we've lost the letter shapes: they are so jumbled up as to be unreadable. Despite the appealing distributional effects, it is difficult to give this image more than about three out of ten, given the overall objective of the project.

`P At The End' (6 objects, 427 frames)

So, with a big sigh, the mature and considered decision is finally made. Stop messing around. It's time to quit.

I go back to the casts produced from the earlier experiments with the idea of selecting the best of the bunch. The ones featuring the letter imprints, such as `Athene At The End', seem to offer the most promise. Further experiments with casting reveals that, with care, the letter imprints can be brought out in the form of `ghostly' cores within the dilation zones. These effects give the final images visual interest. But for once, the letter shapes are not lost in the process. By terminating the cast just after the transition between contraction and expansion, the shapes can be made to stand out quite clearly.

The configurations of this setup which seem to maximise visual impact are ones in which the bugs are stacked in a `leaning tower' arrangement, with a mid-section displaced slightly to one side. The resulting curvature of the tower suggests a weight-related effect, which heightens the sense of solidity in the lettering. Final modifications to the setup therefore revolve around the introduction of small modifications to position and color. And from the results produced, there eventually emerges a cast which seems (even to me) to satisfy the objective of the project reasonably well.

So with all due ceremony it is now possible to present