BugWorks - Robot Simulator and Tutor

What it is

BugWorks lets you experiment with 2D robots (aka Braitenberg vehicles) using a drag-and-drop interface. The interactive tutor provides a complete introduction to the system. (Press the Tutor button to access this.) Initial missions are based on the early chapters of Braitenberg's book `Vehicles: Experiments in Synthetic Psychology'. Send any comments to `c.thornton', using the domain `sussex.ac.uk'.

How to get it

Assuming you have Java on your computer, BugWorks can be downloaded as a jar file, and opened directly.


If the download doesn't start, access


This should download the jar file, enabling you to run it directly.


It is also possible to use the system as a kind of animated paintbox. Some images produced this way can be viewed here, once you have the system running.

There is also a fairly long tutorial on creative/artistic uses of the system. This includes lots of sample images, with the better ones being towards the end. Click on any image to access the underlying movie.


BugWorks was originally developed to enable students with no programming skills to experiment with 2d robots. More recently it has acquired an eTutoring dimension in the form of the built-in Mission Tutor. This sits on top of the main system suggesting missions to the user and giving feedback on progress made.

The initial missions follow the material in Valentino Braitenberg's `Vehicles' book. The user is encouraged to carry out Braitenberg's experiments hands-on, building the robots and manipulating behaviours as suggested. In the latter part of the sequence, some more esoteric topics are encountered. This is also where the built-in BugScript programming is introduced.

Keywords and phrases

2D, robot, simulation, simulator, Braitenberg, game, vehicle, autonomous, mobot, java, applet, robot construction, 2D robot, 2D simulation, Braitenberg vehicle, Braitenberg simulation, Braitenberg game, autonomous vehicle simulation, java game, java applet, simulation game.