
(last updated 7.11.2003)

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Whitby, B.R. (2003),
A.I. A Beginner's Guide, Oxford,  OneWorld Publications

Whitby, B.R. (1996),
 Reflections on Artificial Intelligence: The Social, Legal, and Moral
 Dimensions. Oxford: Intellect Books.

 Whitby, B.R. (1988).
 Artificial Intelligence: A Handbook of Professionalism.
 Chichester: Ellis Horwood.

Journal Papers:

 Whitby, B.R. (1993). The Virtual Sky is not the Limit - The Ethical
 Implications of Virtual Reality.
 Intelligent Tutoring Media, Vol.3 No.2.

 The allegedly novel technology of virtual reality (VR) introduces a number of
 difficult moral questions. In spite of the apparent novelty of the technology,
 at least some of these questions can be shown to be variations on more
 familiar moral problems. However, familiar or not, many of the moral problems
 raised by VR need urgent attention and discussion.

 Whitby, B.R. (1991). Ethical AI,
 Artificial Intelligence Review, Vol.5, No.1.

 Being ethical pays, both in business and academia. With business moving
 towards being more ethically aware, Artificial Intelligence (AI) can and
 should follow suit. There are many positive ethical aspects to AI.

 Whitby, B.R. (1988). A code of professionalism for AI.
 AISB Quarterly, No. 64, Spring, pp9-10.

 Suggests a Code of Conduct for AI as in 'AI: Handbook of Professionalism' (see

Whitby, B.R. (1987). Professionalism and AI.
 Artificial Intelligence Review, Vol.2, No.2, pp133-139.

 The time has come for those working in AI to take the issue of professionalism
 seriously. Professional standards will be difficult to establish in AI.
 However, there will be pressure from various directions to produce a code or
 codes which will demonstrate that work is being done responsibly. such codes
 will be largely worthless unless they are produced by people actually working
 at the 'sharp end' of AI.

 Whitby, B.R., and Yazdani, M. (1987). Accidental nuclear war: the contribution
 of A.I.
 Artificial Intelligence Review, Vol.1, No.3, p221-227.

 The AI community is seriously considering what all the military sponsorship
 would do to prospect of being able to carry out basic research without, at the
 same time, putting the whole of our planet's population at risk. we examine
 the options that face AI researchers. Many have accepted that military money
 is necessary for the survival of the research community and that the military
 intentions are a necessary evil. Others have decided to accept military money
 if it does not involve the development of weapons of mass destruction. One
 group goes even further and will not accept any form of military funding.
 We opt for the intermediate view. There are some aspects of work in SAI which
 can, perhaps, improve our understanding of the nature of accidents which occur
 as a result of interaction between humans and complex technological systems.
 Research in these areas, therefore, is likely to reduce the possibility of a
 computer-generated Armageddon. The military should, therefore, support basic
 research in AI.

Yazdani, M.,and Whitby, B.R. (1987). Building birds out of beer cans.
 Robotica, Vol. 5, pp89-92.

 John Searle's attack on various interpretations of Artificial Intelligence
 (AI) represents one of the most thorough challenges to the philosophical
 foundations of AI. In this paper we attempt to contribute a growing body of
 arguments pointing out why Searle is mistaken in his attack. We propose an
 analogy between intelligent objects and flying objects, leading to a
 definition of AI similar to that of aerodynamics - one which attempts to
 produce general laws of intelligence in man and machines alike.


Book Chapters:

 Whitby,B.R. (1996) Multiple Knowledge Representations: Maps and  Aeronautical
 Navigation in Peterson D. (ed) Forms of Representation, Intellect, Exeter.

 It is often observed that humans use a vast number of different types of
 external representations to help them in various tasks. Opinions vary however,
 as to whether this diversity is functional or should be imitated in
 computational systems. This paper focuses on an area where there is a clear
 and defined need to represent information in an unambiguous and standardized
 manner. If we find a significant degree of 'ad hoc' techniques in this area we
 may expect to find far more in areas where mistakes, ambiguities, and delays
 are less critical.
  This does not constitute a complete and final argument that AI should abandon
 attempts to find a single method of representing knowledge and concentrate
 instead on ways of integrating ad hoc representations. It is, however, a very
 strong suggestion that this is the way forward.

 Whitby, B.R. (1996), The Turing test: AI's biggest blind alley?. In Millican
 and Clark (Eds) Machines and Thought, The Legacy of Alan Turing Vol. 1,
 Clarendon, Oxford.

 Alan Turing's Imitation Game (Turing 1950) has provided a 'gold standard' for
 many branches of Cognitive Science for nearly fifty years. It is now, however,
 time to consign its influence to history. This paper argues that the
 'imitation game' has been consistently mis-read as providing an operational
 definition of intelligence based on a comparison with human performance. Such
 an operational definition is unhelpful for AI considered as science because it
 deflects effort away from the scientific problem of defining intelligence in
 ways that do not depend on the human example. It is also unhelpful for AI
 considered as engineering since it leads to a preoccupation with human
 imitation as a methodology. A better interpretation of the imitation game is

 Whitby, B.R. (1991). AI and the Law: Proceed With Caution.  In M. Bennun
 Law, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, Volume II.
 New Jersey: Ablex Publishing Corporation.

 Legal practice is an area which is and should remain characterized by a
 process of social negotiation. It is not, therefore, suitable for simple
 rule-following AI approaches. AI practitioners need to appreciate this and
 their own role in the processes of negotiation.

 Whitby, B.R. (1990). AI and the law: learning to speak each others' language.
 In A. Narayanan (Ed.),
 Law, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, Volume I.
 New Jersey: Ablex Publishing Corporation.

 AI will have a subtle and pervasive influence on legal practice, more
 through its influence as a group of new ways of looking at legal practice,
 than as a technology. This will require changes of attitude in both legal
 professionals and AI technologists. Some useful first steps are suggested.

 Whitby, B.R. (1986). The computer as a cultural artefact. In K.S. Gill (Ed.),
 A.I. for Society.
 Chichester: John Wiley and Sons.

 Modern computing has its cultural roots in military technology and thinking.
 The effect of military attitudes about information and communication can be
 clearly seen in most modern computer applications and certainly in the
 terminology of computing.

 Whitby, B.R. (1984). A.I.: some immediate dangers. In M. Yazdani and A.
 Narayanan (Eds.),
 Artificial Intelligence: Human Effects.
 Chichester: Ellis Horwood.

 AI is developed by an elite. This elite is characterized by long experience of
 computing. There is a danger, therefore, that the 'computer metaphor' will be
 misapplied by such people, since their thinking will owe much to imitation of
 computational methods.


 Conference Papers:

 Whitby, B.R. and Oliver K. 'How to Avoid a Robot Takeover: Political and
 Ethical Choices in the Design and Introduction of Intelligent Artifacts'
 AISB-00 Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Ethics and (Quasi-) Human
 Predictions of intelligent artifacts achieving tyrannical domination
 over human beings may appear absurd. We claim, however, that they should not
 be hastily dismissed as incoherent or misguided. What is needed is more
 reasoned argument about whether such scenarios are possible. We conclude that
 they are possible, but neither inevitable nor probable.

 Whitby, B.R., 'Problems in the Computer Representation of Moral Reasoning.
 Proceedings of the 2nd National Conference on Law, Computers and Artificial
 Intelligence, Exeter University, November, 1990.

 Whitby, B.R., 'The Turing Test: AI's Biggest Blind Alley?',
 Proceedings, Turing 1990,
 Milton Keynes: Oxford University Press.

Whitby, B.R., 'AI and the Law: Learning to Speak Each Others' Language',
 Proceedings of 1st National Conference on AI and the Law,
 Exeter University, 17-18 November, 1988.

 Whitby, B.R., 'Robot Morality',
 Proceedings of Conference on Philosophical Aspects of Information Technology,
 Lille, France, 28th May - 1st June, 1985.

 Whitby, B.R., and Yazdani, M. 'Accidental Nuclear War: The contribution of
 Proceedings of Conference on Computers and Accidental Nuclear War
 Manchester Town Hall, November 1985.


  Technical Reports:



Flying Lessons: What can aviation investigations tell other disciplines about the human-computer interface?
Whitby B. 2001 ,(CSRP 533), School of Cognitive and Comnputing Sciences, University of Sussex,  2001

 Whitby, B.R. "Ethics for Virtual Reality'  CSRP 372, School of Cognitive and
 Computing Sciences, University of Sussex,  1995.

 Whitby, B.R., 'Lost on Mars: An example of the design and development of
 educational software', SEAKE Working Paper W107, SEAKE Centre, Brighton
 Polytechnic, Brighton, 1985.

 Whitby B.R., and Gill, C., 'Giving Girls Improved Access to Computers', SEAKE
 Working Paper Centre W207, SEAKE Centre, Brighton Polytechnic, Brighton, 1985.


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