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- Co-chair (with Kaska Poraysta-Pomsta and Gord McCalla) for Les Contes du Mariage: Should AI stay married to ED?
Workshop held at Artificial Intelligence in Education, AIED 2015, Madrid, Spain.
- Co-chair (with Beate Grawemeyer, Manolis Mavrikis, Genaro Rebolledo-Mendez, Olga C. Santos) for Affect, Meta-Affect, Data and Learning (AMADL 2015).
Workshop held at Artificial Intelligence in Education, AIED 2015, Madrid, Spain.
- Co-chair (with Judith Good) for Psychology of Programming Conference (PPIG2014)
- Co-chair (with Amali Weerasinghe and Gautam Biswas) for Workshop on Self-Regulated Learning in Educational Technologies (SRL@ET): Supporting, modeling, evaluating, and fostering metacognition with computer-based learning environments.
Workshop held at Artificial Intelligence in Education, AIED 2013, Memphis, USA, Memphis, USA, 2013.
- Local Arrangements Chair for AIED2009
held at Brighton, UK, 2009.
- Presidemt-Elect and
Member of the Executive Committee of the Society and on the Advisory Board of the
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education (IJAIED)
- A member of the
investigating the
use of interactive educational TV in the school and home.
- A member of the REVEEL team
investigating the
evidence for the effectiveness of e-learning in the post-16 sector.
- An investigator managing an
EPSRC Platform Grant
to the Human Centred Technology Research Group.
- A member of the
Mediate team
developing the Magnetic Resonance Tutor.
This is a tutoring and decision support
system for use by radiologists who are learning to interpret MR
images of the brain, particularly images presenting diseases that are
acknowledged to be hard to differentiate.
- A member of the Crusade team
investigating the
use of multiple representations in learning Java programming.
- Co-author of a survey on
Developing the Attributes of Medical Professional Judgement
and Competence
- Co-organizer of the
The Interactive Educational Content Forum.
- Co-organizer of the
Help Seeking and Help Provision Workshop at
- Co-organizer of the Workshops on
Modelling Human Teaching Tactics and Strategies
at ITS2000 in Montreal and
Modelling Human Teaching Tactics and Strategies
at ITS2004 in Maceio, Brazil.
The purpose of this workshop is to explore the issues concerned with capturing human teaching tactics and strategies as well as
attempts to model and evaluate those tactics and strategies in systems.
- Co-organizer of the Workshop on
Motivation and Affect in Educational Software
at AIED2005 in Edinburgh.
- Sponsor of the
Human Centred Technology Postgraduate Workshops
in Brighton, 1997-2006.
- Here is the EPSRC final report on the 1999 workshop.

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Benedict du Boulay, Homepage updated on Wednesday 8 July 2015