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Up: Formal Assessment
Right: Editor
For illustrative purposes only, recent MSc project titles include the
following. See TEACH * PROJECTS and TEACH * KBSTITLES for further ideas.
Program to play draughts
A simple Scheme interpreter in POP11
Artificial neural network
A program to play Connect 4
A program to play Solitaire
POPGEN: A simple text generator
A text based adventure game
An expert system for five-card tarot readings
The knights tour problem
Backgammon in POP11
A POP11 implementation of a 3D Noughts and Crosses game playing program
Induction decision trees
A case-based expert system
A genetic algorithm demonstration package written in POP11
Artificial neural networks
An intelligent card game player for Chor Di Dee
6-card cribbage
A pop-11 chess playing program
Four in a row
An analysing tool for an intelligent tutor environment in the domain
of learning programming
A computerised dating agency
A timetable generator
A maze solving algorithm
Case based reasoning
Blackjack: playing, strategy and genetic programming
A program for managing a taxi circuit
A blocks world
An automated tourist guide for Brighton
Programming GAs for truth functions
Planchecker: a case based reasoning system for discussing the plausibility of
predicted financial statements
Pasta Chef
An implementation of a genetic-programming algorithm for co-evolving Lisp type
expression trees and high level representation of expression sub-trees
Learning version spaces in POP-11
A Hidden Markov Model Part of Speech Tagger
Transpose Tutor
A re-implementation of "Asteroids" in POP-11
Data Compression Algorithms in POP-11
A Simple Chart Parser in POP-11
Small Chess Static Evaluation Program
GA for Pathfinding
PopQuest: An Adventure Game in POP-11
Playing MasterMind in POP-11
L-systems Displayer
An Implementation of Dispensary Records in General Practice
A personality test written in the programming language POP-11
The Language Tutor

Benedict du Boulay, AI Programming II web pages updated on Wednesday 8 January 2003