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10.3.2 Setting 2d network size.

The following option sets the 2d array size, which may be rectangular as well as square.

2-D, enter width (default 36): height (default 36);

run 2d space-time pattern in 3d-3:

The maximum size is 255x255 for space time patterns only, but a smaller size is recommended to optimise speed and memory use (see Network size limitations, #6.3).

Selecting ``3'' will start a ``space time patterns only'' run as a 3d isometric projection (but this can be toggled between 1, 2 and 3d at run time). If the intention is to generate attractor basins, the 2d size should be kept very small (i.e. 3x3 for quick results, 4x4 for slower results).

The next series of prompts sets the neighbourhood size or mix as in #8.1-7.

In general, if ``basin field'' was selected in #5, and the 2d network size is set bigger than 32, the ``basin field'' setting will be changed automatically to a single basin or spacetime pattern, with the following message,

size too big for basin field (max 32);

changed to single basin or space-time pattern only
