m.. move 1 wire or a given number of wires, a local network is redefined as non-local*
A default number of wires (the starting default=1), randomly chosen, are recoupled at random. If the current network has local CA wiring, it will be redefined as a non-local (randomly wired) network.
M.. revise wiring moves to change the default number of wires to be moved above*
Hit key ``M'' to change the number of wires to move above. A top right prompt will appear, giving the current default as a number and percentage (values below are examples). First select the method for resetting (or enter ``a`` for all wires), then enter the new number or percentage.
wire to move=1/750=0.133%: all-a number-n percentage-p:
percentage of total wires: (or number of total wires:)
7.. toggle NONLOCAL/local or LOCAL/nonlocal (for a nonlocal network only)
Key ``7'' toggles a non-local network between dynamics according to its non-local wiring, and dynamics as if it were wired locally (as a CA). The non local wiring remains intact.