A number of key hits allow changing the presentation of attractor basins ``on the fly``. A reminder of some of these are shown in the bottom title window. The commands (apart from ``q``) only activate between pre-image fans, so the key may need to be hit more than once.
backtrack/interrupt-q matrix-m STP:togg-s exp-e contr-c
The following key hits will affect changes as follows,
``s'' to toggle the ``backwards`` space-time pattern on and off (see #17.6).
``e'' to expand the scale of the space-time pattern.
``c'' to contract the scale of the space-time pattern.
``m'' to toggle the state-space matrix scatter-plot on and off (see #17.1).
``p'' to toggle the pause on and off when showing the partial pre-image histogram for the non-local wiring reverse algorithm (see #23.4).