An example of the data for a basin of attraction field for the network in #20.7.1 above,without tree data,
ty. at no (p) s % g gd ml mpreminder of basin data order (see key below).
1. 0fff 1 (1) 34 0.83% 29 0.853 3 29 data for each basin type in the order drawn.
2. 0c7c 4 (9) 831 81.2% 402 0.484 35 13
3. 08e0 2 (18) 312 15.2% 138 0.442 10 6
4. 0041 2 (9) 51 2.49% 27 0.529 4 7
5. 0111 2 (2) 6 0.293% 2 0.333 2 2
basins types=5 total basins=11 total number of basin types and basins in the field
field=4096 gE=1971 density=0.481 field = size of state-space, gE = total garden of Eden states, gE density
key to basin data order: ty. at no (p) s % g gd ml mp
ty basin type numbered in the order drawn.
at the ``last'' attractor state in hex.
no number of equivalent basins of this type.
(p) attractor period.
s total states in basin.
% percentage of state-space made up of this basin type.
g number of garden-of Eden states in the basin.
gd the density of garden-of-Eden states in the basin.
ml the maximum number of tree levels in the basin from the attractor.
mp the maximum in-degree found in the basin