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20.4.1 Data on sub-trees.

If generating just one sub-tree from an arbitrary state, on completion the following data will be displayed. These examples are for the k=5 rule (hex) aa 55 66 a1.

The first example below is for a large network where n=150. A random state was iterated forward by 2 steps, and the subtree was generated from the resultant state. This is necessary because a random state is likely to be a garden-of-Eden state. For such a large network (n>56) the seed is not shown. If n<=160 the seed is shown when data is printed or saved (see #20.5-7).


g=422 gd=0.857 ml=4 mp=91 51.520 sec

The example below show a much smaller network where a random seed was iterated forward by 5 steps before generating the subtree. However, the state reached (the root of the subtree) was on the attractor, so the whole basin was generated. This is indicated by ``subtree=basin``. DDLab keeps track of a repeat to prevent the subtree running backwards for ever. The resulting transition graph is drawn as a subtree (see #18.6) but is made up of all the states in the basin.

subtree=basin=1582 seed(hex)=29 a6

g=1064 gd=0.673 ml=48 mp=27 15.490 sec

subtree the size of the subtree.

seed(hex) the state at the root of the subtree

seg-root(hex) the state at the root of the sub-tree, in hex.

g the number of garden-of-Eden states in the subtree.

gd the density of garden-of-Eden states in the subtree.

ml the maximum number of levels in the subtree from the attractor.

mp the maximum in-degree found in the subtree

sec the time taken to generate the subtree