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17.2.2 In-degree frequency window.

The in-degree histogram will be displayed in a window in the lower section of the screen. The x-axis represents the range of in-degrees, from in-degree zero (garden-of Eden states) upward. In-degrees equal to the cut-off value and above are combined and represented by the last frequency column. The y-axis represents the number of states having a given in-degree. The cut-off value column (if included) is colored black. The garden-of-Eden column is colored red, the other columns yellow.

Initially the scales of the x and y axis are automatically set according to the network size n, and the range of in-degrees encountered. However, once the histogram is drawn the x and y axis can be separately re-scaled for a clearer view of the spread of frequencies or to amplify smaller in-degrees (see #. 17.2.5-6).

An example of the data included in the window, and the re-scaling prompts, are shown below for the basin of attraction field of k=3 rule (dec) 193, n=16.

total att/nodes/edges=285/65536/65536 (for a subtree ``subtree: nodes/edges....``)

max in-degree=90, gE=37542

(o-options prtbox-p quit-q )

re-scale x/y axis: new x max (25-90) y max: (``new x max...'' only if

the max in-degree found is greater than 25)

The example below is for a subtree k=5 rule (hex) 6c 1e 53 a8, n=55, from a random seed (hex 3f 14 b6 2d 42 f4 45) but running forward 100 time-steps before running backward. The in-degree cut-off was set at 1000. The subtree was stopped during its 6th backwards level.

subtree: nodes/edges=52195/93552

max in-degree=411, gE=42464

(o-options prtbox-p quit-q)

re-scale x/y axis: new x max (25-411) y max: (``new x max...'' only if

the max in-degree found is greater than 25)

Enter new values to re-scale the x and/or y axis, or select other options (see #172.4-6).

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Next: 17.2.3 Data shown. Up: 17.2 In-degree frequency histogram. Previous: 17.2.1 In-degree frequency cut-off.