Dr. Andy Wuensche's Bio

Dr. Andy Wuensche

Biographical Sketch

Andy Wuensche was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1943, he moved to England at the age of six. He studied architecture in London at the Architectural Association School of Architecture, graduating in 1968. He continued his career in architecture until the early 90s, working on a wide variety of projects in the UK, France and East Africa.

His change towards science began in the late 80's, when he became interested in cellular automata and found ways of reconstructing their basins of attraction. In 1990 he brought this work to the attention of Stuart Kauffman, Chris Langton, and others at the Santa Fe Institute. He lived in Santa Fe, New Mexico 1995-2004, and was affiliated with SFI in various capacities 1990-2003.

His 1992 book "The Global Dynamics of Cellular Automata" was published in SFI's Studies in the Sciences of Complexity series. He later generalized his methods for Random Boolean Networks and Discrete Dynamical Networks.

In 1992 he enrolled as a postgraduate student in the School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences , University of Sussex, and completed his D.Phil. in 1996, the title of his thesis: "Attractor Basins of Discrete Networks". He created a software program "Discrete Dynamics Lab" (DDLab), that is widely used in research and education, and continues to be developed and supported. His recent book Exploring Discrete Dynamics describes all the methods in DDLab for studying cellular automata and discrete dynamical networks.

He is a visiting research fellow at the Dept. of Informatics (formerly COGS) School of Science and Technology, University of Sussex, and a visiting professor member at the International Center of Unconventional Computing, University of the West of England.

He lives in central London and south west France.

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Last modified: July 2012