Firewire Software

This is my quick and dirty wrapper library for capturing firewire images in OpenCV for windows. It uses the  CMU1394 firewire camera driver project. It uses the CMU API and places the captured frame in an IplImage structure.

The project can be downloaded here. You need to install OpenCV and the CMU1394 first.

It comes with a sample program, which sets up the camera, lists the supported modes and displays the captured images.

IplImage *img=cvCreateImage(cvSize(640,480),8,3);

It should be fairly simple to convert to a different compiler. Drop me an if you have a problem.

There are also a few helper functions  that convert from DCAM codes to something human readable

int getFrameRateCode(float fps);
float getFrameRate(int frameRateCode);
int getWidthHeight(int format, int mode, int *width,int *height, enum ColourSpace *col);
int getModeFormat(int *format, int *mode, int width, int height,enum ColourSpace *col );

These are all documented in the code and here.


This web page is maintained by P Birch. © 2008