Dr Phil Birch
I am a Reader at the University of Sussex in the School of Engineering and Informatics. My work at present is in the field of optics and computer vision.
Please see my personal website for details about my reseach.Also see my website about Fourier Optics, this is still under construction.
My main research area crosses the boundary of optics and image processing. I have interests in
I am looking for PhD students that are interested in optics, optical simulations and deep learning object tracking and image processing. If you are interested please get in contact.
ETTrack: Enhanced Temporal Motion Predictor for Multiple Object Tracking https://arxiv.org/abs/2405.15755
An example of the polarimetic camera we developed.
An example of our abandoned baggage detection system
And our ACC tracker working in the IR. It also works in the visible.
Here's an example video we took showing a Fruit Fly heartbeat using a SPIM microscope we developed and built.
My publications can found on....
I can be contacted via this page.